What do babies want when they cry
By jayant76
@jayant76 (59)
February 21, 2007 9:23am CST
I have very recently become a father and for the first time. Although me and my wife are enjoying bringing up our baby but at times I really feel frustrated when my baby starts to cry and nothing on earth seems to calm him down. It becomes very heart rending and I feel very sad. Can you please help me on what to make of my baby's cries.
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5 responses
• Philippines
21 Feb 07
i ALREADY HAVE A 4 YEAR OLD DAUGTHER AND A 2 MONTH OLD. So i can say that i already experience a lot. When the baby cry theirs a lot of reason: hungry, their wet, sleepy, wants to poo, having trouble with burping. These are the usual thing they cannot tell you. Hope you learn a bit. Good luck to your new baby and family life.
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@briennekb (610)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Well, you you start looking for the basics:
is he hungry?
is he tired?
is he too hot or too cold?
does he want to be held or put down?
if your baby is sick, sometimes there is nothing you can do but show him love and let him know you're there. Sometimes you can tell if they have painful gas bubbles in there belly because his stomache will fell firmer and he may arch his back a lot. If this happens, I suggest putting a heating pad on his belly. Or warm up his favorite blanket in the dryer and hold it to his belly. The heat is supposed to turn the big bubbles into small bubbles that don't hurt as much.
If you do everything you can think of but nothing seems to work, you just need to let him cry. Babies cry for no reason sometimes. There could be absolutely nothing wrong with him. He just wants to cry. All you can do is let him know you're there, and let him have at it.
If he cries more than you think he should be, take him to the doctor. You never know, he could really be sick or it could be nothing at all. When I was a baby, my mom said I basically cried all the time until I was 8 months old. She took me to the doctor and he said that there was nothing wrong me. He said I was just mad. Just get through the rough times with a smile because when they're over, the rewards are great. My baby will be 2 in May. It was great when she was a baby but it's even better now.
@briennekb (610)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Oh, I forgot something.....make sure you check his diaper. My daughter didn't mind sitting around is a wet diaper, but some babies hate it.
@briennekb (610)
• United States
21 Feb 07
You're welcome. I know how frusterating it can be. It's possible that your baby is simply frusterated that you can't understand what he wants. You may find that when he can starting gesturing at the things he wants, he won't cry as much. Try teaching you baby simple gestures like pointing as soon as possible. Also, you could try teaching him basic sign language. You could teach him how to sign the words; want, more, tired, hungry and so on. I didn't do that with my baby but I have heard that it really worked for some people.

@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
21 Feb 07
I have 4 children and there are still times I can't figure out what my baby wants when she is crying.
I always start at the top of this list to figure it out:
1. hunger (when was the last time the baby ate?)
2. diaper (check to see if the baby is wet or poopy)
3. comfort (babies like to be held)
if those things don't stop the crying I go to list B, lol
4. hurt (when our youngest was a couple months old she wouldn't stop crying and that night we found she had a hair tightly wrapped around one of her toes)
5. sick (is the baby warm, has a temp or acting sick in other ways)
6. overstimulated (many babies can't handle a lot of activity. when my son was a baby he would scream when there was too much going on--to get him to sleep we had to hold his arms, legs and head still until he calmed down--he would scream the whole time and then suddenly would fall asleep)
7. teeth (my 10 month old is teething and is very fussy--she started teething around 3 1/2 months old so it can start early)
If none of those work I just hold them and let them cry. But it is usually one of the above. If they are really wailing I might give a little Tylenol (if they are a couple months old) because it might be some pain they can't tell me about or gas drops for tummy troubles.
@happymommy3 (2012)
• United States
21 Feb 07
Well don't worry, you are not the only one that has felt that way. I have 3 kids of my own and felt that way alot. It could be so many different things. They're hungry, want to be held, are sleepy, need a diaper change, have gas. Alot of times it turns out the baby has colic. Where the baby just absolutely won't stop crying after you've tried everything and still cries. Than you should start asking your doctor. I've never experienced that with my children but have some friends who have went through that. So, don't worry, babies tend to cry alot, it's normal, but if they just won't stop no matter what you try, feeding, changing, all the main important things of why babies cry you should talk to your doctor. Good luck and congrats on your first baby!
@jayant76 (59)
• India
21 Feb 07
Thanks a ton. I did speak to the doctor about this and he told me not to worry. He said my baby is not colic and sometimes babies may cry for no apparant reason. My baby does not cry incessantly often but to me personally it feels very pinching when I am unable to soothe him.
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@Bizziebod (3497)
21 Feb 07
Hi, I think most of your responders have covered most of the reasons, my daughter went through a stage of crying alot and the midwife suggest I swaddled her (wrapping her up tight in a blanket) they feel as they are being held constantly then or confined like they were in the womb, be careful how you put the baby down though and would follow your health visitors advice. If you have a car then most babies love the motion of the car and often fall asleep pretty quickly.