Everybody says 'I'm fine' when they are not - Do You ?
By SimplyJo
@SimplyJo (1694)
February 23, 2007 9:57am CST
Whenever you ask someone - How are you ? They would say ' I'm fine ' .. even if they just had a big blow up with someone or cried their heart out. What do you do when you are in a harsh mood and someone asks this - do you burst out with all your problems and sit quietly and say a polite - I'm fine ?
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31 responses
@rosie_123 (6113)
23 Feb 07
Actually I always say I'm fine:-)) Here in the UK, people generaly say "how are you" when they meet casual acquaintances, and shake hands for the first time, and it definately doesn't mean that the person posing the question really wants to know! Usualy they have moved on to the next person in the group before you have even said "I'm fine thank you, and you?" It is just a pleasantry, and I always treat it as such!!!
@michelledarcy (5220)
23 Feb 07
I usually answer politely at first to whoever it is. I don't want to burden them with my problems if something worse has happened to them.
I guess it also deends on who is asking and whether you have time for a long conversation.
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Well I guess we're all just "fine" no problems, worries or concerns...not. I do think it's what we are all taught to do as proper manners. If it's a stranger or just an aquaintance I usually will reply with "I'm fine". I do the same with friends and family, or I may say "do you really want to know?" Usually I find people are just asking due to common courtesy...they really don't want all the gory details..lol And then there are those times when I am just so upset...and some unsuspecting person asks how I am... Yikes I can really let them know..and then they are sorry they asked. It doesn't happen often..but it has on occaision.
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Oh yes, I've done that many a time, just said that I'm fine when I'm really not that fine, lol. It's so much easier, especially for someone as shy as me, just to let it go. Plus, depending on who's asking you how you are, if they don't know you very well, you know that they quite probably don't actually want to hear a ten minute diatribe on how awful you acutally feel, lol. But if someone who I feel close to asks, I would usually respond with a more truthful, in-depth answer, depending on if I really had time to go into how I was feeling. My mother, on the other hand, is the type who will tell just about anyone that she's not doing well, almost any time that they ask, lol.
@soumyaraj (401)
• India
23 Feb 07
I remember saying that I am fine!! most of times ....because I dont want to bother anybody with my problem.....My parents-in-law calls me everyday since my hubby is abroad ...there was some disturbance in my city in bangalore....when I tld my in-laws about this they became very tensed....so from that time I thought of not to trouble anybody with my tension....because they stay so far....so why to trouble them by giving them more tension..so now whenever they ask me how I just tell them I am fine....
SO I THINK EVERYBODY SAYS.."I AM FINE" even if they are not.....what say???
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@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I ALWAYS say "I'm fine"...it drives my husbabd crazy! Sometimes I think it is easier to just say that rather than go into a big long discussion about my problems, that I probably don't want to talk about!
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
2 Mar 07
Oh yes, definitely I do this all the time, mainly with my housemate, I will rather bury my anger and hurt feelings than to come out with it, it saves arguements, hassle. But he won't let it go, he'll keep on and on and on at me. If I burst out with my problems I think I would lash out, so I take my anger out in the gym, it's far safer that way! Sometimes I say I'm fine to avoid hurting the other person. Guess I'm too sensitive to others feelings.
@vehaileairu (2286)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
as carl jung a very good psychologist, one of my favorites, said we have our own persona, as one of his arche types..
persona is our way of facial mask in the society..
as people see as happy, very alive fine and as if in love..
but what inside you is never that face you showed and told everyone..
inside you bleeds and is very painful situation, almost giving up, a little more and will give in,
but you told them and showed them you are fine..
your persona at work is enthusiastic and very welcoming..
but indeed you are loosing the will to live tons of problems and is irritated to welcome others problem which is none of your concern but you still say its fine go ahead, i'll listen..
as people may see just a piece of the entire whole, we never knew whats behind that mask..
a face almost faded, a face almost broken and messed...
but all we can judge is the mere surface,the thought of a person saying he/she is fine gives us already the presumption's that nothing is wrong and he/she is telling the truth...
but words are words, and eyes are windows,
so next time a close friend or a relative or any love one says, he/she is fine...look closely in the eyes... a shield will be open and a world of confusion deep within is seen..
and truth only be felt, we became responsive rather than conclusive.. because our senses may always deceive us, what we hear and see etc.. will never be accurate and true..
take care simplyjo^_^
have a wonderful day..
@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
25 Feb 07
I would also answer that 'I'm fine'. I don't believe in loading my problems on to somebody, just because they asked how I am doing. I also don't like people to tell me all their tales of woe, just because I ask them how they are doing. I don't mind people telling me if they have a problem, and I will always try to help, but some people can over do it.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
25 Feb 07
It really depends on who it is...If it's someone I'm not close with I will say I'm fine, but if it's my mom or my bestfriend, I tend to pour my heart out and say what's on my mind...It really depends on who it is...Most the time It's "I'm Fine" because I just don't trust many people with my personal life...
@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
I think the only time I will blow up at a person is if they keep on asking me.. Almost like they start acting like a reporter just so they can get information out of me.. On what is truly bothering me.. Just so they can tell others & gossip about me behind my back.. As I have found when someone asks how I am doing.. Sometimes they don't truly care about the answer.. They just instead want information out of me.. I also find this is when I will blow up at them..
But to be quite honest.. I don't usually just burst out with all of my problems when it is someone who I don't know.. I don't just go ahead & just tell anyone what is truly bothering me.. I have to trust someone before I decide to disclose such personal information or the inner workings of my mind.. As I find if you sometimes disclose how you truly are feeling or the problems you may be facing at that certain point in time.. That this information can be put in the wrong hands.. I only will blow up & tell someone my problems if I feel I can trust them.. And I know they will not place judgment on me.
For the most part if I am asked the question of how I am doing.. And I truly don't want them to know I will just be honest with them instead of just responding with the "I'm fine" statement. I will tell them that I have seen better days, but would much rather prefer not to talk about it.. Or I will just tell them that I am the best I can be. Usually it tells the person that I am not wanting to get all in to what is truly bothering me..
I find the only time I will really respond with "I'm fine" is if someone had truly done something to make me angry.. Or if they are a complete stranger who I barely know.. I just find this is the best way to handle a situation.. Until I have either calmed down or until I have gotten to know a person a lot better. I tend to blow up though when I am in a bad or 'harsh' mood if I am wanting to be alone.. Or not get in to how I am feeling or doing.. And the person keeps on pressing for answers.. I think anyone in there right mind would flip out on the person as well.. Especially when you are voicing to the person that you are alright or fine & they keep on pressing.. Hoping you will tell them what is really wrong..
For me this is when I blow up.. But I don't usually burst out & go ahead & tell them all of my problems.. But I will instead burst out because of how they are pushing me constantly to get answers out of me. I just find that downright rude to do as I find the person is just being nosy in general.. And truly doesn't care about my well being.
I know that when it comes to people I don't really know.. I try my best to refrain from snapping at them if they ask me how I am doing.. Though it is difficult to do this at times.. I think we all have felt this way at one point or another quite honestly.. But I know there have been times in the past where if I was truly upset all of my problems just came flowing out of my mouth to a complete stranger.. Without me even realizing until I stopped talking in general..
I've had a time where I have done this & after realizing what I had told this complete stranger.. I ended up picking up my belongings & running off with them calling after me.. I think it was due to embarrassment.. But I was truly upset & was crying & a relative of mine had just passed on.. So it was bound to happen.. But I haven't had honestly a lot of instances where this has happened.. As I only feel comfortable airing my problems to the people whom I trust.
In conclusion.. As I had stated above I only say "I'm fine" when it comes to certain instances.. For the most part though I will just be honest & tell the person that I have seen better days.. I just dislike lying about my feelings to others.. I know we all have hidden behind the "I'm fine" statement though.. As we all have felt at one point or another that it's the best answer to have at that current moment in time..
For me though I burst out & tell someone my problems only when I truly trust them.. Though we all reach a vulnerable state of mind & sometimes you don't want others to know your problems or feelings.. And they end up coming out anyways. A large majority of the time though I try not to get down right rude when someone asks me how I am doing.. I also will only confide in people whom I love or trust as I know my secrets are often then safe with them! . .
Thanks for allowing me to share! xx
@butterflygirl (498)
4 Mar 07
I tend to give the usual 'i'm fine' response. However, i've recently started telling people how I feel when they ask me how I am and their response is hilarious, you can see them trying to sneak away and that look which says 'I wish i'd never asked' spreads across their face. It cheers me up instantly, so i'd definately recommend that everyone tries this at least once.
@contuletz2007 (734)
• Romania
25 Feb 07
answering to "how are you" has transformed eventually in an automatic sentence: "i'm fine" either we are fine or not. it's just become a polite answer,a cliche that we use without realising anymore. i sometimes find it stupid asking someone how they are cause i already know what the answer will be. however we can never expect to hear something like "oh i was just thinking to go to my mother and ask for some money" or something like that... it would be kinda stiupid, don't you think?
@catcai (1056)
• Philippines
4 Mar 07
Yes i kind of do, just say politely that im fine even if i do feel so crushed inside. i dont know why, probably because- i dont wanna bother the person with all my problems, or probably because im afraid that if i tell him that im not ok- he wouldnt hve the time to spare to sit with me and talk it over. i guess im afraid of being rejected in a way. But if someone i trust with all my heart is the one asking me the question- i tell him what my problem is... at least i can let it all out...
@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
24 Feb 07
No matter my mood I always say great and you? It is a standard answer and it just comes naturally. I am sure most people can tell by my tone if I am just being polite or if I am really great. I just don't ever let anyone know how I feel about my own life, it is very private to me. Actually if I am greeted I usually am great or I would not be in a position to even be greeted.
@Bunny2 (2102)
• Australia
24 Feb 07
Most people politely ask, how are you, but truthfully do they really want to know? Do they care if your car just broke down and will cost $2,500 to fix? Do they care if you have a sore back? Or if your kids are driving you nuts? Mostly the answer is no - so I usually say I'm fine.
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
25 Feb 07
It depends on who is asking. If it's a co-worker or somebody that I don't know well or feel close with, I will generally say that I am fine or I am OK. I don't like to discuss my personal problems with strangers. If it is a close friend or family member, they usually know that something is wrong and there is no sense trying to hide it. I may admit that I'm having some problems but that I'm working them out, or I may choose to discuss the situation with them,depending on who it is and the circumstances. I believe in getting help from those close to you when you need it, but I also don't like to dump all of my problems on others.
@miranda265 (125)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I usually say I'm fine unless its a close friend or family member because I don't want to bother other people with my problems. You also have to be careful who you confide in because not everyone truly cares about how you feel.
Some people are just noisy.