@BridgetColeman (21)
United States
February 28, 2007 10:08am CST
I need advice, I am a 25 year old MY Husband and i have been married for five years we have three beautiful kids ages 3, 1, and 2 months. my 3 year old is really wild and no matter what way i punish him he thinks its a game like last week he hit his 2 months old brother and i got a little angery and told he had ten mins in time out. well he got mad yelled no at me and came up and spit on me and started laughing. Is there any kind of punishment to give a three year old? THAT WORKS i mean i dont get No help at all from there dad all he does is sleep all day while i am at work then i pick up my kids from daycare and come home and clean and i mean my house is really messed up by the time i get home and its hard to run between my 3 year old son and my 1 year old daughter and a 2 month old son. My Question is How Do you punish a kid at that age any advice wll be very much appreciated.
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3 responses
@happymomndad (1035)
• United States
28 Feb 07
WOW, I am a stay at home mom and I cant imaging doing the parenting and the bread winning. My hubby works and I stay home and that is hard enough ! My daughter is in her terible 2's right now and it isnt easy by any means. I have notice that when she gets more on on one time that she is much better. I know you dont have a lot of free time to sit with him just the two of you but I am sure he is asking for more atention the only way he knows how. Your husband realy needs to step up and help. I know it sounds harsh but if he is going to stay home he needs to take care of the kids and the house. I dont know why he isnt wortking so I cant judge but if he is able he should be doing it. I try to get a sitter for the other and take my kids out to the park or Mcdonalds or something by themself every now and again and it has made a major improvement on things. You have a new baby and weather we like to admit it or not the others get less atention. I had 2 kids in one year and we are still recovering from that. Just do the best you can and try to get away from the other kids for a bit and spend some alone time with him. Let me know if it helps. Good luck and god Bless !!!!
@BridgetColeman (21)
• United States
28 Feb 07
Thank you and i know where you are coming from my daughter and yongest son are 10months and 6 days apart she was born the feb 24th 2006 and he was born dec 30th 2006 thanks its hard but i can do it i just wish i knew what was making him misbehave like this. he thinks it is all fun and i am about to pull my hair out with him.. thanks for the info
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@happymomndad (1035)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I am on my second terible twos but what they dont tell you is that they start about 1 and go sometimes til 4. You will be fine, it will in time pass and you will ahve gained experience and better deal with the other 2. Good luck and I hope to hear of some improvemnets soon !
@emilieespino (963)
• Philippines
28 Feb 07
It seems to me that your 3-year old's behavior has been picked up from the day care where perhaps they are left to do anything and everything is just a game, nobody teaches or guides them on what's right or wrong. Also, it's mainly because your husband does not do anything to help raise your kids properly while you are at work. Sit down with him and discuss things while it's not too late otherwise you will one day just see nightmares in the way your kids have grown up.
@pooweasel719 (49)
• United States
28 Feb 07
I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old, both boys. They are 1 year and 2 weeks apart. The "accepted" rule of thumb for time out is one minute per year of age, so, your son's time out should be 3 minutes long. This is because children's concept of time is much different than ours. I have found firsthand, that this is not effective. I know my 2 year old bullies my baby, and I have had problems with discipline too. The only thing I have found that works, and I hate to say it, are bribes. Luckily, my boys favorite snacks are fruit, so I'm not constantly shoving junk down their throat. The other thing we started not long ago, are reward charts. We work from 2 days of stickers to a week, with rewards like an extra TV show, or trip to the park or the bookstore. Try it, it may just work.