The war on Iraq sick of it?
By princeworthy
@princeworthy (1909)
United States
February 24, 2007 6:14am CST
I may lose some points for this but here goes.. I am sick of the war on Iraq. As a taxpayer I would like to see our tax money spent on much needed heathcare programs here in the United States. President Bush has cut funding to many programs here but has left the defense buget intact. Are you tired of the war? Are you ready for our tax money to be spent here? What are your views on this topic?
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29 responses
@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Am I sick of the war? Of course I am, who wants war?
I will not repeat what another posted about budget cuts, since they said it so well.
The fact is, we are in Iraq and budget cuts would be detrimental to our troops and to the life of my husband, my son n law and nephew as well as many friends, so it gets personal for me.
We can not just walk away. It is not that easy and doing so would endanger the very life we know today. The domino effect could prove to be catastrophic as sleepr cells awaken in whatever country they are residing to exact their hatred and "punishment" on the people.
I truly believe, if it is not taken care of there, we will be fighting it in our own back yard.
My heart as a wife does not want my husband back over there, we have been apart more than together these past few years and will be apart another 18 months with this deployment. But also, my heart as his wife is very proud of him and what he stands for. When he talks about Iraq, it is not the bombs and RPGs that first come to his mind, it is the people and the stories they have told him about their lives under saddam.
Is it a mess there? Yes, but walking away and leaving them to their own resources is not the answer. Cutting funding on a war that is going to be waged regardless is not the answer. Cutting troop numbers is deffintiely not the answer.
I am not saying I know what the answer is, I am not an expert on this, that is why I have to say allow President Bush's plan to work. He was advised by the experts in this field, this is what the military commanders in Iraq have asked for, more troops, more funding and better equipment.
I do want the war over, I want my husband home with me safe and sound. But not to the detriment of my country.
We can not afford to become complacent and return to thinking it can't happen here, it did happen here and can again if we let our guard down.
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@princeworthy (1909)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Thank you for your post. I do want to say that I do support the troops, and I pray for your family and every soldiers safe return. I just feel that if Iraq is not ready now after all this time that it never may be. God bless you and yours!
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@dickkell (403)
• United States
24 Feb 07
It would be great if we could free up resources from the defense budget for domesic use. Now all we have to do is get our enemies to agree to it and we will be all set.
The sad fact is that Iraq is a mess, but we can't just go home. We need to fix this situation. If we don't, we never will again.
Losing in Iraq and being ok with it is not an option. This is NOT Vietnam and teh fearred domino effect. What's really happening is the Jihadists are facing off with the western democracies. The outcome of this fight will determine the course of the region for a generation. If we lose in Iraq, we will pave the way for Extremist Islam to become the power structure of the entire middle east. That would create a situation where the terrorists had virtually unlimited resources to wage Jihad against the west.
The presence of US troops is a stabilizing factor in the region right now, and, whether or not we should have toppled Sadam, we must now stay and make sure the job is done.
Or, we could have universal health care for everyone with smallpox and radiation burns...your pick!
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@princeworthy (1909)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Well what would you suggest? That all these soldiers stay over in Iraq as a stabilizing factor until when?? When can they come home? It is time for the people of Iraq to take the resposiblity for their own country. We have done all we can do there. It is time to redirect our resources to OUR people!
@guesswhomsa (1168)
• India
24 Feb 07
you wont get negative rating definitely cos most of the mylot users themself are sick of the war
many of them are condemning it in the open and i dont think the war is leading to any good to the country aswell
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
24 Feb 07
War is a thing that should be avoided. When it cannot, then it must be prosecuted until the enemy is no longer able or willing to fight.
It is unfortunate that you are sick of the war, because if we are to win this we must continue until the job is done.
As a tax payer, if you want your tax monies spent a certain way, then you need to blame Congress' inaction on the issues and not this war. Congress is the ones who set the Budget,the President only approves or vetoes what he is presented.
Although no one likes war, there are times when it is necessary.
How eager are you to have more another 9-11?
We are fighting the terrorists in Iraq so that we don't have to fight them here. I am really sorry if you find that inconvenient.
I noticed a conspiracy theorist in a few of the posts.
I think they either need to ease up on whatever they are smoking, or share it around. I don't believe in conspiracy theories, and think that they detract from the issue at hand.
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
24 Feb 07
yes i so agree. we aren't even over there for us anymore we are over there for them. he is cutting us short to help them. i am a army wife an my hubby hes been there once and probly going again the end of the year. we are not just loosing money to help them we are loosing our loved ones as well. they need to get out and be done with them. you are so right.
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@dickkell (403)
• United States
24 Feb 07
President Bush's plan to send more soldiers is a start. We should fight to win. Most of the violence is happening in a 20 mile stretch of the country. Let's go in there in force and subdue the threat. Let's fight to win. If you wnat US soldiers to leave, pressure the Government to fight to win, to send the force necessary to finish the job.
A pullout without a victory will only get us into a bigger conflict later. We had a massive international coalltion in Desert Storm, but stopped short of winning the war. Now we're back with what barely amounts to a coalition. If we don't win now, we'll be back for world war 3 in a decade.
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@princeworthy (1909)
• United States
24 Feb 07
If you are so big on this war and so for it then why are you not fighting in it? Bravery is easy from a computer screen isn't it? You may have your reasons such as disablility but stop sending everyone else's mothers, brothers, and fathers to war for another countriy.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
24 Feb 07
princeworthy, those people CHOSE to join the army. THey have been paid and trained already. They aren't being forced to do anything they didn't already sign up for....
If you are so against the war, why don't you do something to stop it? See that kind of line of thinking isn't productive. Just like you are allowed to have your opinions, so are those that support the actions without actually doing them.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I am sick of this war. As an American I am offended that we spend all of our tax money on people who do not want our help. That money should go to schools and highways in our country, not to people who do not want it.
@Monkeymia (206)
• Australia
24 Feb 07
Coming from an Australian point-of-view and also a military point of view, I can understand why our countries leaders chose to leave our troops in Iraq. They are providing a good service there but are they doing what is really necessary?
Can this conflict be resolved in any other way? Will all this fighting and war change anything? This war/ conflict has been going on for years, more than 10 years now and we still haven't achieved anything with all the violence.
If only the country leaders could resolve it by talking, wishful thinking i know but it would be great if that was achievable.
@smille (829)
• India
25 Feb 07
though i m nt american bt still can understand ur feelings, even those who are sinsible enough will never back such wars....afterall wars are destructive and never constructive....a sin to a civilisation. see the people and children,women,patients....and so on should be stopped as early as possible.
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I think most of us are sick of the war.. I 100% support our soldiers and the job they are doing!
The US went to aid others- I agree with this. I think we need to have a change of plan.. Figure out what will work, train the Iraqi police or armies (so to say) and then get out.
My brother is a US SOldier- He is in Iraq as I type.. I pray everyday for his safe return and all of his brothers and sisters (Armed forces) for a safe return. There is a job to be done still.. Should we be spending our money elsewhere.. possibly- but while our Soldiers are there in Iraq-- Send all the money we need to get them the BEST safety protection- New uparmored humvees, whatever it takes to ensure the safety of our soldiers who are their protecting our future!
God bless Our American SOldiers! and those who stand and fight with us!
@gypsylady28 (945)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Good for you for speaking your mind! I have thought of starting a discussion on Iraq, but figured I would just let it be, I didn't really know where to start on the subject. Unfortunately, I think since we started something over there, we now need to finish it, and I support our troops. I just don't think much of our government right now. I just can't figure out why we sent our troops there in the first place! The last I heard, it was Bin Laden who was responsible for 9/11. I think Bush just went after Hussein because he can't get Bin Laden, and I imagine that oil has something to do with it also. And I do agree that something needs to be done with the healthcare in the United States. I think as long as Bush is the president, there isn't going to be any results in healthcare, education, or any domestic problems.
@TheOriginalRed1 (512)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I would like to see out soldiers brought home as soon as possible. I never agreed with this war and the loss of life is just not justifiable in my mind. I too would like to see better health care programs here in the US for those that can not afford health care on their own. It is sad that we live in one of the riches countries in the world but there are so many here that live in poverty.
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@rarrimalion (674)
• United States
24 Feb 07
yes i'm so sick of it! I agree, there was just a new york times article about how state's want to use aid for state funded heath insurance programs but Bush doesn't want "his" federal money going towards that. Where does he want it? He wants it to go towards his war of course. Meanwhile 50 million Americans have NO health insurance (thats 1/6 of all Americans!!) I'm so sick of this war, most people don't want it (only 33% of republicans like bush-thats what an approval rating means, thats the rating of HIS party! not the general pop which makes his rating evn worse)...the executive has made up lots of duties he says he has but he's just invented them to fit around his agenda. The executive is not suppose to be so strong, the founding fathers knew that the executive branch is the one most likely to go out wanting to start wars, and that's why they gave the legislative branch war powers too-they declare war and finance the army. I could go on and on but I don't wanna offend a bunch of people, even if what I'm saying is supported by fact of his actions.
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@Badboyz95 (45)
• Pakistan
24 Feb 07
i think your thoughts is so patriotic with your country thats why you post a very serious topic on mylot and finally i agree with you that the tax is spent on a such a fool matter rather on the health and lots of things are here but we can't do anything.
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@the_vicar (1477)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I have been blogging against the war because I think our task is done. We did everything we said we would do and now it is time for us to leave and let the Iraqi's settle their differences. We NEED to fund a decent health care system in this country. All of these billions spent on a useless was when there are children dying here from diseases which are preventable but the kids and their families don't have health care or dental care. I know young people who work and work hard who don't have health insurance because it is too expensive and they earn just enough to cover their household expenses. There are elderly people what have very little food and it is sad because of the money wasted on war.
Governments should focus on peace rather than war.
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@usmcsgtwife (4997)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I for one can say I am sick of it, I live on a Marine Base and my husband is in Iraq now, so I cannot get away from it. I think they are way underpaying the service members for being over there..
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I would love to have our troops to come home. I think that's on everybody's mind. But with everything that's happening over in Iraq that isn't going to happen anytime soon. I mean think seriously for a moment here, if we pulled out now. Iraq would be become a terrorist breeding ground. The people of Iraq, mostly the women and children would be raped and killed. I watch so many shows that shows the troops point of view, and it scares me. The men in Iraq are so scared to speak up and tell the troops who's doing the damage in fear that there family will be killed.
I already see when Bush leaves office and the new president takes over. The troops will be pulled out and that's when all hell will break loose. It will be just like we did the first time we pulled out and left the people of Iraq to defend for themselves. This is a country that lived in fear for such a long time. It is going to take a longer time for them to build back up there courage and fight back. They still live in fear with the attacks going on around them.
If my tax money is being used to keep terrorists from forming in a bigger place like Iraq and attacking us. Then so be it. Clinton took a lot away from our defense, of course it's going to take a lot to build it back up again.
Also pulling out now before the job is done, is like spitting in the faces of the troops that lost there lives making sure it's ok for people to say what is on there minds.
I would give anything there was a day that every country put down there weapons and declared peace. I would love that my grandkids could live in a world that fighting was something of legends. But for now, we need to support our troops.
@smilingtiger (48)
• India
24 Feb 07
i dont think that its duty of any outsider to bring piece in a country thousands miles away.americans plan for future long time period and they are thinking about oil reservoirs.there were no reasons to attack iraq.there were clear reports that there are no suck weapons of mass was oil.humans+finance losing in such planning.
(sorry if my opinion hurts/disagree anybody)
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@Whiskeyswiller (32)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
The U.S.A. can't pull out.
If it does the Islamic Extremists will mark it as a win and become even more bold.
And what will become of Iraq? Do you want Iran to have all that influence and power?
No one wants the United States there but they can't leave now.
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@bigmanqqq (89)
25 Feb 07
we have done more than enough in Iraq, we have helped out considerably and the country is now in a situation where it should and can govern itself. we need to take US and UK troops out now, they need be there no longer.
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