What are your thoughts on body piercings?
By applsofgld
@applsofgld (2506)
United States
February 25, 2007 9:58pm CST
I know a lot of young people today are into body piercings. I'm ok with the ears, one or 2 holes in each one, but not with holes going up the entire ear. I really cringe at the tongue, eyebrow, mouth piercings. I think the tiny diamond in the nose is cute, but not the rings. Some may think me a prude or "not with it", but I can't help how I feel. My step daughter has many in her ears, she pierced her tongue herself, her dad had forbid her to do it, so she got mad & quit coming around, but did this and proudly showed it off when she did come to see him. We recently heard from some people in town that she now has a belly button piercing she has been showing off. He has another daughter that went through 5 years of being addicted to prescription drugs, she has all of the above piercings, plus nipple piercings that she now regrets, because she recently gave birth and had problems with breast feedings because of it. And let's not forget the tatoos!! I just think even at 18 it is too young to make a decision like this that will affect them all of their lives. I don't dislike all tatoos, but I think young girls get way too many of them at such a young age. I was wondering if I am alone in this thought, but I would like to hear views from all sides. It may make me understand it better and maybe have a different perspective on this issue.
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53 responses
@flexjr (99)
• Canada
26 Feb 07
I think since its that persons body, it is their choice. However, i do not think that stretching any part of your body is a good idea, no matter what the purpose is. As for things like eyebrow rings, tonguerings... why not? There isnt anything 'bad' about them, really. It's all about preference, standing out, and making your own choices and statements.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Thank you for your response to my discussion. I wanted to hear different opinions on this, but you are right, it is up to the person who has to wear it.
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@princeworthy (1909)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Well I have four facial piercings and I love them. I keep my piercings small and tastful. Can you see them in my picture? I have a small black spike in my chin, a small double eyebrow ring, a tiny jewel in my nose, and my tongue. You will never know my tongue is pierced unless I show you because it doesn't show when I talk. I like piercings but I do think that sometimes people do go overboard with them. It is their choice though. Good discussion, even though it is pretty much the same as mine from a day earlier.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Thank you for your honesty about the piercings. I have seen them where they were tastefully done and looked nice, but then I have seen them where they are very noticeable and not so nice looking. I don't usually look for similar discussions before I post one. If something is on my mind I post it, sorry if it's the same as yours. I appreciate you posting your thoughts though.
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@princeworthy (1909)
• United States
27 Feb 07
No problem these things happen :)
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I agree with you. If they are done for the person who wears it as something that is meaningful for them and not for shock factor or because it's "the thing to do". Thank you for sharing.
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@rarrimalion (674)
• United States
27 Feb 07
what people want to do is their business, i don't care. I don't judge them for it either, we all like different things and there's bigger things in the world to worry about than if someone has one too many piercings or tattoos than we think is "right"
I have 2 holes in each ear and my nose (left nostril) pierced. I love them all, everyone is always complimenting me on my nose especially. My nose didn't hurt at all to have done, the piercer told me that the nose is the least painful part of your body to have done, go figure! I have no tattoos because i don't want something permanent on my body (my 1st holes in my ears are permanent though, i got them done when i was 7 and the lady messed it up). But thats just a little hole no one sees anyways. Back to the tattoos, I also have nothing important enough that i want inked into my skin for the rest of my life. I wouldnt want some random generic thing that everyone else gets. Lol i've actually had nightmares that i had tattoos! Maybe i have a problem with lifetime commitment (hehe). But I don't care if other people wanna get them, it's their body and they can do whatever makes them happy with it.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Thank you for sharing with me. I have really enjoyed this discussion. I have rec'd so many different views from mylot. It is a personal decision. You sound like me, I would rather have a few piercings than tattooes. They are permanant. If I ever got one, I'd like to get something small and dainty, and especially something meaningful, not just some random tattoo that everyone else has. I just really personally dislike the big gawdy ones that you can't hide under clothing. You are so right, whatever makes the person happy, and so long as they are truly happy with the end result.
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@deepforestx (102)
• India
27 Feb 07
well its a very subjective issue... body piercing is an art and art in any form is fine... one must understand that what looks good on them... its a similar thing like tattoo...
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I have heard so many different views on this subject. It has been very enlightening for me. Thank you for sharing with me your view on this.
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@Ellecee (102)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Every person's taste is different. I do believe a person should be an adult before they make those decisions, though.
I've had my ears pierced almost the whole way around including the middle part. I've also had my nose and belly button done. Most of my ear holes are closed. My nose ring and belly button ring came out when I got pregnant with my son. I also have a tattoo-a small one on my shoulder. Honestly, I regret most of them. My ears were done during my teen years, my nose, belly button and tattoo all during my early 20's. If you would have told me then I would regret it, I would have done it anyways. I sometimes think about getting my nose redone, maybe after my son's old enough to let it alone, but I probably won't.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Thank you for sharing this with me and for your honesty about it all. My husband doesn't like needles of any kind so tatoos are not his thing or piercings either. But he made the comment that what are all these going to look like down the road when the body changes and becomes aged, they won't look so pretty then. I think I would think about that too before getting it done. I think the tiny diamond in the nose is cute, but I'm not so fond of a big hoop or multiple ones. What happens with that when you get a cold? Does it have to be removed then or do you just get used to it being there?
@pyr0maniac (572)
• United States
26 Feb 07
i have an eyebrow piercing....and actually tongue, lip, and eyebrow piercing are very common in and around colleges. growing up in the 21st century is very different than the 20th century. people like to stand out nowadays.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Thank you for sharing this with me. You are right, things are very different now compared to when I was college age or high school aged. Even really different than when my kids were in school. It's amazing really when I think about it.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Actually, I have 2 holes in each ear, my tongue and my labret (under my lip) pierced. When I got them I was an adult. I actually work in the corporate world, my labret piercing is camoflauged with a clear small bar when I meet a customer. It goes un-noticed. I have tats also, 4 of them, On my back, chest, lower back and leg. I didn't want to put any tats on my arms because of my profession. I've actually been with my company 8 years and never had anyone say anything to me about my piercings or tats. Again, when I got them I was an adult. Except my ears...
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I understand then that you do not wear your piercings or tattoes where they are visible all the time. Do you think that if your piercings were visible that you would be treated differently? I worked for a place once that did not allow piercings to be worn at work, so the ones that tongue piercings, had to use something to keep the opening from closing, but they didn't wear them to work for fear of losing thier job.
@dopey22girl (3319)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I agree a lot with you. First of all, I think it is really dangerous for people to get piercings done by their friends or something. Basically, if you're gonna get it pierced; have a professional do it. I think for ears, only 1-2 piercing per ear looks good, any more and it starts to look bad. The only other thing I think looks cute is belly-button rings. I want to get one of those. But I don't like piercings anywhere else! Especially not tongue!
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Yes, definitely go to a professional. The tongue piercing and anywhere near the eyes is something that makes me cringe. It looks so barbaric and painful. I have worked with some of the nicest people who have these and they are very smart and professional people, but when I see the piercing when they talk it distracts me. It is amazing to me how many different views I have rec'd on this subject. Just goes to show we are so different in this world.
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@Makena1968 (682)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I feel if the piercings are done in moderation...but I can't really judge anyone who gets into them..I do know that by piercing the body in certain places can disturb the "meridian" of the body...that's how accupunturists work, they stick their little needles in certain places to stimulate certain organs of the body that are in trouble. Overstimulating is possible if we pierce in those areas that are connected to our inner organs. I do feel one should think carefully before piercing certain areas of the body..like the nipple piercing..I mean is it worth it to have to deal with later on? I guess when we're young we just don't think much about our future. As far as tatoos...I'm ok with that...but then again, it's an individual thing...I'd like to have a few myself, but no more than that.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
26 Feb 07
You know I had not thought of that. I did hear that piercing the tongue was dangerous, if you hit a certain area it could be dangerous. I'm sure if I had no knowledge of this, that others haven't either. I think my youngest step daughter does what she does for the shock factor. She does all kinds of things to draw attention to herself. She even heard once of a girl in school who was cutting herself, so she started doing this to copy the girl and get some attention herself. She wound up alienating herself from her friends.
@boldriq (201)
• Slovenia
27 Feb 07
I'm not bothered by the people who do it, but in my oppinion the ears and the belly are the only two places on which piercings look esthetic and are not in the way. Every other place is disturbing even to the person who has them. I mean, look at the reality. Does a person realy look good or better with pieces of metal all over the body, which get in the way all the time even to them? This is just an abstract need of body accesories. And they are not a very practical accesories.
I do not look down on those who are pierced and I do not humiliate them publicly, but I would not date them.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Thank you for your honest reply. That is what I am hoping for on this discussion. A lot of us I think judge others on appearance, or 1st impressions anyway. Those who have the multiple piercings want to be treated the same as everyone else, but I think for a lot of us it's hard to not be alarmed when we see someone who has extreme body accesories. I think our natural impression would be to feel they are angry or outraged. But I don't feel that way about someone who is modest with it. But that's just me.
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@hannahhater (35)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I personally have my eyebrow, the webbing of my tongue and had my lip pierced, oh and I have my ears pierced twice. I don't see a problem with it. I want to get my belly button pierced but I'm going to wait to do it and I also want my nose done and my lip redone. I want at least 3 tattoos but may get more by the time I'm finished. My girlfriend is getting her tongue pierced and is getting like... 3 tattoos also I believe. The majority of my friends have piercings and tattoos.
I think it just has to do with your state of mind and what you think looks good. I happen to like piercings and tattoos and was brought up around them and don't see the issue. (My parents had an issue with the lip piercing- otherwise they don't care.)
18 is too young to make a decsion about a tattoo but we're going to let them go fight wars for us? Hm. I think you're wrong on this one sorry.
But. Thats just my opinion and everyones entitled to their own.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I don't think I am right or wrong. I just have an opinion and I wanted to know others opinions also. I appreciate your being so open and honest about this. I really do. You said you were brought up around this so it's natural to you. I was not, so it is something that I am curious about. I don't know many who have had any of this done. It is up to the individual. I for one do not agree that at 18 they are old enough to go to war, if it were up to me it would be age 21. Only because not all 18 year olds are the same maturity. Some are more mature than others. I was just curious as to whether those that get this done have any regrets later about doing it so young. Thank you again for your honesty.
@danabfunny (100)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Well personaly I feel that if the law says you are an adult at 18 then you should be able to make up your own mind and do whatever it is you want to do.
If you can have your own place at 18 then go ahead and get a tatto at least when you go home at night it's your own house.
I have my ears done and I use to have my tongue peirced too but it got infected so had totake it out and same will belly button.
I won't get done again.I like them when I was younger when I felt like I had the body to show off my peircings.
But now that i'm older i'm just not into like I was.
Just a phase for me I guess.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
27 Feb 07
You mentioned that your piercings got infected. Is that a major reason for not getting them done again. Or do you feel that you no longer want that for yourself. I know it is a personal decision. If you had or have a tattoo and now you don't want one, do you think you would have regretted getting one. Or regret it if you do have one.
@chadd_atl (288)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I know it's just my opinion, but the new trend of "self-mutilation" is really sad. I don't mind anything done in moderation, such as ear piercings or such, but when you get to the place where one tattoo is not enough to you start putting any kind of metal spike through various parts of your anatomy because you think it's cool, you need to think twice.
Facial piercings are really susceptible to infections, too, so it's hard for me to understand why anyone would want to subject theirself willingly to that possibility.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I agree that in moderation it is acceptable by most everyone. I don't understand the self-mutilation either. The going overboard with anything, especially body piercings and tattoes, is extreme. In my opinion anyway. I know it is a personal choice, but at the sametime, it's hard for me to understand why a person would want to go to the extreme with it. That's my main goal with this discussion, not to condemn or judge anyone, but to try and learn or understand from different points of views. Thank you for responding.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I am not into doing or looking at them, except for the ear lobes. In my opinion young people are too aggressive with fashion statements. I'm appauled that parents these days are so submissive to their kids with this and tatoos.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I agree with you 100%. I don't understand why the two of these practices are so popular. When I was young, the temporary tattoes were fine, actually I didn't know very many people who were even interested in getting tattoes, we never talked about it. And the self mutilation of some people, where they go to such extreme body piercing. I worked with one young man who had piercings he could only tell me about. Like all up and down his back and chest. I could only wonder...why.
@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
26 Feb 07
Well for one I have no idea why people over do it with this. Personally to me I dont care what one does to their own bodies but why stick earrings all over your face and lips and eye brows? I dont think this is a fashion statemnet an dif it is I dont want any part of it.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I don't know why one would do this either. I personally only have my ears pierced, and have no desire to do any other type of piercings. Thank you for responding though. I think it is going to be interesting to see the different views on this subject.
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@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I think after the age of 18 it's up to them. What one person likes may not be what another thinks is cool. And they're the ones that have to put up with it the rest of their life if they get something permanent, not me!
I personally just have ears pierced. But I love the artwork of tats and while it's not for me I often enjoy seeing them on others and talking to them about their significance.
@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I think most all states have the age of 18 as the legal age to do almost whatever. So you're right, if they do it they have to live with it. Some 18 yr. olds are just more mature than others. I'll admit that while for now tattooes are not my thing, I have seen some that are very nice and even look nice on the individual. The only piercings though that I really like are the ears, preferably no more than 2 holes per rear, and the little teeny tiny nose diamond I've seen in my daughter's friends nose. Thanks for responding :)
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I have 4 piercings (all in the ears) and a whole bunch of tattoos so I'll try not to be too biased in my opinion. I have no problem with young people getting pierced. If it's something they end up regretting then they are easily removed. Tattoos are a different story. I agree with you that 18 is young to start getting tattooed. You really have to be sure that what you are getting is something you want to have on you for the rest of your life. I can't imagine having made that decision at 18. I was 25 when I got my first tattoo.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
2 Mar 07
That is very true, if they change their mind or decide the piercing is not for them any longer, they can indeed let it close. I wonder though if they leave scarring behind? I thank you for your honesty in responding to this discussion. I am not so against tattooes as I once was, but I still believe that most and I mean most, not all, 18 yr. olds are not mature enough to make that sort of decision. What I wish they would do is to get a temporary tattoo, one that lasts say a month or two, if at the end of that time they still want one, then I'd say they had really thought more about it.
@rocknrollmom (177)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I understand that people like body piercings. What they tend to forget is the risk of infection. I heard about a women whose tongue got infected after it was pierced. She was allergic to the metal. Once she removed the stud from her tongue, the infection cleared up. As a high school student, I had three holes in one ear and two in the other. Most of them have closed now. I really only like pierced ears.

@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
26 Feb 07
The people I know say they know about infection, but it didn't stop them anyway. Or they say they were drunk or high and it didn't really matter to them. I would be so afraid of doing the tongue, because it is a vital organ. Nerve damage would scare me. Now the eyebrow piercing, I know I hate it when something gets in my lashes or on my face, does it take some getting used to having the metal in the eyebrow? Does your hair get hung in it? I've seen some tiny jewelry in the eyebrow that didn't look too bad, but mostly I see multiple rings near the eye area and it honestly hurts me to see that. It just looks painful to me.

@Modestah (11177)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I have no inclination towards having it done. I even regret the limited (2 holes) ear piercings I have and have not worn earrings in 15 years. They still have not closed completely!
I think I will be satisfied with the number of orifices the good Lord gave me :) My daughter wants to be different, she wants to stand out in the crowd and be a bit of a rebel, therefore she has decided to absolutely NOT get any piercings or tattoos.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I have pierced ears, but don't wear earrings that often myself. But I love to see the different ones others wear. Right now, the jewelry people wear is so pretty. Especially the homemade jewelry. That is good your daughter is standing her own ground and not giving in to peer pressure. If she were to change her mind, and want a piercing or tattoo, would you be ok with that too? Just wondering.