Spouses and their Emails
By sechsey
@sechsey (1831)
February 22, 2007 8:36pm CST
Do you let your spouse access your emails?
I respect my husband's privacy and i expect he does too with mine. Its completely not necessary for us to share the same emails or even to share each others password so we can access each others accounts either. If he wants to share to me an email he got, he will let me read it and i will do the same. And i trust him and he trust me.
So, do you? DO u let him access your mails? Does he want to know your password so he can check your mails? Is he curious on emails you get and vice versa?
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73 responses
@mrsjumppuppy03 (3301)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Yes, I check my husbands emails because our financial information, softball information and school information for our daughter goes to his account verses mine. My account gets tones of junk mail daily. He has complete access to my emails, like I to his. We trust each other and we share anything that comes in that is disturbing or warrants the other knowledge, such as old boyfriends/girlfriends, notice of a bill going up, failing grades or emails from teachers. It is open information for either of us.
The fact that you don't have each others passwords, is a tad scary. What are you or him hiding from each other. Don't you read about spouses that lead double lives and the spouse doesn't find out until something grave happens.
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@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
Well, that's it. I dont think about those things. I dont think about what if my husband is leading a double life or anything because that meant i have no complete trust on him. besides, i do believe my husband has his eyes on me all the time.:)
we can also take a look at each others email with permission but never a need to get each others password or knowledge of every email he gets.
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@cvm2721 (4)
• Taiwan
23 Feb 07
First, let me introduce myself. I am sechsey's husband, Craig. I appreciate your opinion on the matter but think that you are fairly off base. In fact, I could argue the opposite and say that the fact that some people need to know every little thing that goes on in each other's lives, including email access and passwords would indicate a lack of trust on their part.
I truly never wonder what is in her email because I trust her. I trust her not to let me down or to hurt me or to hide important things from me. I also trust that she knows I hide nothing from her as well. I see no reason why she would need access to my email account, or I to hers.
We have nothing to hide and have no hidden agendas. I think it's fine that you and your husband choose to share your passwords and email accounts with each other. It's your choice to do so but I would advise you not to sow the seeds of doubt amongst those of us who choose not to.
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@x3temptationx (677)
• United States
23 Feb 07
My ex boyfriend was weird about emails and myspace stuff like that, he just HAD to know my password. He always accused me of cheating if I didn't give him my password, which was ridiculous.
My current boyfriend doesn't care at all, I don't know his passwords and he doesn't know mine. Its just a level of privacy we have with each other that we don't cross, because we do trust each other. If he wanted to see something on my email I would give it to him but he wouldn't go check it all the time just to snoop.
@Perry2007 (2229)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
Emails are private, respect to privacy is also a respect to your being, So if you trust each other then there is no question even you do not give your email password to him and vice versa. If you choose to give your password to him and he does not then, you should respect that also.
@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
I agree with you perry. Respect is another word to consider here. Its not about whether or not its the right thing to do but your partner has a right to a little privacy and it is indeed respecting him about his decision whether or not he wants to share it or not to you (passwrd and emails). If it is something really important or crucial then people can always reconsider.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
WE often check each other emails. Some things that concern us both go to his email more than mine because I belong to quite a few groups and receive lots of emails each day. Many times my husband calls me and asks me to go to his email and check if a specific message came. Likewise, sometimes my husband goes into my email which is the one my daughter uses more often. Having access to each others emails or not, i don't even see it as an issue.
That said, I don't see why both passwords and emails should be hidden from each other ... the explanation that there is trust just works in favor of sharing those passwords with each other. Not for them to go and check but because there's nothing to hide.
I understand privacy and agree with it. Even couples should have some, but hiding something implies that there is something to hide, no?
So, no, it's not completely necessary to share emails or passwords, but,it's not completely necessary not to either.
@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
This is what i was trying to point out. I have no problem sharing password or emails but its not necessary either to share it because you are husbands and wives. There is clearly nothing to hide and there's clearly nothing for your partner to doubt either if you trust each other whihc points back to why its no problem if you dont share it too. It is actually a choice and there's no right and wrong in this, thats what i think that is.:)
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@ryleesmama (560)
• United States
23 Feb 07
My husband and I have each others passwords for everything. We do trust each other 100%. We believe that if your you and your spouse don't trust each other than that is when you don't share your passwords. You may have something to hide and do not want them to see. That is just our opinion and I know that there are many people out there that believe that there is no need to have access to each others things.
@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
23 Feb 07
Actually I don't have that problem as my husband does not use the computer, although he is welcome to read anything that I receive. In fact, I will often print something off that I have received to show to him and I don't have any concerns about him reading what I receive.
The interesting thing here is that our son has my passwords to my accounts and I know his. There is a reason for that though in that he set up my original email account and knows the other things that I use. It also means that if for some reason I am not able to check my emails, then he can do it for me. At the same time, he has been travelling on and off for a number of years, so I have his passwords for his various accounts. This means that if he is busy working or something, then I can just sign in, delete what I know to be junk and let him know who has been in contact with him.
I think it comes down to trust as to whether or not your partner, or someone special, has your passwords and can access your accounts. If you trust the person, then it shouldn't matter at all and if you don't trust the other person, then you shouldn't be together. :)
Also I would think that if anyone was going to stray or do anything that they knew the other would approve of, would they be stupid enough to use their normal email address for those contacts. I agree that some people are not the brightest, but surely there cannot be many who are just plain dumb enough to do something so stupid.
@aryangentleman (1122)
• India
23 Feb 07
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
23 Feb 07
My boyfriend and I have incredible trust with each other. I know his email and passwords and he knows mine, but I have no reason to go there unless he asks me too. Neither one of us has anything to hide so it wouldn't matter to me if he checked mine.
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@sweetlady10 (3611)
• United States
23 Feb 07
For me and my husband there are no things which we keep separetly. We are like very good friends, so share everything like best friend. We know each other's email id and pasword. It is not like tahat we do it intantionaly that we have to know those things, but at some moment if someone need to acces email ids of each other's we do.
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@marief2rnurse (2704)
• United States
23 Feb 07
With my last live in relationship. We pretty much could open each other's emails but we didn't. Only if I wanted him to email someone for me would he do it.
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@dbcraff (162)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I don't think it is a question of privacy. Spouses shouldn't have anything to hide from each other. They should be transparent to each other. I and my husband share the same e-mail account we have nothing to hide from each other. If it is that big a deal one has to wonder what you don't want the other to see.
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@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
24 Feb 07
For me, it isn't not wanting him to see anything, he can read my emails anytime he wants and I his. I just don't think I have to know his passwords, and he does sometimes make plans to surprise me by emailing his fiends and vise versa, so I wouldn't want to spoil that.
It also springs from my personal experience. This is my second marriage and trusuting me enough to allow me some privacy is important. My ex made me write my passwords down so he could "keep tabs" on me, he also was the one to answer the phone most of the time, and I can't tell you how many poor telemarketers got accused of being my illicit partner and then there was the fact that he wanted me to write down every penny I spent, what I spent it on and why I needed it. I was to ask him for money so he'd know how much I had, even though I worked and brought in a big income at the time. All of his suspicions were unfounded and he realized that when it was to late. So while this may seem like a minor thing to some, to me, I appreciate the trust my husband give me and the fact that he allows me some privacy.
@HolyMosesMalone (415)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Either party should be open to any inquery that their spouse should have, but in my opinion you should never pry to far into your spouses really private aspects. Everybody needs that little 1 percent of their lives that is theirs only and that nobody not even their spouses can see.
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@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
Agree here. If your partner asks, then share and tell him whats there. But if you will ask for a password so you can make sure they are not doing anything worng, then there's lack of trust. And if you ask their password and look and read emails because you are curious, wouldnt that be disrespect to your partner too.? It's almost close to reading someone's diary.
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@salman149 (149)
• France
23 Feb 07
nice discussion topic
but no idea
god bless u
and godd luck
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@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
Thats actually ok to have password too of each one you know but i believe not to pry or read other people's message just because you have their password. You still have to do with your partner's consent and permission. Also, password regarding crucial accounts like bank and stuff is definitely something u should share.
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@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I know the passwords to all my husbands' emails and everything and he knows all the passwords to mine as well. A few of them are the same. :)
That doesn't mean that we check each others' stuff, though. It's nice to know what it is, though, in case one of us is expecting something, the other can check to see if it's there. Or like our paypal account is under his name and goes to one of his email addresses. But I check it more often than he does because I want to see what's gone through. Our ebay account is hooked to one of my email addresses and he checks it a lot, too.
I don't think that him knowing my passwords means he is snooping around trying to find everything. And even if he is, I don't really mind. I don't hide anything from him. He doesn't hide stuff from me.
@paradisesuns (1754)
• United States
23 Feb 07
We have separate emails...I like it that way and so does he....there is a point where you are entitled to your privacy...anywhere...anytime....right...? (I like mine)
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@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I agree with you paradisesuns, my husband and I have separate emails and it is no big deal. We trust each other and allow the other to have privacy. He has told me if I want to read his emails he is alright with that and me the same thing. But we give ourselves our private space. With some relationships they want to share every little detail and others enjoy a little space. Either one is not wrong or a matter of trust. It just means that different individuals need different things.
@sunshinelady (7609)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I think that what relationships are about. Trust. You should not expect to read every single thing your partner gets. That is the foundation of a relationship. There should be the trust factor in the relationship.
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@geeta151 (312)
• India
23 Feb 07
yes why not! we trust each other completely.we cannot stay without sharing anything,infact we make it a point to share the days experience every day before going to sleep.i understand that some people need their own private space ,but that is not the case with us