What would you choose-career or being a great mom

February 20, 2007 7:06am CST
In these modern world we live in, female gender are often competing with the male in terms of authority,discipline,career..but in the given samples the latter plays a big part.But should we really tend to compete with the male chauvinist world instead of staying at home and be simply mingling,interacting,and loving our kids???
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31 responses
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
Motherhood IS a career. And believe me, it is tougher than the dog-eat-dog corporate world. Being a mom entails great responsibilities, greater than increasing a company's clientele or profit. Being a mom is one of the most important roles in this world. Just think, if you stay home and raise your kids properly, you are contributing much to the world's future. By being a hands-on-mom, you ensure that your kids are guided to the right path. Eventually, our kids will be at the forefront of the workforce. The world should thank MOMS for bringing up such gifted people. There will be lots of time for a woman to pursue a high-profile career. She can work before having kids and then go on hiatus as her kids grow up, then return to work a better, wiser person. Your children are young only for a short amount of time. it would be a pity---and disastrous to miss out on that.
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
I am a career woman and a mom. I am thinking if I should give up work and just stay with my kid at home. It's hard to juggle time between work and family. But I love my work, too, but I'm not trying to stick to it because I want to compete with men. I did it for self-satisfaction. There are things I want to prove to myself. As of this time, I am thinking of giving up my work because I want to spend much time with my baby. But I don't want to give up working altogether. Maybe I could find some other ways to have my own income while staying at home. Well, hope so.
@lvhughes (545)
• United States
20 Feb 07
i think everyone has a right to have a career if they choose. but i also think that every mother has the right to choose to raise their child in a stable home with her to protect and teach them. i also think that every child desirves the right to have a parent with the to love, protect, and teach them at least until they start school. i a person feels they can raise their children and work then it is the right thing for them to do. my husband and i choose for me to stay home with the kids and he works but i know our choice isnt right for everyone. every one must follow his or her own heart.
• Pakistan
20 Feb 07
Our religion freed us from this responsibility,Allah has divided different duties among men and women very justly.Its the duty of a man to earn for his family,either he is a father,son husbandor brother it is his duty to work outside for his family.The duty of women is to stay at home inorder to takecare of his house and possessions and do household work and takecare of children,since she is sensitive and delicate so she is ordered accordingly,thats the best part of Islam that it protects women in each and every way.
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@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I was that career mom. I was a manager of a motel and an area manager over other motels. I left my girls by 6am and sometimes didn't get home until 6pm and then got calls all night long. I was a single mom and had a great job but then I realized my girls were benefiting from my income but not from me as a mom. It was a difficult choice I made when I decided it was time to be a mom first. It didn't work well with my job since saying no to taking calls wasn't an option and everytime I tried to get out of there early it didn't happen so I threw it all away. I decided that my girls were reaching their teens and if I wasn't around for them I would be cheating them of what they deserved. When I told them I was quiting they asked if I would make cookies when I was at home. It is amazing what the really want from a mom. So I am a work from home mom and yes I have made cookies. I see them off to school every morning and I am at home every night. My ex husband and I are back together now and working on making a family. I had worked hard at my career and as a single mom for 8 years and now I can say I am working harder at my family. Sure there have been some big adjustments but in the long run they are all worth it. I wouldn't trade now what I have for anything in the world.
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• United States
21 Feb 07
I think that this is a decision each family should make. I am now staying at home with our daughter but if we lived somewhere else where the cost of living was more I may have had to go back to work. I think that the family does benefit more from the mother staying home. She can spend more time with the children and teach them what is important to their family. It is also better because then she can keep up with the housework, and not having to do that above and beyond her career.
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• Canada
20 Feb 07
I absolutely think that you can have both. I am currently a SAHM to my 8 month old daughter. When she is 14 months old, I will head back to school to finish my nursing degree. It has always been my dream to be 2 things - A nurse and a mom. So I choose a career, I suppose, but I also am going to be a great mom. My daughter will be no less loved because I am going to be working.
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• United States
28 Mar 07
I choose career. I have no interest in children whatsoever. No interest in having them, caring for them, nothing.
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
20 Feb 07
I struggled with this question a few weeks ago. I was working 2 jobs and hardly ever home. The kids were at school and grandmas all day and my hubby was home with them at night. I decided to have both. I quit my 2nd job at night and cut down to approx. 30 hours a week at my day job. This way I am home when they get home, and I'm not gone every weekend. My first instinct was what will we do financially? and honestly we made a few minor adjustments and we haven't noticed a difference. I think this is a personal decision. I know that no matter how much I love my kids I would not be happy staying home with them 24/7. And in my house if mom's not happy, nobody's happy!
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
I would like to work eventhough I have kids. Dont get me wrong, its not that I dont want to take care of them full time but I want to help my husband earn money for the family since most of the basic comodities are expensive nowadays. I want to give my kids what they need. But I also want to make sure I take care of them and I dont want to depend on others taking care of my kids. So my hunnie and I met half way. I would stay at home with the kids so while working on a home based business. I guess thats like hitting two birds with the same stone. I hope that it'll work out.
• United States
20 Feb 07
I personally think it is a personal decision between you and your spouse....but we did choose for me to stay home with our children..I wouldn't change it for the world, I believe our kids are better for it..we have had to make alot of sacrifices...but each and every one of them has been worth me being here for our children...our children are now 12 almost 13 and 9 and I still find it very important to be here for them...some people don't have a choice to be able to stay home and my heart goes out to them. I was/am very fortunate to be able to stay home.
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• United States
7 Mar 07
I believe that a woman can have a career and still be a wonderful mother. It just the matter of balancing the two. I know that when I become a mom, I will still want to work, but I am not going to put my job before my child.:)
@fatragu (677)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I would have to choose being a great mom. The only training I have is for waitressing or babysitting. So if I can become a great mom I will kinda be a career woman since that is one of the two areas I have training in. I guess depending on your choice of career you can have your cake and eat it too lol.
@fatragu (677)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I would choose being a great mom. I didn't grow up with the best one and I have already inherited the temper. I am trying to figure out a way to control it. I think that if I can learn to control it I can become a better mom. Jenniffer is learning to push my buttons lol but she is only 2 and Lillyan is 10 months and "Peanut" is due 10/10/07 and hoping to learn to be a better mom so that I can be calmer for them.
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
I admired you for being so honest to tell your weakness,I too hope that you would be more of a better or yet best mom to your children. wish you all the happiness of being a doting mom.
@sahira (1071)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
When i was in highschool and college,our teacher asking us what would like in the future,then for me i always answered "to be a good mother and a wife."...because i felt before that i and my sisters and brothers were not being cared properly since our mom is working...but now i am a mother also,and not employed,i realize that i need a career to help my husband earning money for our future especially for our son,i think being a career mother is being a good mom because you are trying hard to earn money for your kids and in that way you show your love to them.besides a mother doesn't work 24 hours a day for she will not spend her spare time to her family.
@gharinder (2044)
• India
21 Feb 07
i dont think being a career woman would anyhow make be less responsible towards my kids or i am less likely to love them. if i am facing financial difficulties i will definitely love to work and i think i can equally well manage both the responsibilities. because money is important part of your life and facing financial difficulties will only add irritation, arguments, depression etc . so if a female works she can support her family well and can take care of her kids too.
21 Feb 07
i know my parents wouldnt agree with it, as they would see that i am throwing away the studying i am doing now at university...but if me and my partner could afford it, i would give up my career and be a full time mummy, with maybe alittle work being done at home (as i want to be a journalist, so work can easily be done at home, if i am freelance)
@jsae29 (1120)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
Great Mom! I've decided long time ago. My kids are my joy and treasure, and I'm more than happy to have given up my career for them.
@zuptzai (102)
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
for me, motherhood comes first... :)
@Saddaf (30)
• Pakistan
22 Feb 07
I think being a mom is a fulltime job of its own and no man can ever accomplish what a mother does by rearing a child. Being a stay at home mom is a harder job than any out there, trust me, especially if you have more than one kid lols... I work fulltime and there are times when it comes to taking care of my son, when my husband says, "I am not his mom, you are'. that makes me feel really bad. I mean I am not his dad, but I still earn for him like you do... hell ok i am just babbling. I believe a woman should stay home with her kids if she can afford it.