My Man Left Me!!!
By missinghim
@missinghim (1339)
United States
February 26, 2007 11:41am CST
My bf left me this past week and I don't know what to do. We've been going back and forth about me quitting my job. He wants me to quit and I'm not really open to staying home. He feels that I don't trust in him (I'm not showing trust bc he views my job as me having a backup plan in case he decides to leave me, etc.) I just call it common sense. Now I don't believe he would intentionally hurt me by leaving me and the baby without any money and bills, etc... but you never know. I would rather just be prepared for the worse. The thing is I'm starting to feel resentful that he would leave me because of something so stupid. I really love him, and I feel like I'm suffocating without him. I think that he feels the same way because he's been calling every day and spent the weekend at home. What do you think that I should do? Do you think that I should stick to my "guns" and tell him that I'm not quitting my job right (it's a good job and it's helping with the bills)? Do you think that I should just "hand over the reigns" and allow him to be the provider for me? I'm really hurting guys... I need some advice!
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45 responses
@thunderofsins (738)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I wouldn't quit the job if I were you. He sounds extremly insecure. He thinks that you working means you don't trust the relationship?! That is VERY insecure thinking. He should want what is best for both of you, and it sounds like that means that you should be working. Stay strong. You can live without him and you shouldn't give up a job that you like and that you feel is a good job just because he is insecure.
Also, this kind of insecurity quickly leads to controlling and/or abusive behaviour. I'd just let him leave and figure out how to make ends meet on your own. Your safety and well being is what is most important here.
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@missinghim (1339)
• United States
26 Feb 07
i know that he would never be abusive to me, and i do think that he has good intentions. i often feel like i'm spreading myself thin between working ft, my son, and going to school pt, and he just wants me to concentrate on school and the baby. but i just feel like i need some type of security outside of him (i don't particularly like my job, but it's good paying and it pays the bills).
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@missinghim (1339)
• United States
26 Feb 07
i know that he would never be abusive to me, and i do think that he has good intentions. i often feel like i'm spreading myself thin between working ft, my son, and going to school pt, and he just wants me to concentrate on school and the baby. but i just feel like i need some type of security outside of him (i don't particularly like my job, but it's good paying and it pays the bills).
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@smilingurvashi (1151)
• India
26 Feb 07
Sorry to hear about this!! i can imagine the pain you are going throw... but one thing that i don't understand is why your working is the issue? you say if you quit the job, he will came back to you?
how can you trust a man who want to leave you just coz you are not ready to do what he want you to do?
Think about it? and take the disition!!! its your life and we at mylot only can suggest you.
take care god bless.
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@missinghim (1339)
• United States
26 Feb 07
one thing that i promised him early on in our relationship was that i would take him at his word and trust in him and in us. he takes me "having a plan b" as me going against my word and not trusting in him. I see where he is coming from, but he's not seeing that it's just not him that i have to consider anymore, it's my baby's well being and last night he told me that he could kind of see where i was coming from, but he only wants the best for us.
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@missinghim (1339)
• United States
27 Feb 07
Keith... I really appreciate the advice. That was one of the most well thought out responses I've read so far. You really did give me a lot to think about and what I need to explain to him. Thanks!
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@loved1 (5328)
• United States
26 Feb 07
What would happen to you and your baby if you quit your job and then your boyfriend was killed in a car accident next week? What if he had a stroke and was unable to work? Keeping a job you love is not just about having a backup plan. Has he considered that working makes you happy? Does your happiness concern him? These are all things you need to consider before you give up your job. Sometimes good jobs are hard to come by.
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@missinghim (1339)
• United States
26 Feb 07
it's not so much that i love my job, but it is well paying, and it does give me a sense of security. i agree with you that tomorrow is not promised to anyone, and i have my little one to worry about if something happens to him, or if he loses his job, or leaves me. i think that my happiness concerns him, but i think that he just wants things the way that he wants them and i don't feel like that's fair. and you are right, good jobs are hard to come by.
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@nuffsed (1271)
26 Feb 07
Awww This is so sad.... I do feel for you. You two guys have a lot going for you and this is really unnecessary. Maybe he just needs to acknowlege that you are more than a "housewife". His ideal is so macho and old fashioned. Isn't it also the case that two of you working can have better quality time together, or better plans for the future?
Oh I am so disappointed in him for you. Explain to him, that it is not to his credit that he thinks less of you for wanting to be independent. It makes him look like he feels threatened that you are not tied to his wallet.
You are a class act babe, don't let this man get away and don't let him play silly games. Tell him to respect you as you are, stop thinking so much and get his asp into the bedroom!!!
@missinghim (1339)
• United States
26 Feb 07
OMG! you had me crying and laughing at the same time!!! :) You are SOOOO right!!! I'm definately going to tell him that because he is acting like i need to be tied to his wallet and that's not good! THANK YOU!!! I'm sending you a big hug!
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@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
26 Feb 07
ok missing...DON'T QUIT your job!! lol i am being this explicit so that you get the message. Your bf is being utterly selfish..he wants to provide for you, which is nice, but he doesn't take in count YOUR wishes. And you want to work, so he should respect that. Imagine that you made a lot of money and you told him to quit his job, do you think he would? probably not right?
I think he has made you a favor leaving you...i know you are in pain now, but everything passes in this life and you will feel better sooner than you think. You don't need a sugar daddy, you need someone who loves you no matter what.
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@JackBravo (970)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I think that the number one thing you have to do is look out for that baby. The number two thing you have to do is look out for yourself. If it's better for the baby to give up some control, maybe you should do that. But, don't give up too much or you wont be happy with the relationship. Secondly, marriage is a very good way to secure a relationship, and you should probably start thinking about it if you're going to move with him.
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@missinghim (1339)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I do want to marry him. I truly need him in my life, and i feel like i can't breathe without him... but I still feel like I need to work just in case. there are so many variables that could go wrong, and i just don't want to be caught without any money if something does happen to go wrong (he loses his job, he gets hurt, he leaves... anything)
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@sweetcakes (3504)
• United States
27 Feb 07
im kinda going through this and im confused 2
my hubby never wanted me to work but now things are getting rough and bills gettin high he wants to put me down for not having a job and i dont thinks that's fare. however im in school for medical billing. im dong something positive.
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@missinghim (1339)
• United States
3 Mar 07
And that is the reason that I don't want to have to depend on anyone for anything. I'm going to school, working, and taking care of home so I'm exhausted, but I know that everything will work out eventually. I'm sorry to hear that your hubby is being so insensitive... but you keep on pushing towards your goals and hopefully everything will work out.
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Hi there,im sorry your boyfriend feels this way,but he needs to realize that you want to be independent and work also.Why do he want you to quit?Is it because you make more money than him? This is 2007 is what he fail to realise.You have a future ahead of you for you and your little man.Explain to him that this job is helping you.Its okay for him to still help you out!!! He can still do all the providing if thats what he wants.I think reality will hit him,because thats not a good reason to break up with you,especially this day in time.Millenium okaaaaay!! I hope you luck.God bless!
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
26 Feb 07
I'm sorry to hear you going through this....But, you sound like me, I would do the same thing. I would look at all the pros to having a job. It has nothing to do with trust. You want to do your part as well as have a self of independency and there is nothing wrong with that...
Also, as you said, "what if" you quite and things don't work out, just thinking all the way around. You will need that job. It's hard today to find a good job and a job you enjoy on top of that...
Personally, I feel you did the right thing and and as to your boyfriend, he should he happy you want to help bring money into the family. Being his woman, he should be proud, some women hear, "you don't have to work anymore" and quick to leave their jobs and not looking at the bigger picture...
I say if it's in your heart to continue to work, by all means go for it...At least you know if thing get rough, you did it by yourself and didn't have no help getting there...
Good luck to you and your family....Hopefully, you boyfriend will come around and respect your decision....
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@missinghim (1339)
• United States
26 Feb 07
i'm hoping and praying that he comes around too and stop acting like his opinion is the only one that matters. i just hate us having this between us especially since it's not like i'm working for us as a family to better us (buy a house, save some money, put money away for the baby's education, etc).
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@missinghim (1339)
• United States
27 Feb 07
he is a good provider, and your right... i'm not really that enthused about my job. But the thing is that there is so much that i really want for us and the baby, and our combined salaries are making that happen at a quicker pace. i think that he just really has issue with the fact that he thinks that it's better for me to be home with the baby and concentrating on school.
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@natrlsugar (4)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Why are all those people saying if you like the job, when you mention several times that you didn't.
Here is a idea. Can you take a leave of absence for say 6 mons. This is something you can try. But on the other hand if he really loves you and wants you to stop working, why don't you get married? Another thing is can he support you and your child on his salery, this is something you both be able to determine by sitting down going over the expenses. If not KEEP YOU JOB!!!!
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Feb 07
Sweetheart, I'm going to tell you something...he is manipulating you and putting his hangups on you. My ex-husband claimed to want me to stay home, but kept walking out on jobs because the boss was bad, annoying, stupid (insert anything you want). He wanted me to quit because I was sleeping with my coworkers. I felt a bit of fear in the back of my brain that it wasn't going to work out and opened my own checking account. It made sense--when he decided to leave, he stopped paying his half of the bills for six months and I was forced to pay all of the back fees. You need to sit down with him and tell him that you need some 'adult' time on a daily basis away from the baby (wording it that way may help make him feel more secure). Have the two of you sat down and looked at the budget to see if quitting is a viable option? Perhaps going part-time will work. How old is the baby now anyway? There are a lot of questions here and it sounds as if the two of you will have to have a heart to heart discussion about a lot of things. I wish you luck!
PS--my company is hiring, PT hours/FT pay. I'm not far from you, so message me if you want more info.
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@ChefLdawg (27)
• United States
26 Feb 07
If he really loves you and cares about you he'll respect your wishes, no matter which one you choose.he shouldnt be asking you to quit ypur job if your not ready to.That should be your decision considering it is your job.
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@Princesssonia (271)
• United States
27 Feb 07
No man should tell you what to do, Girl just keep what you doing. If he really love you he accept you the way you are. He just want to manipulate you, thats what it sounds like. yOU NEED WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU AND YOU BABY,Look at the bride side thank God you didn't leave that job, if not no job and maybe be no bf either. He probably doesn't like a independent girl, he likes full control in a relationship. But think a relationship is betwen two people, is about compromising and acceptance, if he can't do that for you he is not the man for you. Be strong, keep what you doing, you'll find someone than can love you and accept you for all you wonderful qualities. Is hard been a single parent, but is even harder having someone next to you that dictated you what to do, you need a husband no another father.
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@amitntpc (55)
• India
27 Feb 07
these are most complicated situations of life and has no thumb do not know for sure what to do because its a relation of heart which does not give importance to anyother thing and in perticular money.Anyways, leaving the job is never a good idea.If your bf is trying to leave you just because of your job then i think his feelings are not that intence.he may or may not continue the relation later on.if you leave the job and later on he leaves you you will be in deep trouble and you will yourself to never do it.sit with your bf and discuss.this type of problems can be sorted out only through discussions mutual respect and trust.good luck and god bless.
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@paidreader (5143)
• United States
26 Feb 07
After reading the responses you've received so far, I am surprised that no one has yet mentioned any extra health care your job would provide for you and the baby. With a new baby, there are going to be visits for the doctor/ pediatrician that are typically covered with the insurance from your job. Not to mention if you or your child get really sick. If you were to quit your job, before getting married, you would not qualify as a dependant on HIS insurance.
I think if you mention this to him, maybe he will see the bigger picture instead of just thinking it's a trust issue. Ultimately it is YOUR decision! I suggest doing what's best for you and your son.
@slimes (353)
• Ukraine
27 Feb 07
Yeah, i think i have an idea my dear;see i had an aunty who faced same problem as you are encountering right now.So i advised her to look for a person who is closest to her husband (be it man or woman) that can really talk to him concerning the essence of loving a dear caring wife/girlfriend.And she did just as i'm narrating to you now.
I therefore advise that you search for close relative of your man or even his immediate family member like his mother; that can change things for a better tommorrow........All the best.
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@jhoanee (598)
• Philippines
27 Feb 07
if he can support you financially then why dont you give it a try. i was kinda confused with what is the reason for your break-up. it is bec of your job or anything else. if it was your job then i would advice you to quit first and do what he wants maybe it can help. BUT if thats not reason why he is leaving you then i suggest dont quit that job. just try to ask him whats the reason behind his decision. coz for me if someone truly loves somebody he/she will support what his/her partner want in life. lets not forget that compromise and sacrifice should exist on the relationship then both of you decides whats best thing to do.
@sunil_singh (16)
• India
27 Feb 07
if u ask me.... i will say, u both talk on this issue deeply, n then take a decission.. if he can take care of u n loves u, and cant see u woking,, then its okay but he must assist you with financial help and take care of you.. but if he wants you to leave the job and is not ready to take responsibilty of you then you should continue with your job.. let him be jealous..
just make yourself clear... because its you who have to take decission and that decission will effect your life not his..
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@noypi07 (109)
• United States
27 Feb 07
I'm not sorry to hear that coz it really happens.Don't quit your job.there are saying that if one close the door for you there would be a window open for you. Remember let's is the situations you have your have your baby.That a good thing the sad part of it you don't have you man.I think you can find other good guys better than you have right no and would not complain about you job.remember the how many good things you have right now and the bad ones.Keep you spirit high don't think of past,you worst moment,think of the good ones think of your baby and think of the future.Forget it live your life you have the power your the queen of your destiny your baby is counting on you.
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@LALI200380 (467)
• Romania
27 Feb 07
dont wait nothing.find fast somebody and live.this you must do.
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@kongsiwang (7)
• Malaysia
27 Feb 07
don't feel so guilty.. and dissapointed.
just act cool... and find a new boy friend.
There are lot's of men out there that seek for true love
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