
United States
February 24, 2007 4:38pm CST
i am a homeschooling my son, he is 10. i have gotten alot of different opinions about this. i wondered if some of you would mind sharing your opinions and experiences with me about this. thank you for your time. rebelyell
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7 responses
@avs189 (1030)
• India
24 Feb 07
I really dunno reasons behind homeschooling your kid ...i mean if the school is far from ur place or u cannot meet the financial expenses of the kid to go to school ...i dont know abt that part.. personally i feel there are some advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling... its good that child would constantly be under ur guidance and look but at same time he would miss the fun the kids of his age have with other children of school.. also when he grows up and visits college or joins some job... he might face social problems facing such large groups of people together ..he might feel lost in the crowd or may not handle the pressure properly of performing well among large number of people ..i feel schooling would improve his social skills as well as mental balance would be quite helpful to acheive so that he doesnt feel lonely..these are my views..i am not against your schooling but i feel that getting ur kid into school would help him in the long run to develop as an individual rather than be recluse or hermetic type.
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• Canada
24 Feb 07
I just wanted to say that I have never homeschooled but wish that I could . I would never be able to have the patience or the brains to be able to do this but I love the whole idea of what homeschooling is . I give a lot of credit to those that are able to do it .
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Rebelyell....good for you for homeschooling...provided you are using a method that works for you and your son is enjoying and benefitting from it then all the power to you...I UNschooled my kids (rather than structured homeschooling) for two yrs and it did wonders for them...they are in another country now and back in the school system and are both honour and merit roll students...Good for you..If its working out for both of you then I say have at it!
• United States
24 Feb 07
personaly im not in favour of homeschooling first are you sure you are quallified to teach??second your son is missing out on a great leson in life that of social interaction with others !
• United States
25 Feb 07
actually, if you research home education, you do not have to be certified. also, my son is active in church and in several clubs and all day on tuesdays he takes classes with around 160 other homeschoolers from 9am to 3pm. i know all of the kids he is around and all of their parents. which i feel is an advantage. he loves it and wouldnt have it any other way. i have alot of people saying negative things to me about this. but i just wondered what opinions i would find on here. i know alot of people dont understand it fully since they have not experienced it so they speak without actually knowing what they are talking about fully. my son is very extraverted and has many friends and many activities. i worry about him going to school with others who i dont know with teachers i dont know and who i have no idea what he is being taught and if i approve of it. also if he is going to pick up the bad attitudes that are out there so much at his age. if something happens now, i can go to his friends parents, in a purblic school, i dont feel i have the freedom to do that. i feel this is a family project that makes the family unit stronger which i hope will make him stronger thru his entire life.
• United States
25 Feb 07
friend i did not ask you if you were certified i asked if you were qualified how much education do you yourself have?Many folks who try homeschooling just dont have enough learning to accomplish the task!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Her son isnt missing out on anything. School isnt for socializing..when are ppl going to realize this?!?!? I homeschooled my kids for two yrs and their socializing didnt lack in the slightest...IN FACT they ended up with MORE friends because the kids missed them at school...As for being "qualified"...if it is something the family wants to do and they have the time to do it then yes all parents are qualified.....The resources available are many from the schools (some schools) to the library and local book stores, online resources, homeschooling groups and organizations etc etc..... I really wish ppl would actually EDUCATE themselves before blurting out comments that have no merit whatsoever....
• United States
20 Apr 07
Great job for homeschooling your kids. The ones who are against it has never done it or they are working in the school system themselves. We have three great daughters whom were all home schooled two has gradurated from being home schooled and the third is in 11th grade. The oldest is in her third year of college and the top in her class. She is going to school for criminal justice studies. Third has recently grad. so she will be starting college soon. By the way they are all three very popular and have had so many friends threw. Church, baseball, soccer, Dance, Girl Scouts and many other community acctivity's. I hope you the best keep up the great work. Chef Michael
@beenice2 (2967)
• Sackville, New Brunswick
22 Jun 16
I have homeschooled all my children, and I'm still homeschooling my youngest one now. One thing I can tell you right now is, don't give up no matter what people can tell you. Most of the comment they will give you is, oh! what about interaction with other kids, like we are keeping them in the house all the time. My kids knows how to talk and to be nice and polite with elderly as well as with their peers, and they learned so much better .
24 Feb 07
I think homeschooling is great. I wanted to do it with my daughter, but she has been begging me to let her start school since she was 3 years old. She is very social and loves being at school with her friends. She doesn't achieve as much academically at school as I know she would be at home so I work hard with her after school and at the weekend to improve her reading and her maths. She is only 5 and I know school life suits her well at the moment, but if she ever wanted to leave I wouldn't stop her. I thinkt he school environment is so unnatural and different to life that it isn't necessary to go through it.