Homophobic People

February 19, 2007 4:27pm CST
I was at work yesterday when I realized just how homophobic people in my area are. There was a picture of two men kissing on the front page of the newspaper. At least every second person that came in for a paper refused to buy it. Then, at least every second person that was willing to pay for the paper said that they were going to call the paper to complain. Why can't they just "live and let live". It's not like they are going to catch a "gay virus" from looking at a picture. I told my husband about it and we could only shake our heads at the stupidity of people.
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24 responses
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Sadly enough, I wonder how many men would have paid extra for the paper if it were two women kissing. They want gay men to be under the closet. Yeah, you can do what you want, but I don't want to see it, I don't want to know it, I don't want you to exist. So in the interim, they are denying gay men of affection and love. so what the bloody hell is wrong with gay guys cuddling, holding hands, and kissing. I don't like to see anyone, gay or straight, hanging all over each other in a public place, but a kiss is harmless and sweet. Let it go, people.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Feb 07
LOL that is SO true!!! I know NUMEROUS men who get all gaga over a lesbian couple (ONLY if they are hot looking though and of course for all the wrong reasons) but holy if they see two men in love FORGET IT!! all hell breaks loose and even more so if its two good looking men!! ppl are just so stupid IMO....like you said cyntrow it was a sweet and harmless kiss...ppl really do need to let it go and realize that we (the g/l/b/t community) have ALWAYS been here, we are NOT goin anywhere and are becoming more and more accepted and proud as well as out of the closet...
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• Canada
20 Feb 07
You are so right. When I thought about it after reading your comment - it was all men that balked at seeing two men kiss. Women just bought their papers with no comments.
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• Philippines
20 Feb 07
Wow yeah, that's true. Another set of double standards in gender. lol
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Whats wrong with disapproving of public indecency like that? Lots of people think its gross, and I would certainly agree its inappropriate for a newspaper. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with homosexuality and wishing it wasn't portrayed as an acceptable alternative lifestyle. What is wrong is discrimination or treating them badly.
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@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Well put MrNiceGuy. Just as the paper has the freedom to portray it as normalcy, I have the right to disagree with it, and even be bothered by it.
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• United States
21 Feb 07
How is two people expressing their love for each other considered "public indecency?" That is extremely offensive to me as a gay man. If, on the other hand, you were to say that a man and a woman kissing is "indecent," then your argument who have at least some validity. However, for you to deny a gay couple the right to even embrace one another because it is "indecent" is totally intolerant and a backwards view. And it is not "portrayed" as an acceptable alternative lifestyle, because its not an alternative lifestyle at all, its the way some people are and there is no choice involved in it. Now you can disagree on that point, but again your argument is baseless because you have no evidence to the contrary and I assume you are not homosexual yourself as I am. I did not choose to be gay, just like people don't choose their race or the parents they were born to.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Ppl make me so bloody sick! I mean really, dont the masses have anything better to do but natter and carry on about things that there isnt anything to natter on about?? Ppl really need to start concerning themselves with REAL issues in the world like oh I dunno...the homeless, abused children/teens and spouses, third world hunger, ending the damn war, getting rid of the gangs...you know..other important things....This whole homophobe thing really blows my mind..I think it is SO absolutely ridiculous!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
20 Feb 07
You knwo whats a real trip to me though, I just realized you are from Canada so I'm even more surpised but you are from the East Coast arent you? maybe out your way things arent as accepting yet as in Ontario which is where I'm from (southern).....Regardless though, I think its just foolish....ppl need to give it a damn rest and realize we (g/l/b/t) arent goin anywhere ya know...we're here and we're damn proud of who we are and wont (many of us but not all obviously) hide it anymore....
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
20 Feb 07
It's kissing. It's just kissing. Their not screwing on the front page. I find the disgust to be very sad.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Geez, people. If they don't like it they don't have to read that one issue in the paper. Is that such a big deal? Would tey be complaining if a heterosexual couple were kissing on the front page? No? A bit hypocritical I think. *sighs* It just gets my goat, my Mom doesn't like to see that stuff either but she'd never complain or call gay peple disgusting or anything..I never thought I'd say this either, I wish more people were like my Mom. Haha.
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• Netherlands
20 Feb 07
I agree, I don't see the point in making such a big deal about nothing. If you don't like it, don't buy it, read it or look at it. Whatever.
1 person likes this
• Australia
20 Feb 07
I personaly dont have a problem with gay people as such but i would prefer not to see them kissing or anything in public, i dont believe that they choose to be this way as after all who would go through all of the drama and ridicule that they get just for the hell of it. I just prefer that they keep it to themselves , im not religous at all but didnt god make ADAM and EVE not ADAM and STEVE.
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• United States
20 Feb 07
• United States
20 Feb 07
You're right.
• Australia
20 Feb 07
Im not religous but i do know if god created this word for it to be populated excuse me if i am wrong but that can only happen between man and woman. I am neither ignorant or selfish or homophobic , i dont have a problem with people loving each other and i never said anything about hetro's showing their love for each other, get your facts straight and like i said ADAM and EVE not ADAM and STEVE
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• United States
20 Feb 07
Maybe the newspaper knew that it would cause such a stir and did it on purpose. After all, was it absolutely necessary to the story for them to print that pic on the front page? Please keep in mind that I'm not homophobic, in fact, I've been in gay relationships. I am also heavily involved in the theatre, and I have found out that the best guys to party with are the gay ones. Anyway, it seems that the paper did it on purpose.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Feb 07
LMFAO gay men really are a riot to party with arent they!! and your point is actually a very good one....lets face it it would definately sell more papers without a doubt! +++ for pointing that out!
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
20 Feb 07
I bet all the guys who made a fuss about it have internalized homophobia! Why make a fuss? It's the twenty first century after all, everyone should in theory be allowed to live their lifes the way they choose to without having to explain their actions, be embarrassed by their actions or have to worry about what others may think. Their ignorance is no excuse and I actually pity them! I bet truth be known some of them it's jealousy and criticizing what they don't understand.
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• India
20 Feb 07
Well here what I would be saying is that definitely it is everyone's right to follow up with the things he/she might intend to and wish.... What the couple did was something they wanted to and whoever publicised them was something he wanted to do... I believe the world's pace today fast enough to ocnsider these things that what the second guy is doing...we don't even get time for our own people...why care for others has become the attitude of the people now,... It is not what I say is the correct thing but then it is already accepted by the majority....... Moreover.... one do not need to over react....neither go against anything done by two people between themselves, by both's wish... on my personal note, atleast I wouldn't have reacted in such a negative manner.... So friend, I'd rather join ur hands to shake over people's narrow thinking...!~!~
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@ILANEDRI (1921)
• Israel
20 Feb 07
I can't understand those people. Gay people are just like me and you, just they prefer men instead of women. So what?! I consider gay people as completely normal, and regular people. I just hope that one day, our society will deal with this fact.
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@XxAngelxX (2830)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
I believe wonderlander is correct when she said people are scared of anything they perceive as being different. Although society is generally becoming more acceptable of gay people, they still have a long way to go. There are always going to be some people that just don't understand it , therefore will complain about it, but hopefully as time goes on, we'll have more people accepting than complaining about it.
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• United States
20 Feb 07
I agree with you 100,000%!!! People act as if everyone else's S@%$ stinks except theirs!! They should sweep around their own front doors before sweeping around someone else's.
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• Philippines
20 Feb 07
Well we cannot blame those people maybe they find it unusual. But overreacting is such absurd. Well all of us have different opinion on that picture but it is really stupid to think that it is contagious. Well when morality is the subject we cannot control others to think like that. But calling the paper to complain is reacting too much. This is my own opinion, did not meant to contradict others opinion
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@Lardiel (280)
• Romania
20 Feb 07
why stupidity? i mean if gay people have the right to show themselves in public or whatever the rest of us should have the right to not aprove. why should i be forced to like or even accept them if i don't want to. i have no prejudice against gay people. i just don't like them. i find what they do unnatural. if theywant to do whatever it is they do... good for them. i just don't want to have anything to dowith that. that is my right to choose.
@Myrrdin (3599)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
Sorry, but how can you say you have no prejudice against gay people but that you just don't like them, that IS prejudice. You have prejudged gay people as doing something wrong, your bias is clouding your judgment, therefore you are prejudiced. Your claim that you are not prejudiced is just plain silly. You don't really believe that they can do whatever they want to do, you just don't want to sound like a homophobe. Well Lardiel, you are a prejudiced person. Don't get me wrong we are all prejudiced to a certain extent, we'd never get through our day if we weren't. I just think you need to rethink your statement that you are not prejudiced against gays, because you my friend are without a doubt prejudiced against gays. Now lets move on to the why of it, well your primary reason is you just don't like them, ok fine, whatever, no argument can be made against that one since our likes and dislikes are your own, regardless of how illogical and ignorant they are. Now as to the unnatural, well I know its been said before, but homosexuality is seen in nature alot, monkeys, giraffes, and many more have all been observed engaging in homosexuality in nature, therefore if it occurs in nature it is, by definition, natural.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Feb 07
So, Lardiel, you are saying that gay people are fine as long as they can pretend to be straight. Or are you saying that gay people are only gay if they are sexually involved? Maybe you are just saying that you don't like anyone who is different from you. That's your right to choose.
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• United States
20 Feb 07
i think that is wrong how people act. my theory is just let them do what they want. im not a lesbian, but so what if you want to be thats great. i mean they don't condemn me for being straight do they? i almost feel bad for homophobics becasue one of these days theyre in for a reality check. some were brought up that way, and some are just not open to other's differences but either way theyre all gonna realize theyre wrong eventually. i cant wait fo the day when everyone, bis gays and straights, can sit dow and talk like normal people.
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@pendragon (3348)
• United States
20 Feb 07
*shakes head with ya*People are in fact blatantly stupid.Especially when dealing with fear of being different, when really it's not all that different,lol.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
19 Feb 07
an overt display of homosexual displays of emotion and feeling are terrifying to some males as it challenges their perception of masculinity, and therefore of their own lives. I do believe these people have issues unresolved with their own sexuality
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@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
It wouldn't bother me in the least but I know there are people it would. Some people are just caught up in it and don't want to see it. They know it's going on but choose to ignore it. I know that on the new show Brothers and Sisters that's on Sunday nights (it has Callista Flockhart and Sally Fields) one of the brothers is gay and it shows him kissing his boyfriend. Now it doesn't bother me at all but I know it would some people. I think it is just going to take more time to have people become even more comfortable with it.
19 Feb 07
Because the people I normally associate with are quite open to this kind of thing, it frequently astounds me just how anti-gay a lot of people are. Its the same as racism they seem to be anti it without even trying to understand it.
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• Mexico
19 Feb 07
Why do these people need to provoke everywhere? If they just do their own peculiar things, we can live and let live. In my opinion it is for many people like fashion. To be part of the crowd, you need to be gay. So for people to notice them, they need to show off. But be realistic, the airlines will love to hire you if you are gay, did you notice when traveling?
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• Canada
20 Feb 07
From the looks of the picture they were not trying to provoke anything. They exchanged a kiss in a hotel lobby like any other couple in the world would be entitled to do. It is hardly their fault that someone took their picture. I don't notice anything much when I travel. Most gay people don't seem to wear a placard declaring themselves to be homosexual.
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• Philippines
20 Feb 07
Two men kissing... KISSING .. ONLY KISSING.. I dont see any problem in it... People who react ridiculous and irritated on that are very malicious child-like mind. We all have diffirent understanding on homophobes so we must respect each one's reaction on it. But this casae it seems taht the newspaper is also trying to reason out the photo, maybe the two men are controversial enough that's why they make it to the covertop. Unless otherwise the kissing is done in public and degraded the reputation of most STRAIGHT men, then that;s the time to complain.. honestly, we must live flexible enough specially nowadays that homosexuality is being everywhere. Mind our own business
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