are you dumb or am i missing something?
By aretha
@aretha (2538)
United States
February 24, 2007 7:44pm CST
ok i have seen a few discussions on men beating on women, one i just seen, she wanted to know why men do it. what i would like to know is why do you let them. ok i am not saying you are dumb but i have a cusion that i love to death that is in a bad relationship with a man that has abused her. i just don't understand why she lets him back. it is hard for me cuz i am upset with her for letting this man do this to her and her kids yet she makes excuses and lets him come back to do it again. it is hard cuz i hate being around him and yet we are very close. if i call and he answers it makes me sick. i hate to hear his voice or see hes face. yet she can live and sleep with him. why is this? please explian
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16 responses
@superchook (1786)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
I'm with you on this one, I can't understand how women can let these men do it to them over and over again. I have never been in this situation but to me I would think that they would want to get out of this situation. Maybe they are too scared to for some reason. I especially don't understand the ones that will leave their abusive partners and then get back together with them a few months down the track. Like I said though, I have never been in that sort of situation, so I really don't know what they would be thinking.
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
25 Feb 07
i have never been in this situation either but it is hard seeing it go on with some one so close to you. we all fear for her and wish she could see. she has done this with kicking him out for 2 months and then hes back. its killing her mother and she just don't seem to relize she gets upset with us for not treating him like we treat the rest of the in-laws. hope she sees soon. thanks for the response
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@jbrooks0127 (2324)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Unfortunatly this kind of man when not drunk or mad is almost always a really nice guy. And he is esspecily when he wants her back. She married him because she loved him. Something about him attracted her and she has no control over that.
Attraction is not a choiuce you eitehr are or your not.
It is hard to understand why a woman would continue to take that abuse but it happens all the time. It seems to me that women are able to foget the bad and remember the good far easier than a man can. If not how can they continue to have children. If men had to have babies there would only be one...count on it.
I am sure you have done all you can to try to convince her but the thought of being without him is far less preferable. I so so hard for everyone else I know but there really is little you can do. The best thing you can do is be there for her when she needs it. Instead of putting him down simply point out the problems so she can see them clearly. I have a sister that put up with this for a long time but she finally had enough and has been happly married to someone else for many years now.
It is kind of like any addiction until she sees it for herself she will not chance. Just help her see.
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
25 Feb 07
yes and we are just some times its so hard. v-day he gave her a ring i guess it was a promise ring and she was all excited telling me about it but its hard for me to be happy about it. she wants us to be to him like we are the rest of the familys spouses but its hard. we have pointed things out many times and she gets upset with us because she knows it true so we have stopped saying anything. i just hope she is as smart as your sister. thank you for the response the childbirth part made sense. thanks
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
25 Feb 07
i will always be there for her weather it to talk or to cry or scream and holler.what i am having a hard time with is her talking him up and thing we are gonna be happy. he got her a ring for V-day and she was all happy and i think she wanted me to be happy for her but its so hard. she send me a picture of flowers he got her i think trying to show he is being good but he has done so much bad that flowers and a ring isn't gonna fix it for me. how am i supposed to be happy. i want her to have this in life and if he could really prove he has changed and never did this again i could be but right now i can't. i try not to cut him down but even to point something out to her she gets upset so we have just stopped when she talks about him i just listen i don't add my input. i just hope she sees before he really hurts her. thank you so much for your response and advice i very much appreciate it thank you
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@beckyomg1 (6756)
• United States
25 Feb 07
well like i answered in the other post and yes i did answer one of them. There are many reasons for this. It can be very low self esteem that the person has. There are ones that they dont think that people will love them, and they will take any attention whether it be good or bad. Sometimes it does work out in the end and they can live a happy life together, it may take many many years but it can happen.
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@beckyomg1 (6756)
• United States
25 Feb 07
you are so welcome for the response. anytime.
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
25 Feb 07
well if she is gonna stay i hope it does change and they end up happy. she has always been the strong one in our family the one that puts up with no crap from anyone and now this so its a bit shocking. i just hope it works out some how and she can end up happy. thanks for the response
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
25 Feb 07
A few years back I actually said the same thinga s you do now, How vould anyone let them hit them, That was until I myself found myself in that situation.
A man just don´t hit a woman - or atleast mine didn´t. he gradualy started to take me down to the point where i felt like i was worth nothing (without touching a hair on my head) and he had me thinking that the only person who ever would love e was him. When u are in that dark place you really do belive him - and you want to belive him. So you stay. He makes you loose all your confidence and by the time he hits you the first time you are already stuck in his net!
I stayed for a total of 4 years and getting out was not easy. I still live with a threath over my head - but I MADE it - I DID get out.
It is so hard for someone who has not been there to understand exactly what is going on. I listened to noone - I felt as if they were jealous, or just wanted to break us up - coz that is what he had me thinking.
men who abuse women are usually very manipulative... They first make you love them, then they take u down and THEN they hit you. by then it is already to late!!
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
26 Feb 07
Thanx for best response.
I do understand that it is hard to understand unless you have been there but I am glad that I made u think.
I really hope that she will have the strength to get out, and when she does, be there for her - she will need it!
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I personally would never stay with a man who beat me.. Luckily I have never been faced with this situation. I think it has alot to do with the women now knowing what to do- Where do they turn? Usually the man abuses them mentally and physically and they are afraid of what they will do without him. I find it sad.. I do not know anyone who is in an abusive relationship... I'm not sure I could be around any man that beat a woman.. I'm a pretty strong willed woman and I'm sure I would shoot my mouth off.. Which wouldn't be good for the woman.
I think that any woman who is being abused needs to get out of the relationship especially if there are kids involved! there are people and places to help them. I'm sure it would be tough- but they'd be much happier in the logn run.
I'm not in their shoes so I cannot judge them, or say that I would leave. I hope to never have to walk a mile in their shoes.
@yvonne1968 (1063)
• United States
25 Feb 07
i would say some women just have a sickness and like being with men who beat them. I have a cousin who is just like this. She is now 41 years old and still has relationships with men who beat her. She wont listen to anyone in the family and i think my family and i have tuned her out when she complains she knows how to get out but wont do it. I myself dated a guy who hit me twice, and both times i ended up decking him and then i left. Any guy i date now
knows i wont put up with it! I would just say your friend has a sickness and likes to put up with it since she doesnt want to leave.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
25 Feb 07
I do not think that ANYONE likes it, soe just don´t feel as if they deserve any better than that. Beeing beaten by someone you love can break a person mentally and witout experiancing it first hand I am not sure that you exactly know what this means!
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Thank you. I would like to know why these women let men beat them? I mean where have these women been raised? have they lived under rocks or something? Seriously, I would never let a man hit me or beat. My mother and grandmother raised me not to be weak and to stand up for myself. You do not ever let a man beat you, ever. You let a man beat you, then you prove yourself weak, you let him win. Do you want him to win? No, then do not let him bet you.
@aretha (2538)
• United States
25 Feb 07
that is how alot of see it but i guess we will never know unless we are in there place. i was just wondering why they allow it to keep happening. my cousion was brought up better then that i know she was and its killer her mom to she her go through this but nothing we can do at this pont.
thanks for the response
@rosettaresearch (1285)
• United States
25 Feb 07
To everyone who asked why she stays or says that something must be wrong with the woman who stays with an abuser, I have a question. Why are you blaming the victim? If someone is raped, do you ask what she did to deserve it? If someone is hit by a drunk driver do you ask what that person did wrong to be hit? NEVER, NEVER, NEVER blame the victim. It is not their fault these things happen.
In an abusive situation, long before the first punch/slap whatever is ever thrown, the psychological abuse happens. The abuser has convinced the woman that no one will ever love her the way he does. That without him, she is nothing. That if she tries to leave, he will hunt her down and bring her back. So, coupled with the other thing she might get like security, genuine remorse when the abuse occurs, the woman may feel she has no choice but to stay.
It takes the average abused woman 7 tries before she permanently leaves her abuser. These women deserve our help and support each time they do try. Not our condemnation when they don't succeed in making it permanent. Because if we only condemn, criticize or even try to dictate what they should do, how are we better than the abuser in try to run their lives?
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
25 Feb 07
no one has blamed them. i simply wanted to know why she stays. its crazy to me yes but i have never been were she is so i have no clue. i have helped her many times the last time he hit her she called me at 1 in the morning and i went to get her. i have moved her and hid her. i will NEVER turn my back on her. i have never cut her down when she let him back or when she went back. i was usually the one helping her move back or hanging his clothes back in the closet has bad as i wanted to take them out and burn them i did it. i don't want her upset with me cuz i am afraid she will have no one to turn to went it does come to an end or he really does hurt her.
thank you for your response
@butterpecan (688)
• United States
25 Feb 07
i feel your cousin thinks less of herself cause no one should let nobody beat them if a man put his hands on you once and you do nothing about it like if you hit back or call the police if you do nothing he is and should do it again cause it's your fault for letting it happen. Tell your cousin to get out he really isn't worth it at all.
@cwgrlsarefun (1581)
• United States
25 Feb 07
It would not do any good to try and explain to someone who has never lived through it because no matter what we say you will not understand. What I can say is that what is important is that you stay there for your cousin and never let her down. For her to leave she will have to know that she has people who she can count on no matter what.
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
25 Feb 07
yes i agree and we have stayed right there and she knows that. it just hard to see her go through this. and i know i will never understand why they stay and let them do it again and again but i have gottin a couple replys that make alot of sense and help with some understanding of it.
thank you for your response
@llabteksab73 (800)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I am not dumb.......But I could never watch a man hit another female. That is just sick. I will do anything in my power to stop that if I ever witness it. THANK!
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@JulieSkyRock (401)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
They are not dumb. They are searching for help. It's their way to get more secure about what they are going to do next to help themself. It's not always easy to get help and, when you do, your afraid that the abuser will get even more agressive. Let's say for example that a woman, mother of 3, is getting abuse by her husband. That woman doesn't work, it's the husband who support the family. If that woman leave, what she's going to do to support her children? Often, women getting abuse don't leave because they have no issues, no solutions, or are not able to see a solution by themself. Please don't say ever again that people abuse are dumb, it's just they don't know what to do.
@aretha (2538)
• United States
25 Feb 07
i did not say they were dumb. she is a 31 yr old women that has never had a man support her so i know thats not it. its hard to explain her she is not afraid of him she could kick his butt but she won't. i am not saying i want it to turn in to a fist fight with the two of them but maybe if she turned and slapped him around a little bit he would see. she has a way to support her kids and its her house she has her own car its all hers. the only thing i can think with her is in her own way some how she does love him or thinks she does. thank you for your response
@princeworthy (1909)
• United States
26 Feb 07
First of all let me say I am not in this position personally nor do I know anyone who is abused physically. That said, I think that women stay in these relationships because they have low self esteem. Usually these men don't just beat them but they tell them that they are lucky to have them and that no one else will want them. If is only when they realize that these things aren't true do they get out if at all.
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@rival1993 (34)
25 Feb 07
it probaly is fear unfortunatley, i knew someone who was on the reciving end of one of the relationships but she finaly got enough courage to leave him and she said that she couldnt because she didnt know what to do with out him but it is hard to understand
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@jolanda33 (720)
• Netherlands
25 Feb 07
those guys are acting slowly, first they let the woman fall in love, and the longer it takes the more they are going to be violent! at the first hit, i think they are obsessed by their man, and ofcourse this man says sorry, it never happends again etc. i think they use all the bad words also to make the woman small and don't have their own opinion anymore!
if you don't take the right step the first time he wants to hit you it will happen again!
my first boyfriens stood in front of me with his fist in front of my face! i told him that if he hits me right now in the face, this face will be last one he sees this day!
he never tried it again!
i know i am strong, and other woman aren't but i hope they will be one day and get the hell out of these violent relationships!
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@aretha (2538)
• United States
25 Feb 07
if only they could get out but something is stopping them. i just wish there was something i could say to make her see. she has always been a strong person and never aloud this before. i last guy showed just a little temper and he was out the door. i just really wish she would see.
thank you for your response
@DjOdyssey (21)
• Taiwan
25 Feb 07
you know what? i don't really know if the person has confused love with obsession. She needs professional help. Sometimes you think you're in love and willing to love that person for whoever he/she is, even if he/she does the wrong things, you are blinded by love and try to justify everything. Sometimes, even if it means sacrificing your physical, emotional and well-being. Make her see that there are other forms of happiness out there, and that the man she is with right now will only bring her more pain and suffering than happiness.
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