update on my doctors appointment.....
By xXmeganxX
@xXmeganxX (4420)
February 21, 2007 1:48pm CST
hi people, well as i said i was going to go the doctors and see what is wrong with me as i felt i had depression. well i went to my doctors and he asked me a few safety questions as he said and he asked me what is wrong with me and i told him about the problems im having and he gave me anti depressents, im quite shocked to be honest as i really didn't think i was that bad or sickly i should say.. but it's just one of them things and im sure i'll overcome it soon. he gave me 10mg tablets and there called cipralex, he also advised me that i would be using them for up to 3 months but if i feel better after my first month then he will give me a lower dose or i can stop taking them.
if anybody read where in one of my discussions, i was saying i was always tired and this is one of the problems to do with depression, i mean that same doctor sent me to hospital for bllod tests last time and said i was fine, i wish he would of helped me more as i probably would of been better now!
anyway thanks all for helping me out and advising me to go and see my doctor, it really helped me. much appreciated, if i don't respond back to you tonight then it will be tomorrw as im feeling exhausted now and im nodding off, lol! i need to sleeeeeep. :)
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25 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Feb 07
Meg I am happy that you now have something to help you. As for when you are ready to come of them do not and I will say again do not just come of them, you have to be weaned of them, it can have critical Consequences if you just stop them. I am slowly being weaned of mine at the moment and it is not easy. So please when you have taken these go back to the Doctor and also read the Leaflet of the Side affects I beg you, I know what I am talking about Love I have been on these now for 3 Years.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
21 Feb 07
ohhh gabs ive just read them side effects and they scare me alot! like you can vomit, have panic attacks and so on, oh no i hope i don't! i am just going to keep taking them until im alot better, i also read on the indstructions that if you come off them quickly some things could happen, i can't remember what as i was jsut having a quick look, il have a proper read tomorrow! anyway gabs hope you get better soon too and thanks alot for all your help! much appreciated! rated you a huge ++++++++++ :o)
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
21 Feb 07
thanks alot for your kind words, im sure we will be up and running sooner than we think..hehe! +
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@taramoon (740)
• Spain
21 Feb 07
Yes gabs total correct advise there i have successfully been off any form of anti depressantes now for over 6 years, and it was a total battle when it came to the time to reduce them, i hope i will never have to go through that again, good luck to the both of you, and take each step as it comes
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@shambuca (2524)
• United States
21 Feb 07
yes being tired and sleeping is a major part of depression but it could just be you are getting older and well that happens when you get older- your body changes and so do your sleep habits, I know mine have changed a lot. See how you feel after taking the pills for a little while - if they don't help then stop.
Go get some sleep -- GOOD NIGHT!!!!
@xXmeganxX (4420)
21 Feb 07
hey there! lol ive just only turned 19 haha! thanks anyway for your nice response and im going to sleep very soon as if i dont i will fall asleep at the computer hehe! rated +
@xXmeganxX (4420)
21 Feb 07
@destinycole (827)
21 Feb 07
I remember that day, I was sitting in the doctors office talking to a doctor I had never bothered in my life except for a sore throat, hep be vaccination, the odd stomach complaint. Then life changed and a year before the appointment I am telling you about I had been through the mill.
A year before that day I had witnessed a knife attack, I had been prescribed valium. I was a mess, two weeks of valium and I felt fine. Then...I heard some devestating news about a family problem I really do not want to disclose to you right now. 71 thous people might read this.
Any way I went for counselling and I was fine for a while the counselling helped.
Then that day arrived, the day I sat in the doctors office telling him it was all too much. Telling him I was feeling so tired, so unhappy, crying all the time. Unable to focus on things.
He prescribed anti depressants.
I walked out of there in a dream and I looked at everything around me in a different way. I thought "I am one of those crazy people, pill popping" I was shocked, devestated and so empty.
I will never forget that day. Meg I still take those anti depressants, the dose has been reduced but I am well because of them. I have made some life changing decisions and I am well and it is thanks to pills hun. They are part of me and don't worry about taking them. Its okay.
Depression is a mental illness, its also an inbalance of a chemical in the brain. The tablets we take corrects this inbalance Meg.
Diabetics take insulin to correct an in balance and yet diabetes is a physical illness.
We are not so different my friend take care
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
22 Feb 07
aww i hope your ok, it seems you went through alot at first. im happy to know that at least im not on my own because really in my family and friends ive never known anyone to take these, well just me now.thanks alot for responding! rated + take care too! :)
@Bizziebod (3497)
21 Feb 07
Hi, I'm glad that you managed to go to the doctors to sort out your depression. Please be careful to read the side effects and what you can or can't do when you are taking them. My doctor prescribed these for me some years ago and whilst driving I felt extremely tired and nearly crashed my car - I threw them away after that and decided alternate treatments were better. I'm not saying they will do you harm, just be careful how you take them and I hope things start looking up for you soon! Take Care :-)
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
22 Feb 07
hiya bizziebod, thanks for the advise, yes ive read some of the side efetcs and it does say the risks what could happen about operating machines or driving, hope you was okay! i will make sure i take them carefully, thanks alot for responding, rated + :)
@taramoon (740)
• Spain
21 Feb 07
I'm please that you have got the right advise and hopefully you will be back to normal very soon, we all go through these phases in life and a little help to put us on the right track is necessary, but please only go by your doctors advise, medicine like this is so called "happy pills" they are great on a short term period but over the time they can take their toll, you need to put animation into your life yourself, we all have chemicals in our bodies that give us mood changes, it is up to you to use these to your best benefit, tje happier you are the happier and stronger your body and immune system will be. Good luck and i talk from experience, and remember if you ever need to talk there are lots of peple out there who will listen and give you a shoulder to lean on so never be affraid to ask.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
21 Feb 07
hiya! thanks alot for your kind words! i know i could always turn to mylot if i needed help, people here are very helpful which is great! :) i will sure make my life alot happier if i can try, lol, i only have to take one a day so i shuld be fine, im just scared of the possible side effects they worry me the most, that's what im shocked over too, lol! anyway thanks again for your response, rated +
@mel_87 (856)
24 Feb 07
it does depend on what dosage you are on whether you can come off them just like that or be weined off them as i was on anti depressants but i just stopped taking them as i felt i was ok again, my doctor told me i would have to be on them for 6 months but i feel i dont need them anymore, your doctor should of told you whether yu could just come off them or not mine told me i could just come off them. good luck
@xXmeganxX (4420)
24 Feb 07
hiya mel well yes he is going to call me back again in a months time to see how i feel. thanks alot for sharing with me also. :)
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@caramello (4377)
• Australia
5 Mar 07
Anti-depressants do take awhile to get into the system and have it working again and the tiredness just seems to make it worse, but as you have found out it all changes and you begin to feel normal again.
Hope things get back on track for you soon and you will not have to rely on them all the time, they are good though to get us past the rough patches and see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. :)caramello
@xXmeganxX (4420)
5 Mar 07
thanks alot caramello for your great response, im sure i wil be off them when i have an easy life. =) +
@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I am glad that you went to the doctor. I hope the pills work for you and you get better soon.
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@pebbles_cubbie (3789)
• United States
5 Mar 07
You're probably not sickly or anything like that. That's just an easy way for the doctors to deal with it. That's good that he at least gave you something to help you. Anti-depressants do tend to make you sleepy. I'm on an anti-depressant and I'm always tired.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
5 Mar 07
hey pebbles my anti depressants make me more lively now, that was just at first i was sleepy, thanks alot for your advice tho. + =)
@Booker_t79 (200)
• United States
22 Feb 07
sometimes high sugar can make u feel really tired too and those high sugars cause depression too. see if u notice about u going to restroom more frequently or stuff like and u will see that sugar is high. happened to my wife. her sugar was way off and she used to be tired but no depression or anything and she said just eat right and exercise everyday
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
23 Feb 07
hey there and thanks for the advice! i don't have alot of sugar tho, well not recently, thanks for sharing with me! +
@xXmeganxX (4420)
22 Feb 07
yes very true fabwisp..hehe! thanks alot for your kind words, rated ++
@xXmeganxX (4420)
22 Feb 07
hiya anjoks! long time no speak eh! im felling okay today that ive had alot of sleep, im going out soon tho to clear my mind..hehe! i sure won't miss a dose i have to leave the tablets on where i can see them now because i can be forgetful, lol and there right by my computer screen, lmao! thanks alot for being there for me too, you helped me alot as well as most other myloteers! :O) take csre anyway and also my yahoo email is - uk_megan_1987@yahoo.co.uk
because i tried to email you twice, i don't know if you got them but i never got a reply, :( hehe! rated a huge +++
@xXmeganxX (4420)
23 Feb 07
hehe don't mean to be thick or sound it i should say but what's a friendster account haha! ive never heard of one oops, LOL! well i don't know what was wrong with my yahoo when i was emailing you ahhhhh, lol! ok well as soons as i get your email ill reply back hehe! thanks :)
@anjoks (2080)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
wahahahaa! .. received no email from u sis! i've been waiting for it actually, i thought u've forgotten it already. Tsk tsk, wonder what happened. It must have been sent to planet mars. LOL
..... got ur email add now. Don't worry, i'll keep in touch with you always. Have fun my friend. Mwah mwah!
btw, got any friendster account? .. mine is anjo_bisakol@yahoo.com. u can go check me out, i want u to get to know me more. . (",)
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@marlyse (1056)
• Switzerland
22 Feb 07
Hi Megan
i am glad you did listen and have help now. like gabs said, dont stop taking them till you feel lots better. i too know from what i talk, because im on tablets for depression and panic attacs since 4 years. but lucky me, i have tablets which dont effect me when i have to stop taking them. and dont be to much afraid about the affects, it doesnt mean they do bad to you. try them and see what happens.
i think on you and send you some hugs :-)
@xXmeganxX (4420)
22 Feb 07
hiya marlyse, firstly i asked my doctor about any side effetcs and me being a joker, i asked him are they life threatning and he nearly choaked on his coffee..haha! he just laughed! :) im happy i went there but i wouldn't of withut the help of everyone here so thanks alot! i haven't had any side effects yet and i took one yesterday evening tho i did wake up in middle of the night shaking a little but i was okay, i just went back to sleep! im sure i will be fine in the end, thanks alot for the hugs and take care, rated you +++++
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Thanks for letting us know how things went. If you feel your doctor isn't helping you enough maybe you should get a second opinion. When it comes to your health you can't be too careful. I hope you get a good nights rest.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
5 Mar 07
i get a great sleep now that im on these tablets, thanks alot anyway for your advice and response! ++ =)
@xXmeganxX (4420)
22 Feb 07
thanks allot for your nice response weemam, im sure i will be better soon! :) ++++++
@krislouiebaby (2346)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
good thing that you went to your doctor, now you feel better and i am happy for you.
just continue your medication and you'll be fine.
and do not forget to get a lot of sleep.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
22 Feb 07
hiya krislouiebaby, i feel a little better anyway now i know what was troubling me! i am going to start sleeping properley! thanks :)
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I do hope your feeling alittle better with taking this medicine. I didnt know that being tired is a sign of being depressed. Well then I have had this symptom now for a little while Im wandering if I should go to the doctor too. Well please keep us informed on your progress and I do hope you can get to the point where you dont need this medicine.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
22 Feb 07
hey terryz yes well im literally always tired, never happy, don't eat much and so on and when ive read the advice leaflet and asked my doctor well yes being tired permanentley can be a sign of depression so if i were you consult your doctor quickly and they will advise you on what to do! it will make you feel more awake after all! thanks alot for your kind comments too and take care +
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
22 Feb 07
Yes this is right the doctor should of known what he was doing and maybe put you on these tablets the first time and then you would of been better by now, but feeling tired can be a sign of stress, but I would not take the tablets for too long as they do have side effects to all these anti-depression tablets read up on the one that he has given you first before you take it for a long period of time.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
22 Feb 07
hey there kathy yes ive read them and there can be possible side effects, im sure i will be fine tho, he thinks about me taking them for 3 months that's only if i don't feel better after a month but im going back to see him in a month anyway! thanks alot for advising me and responding rated you +
@xXmeganxX (4420)
22 Feb 07
hey there yes you was right..hehe! ive had alot of sleep now, thanks alot for responding, rated you a + :)
@TripleFun (53)
• Romania
22 Feb 07
that's great news. i hope you will feel better every day until you will be healthy again. i know from my own experience that being sick really sucks :)
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
22 Feb 07
hey triplefun! yes being sick does suck, i couldn't agree with you more..hehe! thsnkd slot for responding +