Is your child a whiner?
By marie27
@marie27 (62)
United States
February 25, 2007 3:15pm CST
i have a 6 year old boy who seems to whine and cry at the drop of a hat. and i do not know how to break him out of it. i tried the ignoring method. i told him he is not a baby and does not need to cry everytime someone looks at him. the neighborhood we live in the kids are rough and even the babies are dangerous but i am not worried about him getting picked on cuz i know he can fight and protect himself. so he does not get teased or anything. but the baby act is getting on my nerves. does anyone have any suggestions on what i can do to make him stop? i do think he acts like this because he is the smallest. ppl get him and the baby mixed up and think he's the baby because he is so tiny
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11 responses
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
25 Feb 07
My 8yr old daughter is just as bad when it comes to whining/crying. With her homework, chores, anything that she doesn't want to do. I told her I can't understand her when she's like that and to take 5 min, relax and then come back to me with her question or whatever she wanted to talk to me about. I'm tired of the whining/crying myself and it really gets on my nerves. If she gets too out of hand about it, I do the 1-2-3..take 5 with her. Count 1 wait 5 sec. and if the child doesn't stop, count 2 and wait 5 sec. more, still acting up count 3 and then say 'take 5' which means 5 min. in the bedroom with door closed. Child not allowed out till 5 min. are up and you go open the door and tell your child he/she can come out and leave it at that. I learned that in parenting classes that I had to take (long explaination there) but it's working. I seldom get to 3 let alone 2 now.
Maybe this system will help you like it did me.
@silvermoonmyst (943)
• United States
26 Feb 07
My nearly 3 year old is. Hes forever getting frustrated and whining. I tell him everytime that i cannot understand what he is saying when he whines like that. He has to use his words, or he wont get what he wants and i cant help him. Generally after a few minutes of me telling him things like that, he stops and talks to me.
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
He is at an age when children whine. Your best bet is to simply tell him that you can't understand him when he whines, and he needs to speak more clearly. Being small doesn't help, though, and I suspect he has self image issues. Praise him for everything he does well, and encourage him to attempt new things, and he will soon start to bloom.
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@imsilver (1665)
• Canada
25 Feb 07
I really wish that I had a cure for this that I could pass on to you. It would help me so much in my own household. I have a 7 year old daughter that acts the same way and I totally understand where you are coming from when you say that it gets on your nerves. My daughter drives me up the wall sometimes with her whining; especially when there is no reason for it. Sometimes even her regular speech comes out whining just because she is so used to doing it. I've tried many different methods to get her to stop but they don't seem to work. I've discussed this with her teacher at school and was told that she doesn't do it nearly as often there. Apparently it's something that she saves for me... oh lucky me...
If you find something that works please repost and let me know.. lol...
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@trinihd (996)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Sounds like your daughter knows with whom she can get away with the whining! Lucky you! My niece was like that...and she still does it sometimes (not to me though) because she can....and because it works. Maybe some people think ignoring doesn't work but I believe it does. I used to tell me niece all the time to stop whining or I won't listen to her. I was always very firm and she knew I meant business. I don't think your daughter is incurable! However I am not an expert! Be blessed!
@chadd_atl (288)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I have a daughter who is four and she is currently in the "whiney phase". I've learned that the best thing to do for her is that when she starts to whine, I get her attention, get down on her level (on my knees) and say something like, "Whining will not get you what you want. I need for you to talk to me and to be polite" (and then I tell her what she should have said).
At times when she is in a bad mood or something, I have even said, "Whining is very annoying and it won't get you what you want, so I'm going to go in the other room until you're finished and when you can talk to me, I'll come back and listen, but I won't listen to whining."
I admire you asking for help and puttin ghtis post on here for advice from other parents. Good luck! I hope this helped a little.
@prestocaro (1251)
• United States
26 Feb 07
i don't have kids, but my sister and i were both raised to be non-whiners because my mom had a simply solution: if we whined, it just added to the chores. she viewed whining as disrespectful (because it is manipulative) and tried ignoring us for a while, but eventually struck upon her solution. I don't know if this will work for you, but i hope you stay strong and remember that you are the mommy and you are in control! good luck!
don't be afraid to be that HBIC, no one likes their mom all the time :)
@beckyomg1 (6756)
• United States
25 Feb 07
my teenagers even whine, not all the time, but sometimes. i know when they were younger too that they did. sometime you just have to see if something is really wrong.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
26 Feb 07
My niece is exactly the same way and i have been keeping her for just over a year now and it is a hard habit to break them out of for sure. The method that we have been trying her lately is to get her to repeat to us that she is ok and that she is fine. That there is really no reason to whine or cry and that we will respond to her better if she just talked normal and that there is absolutley no need for the whining.
@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
26 Feb 07
He is still a baby, you dont realize it now but you will when he gets to be a big kid like mine have. He maybe did not get enough time to be a baby so he doesnt want to act like such a big boy now.
a Friend of mine had a baby and the second child had been the baby for 6 years and felt like an outcast.
So you have to see the little guys view. He is no longer the center of attention and he will get attention
one way or another. Just try to remember he is a baby
himself and the years will go by fast enough . Try to enjoy him and give him lots of extra hugs so he knows he is special too.
@teamfreddy (150)
• Mexico
26 Feb 07
When I was young my mom would sent us to our rooms when we would give that behavior. One could come out when the crying stopped, or otherwise stay for another hour. Maybe Spartan solution in the USA, but it has worked fine for us Dutch kids for years, as it is common practice there. Excessive yelling or shooting got the same treatment. I have used it on my own kids and it worked fine. That way no spanking is necessary, as that NEVER resolves anything. Be aware that he is not trying to manipulate you.
@uniquesoul (230)
• Canada
26 Feb 07
I have encountered a book that is called 1-2-3 Magic just like the parenting course blkbriar has mentioned and it works...Although there is rules also for the parents also
u need to talk sternly, show no emotion and don't argue bk I will give u an example...
this is a exapmle of how the 1-2-3 take 5 will not work-
hmmmm let me think LOL
Ok well child comes in kitchen u are preparing dinner it will be ready in 15 -30 minute's tops:
Child: Can I have a cookie
Mom: :No dear
C:Why not
M: cause we are eatting in 15min
C:Yeah but I want one
M:I just told u NO
C:U never give me anything
M:What do u mean I never give u anything I buy ur clothes feed u etc...
If u keep carring on like this it will not work!!
This is how 1-2-3 is effective after practiced after a few day's:
Child: Can i have a cookie
Mom: No dear
C: Why not
M: Cause we eatting in 15 min
C: yeah but i want one
M: that's 1
C: (pauses)Oh, all right ( grumpy but exit's from kitchen)
end of disscussion doesn't carrie on and u don't have to reason with them till ur head want's to fall off...
It is a effective way of dealing with ur children but u can't let them get u carried away talking by reasoning it will not help..U need to show the no talking and no emotion rule... and be stern... if u have any farther questions hit me up...I'll be glad to share with u more
@uniquesoul (230)
• Canada
27 Feb 07
THANK U VERY MUCH!!!! And u are right we have a great understanding of each other....