Is 21 too young to get married?

February 24, 2007 4:04pm CST
My son called me yesterday to tell me that he was thinking of proposing to his girlfriend. He's only 21 and has only been with her for about 6 months. My first reaction was to scream NO but I bit my tongue and asked him instead if he thought he felt ready for such a committment. He assured me that she wasn't pregnant and that he just wanted to be married. My question is this, do you think 21 is too young to marry? Do you think they should be together a lot longer before such a committment?
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134 responses
@MrsSgtB (289)
• United States
24 Feb 07
I got married when I was 18 and my husband was 21. If you ask both of us this question we both say we got married too young. I trully feel at that age you are just able to go out and enjoy single life and figure out what you really want in a relationship. My husband and I have had some rough patches but we made it together. We grew up together and had to face challenges in order to realize what we meant to eachother.
@MrsSgtB (289)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Oh yeah and we have been married going on 7 years now. :)
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24 Feb 07
I think you are both very lucky, and it's good to know that it can work out. Thank you for your comment
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@mashimaro (1094)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
I think for me it's depends to a person if he/she know how to accept responsibilities, I think there is no definite age to have a is to a person how he/she handle it.
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@beaniegdi (1964)
24 Feb 07
My son got his own flat when he was 18 and within a couple of months had moved his girlfriend in with him. They had only been seeing each other a few months but she had fallen out with her mother. He is now 22 and they are still together. They lived in a little flat untill last november when they bought their first house together. They both work and they seem to be settled, they got engaged last year but don't intend to get married. Your son is old enough to make his own mind up on this matter. I think the problem is when we are 21 we think that we are grown up and adult but when our children are that age we still see them as children. I think you were wise to bite your tongue and he is only proposing, after I got enganged it was at least another year before we married, they might be engaged for ages before they tie the knot - he might just want everyone to know how serious they are about each other.
24 Feb 07
I'm glad your son and his girlfriend are still together. I do appreciate that my son is an adult and old enough to know his own mind, I am still concerned that he is rushing into this a little. Perhaps when they have been together a little longer, it will be easier to take on board. Thank you for your comments.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Feb 07
I got married at 20 but I did know him nearly 2 years well I thought I did, as he changed into a total different Person once we where married and I mean straight away I am now divorced after trying to make it work for 21 years. If he has only known her 6 months and he feels he wants to marry her then there is nothing anyone can do. I do believe that really it doesn't matter how long you know a Person, you just do not get to know this Person till you start living with them. So give him your Bleesings, as hard as it is I would, no matter how I felt.
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@draconess (650)
• Canada
24 Feb 07
I do think 21 is too young for most people. At that point in your life, you're not sure of what you want or where you'll be in 10 years. You're still developing as an individual and need freedom to do so. Most people change so fast at that age, by 25 they can be an entirely different person with different goals and desires. I know several couples who got married young, thinking they were ready, and began to regret rushing into it later. Especially if they've only been together 6 months, try just living together for a year first.
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24 Feb 07
I'm inclined to agree with you hun, it is too young and although I'm sure my son thinks he knows what he wants right now, I am worried that they have not been together long enough to really know each other properly. I have suggested to him that they give it longer and I hope he will think on what I said Thank you for your comment
3 people like this
• India
25 Feb 07
Hello mam!!I am a man aged 28.I think 21 is too young to get married.its quite a young age to take responsibilities.Marraige means family and a lot of responsibilities to take care of.But if we take it in another way,then marriages are made in heaven and age is no bar for maturity.may be your son has taken the right descision and is heading in the right way.he is too frank with u.U too r quite mature .then,met the girl and talk to them and tell them about the challenges they will face in near future by this liasion.If they stand strong then let them marry each other.and dont worry mam .god is always there to help us and everything is destined. All the Best to you n ur son
4 people like this
• Canada
24 Feb 07
I think it depends on each couple to be honest. I am sure your son is aware of what comes with a marriage such as responsibility and having to work hard to make it work. If he feels ready for that then I dont really see that there is anything you can do to stop him, and he is of age anyway. As for them only having been together for 6 months. I know of couples who married after 2 months together, and 6 years down the line, they are still happily married.
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• China
24 Feb 07
hi,ur son is too young for that marraige,tell him to stay further more with girl,have little bit more understanding.thiz time is for studying and working and hanging out with frndz and gf,not to get married and have childern and so on,tell him to think for the futre life,not just getting married of having the girl in his arms
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@kareng (69153)
• United States
25 Feb 07
You did good biting your tongue :) Everyone needs to make their own decision on this and people are more mature than others. This makes a big difference. I would hope that they date longer. Six months is a bit soon to consider getting married. I got married at 21 but my husband and I dated in high school, broke up and got back together several years later. We felt we knew each other quite well. If I had it to do all over again, I would probably have waited a little longer! 21 is very young. Just be supportive of the decision they make but also offer your advice in a way that is not offending to either of them. Good luck!
@colega17 (312)
• Romania
25 Feb 07
6 months it's too little time to make such a decision . I think he should think twice before making that important step . He's young and he'll have enough time to think at marriage . People aren't sure about their feelings even after a long time . . . I don't know . . . maybe he really feels that she's the one , but what if he is wrong ? I think he should wait another couple of months to be sure his proposal is the right tning to do . . . Anyway good luck with his decision . . .
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@nick826 (173)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
Your son is still young so there's no need to hurry beside 6 months of relationship is quite short to know each other very well. You should advice him to think it first and be sure for marriage is a lifetime commitment once you will be there there is no turning back. Does your son has a decent and stable job to support a family if he has not yet have a job he should first find a job before thinking to settle down and save first for their future.
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25 Feb 07
He is working as a cook, not that stable a job and not that well paid either. Not an ideal way to start married life really. Thank you
1 person likes this
• United States
25 Feb 07
I 41 and I think I'm still too young to be married. I would be more concerned about the 6 months. Then again, what do I know about relationships?
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@mywords18 (645)
• United States
25 Feb 07
no its not as far as the person is mature its not age which make u able or mature but its ur thoughts and the way u behave for things.and for getting pregnant this age is fine , a lady can give her best to the kid.
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@ElicBxn (63785)
• United States
25 Feb 07
He's an adult. He could've married at 18. Does he have a job? Will they be able to support themselves? When do they want to have kids? Will they beable to support kids if they have them? These are the questions you should be asking, not if he's too young. I know many people that know each other for years that have marriages that don't last, so the short period of time isn't really a factor. Are you sure that his getting married this young isn't really your own fear of aging? Something to think about rather than worring that he's too young.
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25 Feb 07
He is in a poorly paid job, and certainly not able to afford a place to live or raise children. I would hate to see my son married too soon, at least not until he can afford a place and look after him and his girl
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• United States
24 Feb 07
well i married at 25 and i still think that was to young and also maybe why it did not work out but yeah i think you need to finish school (collage) and decide what you wANT TO DO IN LIFE BEFORE YOU TAKE THAT BIG OF A STEP...
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24 Feb 07
Valid point. I would like my son to be able to experience the world before he settles down, I think I will have to mention that to him too. Thank you for your comment
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@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
When I got married I was 20 and my ex was 22. We lasted 18 years. But when I look back I would have done things so different. I would have enjoyed being single for awhile. Maybe travelled, things like that. It was rough during our 20's because we both still had so much growing up to do. Him for the most part. I got pregnant at 22 and he was definitely not ready to be a father. I don't think most kids get married that young anymore. Most of them are busy with school and wait a few years. I know its a hard position for you to be in. It's almost like the more you are against it the more he will want to do it. Kids tend to like doing the opposite of what we want for them. So hang in there and hopefully they will change their minds.
@Lecaro (1100)
• Romania
25 Feb 07
maybe for some people this age isn't right... i think that it depends of the man... but you said that they are together only for 6 months... i think you should advise him to wait more... maybe after 1 or 2 years of relationship he can think about this again... however now i think that is the pasion from the begining of a relantionship that makes you belive that will last forever! i don;t say that it can't be like that... but i think he must be sure when he is proposing her!
3 people like this
• United States
25 Feb 07
I think it all depends on the maturity of the person. My daughter is 21, and she has a steady boyfriend, and I do believe eventually they will get married. (they've been seeing each other for almost 2 years) I do think that they are not ready for that big step yet. She wants to move out on her own, and I think that's a great idea. I also think that a couple should be together for longer then 6 months before getting engaged. It just doesn't seem to be a long enough time to get to know someone. :)
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• Indonesia
25 Feb 07
Well..21 years old are already mature I think. When your son want to get married...if he already have current job, have ability to take care her, have responsibility too then he's ready to do that. Your son is yours, but you can't have them forever..God give them to you, so you can teach them, love them..but after he's became a man, he will build his own family. But for sure..he's not run or leaving you. He still taking care of you too as his father, he will gave you grandson..and in that time you will feel Happy. You will Happy, because you already set him free to spread his wings..your succeed is look your childrens became a successfull people :)
• India
25 Feb 07
well...yes 21 is too young to get married.before getting married i believ one should be able to stand on his own feet coz marriage is not a game..its all about has many responsibilities towards his family after getting married.if and only if at the age of 21 one is strong enough to understand his responsibilities ,he should go for the age of 21 in today's world,one is half way through his college n settling down will be too early at this stage.
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@jadeybabe (264)
25 Feb 07
well your right and your wrong yes they should be together a bit longer before committing them selfs together because 6 months is is not very long, but 21 is not a young age to get married if he is really in love with her then let him be but if goes rong then you should let them learn from there mistakes.