**Abortion** support it or against it?
By CallMeDaddy
@CallMeDaddy (535)
United States
February 23, 2007 11:30am CST
This is a topic that the world has been struggling with for a while. But personally I don't see what the struggle is. It is quite obvious that I am not pro choice. How would you feel if your parents had you sucked out with a tube before you had a chance to live? Is that fair? That is just my opinion, please don't take it personal just explain your point of view and support your answer thanx.
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59 responses
@melissacus (441)
• United States
23 Feb 07
This subject is always a bit touchy for me. I don't know why, I've never had an abortion, I'm only 18 years old, but it really hits me hard. I think abortions should be 100% legal for many reasons. First of all, if your paretns had sucked you out with a tube before you had a chance to live, you wouldn't feel anything about it, because you wouldn't be living. So I just had to get that out there first. Secondly, I think it's a womans choice to pick whether she wants/can have the child or not. I think it's no persons place to tell a woman what to do with her body and something she created. I do however, don't believe it's right when women use abortion as a form of birth control. It's not. I think whoever does that needs to grow up. 3rd, I think whether abortion is legal or not, people are always going to find a way to get it done if they really want to. It might be in a dark ally somewhere, and it may forever paralyze them, but they will get it done. I think it would be a bad choice to make it illegal and put women in danger because you don't approve of their choice. 4th, there are some situations where ladies, if they did have the child, lives would be ruined. What would you say to a 12 year old girl walking home, getting raped, and becoming pregnant? Would you say she should have to go through the consequences for both her and the rapists simply because getting an abortion is "wrong" by your standards? You think she should have to drop out of school, have this child, and either take care of it or give it up for adoption? That would ruin her life. I think abortion should be legal, or we can just throw the whole "freedom of choice" thing out the window.

@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
23 Feb 07
Unfortunatly you left out the choice of abortion. The poster melissacus is right, if a woman wants an abortion she will seek itout whether it be legal or not so putting a ban on it is not going to do any good except put lives at stake. You can ignore it as an option that is your right.... however not everyone feels the same as you on this.
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@flagbabygirl (891)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Everyone who supports abortion was born!
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I'll tell you what I would tell that 12 year old that got raped. I would tell her that dealing with a rape is much easier then dealing with rape and murder. Rape you will eventually come to grips with. Abortion will haunt you the rest of your life. I have a friend that had an abortion at the age of 14 years.... Her mother made her do it otherwise she was going to kick her out of the house.. My friend and I are both 30 years old now and to this day she still thinks about that child she murdered. She has 3 beautiful children but she can not forgive herself for what happened 16 years ago.
I can speak from experience on rape. However I can only be the voice for the unborn children that are murdered all the time by women wanting to "murder" their "choice".
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
I've had an abortion. I was just 15 years old. I was raped.
I was in no way shape or form ready to be a mother. People say that babies have a right to live, and I do agree with that. But I also believe that a female should not have motherhood forced upon them.
At 15 years old I was NOT mature enough to be a mother. Unfortunately, at the time, I wasn't made aware of other options that were available to me. I have carried the guilt round with me for not looking into other options, but that was MY choice and I have to live with it. Please don't believe that I'm not as good as anyone else because I had an abortion. I didn't do it because it was a "mistake that happened when I forgot protection."
The baby was not made courtesy of a loving relationship, it wasn't even made because I opened my legs without protection. It was made because a complete stranger overpowered me and did what he felt he had the right do to. That should not have been forced upon me.
I'm very much pro choice. I have to be. That man took my virginity, but the day he got locked up, I swore I wouldn't let him take the rest of my life too! I'm way better than that and I deserve the same respect that anyone else gets.
@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
23 Feb 07
You are brave for admitting to it and speaking about it and I understand you 100%. I could never imagine being 15, raped and then being forced to have a child and permanent reminder of the rape. Some may say the baby is innocent but so it the one that was raped! Why is all the attention always on one but not the other or both?
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I hear you rugrat. I was 15 when I was raped, too. Fortunately, an abortion wasn't necessary for me, and I'm sorry that one was for you. I've never had an abortion, but I am pro choice simply because what other women do is none of my business. I was not born with a God-given right to judge others...no more than all the other people doing the judging were. Kudos to you and your courage.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
23 Feb 07
Thank you for your kind words. I've never denied having an abortion because quite frankly, I see no need to. I've been through it, and I know the hell that comes from suffering a rape. You feel unclean and dirty, and in many cases, you feel as though you must have done something wrong.
After the court case and the abortion, it took me over a year of counseling before I finally started to truly believe it was not my fault.
Yes I feel guilty for not knowing about other options, but at the end of the day, how do I know that I would have made a different choice if I had known about them? I don't. But I'm not going to make excuses. I did what I did, it doesn't make me evil, and it doesn't make me less of a person. I firmly support any woman who believes that she has the right to choose what is best for her.
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
23 Feb 07
I am pro choice because I think it is up to the woman what she is going to do. It is something deeply personal and likely to effect he rest of her life either way.
I don't believe that strangers should be able to force her into any decision she doesn't like. It is none of any one else's business what the woman chooses for herself. YOU aren't the one that will ultimately have to live with whatever choice she makes so I think that people should really stay out of other's personal life and not try to force their opinions and beliefs on another.
Although I wouldn't personally do it, I support the women in her own choice for her own life as it is none of my business and certainly not my place to decide for her. People shouldn't try to force their moralities on others.
And.... How would I feel if my mother aborted me? I wouldn't feel anything about it because I wouldn't exist to know any differently. come on now.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
24 Feb 07
When a man can carry life, then he can choose. Until then, it's the woman's body, mentality and emotions. They all belong to her. Right or wrong, it's not your business to boss the world around.
@quatelmon (955)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Oh please. The same old thing the liberal media says? The "pro-lifers" use the same argument of "murder" and "it's already a human being."
If you want all of these unwanted children to be born so badly, then please become foster parents for them, as many of the parents can't take care of them on their own.
Also, a man was part of this, as well. However, most of the time if a women is considering her inablity to have a child, it has a lot to do with the father. Most men aren't ready for children, and will not stand up for their end of the bargin.
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
24 Feb 07
On the flip side of that, what is the mans right when I woman is deciding on abortion? Rape aside, does a man have a right to say no, I don't want her to have an abortion? No they don't. And that sucks for them. IT is just as much a part of them.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I wouldn't have a problem if I were aborted if my mom didn't want me or I was the result of a rape. I am pro choice. I rather every child be wanted and loved by his parents, birth or adopted.But there are so many reasons a pregnant woman would want an abortion and it is up to her to make the choice. Not the church, government or even her husband.If she chooses to keep her baby, that's great because it is her choice.If she wants to give the baby up for an adoption, that's great because it is her choice.Every woman is different, every story is different.
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@mulciber (58)
• Netherlands
23 Feb 07
You can argue for the fact how you would feel if your parents "sucked you out with a tube" but on the other hand there are a lot of children with a 17 year old mother who can't take care of them and those children will certainly live their first 18 years poor, neglected and unhealthy. I don't think you should do that to a child

@quatelmon (955)
• United States
24 Feb 07
It's not murder. It's not a life yet. They don't abort babies after the 2nd trimester. Stop using that word murder as a scaretactic.
The baby is better off never being alive if it is going to grow up in shabby conditions. Don't judge untill you have lived that way. I highly doubt you have, or you would be much more understanding.
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@Cephoozee (373)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I would like to ask you something, as you just said, "no one has the right to plan out the future of an unborn child," isn't the choice to have a baby just that? How can you justify anything you're saying with such a hypocritical statement. Isn't it a choice to put it up for an adoption, to to have an abortion in that same category? I think abortion of an unborn, non-living fetus, is as much a decision on the future of an unborn child as giving it a name, or giving it a home to stay in, or how you will raise it.
@plumfoolery (38)
• United States
23 Feb 07
i agree with you. Im pro-choice and i dont judge people. Its their life, their body and their baby and it's not up to me to tell them what to do with it. Personally, im not sure what i would do if i got into a situation where i would have to choose
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@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
How would I feel if my parents had me sucked out with a tube before I had the chance to live?
Well, to be honest, I wouldn't be feeling anything because I wouldn't be alive. And since I was sucked out before I even had consciouse thought, I wouldn't have known the difference.
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@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I am pro choice but I think the choice should be to have the child. the reason I am pro choice is because I don't think this is a subject the gonernment should be able to decide for us, or the women I should say. What about if it will kill the motehr during child birth or inscest or rape? That's why i think it should be OK.
The reason I think they should have the child is because it will turn into a life. They could always give it up for adoption if they truely couldn't handle it.
As for how would I feel if my parents had me sucked out of a tube before I born? I think I would have loved it. Oh wait I wouldn't have known because I wouldn't know anything. Is it fair? I don't think so. How can you hurt kill something that isn't really alive yet? I guess it would really depend on how far along the woman was when it happend.
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@certified_alice (1854)
• Philippines
23 Feb 07
Abortion is really a big problem in our society. I am really against it. At first I wasn't really aware of it but not until when I was in college and seen it on a video in one of my minor subjects. I've seen how those baby bodies torn apart using those abortionist devices. It's really disgusting and I hate them for that. I hate those parents more even they have their valid reason. They can't correct any mistake by doing another mistake because they will regret for it for the rest of their lives. I am now a parent and got pregnant in unexpected time but I never thought of having my baby being aborted from my tummy. Having a baby is priceless and abortionist even mothers don't have the rights to take a baby's life in its mother womb because only God put it there by miracle and His the only one who can take its life also.
@CallMeDaddy (535)
• United States
23 Feb 07
I agree Alice. You can't make something right by doing wrong. That is just common sense to me. However I don't think you should hate anyone because of the choices they make. We should love eachother.
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@anjuscor (1266)
• India
23 Feb 07
To be honest, it really depends on the situation of what you are in. If you think you dont care about society when you are pregnant before marriage then go on.. Abort it , i support. But always try to avoid becoming a pregnant if you are so desparate to have Sxe... If you are married then you just going for abortion just because you look older, i oppose it. If you are married dont have sufficient money to take care of your child, then go i support it.LOL. I support all, but i am very prctical. So my opinion will always support the truth and practival things than others.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Pro lifer all the way. I don't see that their are any choices when it comes to murder. I can not understand why anyone would think differently. You are talking about a human being being formed inside of a woman. You are talking about a life. It's not just a mass of tissue, it has a heart beat. It has a brain. It has feelings and sensations. Just because you can't see it inside of your tummy (except via ultrasound) doesn't give anyone the right to just muder. I am not a supporter under ANY circumstances of abortion. No doctor, no person on this earth should be able to take a life away.
@flagbabygirl (891)
• United States
23 Feb 07
Shannon76 I so follow you! You are my equal in so many ways! you rock sista
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I think you just might be my twin that everyone says is out there!!! =)
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@xionous (439)
• Belgium
24 Feb 07
you are absolutely right shannon. this is not about any one but this is about a life. another human being and another heart, brain, thinking. abortion should be a crime coz abortion kills the innocent baby. i dont support abortion under any circumstances.
@carmella (496)
• United States
24 Feb 07
To me abortion is murder, no matter how soon it is performed. I believe a baby is a human, a living life from the second of conception, and aborting that baby at any point, is murder. Something that really annoys me is how a women has a right to end the unborn childs life and it is okay. Not only is it okay, but the clinic nurses and doctors actually encourage women who are pregnant with unwanted pregnancies to abort their babies. Why not encourage them to put the child up for adoption? No they can't do that, they can only tell you how wonderful it is after the abortion is over to be bleeding and not having that nasty old thing inside of you anymore!
I was forced into an abortion when I was very young, I did not want to do it, and fought my way through the whole thing. It was horrible, and emotionally I was devestated for a very long time. What I stated above was what I experienced, the nurse really said those horrible things, to a room of about 20 young girls who had just had their inocent little babies, that depended on them to keep them safe, sucked from inside of them into little pieces like they were nothing more than yesterdays trash!
I have lived with the guilt and pain of that day for the past 26 years, and it is something that effects my life at least evcery few months. The pain of abortion NEVER goes away. I know that I will live with the guilt and the pain for the rest of my life, I just Pray that God has forgiven me, because I sure have not forgiven myself.
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Oh Carmella, I pray for you as well. I am sure that if you have asked for forgivness from God, He has done so. That was the first step. Second step is now to forgive yourself. You can not undo the past so just move forward. Never forget of course, but at least forgive.
God Bless you.
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@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
24 Feb 07
I am definitely against abortion. Its mortal sin, and no matter how many times you confess, it will not change the fact that the one who aborted took the life of what could have been a happy baby. I also believe that the spirit of the baby aborted will haunt those who aborted him/her forever. They will always be restless. Not only did they commit a sin to God but to the baby herself/himself. You are right, I still do not understand how someone can do a thing like that.
@carmella (496)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Jammyt you are very right. From experience I must say I know this to be true, after 26 years the memory of that day, and the sin I committed against my precious Father God and my innocent child, still haunts me and I am sure always will, and was forced into my abortion and I begged and pleaded to not have to go through with it, but the circumstances at the time were out of my control, so I cried my way through hours of horrific emotional pain that I will carry with me until the dat I die. Getting rid of the baby does not make the problem go away, it only begins at that point.
@sincere (178)
• India
24 Feb 07
When i think abt the child,making preparetion to come to this world and someone try to kill baby even baby is belong to her\him.I get anger with that guy,she doesnt have right to destroy someones life.Some girl who became pregnant by mistake,thay cant punish a baby for her doing.They think what the world will think abt it,But she can struggle for her child.A real mother is one who struggle life time to protect her children from others.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Now what on earth could a man possibly know about being a mother? Grow up and mind your business, sir.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I'm certainly glad you aren't in charge of the world. A husband--maybe--should have a say, other than that, it's none of his business really. Her body, her business.
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
24 Feb 07
It is a mans business just as well as it is a womans business. I am glad that men speak up for it. It shows they actually give a damn. I think men should have a say in their unborn childs life just as much as the woman carrying it.
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@shamseerkp (14)
• India
24 Feb 07
I oppose this brutal thing which does not give a chance to live new generation
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@quatelmon (955)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Your response lacks backing. Just calling it "a brutal thing" does not help the conversation go further.
@quatelmon (955)
• United States
24 Feb 07
We are all pro-lifers. No one is against life. Seriously, do you think that these women who get abortions really think to themselves "Wow, I hate life so much that I'm going to make this life altering decision!"
No, they don't. They get an abortion for whatever reason they may have to. Because they were raped, because they are too young to take care of a child, because they know the father won't be there to help them. It's unfair for you to judge someone because of a PERSONAL choice they had to make. If you don't like abortions, then don't get an abortion. Bottom line.
Also, and this goes to the men who believe they have something to add to this topic, this is a WOMEN'S issue, not yours. It has nothing to do with you. I find it sad and funny that in our government, it's mostly men making the decissions about abortion. They don't know what it's like to be pregnant, so they really have absolutly no say. Please, if you don't like abortion, that is fine. Don't get an abortion. But leave the people alone that get one. It's THEIR choice, not yours. Just because you have an oppinion, does not make it right or better than someone elses.
Prochoicers are not for murder. They are pro life...pro making their lives better and not ruining the life of a child that they would not be able to take care of.
@username911 (28)
• United States
23 Feb 07
i just hate this invention of mankind.. its gruesome.. wat fault is that of that unborn child.. it hurts wen i hear about abortions.
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@Gigglygrrl (362)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Why on earth would it hurt you to hear about abortions? Do you have a mental defect? First trimester abortion is far from gruesome and the zygote/embryo/fetus is none the wiser it is being aborted as it isn't even close to being sentient. Some people just look for places to stick their nose where it doesn't belong. Maybe if you got a life you would quite worrying about potentials and start actually volunteering with actual children here on earth that DO actually need someone to care for them. But that would be too logical.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Wow, Shannon. Where do you get off doing all this judging?
Who are you? The friggin' womb police?
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Wow gigglygirl, sounds like you just might be an expert on Zygote's huh? Had a sit down chat with one lately did ya?
Did they tell you that the metal being sliced through their body didn't hurt?
How the heck do you know how it feels? And how the heck do you know when they can feel it and when they can't? You don't know what they feel and when. No one does. Doctors and "Scientists" will tell you that they have therioes on when they can feel something but NOONE knows that is for a fact because the unborn baby can't tell us. There is no way to prove the pain threshold of an 8 week old fetus. Just how would you be able to gauge that? And I guess just because they have a heartbeat, that wouldn't matter no would it? Who cares that they are a living being huh. Oh the poor woman. They have to go through labor and their body will change and they are "forced" to have a baby. Oh please!!! That is far less of a punishment then MURDER!
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@TheHermit (98)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Abortion is sad. But it has to remain a legal choice.
The reason why it became legal in America, was that emergency rooms were overcrowded with women who had back alley abortions or did it themselves.
Adoption maybe the answer to some, but others don't want a child created by rape or incest to show up at her door.
Abortions usually occur early before the fetus developes a brain and nervous system. So there is no consciousnes or pain. It has the potential to become a child, but so does sperm and egg cells.
It is so much more humane to abort an embryo, then give birth to a healthy baby and leave it in a trash can to die slowly from hunger and exposure -Which still happens to this day.
The belief in whether it's murder or not, is just an opinion. The choice must be made available to the ones that want it.
@imhere24seven (18)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Against it. The Meaning of life is to live. God has us ALL here for a Reason. It isn't fair for the aborting child since he/she doesn't have any sayso in it. Let them live life.It's what were suppose to do.Live for God/Jesus and live for Eternity.
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@whoachica (110)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I am pro-choice. There are many reasons why abortions should remain legal. If the woman was raped she should not have to have the child. If the woman's life is in danger because of the unborn baby, the woman should not have to have it. And if the unborn baby is going to come out deformed or retarded then I think it would be best to not bring them into this world at all. Why make them suffer? They aren't born yet, they don't know they are being aborted. It's not a big deal to me and I think that there are reasons why you should be able to have an abortion. I don't think it is okay for women who just don't feel like having a baby.
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