Debt management plans

United States
February 26, 2007 5:03am CST
Has anybody ever gotten over extended on credit cards and/or other debt and felt compelled to jump into one of these plans? I have explored several recently. Wondering how it turned out if you did, what are things to watch out for, what are other options and credit ramifications?
1 response
• United States
28 Feb 07
Stay away from these if you can. I did this a few years back, one of those places that takes all your credit card debt info and is supposed to call the companies and renegotiate rates/payments for you and you pay the company a lump sum and they distribute the payments to your creditors. Bad idea. All it does is end up getting your further behind and worse off (damages your credit score even more!). You can call your credit card companies yourself and ask for a lower interest rate or if they will let you skip a month or three with no penalty. The best option is just to take control of your spending, which is difficult. I suggest checking out for some ideas on trimming your spending and and his "Total Money Makover" book.
• United States
3 Mar 07
I appreciate your input! Yes, I've heard some horror stories, and you are exactly right that the true solution is to take control of your spending. I've approached by trying to add more money coming in by volunteering for as much overtime as I can get on my job, and adding a second night job. Probelm with that is I miss my wife and kids too much, and it makes for a horribly long day. I am exploring option of getting hold of my 401K at work and using to pay off all credit cards--what do you think?