If my kids bit me, I bit back..wrong or right??
@nascar_girl_4jr (315)
United States
February 19, 2007 11:36pm CST
I got into a huge arguement one time with my sister in law. She never believed in discipline to begin with so her kids were terror. One day she was whining that my niece kept biting her and she had the marks to show it too.. I told her to bite her back. She looked at me like I just told her to set her on fire. She said "You cant bite a child". I explained to her my theory on this. I said grab her arm or wherever she bit you, start biting until you see that she is starting to feel the pain you felt. I did this to my girls and they immediately quit biting. I told her it teaches them empathy for others because if they know what if feels like, then they quit rather quickly. I told her you dont have to hit bone or draw blood for crying out loud, just hard enough to see they feel it...It worked for me, but I think some people would rather be friends w/ their kids rather than their parents. What do you think????
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8 responses
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I don't think it's wrong as long as you don't bite hard. My grandfather bit everything from kids to pets to get them to stop biting and he never did it hard, he only did it hard enough for them to get the hint that it hurt and to get them to stop biting.
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@kagandahan (1327)
• Philippines
4 Mar 07
why would you do that?if you bite him back,then he would think that it is okay to bite you ar anybody because you did it yourself.the best thing is tell that it is wrong and he should stop doing it,not bite back.
@Monkeymia (206)
• Australia
20 Feb 07
As much as I can see and understand your reasonings for this... it feels to me that it contridicts the idea behind it.
Its like you can't bite me but I can bite you. You can't hit people but because Im an adult, I can hit you.
I guess it is each to their own and if it worked for you, fair enough but personally I wouldn't do it.
@eminyone (113)
• United States
21 Feb 07
i think your right, i have heard it anyway. i have never tired it because i think my kid is too little yet. i have heard other people use it and it works. i have also heard the samething as you from my grandma when i told her to bite my cousin for bitting her. hes 4. if it comes down to it i will bite my daughter if she keeps it up. right nowi just tell her no dont do that its not nice. she seems to understand, shes only 16 months.
@samtaylorskykierajen (7977)
• Canada
20 Feb 07
I tried this with one of my daughter's and has forever felt bad about it . She was really bad for biting and one day I figured I would bite her back , everyone had said wait until she shows you she is upset about what you are doing , well it didn't exactly work out that way , she kept laughing at me and in the end I gave up . I never drew blood but it did mark her arm and for a week after she had a bruise and was still biting everyone . I felt so terrible for actually marking my child that to this day it still bothers me when I think about it .
They do say with most children this does work but for me it didn't so I found another way to go about doing it . I started the number game where I counted to three and this gave my child the option to stop the behavior or to lose something they either wanted or they would have to sit on a chair for so long (usually a minute for each age , so if they were two they would have to reamin there for two minutes without talking or crying , so if they were crying there two minutes didn't start until they stopped ) .
I wouldn't say my way was right and your way was wrong or that your way was right and my way was wrong , it is just what worked best for us .
With my son the counting did not work and the only way I could get him to stop biting was to put pepper in his mouth every time he did it .
I believe each child is different and what may work for one may not work for the next .
@leasantos17 (98)
• Philippines
20 Feb 07
Wrong! Isn't it like teaching them that an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth by teaching them how to get some sort of a revenge fromm other people?