Lush - do you use the solid deodorants?
By 5000ml
@5000ml (1923)
March 1, 2007 6:34am CST
I'm very curious about the solid deodorants, but I've heard lots of horrible stories about a painful burning sensation. Which deodorant do you use (if you use any of the solid ones) and would you recommend it to me? I'm currently using the Powder Puff deodorant powder, but I need something stronger.
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16 responses
@ma_belle (1357)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Even thought I'm Lush junkie, I have yet to try the deodorants. I'm actually not very interested in them because 1) i like antiperspirants and 2) the stories on the forum have scared me away. I don't think I would like that redness and irritation that some have experienced from the deodorants.

@5000ml (1923)
• Belgium
3 Mar 07
Same here. Some people have so much patience and apparently think it's okay to have a little bit of redness and irritation, but that just doesn't work for me! If I'm going to be paying that kind of money then I just want something that works yet doesn't hurt me in the process.
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@draconess (650)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
Maybe I just have tough pits, but I never got any redness or irritation at all from the lush deos. They only time it ever stung at all was when I tried to rub on T'eo just after shaving (before I learned that it's gentler to smash it into powder and dust on). I've really never had any problems with them.
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@mummybear (8)
1 Mar 07
I just brought one today in the new Lush shop in Swindon, willing to try anything once!

@draconess (650)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
I use aromaco when I'm working, it works better for me than any other deo I've ever tried. It goes on smoothly, the same as a regular antiperspirant stick, and I actually sweat less using it than I did when I used various antiperspirants. And, no more yellow pit stains! (Secret used to ruin my shirts) The only problem is I hate patchouli, but I don't care if people at work think I smell like a hippy.
When I want to smell nicer, like for going out with hubby, I use T'eo. I find it's easier to apply if I bash it into powder and then dust the powder on (maybe I should just try one of the new powder deos?), and it really smells lovely. I've never had a bad reaction to it, it's been all good.
@krebstar5 (1266)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I am intrigued by the solid deodorants, but I can't bring myself to try them. Not too long ago a girl on the LUSH boards started using them and took pictures of her arms each day after she used them. By the end of her first week, her underarms were so red that I've been terrified to try them ever since. Another reason, I have not tried them is that I prefer antiperspirant. Now I know that it's bad for me, but I just sweat so much...
Right now I switch between Secret and Degree for women. They seem to work fine, but still...the smell of the LUSH stuff is much mroe appealing than the random "powder scent" I use.
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@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Really - that is Secret doing that? My shirts are ruined too but I just thought maybe in the past couple years I just sweat a lot.
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@draconess (650)
• Canada
1 Mar 07
I used to use antiperspirants like Secret and Degree because I used to sweat so much, all the time, I thought I needed them. But honestly, I've been using lush deos exclusively for over a year now, and I hardly ever sweat or stink any more (unless I'm really working out). I found that the antiperspirants were actually making me sweat MORE, I guess they clog the armpit pores, and your body sweats to try to get rid of them. Secret also ruined so many of my favourite shirts with yellow pit stains, I NEVER get that from lush deos.
End rant. ;)
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@krebstar5 (1266)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I had no idea that sweat stains were caused by your antiperspirant! Hmmm, still not sure if I am brave enough to try LUSH's deos. I wonder if I try just a test patch somewhere first and see how my body reacts before I try it on a really sensative part like my underarms. Also, I wonder how soom people are using the deos after shaving. That could contribute to the problem that some people are having.
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@kittles (156)
1 Mar 07
I've used a few- Fuwari when it first came out and wasn't so sky high priced, and krystal. Yes they do burn a bit it you have freshly shaved pits and sometimes are a bit tricky to get the powder on your armpits sometimes they need encouragement! They do work properly so I guess they are good but I found them a bit tricky to use, especially after a few uses they start to crumble and you end up with a crumble bag! And I have tried Aromacream too, that was even mroe akward to use ebcause of the fact it didn't like sticking to your skin...well as long as you don't have very sensitive skin i say try krystal its cheap and if you like it try a more expencive one!
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@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I have not tried a solid deoderant yet. I'm a little nervous about it. I'm trying aromacreme now but it makes me feel sticky. I'm afraid that the solids won't work... and the powders are just a mess....
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@draconess (650)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
That's what I worry about, I'd like to try some of the new powders, but I don't know if they'd be strong enough for me. And I'm not sure if any of them smell as good as T'eo. I just don't want to spend the money on a full one if I'm not going to like it.
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@aiguy01 (588)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I use the Mennon's Speedstick deoderant without the antiperspirant and it's fine.
But I tried their one that's also an antiperspirant and it did irritate my skin.
I dislike any kind of spray because you're breathing that stuff and repeated exposure gets all those chemicals into your lungs where they're absorbed directly into the bloodstream.
@LadyMagpie (236)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I used to use Fuwari, which did occasionally give me the pits of fire. Now I use Aromaco which is absolutely perfect. It's really easy to apply and I get absolutely no burning (and I love the scent).
@goddesslynne (19)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I've used aromaco and aromarant, as well as oxeo cube. All were great, but none lasted the day for me. No problems with fire-pits with these ones, but aromacreme was an entirely different story! Burning skin and red welts/cysts! Do not want!! :)
@beccacoward (525)
21 May 07
I've been warned to avoid Aromacreme by a couple of SAs, despite not having particularly sensitive skin. But I do use loads of different Lush deodorants and I've never had a problem with any of them. My day-to-day one is Aromarant, and it even keeps me smelling sweet at the gym. However, that is a very acquired scent, and I also use Aromaco which is a lot more nose-friendly. I find the powdered block deodorants like Krystal and T'eo aren't very easy to apply, but if you have the patience to powder them they are very effective. This is all coming from a sweaty betty, by the way.
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@Galena (9110)
11 Jun 07
I use honey I washed the kids soap, followed by a dab of potion moisturiser.
keeps my pits fragrant all day long.
on muggier days I quite like to use the powder deos (coconut is lovely) or aromacreme. I do find after a weeks solid use it gets a bit sore, but I rarely use deo for a solid week.
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@Archduchess (19)
4 Mar 07
I got given a Fuwari at a shop meet last year, started using it, noticed that I was getting a sweaty smell by the end of the day and also came out in a horrible blistery rash under my arms, which was sore.
Not worth it, when I can use a Dove spray that works all day and doesn't give me a rash. I don't like having damp patches under my arms either, even if they don't smell; I work with 8 and 9 year olds and I don't need them giggling at sweat marks!
So no, I don't recommend Fuwari I'm afraid, although I'm sure it must work for some people, it didn't do it for me and my fussy pits!
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@Sazzle (71)
19 Mar 07
I like Aromarant and Aromaco. The Aromacreme was very effective indeed, better than any antiperspirant deodorant I have ever tried for keeping your pits fresh but it did make them sting sometimes. Putting Dream Cream on first is the way to go but Aromacreme is a bit messy to apply I think. Aromarant and Aromaco are quite effective and no stinging with them. I did have a Sweetie V sample size that one of the Lush girls found in a box out back, that was very good. Havent really tried any of the wax covered white blocks otherwise. I did get to test a lot of the powders before they came out, the only one that I really liked was High and Dry which was violet scented and didnt get released *sobs*
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@Nykkee (2522)
• Canada
11 Jun 07
I use Dove invisible solid. It has moistureizer in it so it's supposed to be good for your skin. I think solid deodorant only burns if you have razor burn under your arms from shaving, just make sure that you use shave cream when you shave and deodorant shouldn't burn.