President Bush
By bobmnu
@bobmnu (8157)
United States
February 23, 2007 1:09am CST
Why do some people hate President Bush on a personal level? You hear people like Bill Marr calling him extreamly insulting names. You have the press running every negative story on him including the ones that are not true. He makes that statement that a person is articulate and her is critized by every group while a democrat can say the same person is articulate and clean and there is no where near the reaction. Is it because he is a Christian Man and publiclly professes his beleif and faith in the Lord and Christian bashing is ok?
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14 responses
@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
23 Feb 07
It's because he's rich, I think. Rich, and not afraid of the media. He doesn't cotton to popular opinion, and he does what he thinks is the RIGHT thing over the popular thing. And people hate him for that. I respect the man for sticking to his beliefs. I believe any democrat president would have made America into the laughing stock of the world by now, and a militarily impotent nation. Democrats, in my opinion, don't have the will to win anything. They're too scared to come up with an original idea, and instead base their position on "What the Republicans want is bad." And Democrats, like their buddy the ACLU, want to erase Christianity from America. Every other religion is ok, but Christianity must die. That befuddles me.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I think that President Bush is a man of principals, you can agree or disagree with them, and he follows them. He is also from the business world and focuses on getting the job done for the stock holders and not on being popular with the workers. As president he is doing what is best for the stock holders, US Citizens, and doesn't care what the others, other countries or the media, thinks. His tax cuts have generated more tax revenue than every before. We have the lowest unemployment in history, home ownership is up, inflation is down, the stock market is up-retirement plans and college savings plans rise and fall with thestock market, and we have one of the storngest economys in the world. His tax policies have made fewer people dependent upon the government. I feel they are afraid that if people understand the truth they will not support the democratic policy of What the Republicans want is bad.
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@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
26 Feb 07
And yet people hate him and say he's the worst president ever. Go figure.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I don't know the man personally and although I am not too faund of his policies and how he is running this country I can not hate a man that I only know on a political respective and not at all personally. I don't think he is a bad man at all and he does seem to have morals, and although his beliefs of what this country needs and what others do is completely different it is no reason to hate a man a bash him to bits. If you don't agree with someone I believe you should just say that you don't agree and leave it at that. Really I think people just have naturally hated anyone who is a political head leader at some point in time just base on political decisions when really the president of the U.S. can not make everyone happy all the time. The man has a tough job, he gets to be hated by millions of people everyday and bashed and bad mouthed. However I don not see how this has anything to do with him being a Christian. This is America and everyone is allowed to believe in any religion they want.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I see nothing wrong with disagreeing with him or his policies, but the hate speech must stop. People need to respect the office and be civil to the man. One of the pboblems with public oponinon polls is that when people respond they tend to take extream views. There is a saying that applies here. "Your enemys never forget and your friends never remember"
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
23 Feb 07
You have to understand that the press and media is made up of mostly liberals (Democrats). So any time a conservative (Republican) makes a mistake or looks like they are, the press will turn it into a bloodbath. If the President were a Democrat, you wouldn't see nearly as much of this type of thing.
Think back to Bill Clinton, who was adored as the Democratic savoir by the press, he was hardly ever attcked by the media. The only major time he was riduculed was wnen he cheated on his wife. Other than that, the Dems pretty much get a free pass to do whatever they want without the press running negative stories.
It is so sad to see this country come down to this kind of thing where political parties and their leaders gather the spotlight and end up doing little to help the people in this country. I think Bush is doing what he feels is right and we won't know for sure if his policies were good or not for many years down the road.
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@4ftfingers (1310)
23 Feb 07
cos he's an idiot. i know thats just childish name-calling, but thats all i think when i see him. i think ah maybe this time he might say something that makes sense or is half intelligent, or answer a question without usuing cheesy lines just for the cheer, but it's always the same. he is a bad representative of your country, people in europe look to him and it makes people believe that all americans are like that, just as people probably look to tony blair and think we are all posh brown nosers with camp voices. i know you directed your question at other americans, but with us it has nothing to do with him being a christian. just that he condescends people that know more than he does.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
23 Feb 07
All I can say is that under this "idiot" as you call him, he has taken our economy from a resession under the "GoldenBoy President Clinton" to one of the strongest economys in the world. He has built upthe military to respond to threats around the world. The only other free country in the world that can send a force to stop aggression is Great Britian. If the Extream Muslums decide to march across Europe, which some feel should be Muslum Countries, who is going to stop them? It will probably be like in WWII the US and Great Britian will have to come to the rescue of the rest of Europe and then make sure France get most of the credit for the victories.
@4ftfingers (1310)
23 Feb 07
yeh, im sorry, i know patriot republicans find it very offencive to call bush an idiot. but i cant change my oppinion, and i think i would think that even if i was a supporter of the bush administation. i am neutral, i dont support either the democrats or republicans because i am british and my support wouldn't change anything.
you have to understand the view of the british public. over many years we had been fighting terrorsits that had been bombing our country, the IRA. we have finally come to some sorts of agreeents and the IRA are agreeing to disarm. before we joined the US in the war in iraq, we had never been attacked by islamic extremists. now we are being attacked by islamist's that live in this country. can you see why the british public never wanted to be a part of bush's war and beleive we should never have involve ourselves? these people were never a threat to us, now they are and the US can't help us now
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
24 Feb 07
You can't blame Muslim extremists and Britains immigration problem (which is a source of the problem with Islamists) on the war on terror. That's not a causal relationship.

@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
24 Feb 07
It is very easy to sit back and throw stones. I have seen many posts not only in this thread but all over this site, and I must say that people have a very short memory, or were so enamored of Clinton that they just refuse to remember the things that happened in his administration.
There are far to many people that have opinions that really have no idea what they are even talking about.
I would challenge anyone of them to be thrust into the same set of circumstances that Bush was faced with just shortly after he took office. I daresay that not a one of them could do a better job than he has.
People tend to launch personal attacks when they can think of nothing factual to say. It tends to change the focus of an issue away from the facts and put it into an emotional perspective.
People tend to forget about Ruby Ridge, Waco, Four Corners, Vince Foster, the rape allegations, Whitewater, cattle futures, and all the other things that happened on Clinton's watch. Clinton even had a couple of years with a Democratic Congress and still didn't get anything done.
There is a distinct liberal bias in the press, although they deny it.
It has always been a case of if you can't debate the issues, then impugn the character. The people who hate Bush in particular, and the Conservatives in general have used that tactic for years.
Conservatives tend to use logic to solve a problem, while Liberals try to play on emotion to win the hearts and minds of the people. It is this use of emotion that generates the name calling.
The fact that he professes to be a Christian does not help. How many times have you heard Conservatives referred to as the Religious Right? I have heard it a lot.
Check a lot of the posts here on mylot. There are many that imply if someone believes in God that they must be ignorant.
The press used to make fun of Reagan because he would nod off every so often. Yet he was sharp enough to oversee the dismantling of the USSR when everyone was against him for trying.
The press used to hound him over Trickle-down economics, but because of his policies, he not only brought an end to double digit inflation and interest rates dropped dramatically.
Reagan's economy has managed to withstand Bush Sr., Clinton, and Bush Jr., so I guess he knew what he was doing after all.
You wouldn't think so to if you listen to the press though.
I could go on but why bother?
@coslenchip (101)
• United States
23 Feb 07
He is criticized for a lot of reasons. One of the big ones is that he hasn't followed the republican line. He has made stupide decisions that he thinks will make people like him. I can understand whay people would never want another republican in office after the way he has spit on the people who voted him in. My only hope for the party for the next election is Ron Paul. He is such a straight arrow, I think America might actually back him, at least I hope so.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
23 Feb 07
What bothers me is the personal name calling and personal attacks on the President and on the Office. I have critized some of his decisions, but it is not a personal attack on him. I was against President Clinton, but I would not attack him using personal attacks and insulting names. It seems that this has become the accepted way of doing business and I think it is wrong. I think that society has to stop and change. We need to be more respectful of individuals and groups. It is fine to disagree but lets not start the name calling.
@coslenchip (101)
• United States
26 Feb 07
You are correct. Name calling/mud slinging has become standard in America. Unfortunately, it works. As such, it continues. Personally, I prefer pepole who bring up valid points. But, like it or not, that is not how "people" respond. They respond to name calling and mud slinging. Please, do all that you can to convince others to not make judgments this way. I completely support you, for president Bush or otherwise.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I cannot stand Bush because he is a Daddy's Boy, he starts wars that he should not have started and he does not finish them, he claims to be Christian, but he is not because if he were a real Christian, he would know better than to go into a country that never had Weapons of Mass Destruction and start a was there. He is a hypocrite, and if you are too much of a redneck to see that, then I feel pity for you. Other countries strongly hate us Americans because they all believe that we are like Bush, and we are not. I have to tell my Japanese and Latino friends that White Americans are not like Bush, most of us hate Bush and want nothing to do with him and stupid war. I, by the way, am not a Christian because I think Christians are hypocrites, they do not practice what they preach. I am Agnostic, I believe in God, do not get me wrong, I just strongly oppose religion because it makes no sense.
@bam001 (940)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I think we probably have the same viewpoint on this. I don't know why so many people hate President Bush. I, for one, think he is the greatest leader in the world. He is a Christian and isn't afraid to let others know it.
I get so tired of the liberal political viewpoints and how tolerance is pushed (shoved...forced) down our throats. It is tolerance for everything except Christianity. As a Christian, I think we have to fight back...this is not the time to be silent.
@janegosford (196)
• United States
24 Feb 07
The media doesn't run negative stories because they have a vendetta against him. They run negative stories about him because he brings it on himself. The war in Iraq is a mess & things on the homefront aren't much better. Or did you not watch the coverage of Katrina? This administration is a debacle. If anything he's been handled with kid gloves by the media. At the start of the Iraq war, did you ever witness the difference in how the US media handled Bush v.s. how the British media grilled Blair? They raked the PM over the coals & rightly so. If you're sending young men & women into battle, you better have a legitimate reason & cause for going to war. What did the US media do? Nothing. They never pressed him on the issue, never pushed him into defending his decisions. They may be a little harder on him now but they're about 4 years too late in my opinion. I'm not certain which broadcasts you're watching but I've never heard Brian Williams, Charles Gibson, Katie Couric, CNN, MSNBC, & sure as hell Fox News ever call him insulting names. Bill Maher might but you need to understand he's a comedian & an entertainer. He doesn't represent the "press" anymore than Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert does. As for the economy, you've got to be kidding me. Clinton got this country out of debt. Bush has put us back in debt in the TRILLIONS. He accomplished that insanely horrendous "feat" in his first term. In less than 4 years.
@Dustbuster85 (8)
• United States
24 Feb 07
One man's mistake is another man's oppurunity. The people we see in the press who feel the need to bash Bush on a personal level do it because they understand how the majority of the nation feels and want to use it to gain fame and status. For example, if i have a talk show about political issues and most people in the country are of the belief that Bush is incompetent, then I, in order to get the people to like me more, will say things about Bush that go farther than what anyone else has said. This happens over and over until a disagreement on foreign policy and war becomes a beef with the character of a person. So in short, the reason people are doing it is because we make a big deal out if it and people get famous.
@pooksywooksy (1006)
• Indonesia
23 Feb 07
This is also one thing that I don't understand. Lots of people don't like him as a president, and yet he is the president. So, I guess he must have done something right, that majority picked him as their leader.
@SolanumThur (170)
• Brazil
24 Feb 07
I don't know what exactly people inside US say about bush because i'm not from US... But i will tell what people think about him at brazil and some other American countrys...
Like at brazil i think some people like him, and some doesn't like, i think it's because of the way he invaded Iraq, and proofless [at least to us no proofs were showed] so i guess that's why... also in some other countrys like Venezuela, Hugo chavez[Venezuela's President] Said bush is the devil...
@omnithought (199)
• United States
24 Feb 07
When people are personally affected by his decisions, and they see that his decisions are not based on fact, logic, reason, or sanity, but instead on stubborn greed, then they take it personally.
When people go to war and serve their country, only to find their benefits cut and get no help from the government, their anger goes straight to the top.
When people lose their children in a war that has been quite factually shown to ahve been based on lies, insulting him is the least they want to do.
When someone shows such an utter disregard for human life as well as science, and instead pushes forth an agenda of ignorance, greed and theocracy, people get quite upset.
It's not that he's Christian, it's due to his actions and "decisions".
@heatherchris (39)
• United States
23 Feb 07
people have nothing better to do so they bash our leader. i would like to see them do his job, he has a pretty tough one and the world is not a niceplace. we may have lost some but those brave some have saved thousands.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
23 Feb 07
There is always a price to pay for standing up to aggression and most of the soldiers understand that and are willing to take that chance. They also understand that the price is muuch higher if you don't. You are right it is much easier to critize than to lead. I wonder what the Democratics are going to run on in 2008. They can't say if you don't like President Bush vote for us. They are going to have to come up with a plan and some programs to solve the problems they would not let President Bush solve.