neighbor acting like she owns my dog
neighbor thinks she owns my puppy
My Neighbor Acting Like She Owns My Puppy
By cuddleme01
@cuddleme01 (2725)
February 24, 2007 11:49pm CST
am talking about my terrier dog who just survived PARVO.
so anyways,i have this neighbor who thinks she owns my puppy. at first it was not a big deal for me everytime she would call my puppy and give him food. it wasn't long enough that everymorning upon waking up, i can't find my puppy at home or in the yard. it turns out she brought the puppy at home with her, inside her apartment which is just a few steps away. i wake up look for my puppy. she won't return the puppy unless i look for it. and just after lunch, she would call my puppy who would go to her again thinking there is food for him. then she will not return my puppy unless i call for my pup again.This has been the scenario for a month now.
it disturbs me because i love my puppy. i don't have much time with my little dog anymore because she(neighbor) acts like the owner. she will just get inside the house and take my dog for a walk without my permission. she has really crossed the line. i want to talk to her about this but i don't know where to start. she feels so at home that she will just get inside the house, take my pup, then out they are gone.
what should i do now?
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27 responses
@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
25 Feb 07
How does this woman get inside your apartment? If she has a key, you should change the lock and tell her that you do not want her to take your dog without your permission. Then suggest that she get a dog of her own.
If this kept up, I would call the authorities and report that someone had stolen my dog -- and tell them whom you suspect of doing it. Good luck.
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
she has no key, but she has been a neighbor of ours for quite sometime now and she has always been welcomed to visit the house even before i have no puppy. she was welcomed to enter the house. when only the househelpers are downstairs early morning, she goes inside, get my puppy and bring it home with her.
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@Dolcerina (3376)
• Hungary
26 Feb 07
Oh, what an annoying neigbour she is!! How stupid!
Give a dog to her, and say you give it to her because you see, that she would like an own dog very much. I would like to help you so much. I can imagine what a feeling this is...
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@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
27 Feb 07
thank you dolcerina. this neighbor of mine has really crossed the line. i hope she will get the message am trying to tell her.thank you for responding.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
25 Feb 07
This almost exactly like my neighbours situation, although in her case it was a kitten.
You must talk to her, and now, before your puppy decides to live permanently with your neighbour, as it did with mine.
If you don't want to start off aggro like, start with something like this... "Your must really love my puppy, we do too. I am sure she loves the food you give her, and the walks. But I would really like you to stop doing any this please, no walks, no food. As she is getting confused about where she lives".
If you give the neighbour the chance to be reasonable, it is just possible she will cooperate.
Now, is she doesn't cooperate, offer to help her purchase a nice puppy for herself. If the neighbour still won't cooperate, then you need to get "firm".
Next time you are calling your puppy, if you know for certain she is inside your neighbours house, call the Police. This might sound like overkill, but gee, the puppy is yours, and the neighbour wont let it out. Explain this to the Police.
I think after one visit from the police, your neighbour will tire of her childish antics. Good Luck. I will be curious to know what happens.
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
thanks puppy living in her apartment is what am really scared of. i had told her to purchase puppy of her own but she would reason out that she has no money to buy one and she can't afford all those vaccines and everything.
the police thing-- i might consider that if she won't stop. it's like she is taking my puppy's attention and love away from me. i hate her for doing that but as much as possible would like to settle things peacefully. thank you for responding.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
Keep your puppy indoors and keep your doors locked at all times! This neighbor has gone WAY too far!
I can't believe that she would do this before you're even out of bed in a morning. How on earth is she getting into your apartment anyway? If she has a key then you need to fasten bolts to the inside of your doors to prevent her from entering your home.
And thats another thing. If she's entering your home without your permission, then she's breaking the law. Tell her she either stops it or you're going to call the police. She's entering without permission and she's taking something that belongs to you. That's stealing.
This needs to be nipped in the bud right away. If you talk to her and she continues to treat your home like its her own, then get tough with her. It's the only way to stop her.
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@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
thank you for that. i try to keep the pup indoors now. but being a neighbor, just few steps away, she can easily go in our house early morning and play with my pup and oftentimes bring it with her at home.i will really get tough with her if she continues what she is doing to me and my pup. thank you for responding.
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@cafay1 (256)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I agree with others, the fact that this neighbor feels ok to come into your home and take the puppy is bad. This needs to be addressed sternly. You have a right to your space. I would not hesitate to get help with that by contacting the authorities. Maybe a discussion with her about it first and letting her know you will contact the authorities. Good luck with your brassy neighbor.
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
thanks cafay. she must have noticed that i dont like her bringing my pup with her in her house. she did not get my pup the whole afternoon today. am glad she is starting to get the message.
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@NatureBoy (493)
• Singapore
26 Feb 07
Hmm, I guess its good to know someone also loves your puppy. Her intentions are kind, but her methods of showing them are not right. What I would suggest is not to act so defensively. I know its your dog. Have a talk with her, she can come over and feed the dog, and have fun with her. But, let her know that if she wants to bring the dog out, let you know first. To take without permission is to steal. I don't think that she ever means to steal the puppy, but you know it becomes habitual and part of her routine daily already. Its also good to have a good neighbour relationship. =
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@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
26 Feb 07
maybe her intentions are good, but like you said, she is showing it in the wrong manner. . i hope i can talk to her about this, because she is the type of person who feels rejected if someone criticizes her. i am having a hard time dealing with her.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
that is really ridiculous... how does you neighbour manage to get into your house at the first place and why do you let her do that continuously for a month now??? why don't you have a chat with her from the beginning??? what she had done had crossed the line and need to be reported to authority if it continues... i think it is very very rude and unacceptable to enter someone else's house and taking something without permission... why does she dare to do that??? does she has a close relationship with you??? you need to sort this out soon... good luck...
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Feb 07
I think you should tell her to stop that. And also do not let your Puppy out of Site. When they are Puppies that is the crucial time for training and she is confusing the Pup by doing what she is doing, Tell her politely if she wants a Puppy to go and get her own but would she please stop taking yours in her Flat. You need to stop this now. Do not let the Puppy out of your Sight.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
Can you have the lock on your front door changed?
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@pebbles_cubbie (3789)
• United States
26 Feb 07
that's not right. it's your puppy if she wants one then she needs to get her own. definitely talk to her about it and start off telling her how she makes you feel and how you feel about her taking your dog away. double lock your doors and windows and then the only way she can get in is to break in which is illegal. then she will get in trouble for breaking in.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I think you need to call the authorities, because what she is doing is breaking and entering. That is your puppy, not hers, and she is essentially stealing it from you. I know you are neighbors, and that makes it difficult. But if you don't nip this in the bud right away, she could end up not giving your puppy back at all. She needs to get a puppy of her own if she wants one...not help herself to yours. (Sorry for the rant, but I HATE people like her!! They drive me crazy.)
@cuddleme01 (2725)
• Philippines
25 Feb 07
no my dog is not left outside the house. he roams inside our fence but mostly stays inside the house. i don't tie him always. just yesterday, my dog was inside the house, tied up because he wants to go out, this neighbor of mine, went inside the house, took the dog with her and said she was gonna let the dog eat. i did not know of this because i was inside my room. when i came back, my dog was gone.
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@butterflydawn (297)
• Canada
26 Feb 07
I wouldn't let the matter go on any longer. Talk to her as nicely as you can and tell her that you do not want her to take the dog any more. Keep your doors locked so that she can't get in. If she does this too often the dog will be very confused about where it does live, or one of these days she could up and disappear with the dog or claim it is hers. Let her know that she is welcome to come and see the dog with your permission but the dog does not need to be fed or taken by her anymore. Also you might try putting a lock on the gate to your yard to also prevent her from going into the yard.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
25 Feb 07
Just tell her straight out that it is your dog and that u prefer to feed him yourself, and that u can recomend he to a shelter where she can get her own pup :-)
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@jeweledbluerose (3061)
• United States
25 Feb 07
Well for starters she really has no business getting inside your house whether you are there or not. That could be considered trespassing and she could in trouble for stealing since the puppy is your property.
Anyways tell her that you don't mind that she spends time with your puppy, but you aren't comfortable with her coming into your home to get the pup. If she wants a puppy she needs to go adopt one of her own. Also if this continues it will be really hard to train the dog to obey you, so you need your puppy to stay with you more often, so the pup can get the proper training. Treats are good, but in most cases it is better for just the owner(s) to give the dog the treat.
If this continues, than you may want to think about keeping your house locked up or getting locks changed and when the pup is out, you stay outside with it with the pup on a leash. After all this is your dog and you are the owner, so it is in your right to take charge and keep the pup in your yard.
@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
9 Mar 07
Goodness! . . I think I would flip out if some neighbor started taking my puppy home with her or even in to her own house. I'd probably stop talking to them quite honestly as I am very protective of mine & my other halfs puppy. I think it's wrong of anyone to take a pet from someone without asking them first.
I know that I already get upset if the relative who my other half & me live with take our puppy to her room without even letting me know. I find it wrong to do that because you are taking ones belongings. Even if it is a puppy it is still something that you hold dear.. And I think it's only good manners to ask before deciding to take something from a person. Whether it be your pet or even your other belongings that you own.
I truly think you need to confront this neighbor of yours.. You need to tell this person that what they are doing is so very wrong.. If you don't I am scared that she will decide to keep the puppy & pretend one day that she doesn't have the puppy in her house.. One you are looking for your puppy one day.. I feel that.. This may lead to problems for you later on & you may have to call the authorities. If you don't confront this neighbor soon.
I think it would be best if you confront this neighbor & tell them that you don't mind them playing with your pup. But it doesn't mean that they can take the pup with them in there own house any time they may want. Let them know that you do own the puppy & that they need to get permission from you to take the puppy with them to there place.
I think if this neighbor gets all upset.. That it's best if you stop associating with them for a bit. To me this is not a good sign if someone begins to get upset with you when confronting them.. If anything they'd feel terrible for what they have done & stop what they are doing.. They would respect you as a person & realize what they had done was so very wrong. At least this is how a good neighbor in my opinion would act. They would be more than understanding in my opinion.
I feel if this neighbor is unable to follow what you had said to them.. That maybe the puppy should just be left inside with you at all times.. And if you decide to let your puppy out it may be best if you go outside with the pup. Just so that this neighbor doesn't decide to take it upon themselves all over again to take the puppy back to there place..
If anything if they love your puppy so much.. Maybe they should go buy there own puppy instead of thinking they have the right to take your puppy home with them anytime they want or please.. That is so very wrong.. And they should know better.. Especially if it's a grown adult in my opinion..
In conclusion.. I say confront this neighbor tell them like it is.. Without holding back.. Be honest hun.. It's best to do this as if you don't it may lead to you losing your pup.. Or worse having to turn to the authorities for assistance..
If she doesn't learn to follow what you had said.. You may have to call the authorities or change the locks so she is unable to get within your house further more.. I cannot believe that someone would do this to another.. To me this is invading one's privacy & it is so very wrong in my opinion.. I wish you all the best of luck.. Please do keep us informed on what happens. As I would like to know quite honestly.. I truly hope all works out for you! All the best of luck from my side!
Thanks for allowing me to share! xx
@jeb083079 (839)
• Philippines
3 Mar 07
for me, if she's or he's an aged person already, don't mind it at all. at least, somebody's taking care of your puppy. and someone is happy because of your puppy. you might as well talk to her or him by asking her about dogs. if you want, you can sell it to him or her at least you know that your puppy will be in good hands. what would you prefer, your puppy being in the hands of not-so-good people or being with someone you know who knows how to take good care of your puppy?
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
27 Feb 07
This is totally wrong. I would say try explaining to her this is wrong - your dog she has no right to feed, walk, or take into her home without your permission. If that doesn't work I'm afraid I would tell her she doesn't stop you will report her to the police for steeling and trespassing. Neighbors it can be difficult but it is your dog, maybe suggest she go to the animal shelter and get one of her own.
@ramesh82in (30)
• India
25 Feb 07
it is depend upon the animal and its behaviour
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