**Are Men And Women Truly Equal? Please Explain**
By CallMeDaddy
@CallMeDaddy (535)
United States
February 24, 2007 10:26am CST
I personally believe that all men are created equal. not saying man himself but mankind men and women. However I do believe that we were designed to take different roles in life. Males being providers and women being nurturers. Not from a schovanistic point of view, but based on our genetic make- up. Women produce milk to feed babies and men are more like a bull to work in construction and such. I know we are equal but I believe that an airplane was designed to fly and a boat was designed to float. What do you think?
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41 responses
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
I would have to disagree. I believe men and women are so different on so many levels that we both are missing much, but the joining of two different people make for a great marriage if we use the strengths of our partner. This makes for one unique entity that can't be found in a man or a woman but only in the pair.
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@CallMeDaddy (535)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Wow, very interesting point of view and it makes sense. I'm not to sure how to take it, but it definately has substance.
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@smilingurvashi (1151)
• India
24 Feb 07
everybody knows that men and women have many things which are different, physically. but this doesn't make a woman a rabbit and man a lion. both are of same species and hence i consider them to be equal. we grow up listening to things like men should go working but women should better focus on producing children. i have gone through all the school books symbolizing a woman working in the kitchen or holding a baby. and tht's how people develop this mental set up. how i wish the minds of each n every humans in this world were like computers and i would have 'restarted' the computer..and see how they start looking at women differently and treat them equally!
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@davidja (18)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
hello smilingurvashi
i slightly disagree with you , using your idea of "restarting up the computer" the program is exactly the same for everyone then the next step up , from the very beginning of all the different human personalities , etc the computer evolutes due to all these different varieties. what the "next step up is" i donot know. but we all evoluted differently. one thing i do know is - male and female. what i have observed is that some females are more hands on and quite capable to earn/hunt better than some males and vice versa. there is alot of overlapping. one thing male can not have babies , in the scienfic future , yes could be. cheers david
@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
24 Feb 07
First, equal doesn't mean the same. A corporate president and a stay at home mother are equal in my opinion, because they both should be valued as human beings doing the best job in their perspective choice of careers, and they should both have the right to a fulfilling life.
Now, on the whole nurturing/providing thing, nurturing has a whole lot more to do with it than being able to provide milk. Men can be very tender, loving nurturers. Another definition of nurture is "foster" to give parental care to. A man can do that as well as a woman. And, some women aren't nurturing at all, because of personality, regardless of genetic makeup. The same with providing. Besides, providing for a family doesn't necessarily need brute strength. There are some men who couldn't win a fight who are very good providers for their family, and some women who are as well.
@CallMeDaddy (535)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I agree with you there. I was just saying that it seems that we were designed this way. Wouldn't you agree?
@sid_is_crazy (135)
• India
25 Feb 07
i think on bias basis women tend to get more priority as they get tax rebates and admissions are reserved for them in colleges
@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I don't think it's accurate to say that men and women are "designed" for certain personality traits. Yes, a woman is genetically engineered for childbirth- but that does not mean that all women are nurturing. The quality of "nurturing" is not genetic- it is taught to us by society, the same way society teaches us that men should provide. It's not an inherent trait- it is learned.
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@CallMeDaddy (535)
• United States
24 Feb 07
so are you against it, because personally I don't view it as a bad thing.
@bigmanqqq (89)
25 Feb 07
everyone is created equal and although there are laws and legislations against discrimination men and women still are not treated equally. There are just some jobs where men are prefered or women are prefered, it is not publicised which is wanted but sometimes it can be obvious, also, some churchs do not have female priests/ministers etc.
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I believe that men and women are equal in their worth and value as persons, but I agree with you when you say that we are also different, and designed for different purposes. I think this is obvious to anyone with two eyes in their head, and I think people who deny it are being dishonest and willfully blind.
@innechen (1318)
• Indonesia
25 Feb 07
actually i always believe that man and women are equal, specially they both human and God's creature lol
only that man and woman have a different duty, point of view and of course physically diff.but other then that is none.woman nowadays are independent and even smarter then man, also more hardworking then man nowadays.
@shemb1 (464)
• Sri Lanka
25 Feb 07
I cant say yes and say no also. because it depends of people to people not f/m to f/m. sometimes some womwn are so forward than man, and they do every work other than man, they can fight and first in career some dont they are medium, aome are lazy. Some men forwaRD some medium some dont. So this is basic, we cant change the basic and it is useless we argue for the basic things in regularly. for example tell me can you dad can deliver baby and beare it, I bet no one thats why female can beare anything than mens. But can you Mom protect your other girls from bad mens, some times can sometimes cant because she is female and she can protect also.
@jal1948 (1359)
• India
25 Feb 07
we may notbe equal in our physical strength,but mentally and emotionally a woman is more than equal to a man
@cindy83 (133)
• China
25 Feb 07
I think men and women is equal in front of Law, but in fact, the men and women always is not equal.
As you know there are a lot of diffrent between men and women, the men have stronger body and the women is more soft than men, so, they have diffrent advatage. and incase to deal with something, there are not equal.
So we cannot look down on anybody, treat everybody as friend, it is good.
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
Men and women are equal but they are different. Each one complementing the other one otherwise there is no need for a male and female gender to exist separately. I agree to every points you raised in your discussion. Cheers.
@coolsid2007 (1030)
• India
25 Feb 07
Thats a great topic!!! i have started one of such topics... but ofcourse didnt make a point as precisely as you did here!!!.... i have a strong agreement with what you have said here.... i do think that its true taht we have certain roles in life to play...
but i also feel that women have recently started to fail in performing their roles.... ofcourse all thanks to men ... all those AUTHORITATIVE MEN who lived in last centuries or previous one's who... misused their roles and had somehow let women feel that taking care of family and nurturing is not their ROLE but their ONLY DUTY...
I think its when Women {respected}obliged to Men in past... Men never {respected}obliged to Women ... and we can see the result now ... its like rebellion against cruel "MAN" kind
... but even now... i dont think its too late... in recent pasts i have seen the changed trends.... i think men and women can respect each others roles and oblige to what others have to do with their lives ... and still live harmonously together
@lovein (345)
• India
25 Feb 07
When you observes man and woman in front of you, do not you find disimilarity on theire dresses, sounds from mouth when they talk, and what they talk about.
It is very much clear on the face of it.
We need not make more analysis , if they are equal ??.
Woman was created by God as awareness of "2"(more than one).
Man was created by God as awareness of "1".
"1" is God.
"2" is you and me.
@haissam (93)
• Pakistan
25 Feb 07
Rights r same have equall rights nobody can say that women/men have different rights in socity. But yes duties r different e.g no man can produce milk for baby and he cannot give birth to child in modren days womaen r forced to work coz financial needs r increased and selfishness had creaped amoung humans . Basiclly women r made to care houshold care children etc and men r designed to earn etc
@shavindersingh (16)
• India
25 Feb 07
I agree with you both men and women are truly equal coz i think there is no field left where both women and men has't work together.Also both are the two front tyers of the life car if they are not eqaul then there will be collision between the two.
@rychastity (2)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
i believe and i think men and women are not equal in a sense that men are only designed to work for feedings.. unlike women they are designed to give birth to a child.without women, there'l be no men to fool around!