I am beyond furious right now!!!!
By moonmagick
@moonmagick (1458)
United States
February 22, 2007 10:32pm CST
My husband and I are on rocky ground. Some of you know that from my string of discussions a couple of weeks ago. I am really trying very hard to make it work, and I thought he was going to make an effort this time. Apparently I was once again too naive for my own good. He is a car salesman, so sometimes he gets home a little late if that deal walks in the door at closing time. This is to be expected. But typically he calls and lets me know, so I dont start dinner until later and I dont worry. Tonight he text messaged me about 20 minutes after he would normally leave work and said, "some people are going to buy a car, so I am going to be a little late" That was 4 hours ago. I tried calling his phone a couple hours ago and he had it shut off. He just called me from a friends house and said he didnt think it would be a big deal. When I asked him why he didnt at least call to let me know so I wouldnt worry, he informed me that he isnt required to report to me. I think this is a matter of respect, not reporting to me. To top it off, earlier in the day he made a special request for dinner. I made barbecue ribs, glazed carrots, and roasted herb potatoes from scratch. I finally threw it out at 10. It is 11:30 now. I am ranting more than anything. But do you find this behavior as completely inconsiderate and unnacceptable as I do?
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53 responses
@Monkeymia (206)
• Australia
23 Feb 07
I do find this behaviour disrespectful. How hard is it to quickly call or even send a text message.
My husband knows that if he is going to be late, he has to let me know because Im such a worrywart, he did forget to ring me once and i sat there and imagined all the horrible things that could be wrong so now out of respect, he calls.
Its bad enough that he was late but to think of how much work you put into dinner... Grrr Id be very mad.
@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I am. And I tend to worry too. I was certain he had run his car off in a ditch somewhere and was unconscious or something. I think the fact that I got so worried makes me even angrier.
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@APMorison (424)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I wouldn't have thrown the dinner out though - I would have thrown it at him and reminded him that he ASKED for it.
Of course I'd be throwing it from a window after having changed the locks - but that's me ;)
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
24 Feb 07
LOL. Yes, I thought about it. But by the time he finally got home, I had the baby down, and the little monster so rarely sleeps I wasnt going to chance waking him.
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
It is an issue that bothers me quite a lot as well. It shows immaturity and lack of consideration. MY husband always calls when he's late now, but hey we've been married for over 20 years and it took him a while to understand why it bothered me when he didn't.
Like yours he felt my need for him to call as a need for him to report his whereabouts and resented that. The fact that I could be worried seemed to be foreign to him.
He used to "forget" calling specially when he was with friends, because he felt that if he called me they would think I was the one "with the pants" in the family, and feared they would make fun of him or criticize him - again , very immature.
With time he finally started understanding my point, but it took a while.
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Thanks for your encouragement. He just got home. He must have some common sense, that or a decent survival instinct, because he hasnt even tried to come upstairs and talk to me yet. LOL
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I find it a bit suspicious, myself.
It's as if he's trying to keepyou busy so he can find excuses for being late. Why would he turn off his cell, then call from a friend's house?
YOu might start having him make his own meals when he feels this time needs to be so flexible. What friend's house would hbe at after staying at work late for a car sale? Sounds suspicious to me.
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
23 Feb 07
The thing that irritates me the most about that part of it, is this is a friend he works with. He said that he had to go there so his friend could finish the paperwork tomorrow for him (my husband has tomorrow off). I am thinking if the friend is taking care of it, there is no reason that he should have even been running late. And every other time he has to have someone finish a deal, he has never had to go to their house. You are right. It is very suspicious.
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@earth2jacq (1502)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
Maybe your husband is doing this to annoy you.
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@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I will look at all your other discussions but can I ask you one thing and thats only because I have been through this before do you think that he I messing around on you? when he says that a deal walked in just before closing have you ever call the dealers that he works for to see if anyone answers the phone? ok two questions.
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I did try to call an hour after they closed when I hadnt heard from him. No answer. I dont think he is messing around. But honestly, I dont feel sure about anything anymore.
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
I think you are seeing his actions as a betrayal of your trust.From the sounds of it you have had your fill of excuses and reasons, So now is the time for you to take charge of your life. From here on in you do what has to be done for the safety and comfort of you and your children. Let you husband be the one that has to try to keep caught up. He has put you in the back seat and had to follow him, if this is not working for you change the game field and the rules.You are only a victim if you volunteer. . You can do this. all you have to do is do it.
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Thank you for your insight and encouragement. I think you are right. He should be making an effort to keep up with what is going on with me and the baby. I think I need to start living my life with my son, and if my husband wishes to participate, then he needs to make an effort.
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@wrenchbender (15)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Yes you desirve a phone call or some sort of message. I used to work long hours an hour drive from home and there were very few times that I could get to a phone. We had an agreement that if she did not hear from me by 4:00 or so to make dinner for her and the kids and I would get leftovers. It was me that was holding up everything so why should they suffer for it. Maybe this helps
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Thank you. It is great that you had an agreement. I wish we had an understanding. My husband however has no excuse. He has a cell phone that is pretty well glued to his side 24/7. So, he really didnt have a reason not to call.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
23 Feb 07
this is pobably as disrespectful as it gets. I would be furious if my bf or husband acted like this and didn´t think I was worth more than that.
I havent read all your other posts but from this one it sounds as though you are amaking a last effort and that should go BOTH ways - it shouldn´t just be you who make an effort to make it work.
I am sorry that this has happened and I totally think that u have a good reason to be angry, especially since he had the guts to make a request and then not show up... That is just soooo... Argh - I would be so angry!!!
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Well today he dined on peanut butter sandwiches, cold cereal, and I believe he ran to McDonalds at dinner time. He just kept walking past the kitchen and looking longingly in the refrigerator. He however does have enough of a survival instinct that he didnt ask me what I was going to cook.
@kareng (70106)
• United States
23 Feb 07
You are totally right. It is a matter of respect. His phone being off is a sign that he lied. It doesn't take 4 hours to close a car deal. His reply to you that he doesn't have to report to you is another clue that he lied. You need to confront him and get the truth.
This is probably not what you wanted to hear but it sounds like a wake up call.
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
24 Feb 07
My husband tends to be close mouthed and secretive about everything. Even with me. I dont know how to make him open up about anything. And at this point, I am not even sure I care to.
@resasour (378)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Actually that is very inconsiderate behavior. Not to mention unacceptable. He lives with someone..whether he is married or not isn't the point here. If he had a roommate, and he decided to stay out late, it is only common courtesy to call and let someone know. If he lived at home and wanted to stay out late again it is only common courtesy to call. The fact that he is married and seems to think it is perfectly ok to do whatever he wants and he does not feel he needs to let you know just appalls me. I think its training time. I think you should go off one evening when he is expecting you to be at home and not tell him or have dinner waiting. Then when he finds you (by phone, or when you get home) tell him that the way you understand the rules is that you don't have to report to him. You don't have to be at home, and you don't have to cook for him either..and since he feels like it is ok for him to do whatever he wants, then its ok for you to do it too..
The rules should be the same for both parties.
I learned this trick from my mom as my husband was notorious for doing his own thing without checking with me while i sat at home and worried and wondered. It worked too because guys have the tendency to want us to live by one set of rules while they live by another. I had tried talking ot him about it and he blew me off.. So my mom gave me some good advice. She said..you were a person before him. you should still be a person. you come and go as you please, and do not be so available to him. He will get the message. And he did. She was right.
@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Thank you for the excellent advice. We have a 6 month old son, so it is a little difficult to make plans, but surely I can wander to my moms or my sisters for a visit and neglect to mention it. Or even go shopping with some friends and their kids or something. I think this is a great idea. Assuming he even notices we are gone. He is so very self absorbed sometimes. And I think what makes it worse, is I was worried sick, and now I am even angrier. Thank you again for your mothers wonderful advice. She sounds like a very smart lady.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I just went and read all of your posts concerning the problems you've been dealing with because of your hubby. He is really putting you through the ringer!! He sounds like he is 33 going on 2! From what you have said, he seems like a very immature, inconsiderate, selfish guy. His behavior toward you is totally unacceptable. And it's not good for you either. And all of that stress is probably being felt by the baby too. You deserve to be loved, respected, and fairly treated, and he isn't doing that. Frankly, his behavior seems pretty suspicious. Don't stand for it hon. It might be difficult, but put your foot down and tell him to knock it off. If he starts in on you, take the little one and go to a friends, parents, etc. until he cools down. Hopefully, he'll get the idea and straighten up.
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Thank you. We are due to start counseling soon. I am hoping it helps but I am not going to hold my breath. I think you may be right and he might need a swift kick in the rear to shape up. Maybe a rude awakening would help. Like me and the baby up and disappearing while he is at work one day. Maybe that will get his head on a little straighter if he sees what he stands to lose. I dont like ultimatums and I dont like giving them. But my sons welfare is above all else. And it should be my husbands priority too.
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@baby88 (696)
• Singapore
24 Feb 07
he's really too much i think. even by sending a massage doesn't waste him too much of his time right? its a matter of respect between a couple. yes its really very inconsiderate n unacceptable for wat i see. if this happened to me i will sure be as furious as you.
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Thank you. I have cooled down a bit today. But I am still angry.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
24 Feb 07
He is disrespectful and inconsiderate..and I'm sure he knows it..what adult in a relationship can NOT know that it is common courtesy to call one's partner when one is going to be later than expected...especially when a meal is being prepared at their request...Shame on him...What do you think he would do if you treated him this way? I haven't read previous posts about your relationship...but it does sound as though he is testing your patience...or the strength of the relationship...Best of luck...sounds like counseling may be in your future.. couples or singles......Sending good thoughts and energy your way....
@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Thank you. I think we are going to go to counseling. I dont know if it will help. But I can hope so. He finally fessed up a little while ago that he didnt call because he knew I was making dinner and he really wanted to go to his friends house and he thought that if he called I would get mad because I had made dinner and would want him to come home. Idiot. I am sorry. But that is one of the lamest excuses I have ever heard. Not to mention it is just about as childish as it gets.
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@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
moon magick. I feel badly for you because I think that you really are trying so hard for your husband. I can't see why he isn't doing his part. I woudl be absolutely FURIOUS if my husband had done that to me. He HAS done things like that once or twice, but when I get mad, he's very apologetic and truly doesn't think it's a big deal, however, it IS a big deal because it upset me so much. I think it's selfish that your husband didn't even apologize especially when you made a nice meal for him. He doesn't seem to act very responsible. I'm sorry to say.
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
23 Feb 07
What makes it even worse is we are having major problems right now, and he knows I am just about fed up. As I am typing this I got a text message apologizing. A TEXT MESSAGE. I swear. The very least the man could do is call and apologize. And it wasnt even an apology. It was more of a "I PROBABLY should have called" talk about not take accountability for his actions. I made a nice dinner and put the munchkin down early so we could have some quality time. And now I think it would be in his best interest to not even talk to me when he gets here. I am sorry. I am ranting again.
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
23 Feb 07
It is horrible and unacceptable behavior. I would have been very upset as well. Since you being upset seemed to encourage him, I would just start trying to pull away from him. Don't cook him dinner one night and be out at a friends or something and not tell him. I would just kind of show him how it's like rather than yell, argue or pick a fight.
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I think you are right. Arguing gets you nowhere. I believe I just may begin to show him the degree of respect and consideration he shows me (none) and see how he likes it.
@sharon613 (2321)
• United States
23 Feb 07
This behavior is 100% not acceptable.
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@earth2jacq (1502)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
Yes I do find it inconsiderate of him. To make matters worse he made a dinner request! and mind you that dinner is not that easy to prepare. Sometimes men can be insensitive. My partner once asked me to cook salmon pasta and only to tell me after I ask him to taste it that it's good that he already ate some bread!
Perhaps your husband feels like he is a little child who needs to report to his mother. Men never liked it when their partner asks where they are, what they are doing, who they are with etc.
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I dont want him to report to me, just to respect me. I dont think that is too much to ask in a relationship.
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@artistmel2000 (438)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Wow, moonmagick, you sound fed up! I'd be royally ticked off if my boyfriend had done that to me. Calling is a courtesy and a show of love and respect. The fact that he requested a special dinner then didn't bother to show or call is almost unforgivable. I guess my question would be.... how much more are you willing to take before you make some kind of change, whatever that may be?
Good luck!
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Thank you. I am pretty well fed up. He has been walking on thin ice for some time now. I am not sure how much more of his crap I will take.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
I have had this happen to me a few times. It's one of the few things that infuriates me about my partner. He never calls if he's going to be late. Well, he never used to.
He was late home one night from a shoot he was working on. 7 hours late to be precise. I'd tried calling his phone - with no luck. Switched off or out of range. 5 hours after he was supposed to have been home I was worried out of my mind and calling round the Hospitals to see if anyone with his name had been admitted. No luck there.
He strolled in 7 hours late with a bandage round his wrist and apologizing profusely. I went absolutely mental on him and he said he should have made time for a quick call to let me know they were going to be late. As for his wrist? A light back had popped open and landed on his wrist burning it quite badly. He ended up taking a week off for it to recover and lost his place on set.
Now he makes sure he calls me if he's going to be late.
As for your husband, I find it very disrespectful, mainly because I've been there. I honestly don't know how you can end this behavior. My partner didn't fully realize how worried I'd been till he saw the phone book open with the phone numbers of the hospitals underlined. Maybe you need to really impress upon him how much you worry about him when he doesn't at least call you to let you know he'll be late. If he isn't willing to let you know, then you shouldn't be expected to wait on him hand and foot. It works both ways.
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I agree. It should work both ways. I think perhaps I will take the advice of a previous poster and simply not let him know where I am or what I am doing and see how he like it.
@gatheringnames (2)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I know I am a stranger to you, but trust me when I say I have ben where you are. My husband and I have been married for 13 years. In the early years he was very immature and self-ish. He would "work late", not call,be rude and verbally abusive etc. I stayed and we fought like cats and dogs for many years.
It took me finding out about another woman he was having an emotional affair with for things to change. The first thing that changed was the locks... he lived in his car for 3 days.
We are still together, but ONLY because he made an effort to change. Now we are a loving couple. But it took going through Hell to get here.
Now here is the important part.. our daughter who is now 18, had to listen to all those fights and see all that pain... and even though we are happy now, i wish I would have left my husband back then to save my child from all that pain.
You sound young and able to care for yourself and your child. Gte some self respect that I didn't have and move on. If your husband truly cares he will change. But HE has to do it for himself.
Trust me if he doesn't change you and your son are better off.. besides do you really want your son to grow up with that influence?? How will you feel in 15-20 years when he is treating woman this way?
You can do this...
email me if you want to talk some more:
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@moonmagick (1458)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I know you are right. I think this is where I have gone wrong. I keep making an effort to work on our marriage and he doesnt change a thing. I believe it is time to give him a taste of his own medicine. And if that doesnt work then it is time to find someone who will appreciate me and my son. Thank you for the email, I may take you up on it. :)