Avert your gaze, for a titan passeth by

February 24, 2007 4:22pm CST
A friend of mine forwarded my JAWS quiz to... ...Carl Fu*king Gottlieb. Who wrote JAWS. And THE JERK. And played "Iron Balls McGinty" in THE JERK. And "Ugly John" in M*A*S*H. And so many other cool things in a fascinating career, which is a function of what must be a fascinating, ongoing life. And then Carl Gottlieb wrote this to me: Hello, – Dan P----- kindly gave me your e-mail address after I saw your JAWS quiz (which he sent me first, and which provoked this letter), First of all, I wrote the fu*kin' thing and I was stumped by most of the questions, and the answers that I knew I had to research (like the name of the Brody kid who says "I got bit by a vampire"). So, that is an awesome trivia quiz, which I had to tell you personally. Also, that I enjoy your work and saw you live at some place on the Upper West Side a few years ago and was much impressed. To know that you're self-confessed Jaws Geek is good news.... Cordially, Carl Gottlieb Yeah. Fu*k yeah. March -- and the rest of this decade's -- looking pretty good. I'm going to send him something. I stumped the writer of JAWS with my quiz. Also, he's going to forward the quiz to a group of JAWS fans who call themselves...wait for it..."fin"-atics. (Get yourself to a used bookstore, and get a copy of his book JAWS LOG, wherein he recounts being all but chained to his writing table for day-of re-writes, the sinking realization that, as he pretty much wrote his character out of the movie, the movie got better, Murray Hamilton's drinking, Dreyfus and Shaw's feuding, and Roy Scheider going bugfu*k on the crew one day for not getting a hot lunch. Required reading)
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