Have you ever made a snow angel, or what other fun snow things have you done?

@shywolf (4514)
United States
February 20, 2007 2:15pm CST
I was just reading about how thousands of people (more than 8,900!) were recently gathered together to try to beat the world record for the biggest number of snow angels created at one time. The sweetest part of the story, I thought, was where it mentioned that of the participants was a 99 year old woman who was going to make a snow angel for the very first time! ^_^ Have you ever made a snow angel? What other fun snow activities have you participated in?
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51 responses
• United States
20 Feb 07
of course ive made snow angels! whats a winter without one? :) as for snow activities, i will use this year as an example of all the things ive done in the snow. there has been lots of wind which caused drifts about 6-8 feet deep. my favorite thing to do in drifts is make large tunnels and caves into them. this year there was the completion of a 12 foot in length, you can crawl through one end and out the other! you have about 2 foot of head room. i made a really nice snow cave, but sadly was smashed when my sister tried to get a better look and fell on it! also, like most years when there is packable snow, me and my sister build different objects. the pick of this year was rabbits. (since there has been so many around this year!) both that were made were close to 6 foot tall. the ears are so hard to make!! slowly and carefully we made the arms which held a carrot, and rocks for eyes. and of course the famous tail!! other years i have made dog bones made of snow and gave them to the dogs to destroy. the regular snow men have been created. the record for us is a 12 foot tall snow man. it took forever! and it was very very fun to destroy. once i made the nativity scene. i was very proud of that masterpiece lol. i love the snow! it is just waiting for me to spread my creativity and make different fun things. *********
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Wow, you guys really get up to a lot during the snowy season, don't you? I loved reading this! I especially thought that your idea of giving your dogs 'snow bones' to destroy was really cute and original. Oh, wow, and you've made tunnels and caves! I think that I've done that on a small scale, when I was a lot younger, but we don't often get high enough snow drifts here to do that in. I would have loved to do more of that as a kid. It's so much fun to feel like you're creating your own hideaway! ^_^ I sure would love to see pictures of some of your creations, like the snow bunnies! I can see how the ears would be difficult, lol!
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@rainbow (6761)
20 Feb 07
I love snow angels, my boys do sand angels on the beach too. We don't get a lot of snow but have done snw people and animals, sledges down th eprom slope, snowball fights and tying the sledge to the dog for Bong when he was tiny, she can go pretty fast and loved it, would'nt do it now she's too old but it was fun the time she tried, not for very far but she loved it, kept trying to get the string back over her neck for another go, we had put it onto her harness not her collar just for a tiny way.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Oh wow, I'd never thought of sand angels, rainbow! That's a really neat idea. I'll have to remember it if I ever get out to the beach or a sandy area again! And I love picturing your kid riding on the sledge pulled by your dog, too! I wish that I were little enough to do something like that, lol! It would be so much fun.
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
20 Feb 07
Yes, I have made a snow angel. I have also made a snow man and a snow fort. The snow fort took the longest. But was so much fun to make. My sisters and I just took one of out dads buckets he used to feed the cows with. Filled it with snow. Than started laying the fort walls down.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
20 Feb 07
The neatest thing my children and I did in the snow when they were younger was attempt some snow sculptures! Instead of a snowman, we attempted a dolphin and other things! It was so much fun!
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Oh, wow! I know that I've made snowmen, and probably even a snow dog (since I love canines so much!) but I don't remember ever attempting anything else. I sure would have loved to have seen your snow dolphin! I bet that it was lovely! I regretfully admit that, being 31, I haven't gotten out and 'played' in the snow in years, and I really should. After all, I might as well enjoy it instead of just getting annoyed at it's presence, lol!
4 people like this
• United States
20 Feb 07
I also tried making a snow sculpture just to tell you it was a big mess it looked nothing like anything the thing it look most like was a big glob of snow in the middle of your yard but I did make a snowman one time with my childeren and it looked very cool we got a picture of it somewhere in all my pictures but im to lazy to go through the over 3,000 pictures we have to get it out to show you guys.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
21 Feb 07
click to enlarge - If you know Calvin and Hobbes, you will know that we tried to recreate the snowman swimming away from snow sharks in this picture. :)
We tried to make a Calvin and Hobbes scene...LOL A snowman trying to swim away from snow sharks. It didn't turn out so great, but we have next year to try again. I am still trying to figure out how to make the snow stick and pack well. My kids and I are figuring it out together.:)
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@rosie_123 (6113)
20 Feb 07
I have to admit I don't know what a snow angel is.............. but I'm knd of guessing it's a figure similar to what we Brits call a snowman..... ? If I'm wrong, then I apologise. I love snow - it makes me feel like a big kid again, and I can't deny that when we had bad snow here a few weeks ago, my man and I went out into the garden and built a snowman..... two daft people in their 40's, and not a child in sight! LOL! But it was fun!!!!!
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
21 Feb 07
click to enlarge - This is what a snow angel looks like when you stand up out of it.
Some people also call it a snow fairy. :)
If it helps Rosie...here is what it looks like after you do what Shywolf described.:) My kids love playing in the snow...well, so do I. But it triggers a horrible migraine also...so, I can not play too much in it.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Oh! A snow angel is when you lay down on the ground with your arms spread out wide and you move your arms up and down in the snow to make it look like an angel with 'wings' around it. I'm pretty sure that that's how you create a snow angel. I haven't done it since I was a kid, but it's fairly fun. It's nothing like building a snowman, though. That takes some time. This only takes a few seconds! *laugh* I'm glad that you had so much fun building your snowman with your husband! That sounds like such a great time!!
4 people like this
21 Feb 07
He may be British but, he should still know what it is, funnily enough I made one 2 weeks 2day, when we had snow in the UK.
@yanjiaren (9031)
20 Feb 07
well i sed to make little round balls and catapolt them at my friends..we all had fun doing that lol..i know it isn't very arty farty lol..but we had a lot of luaghs..onlt i was totally crap at aiming and used to get pelted the most..typical..
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
20 Feb 07
Ah, snowball fights! That's one thing that I never did much of. Sledding, yes - down the hill behind our house. Making snowmen? Definitely. Making snow angels, probably at least once or twice. But I've never been big on snowball fighting, simply because I'm such a coward when it comes to pain. And things flying in the air always seem to hit me, lol, even if they aren't being aimed at me. So I'd much rather stay away from things like that. But I'm glad that you found it fun! ^_^
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@weemam (13372)
20 Feb 07
Yes I have many a time , I have made snow men, snow dogs, snow cats, I have gone downhill on a dinner tray on a bucket lid , has snowball fights , I love to walk on new snow where no-one has walked before , I love to play in the snow with my grandchildren ( brilliant excuse eh! lol )
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Feb 07
No Shywolf I haven't as we never have the Snow to do it. All I have ever made is a Snowman with the Kids when they where little. And if you read my Discussion Tree do you think they could make me into a Snow Angel to then I won't get hurt. I have actually never seen a Snow Angel.
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• United States
27 Feb 07
Living in the snow belt of the US I am a snow angel pro! LOL I love winters and snow storms! I've played outdoors in the snow since the day I popped out and hope I NEVER quit! Snow forts, igloos, snow ball fights, sledding, inner tubing down ski slopes, skiing, cross country skiing, snowman building, ice castles (created by professionals) and ice sculpting (view, not participate ... not that talented) are just a few of the things I love about winter!
@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
20 Feb 07
As a kid I made snow angels and built snowmen and women, as well as snow forts. The ploughs used to pile the snow high in our school yard and we would climb them and slide down them, push each other off. It was all fun. Unfortunately today, teachers won't let you even make a freakin' snowball. My kids are always complaining about their limitations in the schoolyard. I guess we can't really blame the principal because they are just trying to prevent a lawsuit. Snow angels... have to have freshly fallen, soft, white snow. Did it a lot as a kid. I don't do much of anything out in the snow anymore because of my old age and my illness. The cold chills my bones.
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• United States
21 Feb 07
I've tried making snow angels but I wasn't really too good at it. I did however, with a few friends make what we called a snow kitty. we spent about 3 hours sculpting it to make it look just right. It turned out pretty good.
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@shambuca (2524)
• United States
20 Feb 07
everytime it snows I'm out there playing in it!!! But if my boys are with me then I can't make a snowangel cause they jump all over me...LOL
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@limitup (324)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I usually forget about or ignore most holidays, so I didn't realise it was Valentine's day until the day of. I know that my mother really likes to get something for Valentine's day, even if it is just something creative or different. So at the last minute, I went into my mother's backyard when she was at work and shoveled a big heart in the snow. The snow was really deep at the time and I made it about 20 ft. wide, and two shovel loads thick all around. It only took an hour or so to do, I got some exercise, it didn't cost me anything, it was different, and she really seemed to like it. It is now almost the end of February and even though most of the snow has melted, the heart is still there.
@yvonne1968 (1063)
• United States
20 Feb 07
yep when i was little i did the snow angel bit, its been ages, id probably get down on the ground and not be able to get up now LOL. The usual is for snow fun too which is sled riding and tobganing, i still want to go to the tobogan shuts in cleveland yet this winter. Another snow/ winter activity i just started about 3 years ago, is in Medina ohio they have a ice carving festivial. Man those people are really creative, one year they had a piggybank with real money in his bely. Didnt make it this sick was sick as a dog, and im sad i got to miss it.
@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
21 Feb 07
That was in North Dakota? They made the record of over 9,000. I didnt make a snow angel until I was 25! People never did that where I came from and I never heard of it. My other friends were simply amazed. Made many snowmen, igloos, snowwomen, snowkids, snowdogs, snowcats and my favorite, snow forts!
@ukchriss (2097)
21 Feb 07
Where I live in Uk we dont have enough snow to do anything now a days which is a shame. Years ago when it was very cold and we had lots of snow we would make snow angels, have snow ball fights and make snowmen, go sledging down the hills around the village where we lived and even Iceskate on the Village pond! Oh those where the days lol How to Make a Snow Angel http://www.ehow.com/how_518_make-snow-angel.html
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
22 Feb 07
That is so cool that the 99 year old lady is going to make her first snow angel. We used to make them all the time when we were kids. We always made them and had mom to come out and be the judge to tell us which one was the prettiest. LOL We always made Igloos and tunnels. We loved to throw snowballs. We were young and stupid. Now I hate the cold. LOL
@cillerman (403)
• Bulgaria
21 Feb 07
I LOVE SNOW. That's to begin with. I've made many snow angels. Even when I was alone. People would look at me very strangely, but I wouldn't care. It's just like me! Snowballs - the all time classic. I don't like snowmans. It takes alot of hard work and if you don't have time, it never comes out right. Angels, snowballs... BEING IN THE SNOW. I love that.
• Canada
21 Feb 07
When I was little I used to allways go ouside to make snow angels or have snowball fights with some friends . I remember one year my dad, my brother and I all went outside and made a huge igloo!!! It was so much funn! As much as I dislike the winter I had some pretty good time in the snow!
@taurean (171)
• United States
21 Feb 07
i love playing with snow and have made the traditional snowman , but ive never tried sculpting.i guess its difficult to stick the snow together when it is fresh.