Creative people- What information do you need?

February 24, 2007 4:31pm CST
I'm in the process of putting together a page on my web site for creative people. The idea is to provide a series of articles and links. So far I've got links to Free Expression, as site dealing with creative rights to self expression from NYU, The US Copyright Office, which has a very good basic intro to copyright, and, naturally Writer Beware. I just got permission from essayfraud. org, the anti-scam site from the previous post. The articles are based on my personal experiences as a writer and a musician, and nice horror stories they are, in their own way. However- What else would you want to see, in your creative medium? I was thinking of some art and literary references, like Gutenberg, and the rare books sellers, and some of the Chinese art links, and a range of esoterica, including some of the musicians' links to sites where they can sell downloads, etc. I'm not entirely happy about putting links on to commercial sites where I haven't physically checked them out to make sure they work and pay. As it is I have to write a sort of disclaimer where I can say this is what they do, but I haven't done that myself. At least it's honest. Opinions, please. Anything on your wish list for things you'd like to be able to find on the net.
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15 responses
@TinWolf (184)
• United States
25 Feb 07
As an NYU alum and having one major in Journalism, I've been a writer/author for about 57 years. Certainly the WWW offers a seemingly unlimited source of resourses for "FINDING" One issue I have with the WWW and publishing at least is a sense of being in less control than I'd like, or I'm used to. On a very real/personal sense I used to keep my rejection letters as trophies, not as personal attacks, and have enough work in progress now to keep me involved until I die, if I can just get to it,,,smiles. Good luck with the project. Steven Wolf
• Australia
25 Feb 07
There's a thought. I've got a few rejection letters floating around.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
Keep me posted when your site is up and is def. a site i would like to check out!! Thanx
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• Australia
25 Feb 07
Oh, the site's running... it's the page I'm trying to sort out. See the link to the site on my profile, have a look at the Creative page.
• Australia
25 Feb 07
You'd think I'd quote the name of my own page on my own site properly. See the link on joey's post.
• India
25 Feb 07
Your basic idea is very good. But, You can improve on that a bit. If you want to open a website for creative people then you should also provide some links seeing which we may come to know something about the traditional artwork of a country. You can provide links from which people will get ideas about how to create something from rubbish or some pages from which we can copy some designs like a crossstitch design to make our owm works. You couls also include some fun pages for kids.
• Australia
25 Feb 07
Spot on, khushboo, that's what this thread is about. I hadn't been thinking about the crafts angle, I was more concerned with the art/music/literature situations. I've got a single page only at the moment, and to expand it properly will require the cultural refs, as well as the nuts and bolts stuff. I'm currently looking at a series of arts refs, like European Art, Asian art, African, etc, as a sort of all purpose reference library of links. Links to courses and the sort of things you suggest have one drawback; I need to be able to assess if they're any good or not, and what I don't know about crosstitching would fill a phone book. My site is currently more PG than for kids, although you have an excellent point, in that kids do need something for their creativity.
• India
25 Feb 07
well I am a teacher by prfession and a counselor-- things that i would like to have for myself on a crreative website would be something realted to creativity and innovation -- they can be those which you included -- stories, poetry and musical pieces,,,, and they can even be a few those you missed -- word games, online games(may be educational or interest wise), they can be something related to photography or modelling? WHat say?
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• Australia
25 Feb 07
Yeah, if of decent quality. I've been a writer for a while now, and my tastes are a bit esoteric. However- I can do things like that, given the time and space. There are actually games under way for the site, I'm just starting to learn how to put the codes together for actual online games. I think you'd call them philosophical games, but you can shoot things... It's all supposed to be educational. Information and brain food for creative people, with enough mental space allowed for some feedback and personal participation. *****People writing to this thread please note: 1. I do have an obligation to use the best material I can find, and links will probably be to top line institutions like NYU Free Expression. 2. I have to be sure that the content addresses the creative issues in a professional and objective sense. 3. I also make a point of asking for permission to use banners and links to my site, (with apt disclaimers, if required) so you can see I'm trying to create a very large series of very high quality references.
25 Feb 07
I can't really suggest anything now, although I will have a think and come back. Also what you've got planned so far sounds great and I can't wait to be able to read your articles. If you need any help spreading the word about them or you need another audience let me know and I'll see what I can do. I wished I had someone who could cover copyright issues and things like this for p&a. Anyways goodluck and kudos! ~Joey
1 person likes this
• Australia
25 Feb 07
Have a look at the site, and the page, For Creative People. This is the basic form, and I want to expand it to provide as many useful links and as much effective insight as possible.
• United States
25 Feb 07
As a writer, I'm always looking for links to more resources, especially places to get published. You might not want to list too many (you could fill pages and pages with ezine links), but you might want to include a few links to publishing directories like the Writer's Market and Maybe an article or two on how to go about getting published?
1 person likes this
• Australia
25 Feb 07
Yeah, actually, that's been one of the decisions I've had to make. I think a properly organized set of links, with comments and info, would be OK, but not pages of them.
@lpsanche (208)
• United States
24 Feb 07
Well as a graphic design student.. I would say.. that things I would like to see on a website are good content (which so far you have). Good layout for the website so it would be easier to navigate... and pretty much good design. make sure your links work... I hate going to a website were the links do not work... and it is really hard to understand where to go and how to get to different pages...
1 person likes this
• Australia
24 Feb 07
Yeah, as a webmaster you're supposed to check links, anyway. I posted a dud link here, was quite embarrassed, because I do know better. Information, though- you do graphics, what sort of articles and links would you want?
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@leojoe (20)
• Ireland
25 Feb 07
you ot post a link to its a irish company check it out for its new invention not bad if every thing comes together for them
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@junior07 (972)
• India
25 Feb 07
i would like to find some self explanatory courses online which can help in boosting ur career.
@Transformed (1259)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I like to see good content, multiple links, and great graphics. When I say "great graphics" they don't have to be completely snazzy, but visually appealing. Don't use red, yellow, blue, white, and neon green together as fonts, things like that. Make the screen appealing to those with sensitive eyes.
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@arcadian (930)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Im so looking forward to seeing this- by all means let us know when its up and running. thank you.
@sjohnson628 (3197)
• United States
25 Feb 07
i would also like you to notify me when ur page is up and running1 it's something i would love to check out! thanks!
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@Weskom (25)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Sounds great. Everything works great in the LAB though. I am sure once it is up and running you will discover the many things that trip you up, stop you, and cause you to have stress. I hope not. If Edison had never started working on the BULB, where would we be today? Have fun, learn lots, and enjoy.
• Australia
25 Feb 07
Agreed, Weskom. The need for clarity is what's currently getting on my nerves. I've spent a lot of time just making sure I know what I'm trying to achieve. I think if I stick to clear principles, it'll be OK, but as you say the proof is when it hits the public.
• Pakistan
25 Feb 07
im so glad to see this kind of site actually im web/ graphics designer i like it n getting a lot things from this site.. i hope so it will get good response in future as far as i think that its so useful site for all internet user specially for getting information....
@whacks (774)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
You may wish to visit my site Christianity Books at I hope that you consider including such things. Thanks a lot.