How can "God" Judge us if he knows the future?
By kari_lynn222
@kari_lynn222 (35)
February 22, 2007 3:15pm CST
I am not sure if I believe in God or not, but the most puzzeling question is if God knows the future, then He must know exactly what you're going to do in your lifetime, before you're even born. Therefore, how can we be judged for sins when they were decided before we were even born? I know that we have "Free Will" but that still doesn't change that God knew what we would do, before we did it. So our lives really are "planned out" so to speak, so how can we be held accountable for actions and sins that were sort of already decided for us? Know what I mean?
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15 responses
@biznizman01 (581)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
Will everyone agree with me if I say that God's infinite knowledge is incomparable with our finite mind? If so there are things that our finite mind could not comprehend. Heck, there are a lot of things in my wife's mind that I could not fully comprehend.
Let's leave the judging to God and let's do our part. Our part is to do what is right in He's Eyes.
@AmbiePam (96427)
• United States
23 Feb 07
He gives us all the choices in the world. What we choose to do with them is not His fault. He knows what we will choose, but it doesn't mean we didn't have ample oppurtunity to make the right decision.
I know I'm going to die someday. I can see the future in that. It doesn't mean I can't decide how I'm going to live which might even affect how I die.
Hope I haven't been unclear. Very good topic!
@livewyre (2450)
23 Feb 07
My understanding is that there is a misconception around the idea of predestination. Let's just put that idea to one side and see the picture a little more clearly.
God KNOWS what we will do, it's a given... if not he is not an all-powerful being and frankly, not God...
I am allowed the free-will to do exactly as I please, the fact that God can know what I am about to do, doesn't mean that he is controlling my actions, just that he knows I will disappoint him, yet he allows me to let him down because he knows also that I will learn and grow to love and understand him more over time...
I believe that the greatest thrill to God is to see us WANTING to work within his will, and this can only happen if it is truly our own decision. I think we are sometimes limited by our own conceptions of things, we think of God as a manager like at work, who knows when we have done wrong and comes along to correct us imediately. God is outside this human behaviour, he chooses to tutor us when we are ready to listen, if we are not ready to listen, we are making our own decision to ignore him, and naturally our lives suffer as a consequence of not being close to God. In my case, when I know I am living in my own strength rather than relying on God, I become more anxious and focussed on myself - these are the warning signs for me that tell me I need to prayerfully approach my God and ask for forgiveness and direction.
You may be asking how does this happen? and my answer is that the relationship between God and man is facilitated by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the go-between (frankly it doesn't matter whether you recognise this as the role of the HS, just thought I might need to answer the question). In my experience, the HS gently prompts us when we stray and it is through the HS that we establish a connection to the Father God. I fear I am straying off the quation now, so I'll leave it there for now - I hope I have been clear, please post if I have been unclear about anything.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I think God does have a plan for our lives but I don't think he judges us as good or bad but wants us to learn how to accept his love and care. We all make mistakes, he knows this and has already forgive us. He wants us to be suscessful and happy. When things are not going right for us he knows and sometimes uses our experiences, however bad or good, as tests or lessons. All things happen in his time frame, we just have to trust him.
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@roshnichaudhary (1160)
• United States
23 Feb 07
If your faith is dependent on the stories and myths then perhaps you can never believe in God. But I believe in God very strongly and I feel it is an inner feeling. People try to explain it in many ways but cannot do this. And that is the speciality of God.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
23 Feb 07
The whole thing is free will. God gave us free will, and he doesnt interfere in that. Yes he knows what you will do but it is not planned out. Free will is what makes this world so bad. People are selfish and mean and do not live by the laws God laid out for us. Free will is the guiding factor in the judgement process. Hope that helped.
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@wsue1023 (1395)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I guess I would argue that just because He knew what our choices would be doesn't mean He planned our choices for us. He allows us to make our own mistakes, learn from them, and recognize our need for Him.
We aren't robots, if He'd wanted to program us that way I would expect He would have made us all perfect from the start, unable to sin. He gave us a choice, then made it possible to find Him. The Bible says that some will have a cold heart toward God and never recognize Him or might recognize Him but turn against Him, others will seek Him and find Him.
When your little one comes running to you with their arms open wide you are experiencing real love. That's what God wants from us, as His children. Not a programed drone doing what they're told. He wants to be sought and loved. He wants us to consider the choices we have before us and to make the right one based on our love for Him and our eagerness to please Him.
I think we have to be real careful in assuming that God is making our decisions for us. If He were, what kind of God would that be? If you accept the Bible is correct in stating that God knew everything about us and what we'd do before we were ever created, why not accept what it says about God's nature... that He's the Light of the World, that God is Love, that He's all merciful, and His Ways are not our ways. Also, consider what it really says about free will. That we make our own choices. Some of us make our choices with God and some without.
God bless!
@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Having free will and God knowing the future aren't the same thing. Our lives are not planned out. Yes God knows whats going to happen, but He doesn't make it happen. If he did then our lives would be planned.
But he can judge people based on their works.
@pilbara (1436)
• Australia
22 Feb 07
Free will and god knowing what we are going to do before we do it are mutually incompatible.
The whole point of free will is that god does not know what we are going to do. We have choices and it is up to us to decide our own paths.
Saying that we aren't accountable for anything we do because our lives are planned out is I think the ultimate copout.
@livewyre (2450)
23 Feb 07
How do you work that out?
Free will and God's foreknowledge are simply NOT mutually exclusive. ie. Of course they can both exist at the same time. A scenario:
I am presented with a moral dilema, I make a decison (my OWN decision) about how to deal with it. God sees outside our time limitations, therefore he knew what my reaction would be at the beginning of time. It doesn't mean I don't make my own decision, only that God is already aware of my reaction - how is that mutually exclusive?? I am accountable and God knows what I am going to do, he doesn't have to direct me because he KNOWS how I will react.
Let me illustrate it this way:
At the time of creation, God made man (bear with me,if you are going to talk about God, you have to accept creation other wise your God is a bit powerless...) at the point of creating man, he already knew that man would fall short (ie. become sinful). So at that point he also knew that he would have to send Christ to earth to die to redeem mankind...and he went ahead and created man anyway...
That is what foreknowledge is about, God KNOWS we will let him down and he allows us to do it...How great a God is that?!
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@moomoosthings (22)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Livewyre, I sort of agree. I think that God is always guiding us, but that because of our free will we don't always follow where he leads. That is how we make our own decisions using free will. But God in all of his glory, may not know what decision we will make ahead of time, but he will know the outcome of either decision we make ahead of time.
@mywords18 (645)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Thats wat the thing is ur answer is in ur question he judges on our ability to choose rite or wrong,,,,,,,,,our faith i trust on him is tested everytime and whn we do wrong we keep all this on stake which cost soo much.
@haissam (93)
• Pakistan
23 Feb 07
First of all i make it clear that am not tring to insult any one every one has his own view and i respact it. So i hope that other will bear my view point too.I beleive that GOD is just GOD not he or she so i will write word ALLAH insted of GOD. ALLAh all mighty Knows that wht we will do in futur is not coz ALLAH has plland them for us but it is coz There is no past present or future for ALLAH. ALLAH is viewing all at once. ALLAH has assignd will to us and told us through messangers Prophets peace b upon them that wht is right and wht is wrong thats y we r accountable coz we r being told abt the rules of business. I well come any querry in this regard and i wan to b ur freind for more disscussion
@vishwateja (81)
• India
23 Feb 07
yes god has his own plans for creating every life form.....
to him there is no good or bad........ he has already laid our futur nd we are mere puppets......... which believe that they r acting own there own...... with is not the case........
@skevos (3)
• France
23 Feb 07
You hit the big question.
Definitely I believe in God and I also think he knows alla about us, not only what we are going to do but also all our feelings all the time, every second, and for all humans, animals, flowers, rocks and so on.
For me, the question is "who told you that God is going to JUDGE us?"
The answer is "RELIGIONS"
I make a big difference beetween God and Religions.
Religion is (for me) an invention of Man and more precisely, an invention of men who had a very trivial interest in making other people believe in their invention : money, power, and so on.
These guys tell us that God will judge us.
I don't think that God do.
@hunnybunns (14)
• United States
23 Feb 07
God doesn't judge you on a day to day bases. He has your life planned out before you are born. but you are given to paths to choose to go down, you choose that for yourself, then when it comes to judgment day, all that you've done good has been erased so to speak, then he judges you only on how bad you lived your life. Like the sins that you've committed.
@foxymedtech (1)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I dont think God judges us until the end. Perhaps he bases his judgment on how we dealt with all the sins and how we treated others.