What makes you happy: Money or love?

February 21, 2007 2:47pm CST
What do you think makes for lasting happiness? Money, respect, food or love? More greenery, better politicians, cleaner roads or more holidays? Or, is happiness just a state of mind? Whats your take on happiness....
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12 responses
@sunny1984 (639)
• India
22 Feb 07
In todays life both are equally required but few peoples are there who can be happy with any one of them.
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@silentwill (1685)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
Hmmm let's see. I've been working for 3 years and earning money. I've been happily inlove for the past 4 months even if I lost my job recently. I've never been happier in those four months. So I guess for me money does not make me happy at all, but love does.
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• Canada
21 Feb 07
I'll take love over money, anyday!!
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@whacks (774)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
Happiness is just a state of mind. And to be happy, we need money. Money answers everything in this world. If I have money, I can provide my love with the necessary things in life so that we could be happy. Money first before everything else.
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@kavita23 (2995)
• India
21 Feb 07
love because its UN changeable beautiful and its unshakable and more powerful er and more stronger and smarter then money and it has more to it then being famous then respect comes after it!!! happy mylot day.
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@babyjane (1390)
• Philippines
22 Feb 07
What makes me happy is love. Money on the other side is important because nothing is free nowadays and to a reality side love couldn't sustain our living. But with money alone, we couldn't be happy too without love.
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@ikinta (1236)
• Indonesia
23 Feb 07
Happiness comes when I feel satisfy. So even if I poor and have no money, but I feel satisfied about myself, I can still taste happiness. Now the problem is as human being, we are not easily satisfied.
• India
31 Mar 07
Happiness is just the satate of mind... You could have all the love and money in the world nut still not happy, or you could have nothing at all with you, but still live life like a king and stay happy.......... It's all upto you how you see it.
@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
10 Jan 08
My lasting happiness is love rather than money. For me, I will choose a love first. Because I don't want money. Maybe if I have and the one I love help a lot to make more money. If you and your love work together, you can get more money rather you are alone.
@aweins (4199)
• India
31 Mar 07
i think happiness is a state of mind and love can make me happy as i can make money but i cannot make love to any second person standing by me.
• United States
22 Feb 07
LOVE would be my happiness don't get me wrong money is nice but, it can't buy you happiness.
• Italy
21 Feb 07
I think love,respect and,obviously money(don't make happiness,but they are very important..)
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