what do you usually wear on your day off (from work or school)

February 24, 2007 8:45am CST
i tend to be pretty casual when i don't have to go out for work, so i usually just grab a shirt and jeans or short. sometimes i just lounge around the house in my PJs. how about you guys
3 responses
• India
4 Mar 07
i love wearing my track pants while i am on off.
@tbrace1 (26)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
most of the time i just wear a really loose shirt or blouse and a skirt. i also wear lightweight slippers so i can really relax
@aretha (2538)
• United States
24 Feb 07
i am a stay at home mom so i never stop working but i don't have to get all dressed up to do wash,mop floors, or change dirty diapers. i ususally leave the house at least once a week so when i do i wear jeans and t-shirt but when i am not going out i wear my pj's i take my shower and put clean pj's on. people laugh at me but why get dressed to clean and sit on the floor and play cars.lol