How do you feel about Soda machines in schools?
By ashleypastor
@ashleypastor (173)
United States
February 25, 2007 5:01pm CST
This is my opinion, Whats yours?
I feel that schools should not have soda machines because soda is not only unhealthy, but does not produce energy for kids to focus in the classroom. In fact the suger will boost your energy level up for a short time, usually while were still in the lunch setting, then bring yo energy level down lower than it was before.
Also, children obisity has grown so much in the U.S. 15.5 percent of children ages 6-19 are obese. feel that children, even teenagers, are not mature enough to make the decision of wanting soday on a regular basis. My 62 year old Nana, who hardly ever has soda, recently went to the doctors, and he told her that she has stronger bones than most of his younger, around age 19, patients. Most of the younger patients actually have bones of a 90 year old. He said that his younger patients were worse off from their regular intake of soda. "One 20 ounce bottle of soda is the equivalent of pouring 17 teaspoons of sugar straight into your body!...Those 250 empty calories can set you up for mood swings, energy dips and weight gain."
I am 16 years old, and I am happy to say, as of next year, my High School is getting rid of the TEN Soda Machines we have on campus and the junk food, such as candy, that is sold at lunch. They got rid of the ice cream machines last year, and finally the cheapest thing on the menu is fruit, and sometimes the give it out for free!
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52 responses
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I am all for getting rid of all the soda and junk food in the schools. The schools in my area have already got rid of all the machines and are now serving only healthy food in the cafeteria. I remember in high school I had a friend whos parents wouldn't allow junk food in the house so she would buy nothing but junk food at school to eat. I often tried to get her to make some healthy choices to go along with the junk food to no avail. My school had a buffet-type setting where you bought whatever food you wanted to eat. I made healthy choices but always had some form of junk food as a dessert so it balanced out for me. I've brought my daughter up to make healthy choices by making sure she had access to all kinds of fruit/veggies in our house for her to eat. 9 times out of 10, she went for the fruit as a snack. I have a candy bowl out constantly and it's my hubby who is constantly dipping into it, not our daughter. When they had the machines in the school, my daughter never chose to buy that stuff choosing the 'good' stuff instead which earned lots of points with all the teachers/principal at school.
@randomosity_prevails (1110)
26 Feb 07
I don't believe that soda machines should be in schools. In the UK, there has recently been a government initiative to get rid of all the vending machines, and just provide children with water. I'm not sure if this has gone through yet, I don't have children, but I think it is a great idea, that should be adopted in more places.
Childhood obesity is a growing concern, which should be at least in part, tackled at school. It's no good teaching children about healthy eating, then allowing them to eat junk food and drink fizzy drinks out of a machine YOU provide!
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
26 Feb 07
You know I graduated high school 30 years ago and have raised two children that have had soda machines in their school, just as I did. I feel if it was okay for us and my kids than why change it. Sure some kids are going to drink too much, but that is what happens in life, someone always does too much and those instances cannot be controlled by removing the element. To me this is just another media propaganda and should not be debated or contributed to. We need to educate our children, not be worried about something that is beyond our control and that is controlling what our teenagers eat.
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@ashleypastor (173)
• United States
27 Feb 07
This is not just a few kids, This is most of America, and other countries too. And although some students may have a good matabolism, you can still be obese and skinny. It is unhealthy either way.
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@coolcager (496)
• Costa Rica
26 Feb 07
weeeee my school doesnt have any vending machines. but they sell fresh fruit juice. and a can/bottle of soda but very expensive. So stick with the fresh juice. and i cant believe it 17 teaspoons of sugar hehe.
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@ashleypastor (173)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Wow, fresh fruit juice; you are very lucky! yes, the sugar..I could hardly believe it either.
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@flexjr (99)
• Canada
26 Feb 07
I dont feel that there is anything necessarily wrong with having soda machines in schools. I think it is the responsibility of the parents to keep kids in shape and good health as far as obesity goes. I think that having soda machines in schools is actually quite a good idea, since it raises funds for the school which can better your childs education. If you dont want an obese child, limit his or her intake on fatty junk foods and promote excercise. I have 6 Soda machines in my school, and not all of them contain strictly soda products. I think if you combine pops with other drinks such as juices, you'll find that lots of kids prefer something different, since there is such an abundance of soda.
But ideally, I think that it is up to parents and mature students to realize how much is too much.
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@beaniefanatic13 (5076)
• Grand Junction, Colorado
26 Feb 07
I don't think that children should be put at risk for future health problems so that the school makes a few bucks. There are other ways for the schools to earn extra money, fund raisers come to mind as a big option. Children are children and most when away from parents will sneak the unhealthy items regardless of what they have been taught, not all, but most.
As she stated, on top of the juice machines and water machines this school has 10 soda vending machines, that is way beyond necessary.
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@ashleypastor (173)
• United States
27 Feb 07
We have seperate vending machines for water, and juice. Parents are not at school to watch what their children are purchasing at the snack bar, therefore, like everything else that happens at school, it is the schools responsiblity to provide students with foods, and drinks, that will be able to get them through the day.
Most students are mature enough to realize how much is enough, and the parents arn't in school making sure they are making the right choice.
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@Mainemom (46)
• United States
26 Feb 07
First let me say that i think it is great that a young teen like you is concerned about health and has the wisdom to it and what it can do to you and the pros and cons of this beverage. Also did you know that coke is so strong in chemicals and acids that paramedics and fire departments use it for cleaning up blood on the pavement, it is also used to remove rust from a vehicle and did you know you can use it in your laundry to remove blood and blood stains? Scary fact that something that potent is on the market for us to put in our systems, this is Coca Cola product not Diet or any other, but straight Coca Cola.
I know Maine has or will be removing the soda machines in our schools as well, it was on the news not long ago, or in our paper I saw it on the net, and I know the high school that my daughter goes to, has fruit juice and water but still has the snacks that are sugary and you are right it is just a booster, it does nothing for you later does not keep your stamina and really makes you sluggish later. Although my daughters school has a rule you cannot use the machines until after school. So that is one rule i agree with but at least some of the things they have are healthy things.
I have to admit though I am a Diet Pepsi holic, and need to stop one day and have been trying to wean myself off it to better beverages. thanks for sharing and posting.
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@ashleypastor (173)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Absolutely, my school showed it to me freshman year about four times. I absolutely love that movie because it is a very interesting document. Thanks for your response.
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@pagli84 (1850)
• Netherlands
26 Feb 07
i think it contributes to child obesity which is already such a huge problem in the US right now. but i guess school lunches aren't any better. i think all of this needs to be changed as well as maybe a health and nutrition class being taught in schools. not only that, but many parents dont allow their children to drink soda on a regular basis. so the soda machines are just ways for these children to go behind their parents' backs.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I'm glad that your school is getting rid of their soda machines! I really feel that selling carbonated drinks at school isn't the best way to go. Not only are they unhealthy and provide no real nutrients for a person's system, but the caffeiene in such drinks is definitely detrimental, as well. I know, I suffered a lot when I was drinking too much caffeine, and I hate to think of the youth of today getting hooked on it, because the more I drank the worse I got, could barely sleep at night, etc. I just think that it's best to stay away from caffeinated drinks except for in small doses. They don't do you any good, and they can definitely do harm.
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
26 Feb 07
Soda machines should be removed from all schools. It is hard to teach kids to eat, drink heathly when there is junk food and soda machine available to them. They can be replace by healthy drinks such as juices, as long as they are not loaded down by sugar.
Some kids seem to be getting lazy. Whatever happened to physical education in schools? Do they not have gym classes anymore?
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@ashleypastor (173)
• United States
27 Feb 07
In my highschool we are only required 2 semesters of gym (basically one year out of four) And right now my gym teacher takes an HOUR to "take roll", cheak binders, and yell at us for not streaching right. We only have about 25 minutes of the physical education part..I was looking forward to gym until I realized I sit more in that class than anyother!
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@minerc (1373)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I don't think soda machines should be in schools. I think the schools should take a good long look at there menu's and change the food that they serve to out children. They serve more junk food at the school than I feed my children at home and I think that it is so wrong.
@ashleypastor (173)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I agree, And if there is any healthy food it is quite discusting. There is more junk food in my school than there EVER is at my home...and we're not super nutrious people :)
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I agree with you. I am just learning about soda and what it does to the body. My mother has been harping on all of us about the dangers of soda and our bones for a long time now. I am a believer now, I am 48 and my bones and my body feel like 98 most days. I hurt all the time. She is 75 and gets around very well. I think they should teach more about nutrition in schools in the health class. Not just about carbs and fat, but about what the environment & additives are doing to our bodies and how to keep healthy for a longer period of time. This is a great discussion. I'd rather see fruit juice machines instead of soda machines anyday.
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@ashleypastor (173)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I agree, I signed up for a eat for fitness, a class at my school. I am very excited because learning about health and fitness really interests me; I really want to be healthy when I am older.
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@simplysue (631)
• United States
25 Feb 07
I agree with you Ashley. Children have enough exposure to sweets and sodas outside of school...they don't need to have it in school where it's hard enough for them to concentrate and sit still as it is. One more fact about soda...even the diet soda has acids in it that rots the teeth. Our dentist said it's the #1 cause of tooth decay.
I have to say that I'm very impressed to see a 16 year old who is so concerned with this issue. It's the "Ashleys" of the world today who will make a better life for the children of tomorrow! :)
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@ashleypastor (173)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment, my mom thinks I am much older (acting) than my actual years. You have made my day, and it is encouraging to hear that my opinion impresses my elders.
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@Bongoheads (283)
25 Feb 07
Hi, you're absolutely right in what you say. In England they've now started removing all the vending machines selling fizzy drinks, crisps and chocolates. They've also overhauled the lunch menus and started offering healthier food (less fast food and fried junk). The early reports are that concentration levels are up and behaviour is improved (obviously the most significant area of improvement would be in those that have attention deficit disorders like ADHD that are adversely affected by e-numbers and high sugar intake). It's refreshing to hear someone your age with such sensible views about food and nutrition - well done!
@ashleypastor (173)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Thank you, I too feel like the only one my age to agree with this. Even the teachers are upset because they will no longer be able to retrieve their junk food and soda at school. I used to not eat anything at school, and had trouble making it through the day. I wasn't hungry, but I was tired and getting low grades. I started eating an apple at school midday and my energy level has increased, and so have my grades. Thank you for your response.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
26 Feb 07
They have taken out the soda machines and junk food machines in our childrens school system but they replaced it with healthy snacks and juices and water. I am glad of this also because alot of parents doesn't even let their kids drink pop but the school did. Kids are not liking it none but all the parents are for it. Well good luck.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
i totally agree with you... they should be getting rid of it because it is not healthy for the kids and cause obesity... the school in australia also had banned on junk food and food high in sugar level to be sold in school canteen... they only allowed healthy food and food with low calories to be sold there... this is a measure taken by the government to fight obesity... i hope it will work because it is so sad to see so many obese children nowadays which is very unhealthy and will shorten their life...
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@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I agree. I think soda machines in schools are a bad idea. What's the point? Soda has no nutritional value and is loaded with sugar and caffeine. I'm happy to hear that some schools are getting rid of them.
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