How Long should they stay grounded?
By minerc
@minerc (1373)
United States
February 25, 2007 10:47pm CST
We took away my step daughter (who is now 13) cell phone and camera because she was calling boy's late late at night, they happen to be sixteen. And her and her friend were posting pictures that we not appropriate online. I have found out though her Mom gave her a cell phone at her house and she is doing the same there but worst, she is running up her moms bill with text messages and getting online on her phone to chat on AIM. I had those features blocked on the cell phone we gave to her so she couldnt use them. Her mom took away the phone but gave it back 2 days after because she kept sneaking it and she just gave up. Should I keep her grounded at my house? She doesnt know that I know she is still doing these things to her mom now instead of me and her dad. Or should I just act as if she is doing good and give her the things back. It is so confusing. What would you do in this situation?
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27 responses
@springborn (295)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Consistency is key. I think that you need to talk to the mother, and work something out between the two of you. If she's getting special treatment there, whatever you do won't mean anything to her. I would talk to the mother, then keep all the electronics until you're sure she's learned her lesson. Explain to her clearly why you are doing this, and that the same thing is going to happen to her at her mother's house too (do this after you've already talked to the mother about it, of course). If she's sneaking it, remove it. Put it in another house, hide it in a place where she can't reach it or can't find it, or take it with you wherever you go. If you have it, there's no way she can sneak it. Be very observant, and watch her to make sure she doens't try to sneak it again. I've noticed that my parents let me get away with a lot of stuff just because they weren't observant enough to see that I was doing them.
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@minerc (1373)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I Thank You for your feedback, Unfortunately we have tried to talk to there mother, she lies and does whatever she wants to do. She is trying to be there best friend and make us out to be the bad guys and it doesnt help but it's the way it is. Again Thank you!
@michelledarcy (5220)
26 Feb 07
I would let her have the phone but give her no credit so she could only use it to recieve phone calls and texts and not send them. If she seems like she is behaving responsibly then let her have them back for a while. Each time she abuses the privaledge then take it off her for longer and longer periods of time, she should soon get the message.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
26 Feb 07
30 day grounding periods seem to work for me.
Long enough for my boy to get over being mad because he's grounded and realize it's his fault that he's grounded.
Good luck to you.
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@llabteksab73 (800)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I agree a month usually get the point across. THANKS!
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@western_valleygirl (1363)
• United States
26 Feb 07
That is a difficult situation. I believe that no matter what type of punishment you guys come up with, she is still going to get mad and upset. So, it does not even matter, you should do what it appropriate, without, worrying about how she is going overreact, but she will, anyways. However, you do not want to alienate her. If there was a way for all of you, including her mother, to discuss everything. She needs a talk about how unsafe her actions are. I worry for her safety, there are so many bad people out there, and all of you need to get her to be aware of what danger she is putting herself in. Children at such a young age, think that they are safe, and that they do not need to respect authority. I think a good walk at a university, and a good talk there, will open up her eyes to what she is going to be throwing away. You, should all plan a day of events and set a discussion in there, to wake her up. Such as, going to visit good schools, or centers for abused victims...things like that. People have been effected through online abusers. Good luck.
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@junior07 (972)
• India
26 Feb 07
do the things which are good for her as for her she is in her teenage and didn't know what is good for her,in this age children didn't like anybodies advice and want to do those things on which they get restriction but u should take care about her and make her understand wht is good and wht is bad for her.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
26 Feb 07
These late night calls and exchanging of inappropriate pictures to boys who are much older than her is dangerous. Is your daughter aware of the danger involved? have you spoken to her about it yet? i think you need to sit her down and find out all about what she has been doing. If she refuses, ground her, take her phone away, take any privelidges away from her until you both have had the talk. If you decide to ground her anyway, then stick to it, i.e. 2 weeks is 2 weeks... even a month is good. Then you need to talk with her mom and your hubby about this, the situation can easily get out of hand. If all of you set the same boundaries and rules, then she isnt able to misbehave like she has. One good thing to do is cancel her cell phone altogether!!
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@mirage108 (3402)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I would keep her grounded at your house and talk to hubby to talk to the x and see if both can do the same thing as if one does the punishment and the other doesnt the punishment will not work.
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@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
27 Feb 07
Well me being a step father I know how you feel. We have certain rules here at the house but when the kids go to their dads they can swear, stay up all night,talk back you name it they can do it. So they end up coming back and it takes us nearly 2-3 days to get them to pull back in. The problem is in situations like this is one parent is always trying to be better then the other when the fact of the matter is that the rules should stay the same at both houses so the children dont get confused about the rules and what not. All I can say is good luck to you because Im having the same battle right now myself.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
27 Feb 07
She should earn privileges back gradually, like maybe during the day or under certain circumstances, like she could have them back until a certain time of day or evening. She could have them back as long as the charges stay under a certain amount, or she could have them back as long as she is following other rules. That would be after a strict two week extreme grounding. You do not do her any favors when you act as if she is doing right, but she is in the wrong.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Personally I think you need to talk to her mother and take the cell phone completely away, she is abusing the privilege of them and until she can responsible and not do this she would not be allowed to have one. Good luck with that.
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@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
27 Feb 07
When she's in your house, she goes by your rules. There is no time limit. Grounded is grounded until she comes around to realize she cant get away with you and her father that she can with her mom. Keep the webcam away until she's more mature. You and your husband have control in your home, dont let her get over or you'll be lost.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
26 Feb 07
No, you should be consistent with it. Stand your ground. What you really should do is the mother and you and your husband should stand together on this so the girl will know she can't play one parent against the other.She is in a dangerous situation and at her age will soon go to far if she is not stopped. Sounds like she is getting out of control. You may need to restrict who she spends her time with. What about the other girls involved, maybe their parents don't know what they are all doing when they are together. I know I would have a fit if my daughter were doing any of those things. Certainly do not reward this kind of behavior in any way, no matter what the mom does.
@superchook (1786)
• Australia
26 Feb 07
Because she has done these things at your place, I would stick with the punishment. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about what she does at her mothers place. You could maybe try and talk to the mother but from what I have read in your other discussions, I don't think you will get very far with that.
I definetely think if she does do something at your place she needs to be punished. Then when she has her privileges back, if she abuses it again, then start the whole process all over again. She will start to realise that you will not put up with it. Later on, she will understand why as well. Good luck!
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Wow seems as though your in a pickle. It is hard to keep a child grounded when the other parent is letting the child do as they please. You need to have a talk with the other parent in this case the mother and both of you get together and set ground rules for grounding. I think anywhere from 2 weeks first warning,4 weeks the second warning,and 6 months the 3 warning.. let her know these ground rules also. The kid will try to push it but stay consistant in the grounding no good time privileges either. 13 is way to young to be doing this and I would get a locked box or a box with a conbination and put the phone in so there wouldn't be no sneeking it. She may give you atitude but that is somoething that comes with the territory of parenting a teen.
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@lvhughes (545)
• United States
26 Feb 07
you have a right to keep her grounded and her mom should share the responsiblity and try to help. at the age of 13 she wouldnt have a cell phone. my kids arent allowed to have one until they can pay their own bill.if you are nice enough to give her one she should be respectable enough to follow your rules.
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I would have to talk to the father and have him talk to the mother. It is his daughter and he needs to step up and be the dad. I personally would not give her that phone back until she earned it. My daughter has gone six months with certain things because she did not know how to act. I don't think they learn much in two days and if she was sneaking the phone I would make it disappear all together. I am sure that she can lock the phone in the car or some where else.
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@Rahleah (187)
• United States
26 Feb 07
An immediate phone call to the cell phone company is in order. Suspend the ability to "send" photos from the phone. Do no reinstate it, no matter what. There's no real reason for it, and she has just lost the privilege permanently.
If her mom's game, the texting should be eliminated as well (but only for a certain period, because that does have its advantages at time.)
I would not take the phone, because I feel they are a safety device, but I would seriously curtail the use of it, as in, "You can have this when you are out of the house, for safety purposes. Otherwise, turn it off at the door. You won't be needing it to chat with friends for a while."
You and her mom need to have a talk. Although divorced, the best thing you can do for your daughter is to provide a united front. Let her know she will never be able to play one of you off of the other and that there will be no secrets from house to house. What is a punishment at one will be carried out at the other, etc. Respect each other and in doing so, you will give your daughter stability and the comfort zone of knowing that on issues pertaining to her, mom and dad will never waiver. Her best interests will always be at heart.
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@Methodless (882)
• Canada
26 Feb 07
In my opinion, you time punishments for one-time bad decisions.
e.g. Staying out too late
or not calling when they had a cell phone, you take the phone away for a week or something.
For bad BEHAVIOUR, I would think a punishment should not be timed. You prevent her from doing these things until you know she won't. Stopping her for a week or a month or a specified time period won't really do much, especially if she knows she's getting the ability to do those things back at the end of that set time.
In her eyes, she should have no privileges that let her do these things permanently, and when you feel she won't that's when you ease up on her.
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@paidreader (5143)
• United States
26 Feb 07
My daughter used to do the same thing. After running up a $400 cell phone bill, I had to take the phone away from her for 2 months til I got the darned bill paid off. Luckily she'd paying her own cell phone bill now that she's out on her own. She did learn her lesson though, and now doesn't use all the extras available in the phone & sticks to what her plan includes.
As a stepmom, you need to stay firm when you discipline her or she will not respect your authority while she's with you.
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