Migraine sufferer!!!

February 22, 2007 11:11am CST
I suffer very badly from migraines. I think it may be related to a couple of things as it has worsened in the past couple of weeks. Stress the main thing and quitting smoking. Stress because I had this awful chemistry test and on the run up to it I was so nervious and anxious and I worried myself silly about it. You'll be glad to know that I did pass it but even though I still have a migraine today. Most migraines last between 3 hours and 48 hours but mine seem to just be permanent just now. With regard to the quitting smoking, I am on my 46th day, believe it or not, but I only came off the patches last week. I dropped from full dose to nothing. I dont want to smoke but I suppose my body must be going through loads of changes. When I have migraines, during a bad attack, my vision can go and I can throw up but most of the time I have a sharp pain is the top of my nose and a dull ache on one side of my head. I know that cheese is a trigger for it so I have been avoiding it for the last few weeks. So there you go. My migraines!!! I know I shouldn't complain cos it's not like its anything serious but I am just in cinstant pain. I do take Migralieve which was prescribed to me by my doctor and it does ward off some of the pain for a while but it's not numbing it. So do you get migraines and what do you take for them??? You got any advice for me? Tehy say that 50% of people suffer from them but I dont believe thats true
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30 responses
• United States
23 Feb 07
I know you already saw your doctor but was he a neurologist? Anyway I went through the same thing and my migraines were from the job that I was at. So as soon as I figured that out my migraines went away. You have already figured out that cheese triggers them so maybe dairy products are not good for you to be around. But just to let you know having those everyday is not a good thing and could possibly be fatal.
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23 Feb 07
I dont t hink my doctor owuld sen dme to see a seurologist here in the uk. they are very lax about stuff likek that because we havea public health service.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
I also have my fair share of migraines too. It started after I have my second daughter. I noticed that a week before my period, I will begin to feel dizzy and will worsen by the time I have my period. I consider it as a sign of PMS, stress and over-fatigue. I had my blood tested and the results indicated I have very low red blood count. Since then, I regularly take iron and folic acid to replenish my red blood. Why not go and have your blood tested too. It might be the same thing as mine.
@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
22 Feb 07
yup, i get migraines. they are horrible, aren't they? i usually have headaches every day, but i get migraines maybe once every couple of weeks. there are many things that can trigger them. usually i just sit and suffer...and take some excedrin migraine. most meds dont work on me, but excedrine migraine works really well. sometimes i end up throwing it up though, so its best to wait til you throw up and then take some meds. ive heard caffeine helps with the nausea as well. good luck..i feel your pain!
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• United States
22 Feb 07
I had migraines for years and they did multiple catscans and mri's to try to figure out what the problem was. After trying mulitple medications I found that Axert worked very well. Have you been to a Dr.? My Dr. gave me samples of different meds and I tried each and Axert won out. You may want to ask about it. Good luck!
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@freesoul (3021)
• Egypt
22 Feb 07
I'm glad to know that you passed the test, congratulations :) yes a lot of people have migraines, luckily i don't get it much now, the best thing that worked for me is some pain killers and a lot of sleep, are you getting enough sleep? this may be a main cause.. Also hard sports like running and weight training improves the blood circulation and help getting rid of migraines on the long run, but it's really a torture to do hard sports while you are having it.. another thing that helped was long hot steamy showers, a kind of sauna effect but you have to be careful if you have blood pressure problems.. you can try green tea with mint, also coffee as caffeine can help in quitting smoking but in my case i can't drink coffee much as it causes me insomnia.. i hope any of that can help :)
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22 Feb 07
Its strangfe how everyone keeps on saying caffeine. I thought caffeine wasnt good for you. i might start giving that a go. And hopefully im going to get in some badminton at the weekend. I know it isnt a tough sport but it is more than what I normally do lol
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@freesoul (3021)
• Egypt
23 Feb 07
Sports will do you good:) and caffeine has good effect on the body, it's just too much of it that has negative effects.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I have a couple suggestions, Vitamine B, I can't ever remember which one it is but if you take a B complex it will help. The color lavander is for some reason calming and actually does releive migraines. Both of these have been tested by myself and do work..
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@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
can i be sufering with migraine too? My head has been aching for 5 days straight now, though for the last 2 days i think it has lessen but still had headache..Can this be migraine? Do I need to see the doctor now? I thought it maybe because of my tonsilitis but it's healed now and yet headache is still here. Thank you for opening this up.I learned lots of stuff bout health.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
23 Feb 07
go to the doctor, my doctors say that if the headache lasts longer than a day, consider it a migraine & get it checked out!
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@shahinshk (384)
• United Arab Emirates
23 Feb 07
a lot of people suffer from this due to stress. as the stress relieves the pain will also. stop taking any medication the best is when i was going through somebody advised me to keep my calm and mind tensefree and do some meditation, you can say yoga or some exercise to relax the mind. stop taking strains and tensions by doing this the outcome is zero and you are the sufferer. let it be eased and the migranil problem will also reduce. try to do mediation
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• Singapore
23 Feb 07
You might want to try high dose of caffeine. It can be naturally found in coffee. In some migraine relief medicine, they add caffeine to it. It's a stimulant that relaxes your strain in the brain. This is not a diagnose nor a prescription but it works for me. Hope it works for you too. Congrats to quit smoking. It's also the healing crisis when you quit smoking. Just hang it there. Your body need adjusting to nicotine free body. All the best.
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@prawiner (690)
• India
23 Feb 07
Many people can give many advices, but the doctor is the one who can really give proper medication and guidance. So go to one good physician specialized in headahces and get his opinion and advice about it.
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@Eskimo (2315)
22 Feb 07
One thing that sometimes helps relieve Migrain symptoms is to lie quietly in a dark room, doesn't work for everyone, but its an easy thing to do. Can be triggered by a number of different things, including the same time during your monthly cycle.
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22 Feb 07
Normally I do just lie in a dark room but lately I have been suffering so bad that I just have to kind of get on with it. Sometimes though my focus goes all funny and I think I might fall over with blindness. I'm gonna take everything everyone has said into consideration and im sure it'll clear up a bit more soon. I have to go back to the doctors next month so if I am doing everything good by that point then he can do whatever he has to do to fix me cos I've done my bibt of the bargain. Its a shame cos i really really do love cheese lol.
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• Lagos, Nigeria
23 Feb 07
I use to suffer migraine but i made up my mind that i will not have it again and i gave my life to jesus Christ all the headeach stoped . You can do same.
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@yanjiaren (9031)
22 Feb 07
try to avoid all dairy products full stop at the moment..replenish with rice or soya milk..try to avoid the choccies and too many sweet things aswell..see if that helps..i sometimes might get one during my period..but not as much now..try not to stress..
2 people like this
22 Feb 07
Yeah I should try cutting out chocolate cos I actually do have some every day. Just cos of my quitting smoking. A wee reward for myself. Whenever I have cheese it gets really really bad so I have but out that but I still have them
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
22 Feb 07
I am just wondering do you have any facial piercings? I ask because I got my eyebrow pierced and ever since then I have been having headaches. Never suffering from headaches before that really. Then I read somewhere that facial piercings mess with your circulation causing headaches. If not, I suggest sitting in a quiet room with your eyes closed with a warm rag over your eyes. Ibuprofen works well too. Go to your doc and tell him and ask him to give you prescription strength Ibuprofen, or Motrin (same thing) that has always worked for me.
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22 Feb 07
I dont have any facial piercing but it is funny that you mention circulation as I have very very poor circulation in my legs and have varicose veins and quite often have a blue tinge to me. No piercing at all as they have always become infected btu had my nose, bellybutton and ears done at various times.
• United States
22 Feb 07
As a nurse I can say that what you are experiencing is DEFINETELY a migrane and NO its not nothing.. you should see a doc to get a simple little pill that you take when you feel them coming on.. and they will curb your migranes to avoid the vision and vomit issues.. hope this helps
22 Feb 07
Ummm....I thought I said that I ahve already done that. I am taking MIgralieve
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@suman76 (648)
• India
23 Feb 07
You go for the homepathic treatment and do one excerise like inhale from one nosal and exhale from second nosle but keeping your thump in one nosel and third nosel to exhale. Secondly you put 4-5 drops of almond oil in your nose by heating it do it daily. Third wheneve it goes extreme you should take jeera water by boiling it in water.
• Japan
23 Feb 07
I had migraines all my life..till three years ago. That's when I stopped drinking soda. I'm convinced that coke was the cause.Do you drink a lot of coke or other soda? If so,please look into Aspartame.Its used in diet soda and it isn't good for you at all.
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@rozebara (139)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
Drink lots of water and healthy juices, stop smoking and stop thinking which is not useful to you... If you really seek advice dont just read it do it.... We only have ONE LIFE and if you abused it you will regret it in the end, you're still young you still have plenty of times to think whats good and whats bad for you... Pray so that may God have mercy on you and change you in your bad habit...
• United States
23 Feb 07
I also have suffered from migraines....years ago and I found that when my doctor perscribed medication for me that worked on my blood pressure it worked, infact I would take it and it would be gone in about an hour...can't hurt to check it out...might help you too. good luck.
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• United States
23 Feb 07
i also suffer from migraines. In fact, my entire family does. i was prescribed Maxalt, which seems to take the edge off. It is a sub-lingual (under the tongue) so it dissolves quickly and get in your system faster.
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• India
23 Feb 07
I know what the hell it will be when we suffer from migraine. Usually it lasts for 1 day to 3 days. Even I used to get frequent migrain attacks . I used to take migranil tablets and it used to come under control but still had that hangover. After the birth of the 2nd kid, my migraine really vanished. I really thank God for this. Now on to you, quitting smoking and stress has resulted in chronic migraine. Avoid all sweets, MSGs & fats. That might help a bit. I recommend you to do yoga and pranayama (breathing excercises). (even I have done this). You can also join for a Art of Living Course (Basic course Part -I) near your place by which you can reduce your stress level and increase your energy level. It not only helps in curing migraine but also overall well-being of body and mind. why don't you give a try?