White Lies

@sechsey (1831)
March 1, 2007 9:39am CST
Where do you stand about white lies? Is it good or bad to make white lies? Do you agree that white lies arent bad because it shows how sensitive we are when in concerns other people's feelings thats why we have to make a white lie? Like for example, she asks you if she looks beautiful to you and you say yes even if she wasnt beautiful because you dont want to hurt her feelings. Or do you agree that a lie is a lie? that truth hurts but its better to know the truth and say what you mean rather than make white lies.
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50 responses
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I think sometimes a white lie may be necessary and may be for the better. I believe you have to take the circumstance into consideration. Most all the time the truth is better but sometimes there are people who can't handle the truth.
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@linda28 (24)
• Ireland
1 Mar 07
I think white lies are a necessity when dealing with kids and those awkward questions they can ask sometimes in my opinion these white lies are harmless
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• United States
1 Mar 07
Lol yes especially when dealing with kids!
• United States
1 Mar 07
If your in a realtionship and someone ask if they are beautiful or pretty or look good, say yes! That said, some white lies are okay, they can boost someones confidance and make them feel alot better about themselves. At the same time if something is really a bad idea or could hurt them or someone else then be truthful.
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@rnc505 (73)
• United States
1 Mar 07
that is very true as well, sometimes people need the truth, but sometimes they dont just for extra confidence!!!
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• Philippines
1 Mar 07
Sometimes white lies is good but if we keep on believing him or her that it is ok, he keeps on doing it. They say the honesty is best policy. Though their is a possibility that you can hurt her or him at least you told her the truth and try to correct it and do something about it, but ofcourse you must tell it between you and her.
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@AskAlly (3625)
• Canada
5 Mar 07
I will tell you my experience wit a white lie. We went to my parents place for dinner. My mother made a currie egg dish. Now please bear in mind that my mother is not a great cook on the best of days. We started to eat and it was HORRIBLE! I almost had to gag. I had tears in my eyes it was soooo bad. I knew she had spent alot of time making dinner so when she asked how we liked her new dish, my husband and I both said we liked it. Well now because of our little white lie, guess what's for dinner at my mom's......Curried eggs.
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• United States
1 Mar 07
I think you have to evaluate how much of a lie it is. Is it a lie that would really hurt them if the person found out you kept it from them??? If so, then I would think it's not a good idea to keep it from them. I would find a way to tell them. On the other hand, if it is a simple matter of lying about someone's weight by a few pounds or telling them you like their clothes to spare their feelings even though you don't like them, I would say it is ok.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
1 Mar 07
White lies are essential, to keep the peace and to avoid arguments and bad feeling. I am often telling white lies to my housemate because it saves me a lot of stress and anger and believe me if I didn't tell them I would be taken to the funny farm! White lies protect people. Imagine if we said what we felt, imagine if everyone of us was honest, it would make a lot of people unhappy! I couldn't survive without telling the odd white lie and yes it does show a good deal of sensitivity to a person. Some people just don't want to be told the truth or neither believe the truth anyhow!
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
1 Mar 07
A lie is a lie, there is no color to it. The person who asks you to agree with or verify their beauty, is insecure about themselves. All beauty comes from within. If you think you are beautiful, you are. No one on the outside has the qualifications to jugde beauty. That can only come from a person's inner feelings about themselves.
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@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
1 Mar 07
my dear friends, a lie is a lie. the so called white lie is a very lame excuse to say a lie. it is a short way of saying that it is a lie but not quite really a lie.if one is ugly and you do not want to say that the person is ,according to your standards,then just don't say anything because it would seem that you are sarcastic and that is impolite.the truth hurts but you do not have to hurt anyone just to say the truth. only a mature human being knows where to draw the line between saying the truth for the benefit of the many and just exposing a fact to discredit and hurt someone.
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@dopey22girl (3319)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I think it depends on the white lie, but for the most part, they really aren't that bad. I think it does show that people are sensitive because they don't want to hurt other people's feelings. In most cases, anyway. I have to admit that I am guilty of "white lieing" wayy too many times. But I think it comes almost naturally, and practically everyone does it, so I can't feel too horribly.
@rnc505 (73)
• United States
1 Mar 07
Me too it feels instinctive sometimes like, when i'm ask if i shut off a light and i didn't, i say yes i did and then go over and shut it off.!!!
@hottie0728 (1732)
• United States
1 Mar 07
I have been a big victim of white lies! I hate it! I believe that in some circumtances we tend to lie to be able to keep a person in our life but I think it really depends on the lie. They say that they lied because they don't want the person to get hurt or they are just waiting for the correct timing to tell the truth...B*LLSHIT! A lie is still a lie, no matter how we call it. A person should say the truth and get hurt rather than lie in a world of lies.
• United States
1 Mar 07
Live in a world of lies i meant!
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
lies are lies no matter how they may be describe! no matter what the intention might be, it's still a lie and one must admit, no matter how white a lie is it would still give u a tap on your conscience.... anyways i always find it best to tell the truth. truth hurts but we better learn how to deal with it.
• India
2 Mar 07
white lies r good if they r used to save the life of someone white lies r lifesavers
• United States
6 Mar 07
it can be bad and it can be good depending on how you used them, sometime it help the other alot give them alot of great spirts when they are down, and sometime it hurt the other person more because they think everything you said is a lie
@LadyLudie (359)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
It is called "white lies" because the intension is good,to cover up something for the sake of both parties.
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
White lies are not really bad, depending on circumstances and the reasons behind them. You may be telling the truth to tell your friend she is not beautiful, but would you like to hurt her feelings outright? Instead of telling her 'no you're not beautiful' maybe you can deviate a little by saying: Wouldn't you look even nicer with a little lipstick or blush-on. Sometimes you have to learn to be diplomatic especially with friends, if you want to keep your relationship.
@braided (698)
• Canada
2 Mar 07
I personally feel the truth is the best ... all across the board ... But what is truth ...really? What is true for one is not necessarily true for another ... What one person thinks is not always what another person thinks but if you are honest about what you think at least the person knows who you are ... I'm not here (on the planet) to have people like me ... I'm here to grow and learn and be myself ... if people cant accept me as I am they arent people I want to be around .... so I have to be honest about who I am so i attract the right people ... the people that are real and honest and can handle the truth and know themselves ... and are secure with who they are .. are the people i want to hang with ... I dont like people who try to blow sunshine up my butt .... know what i mean? .... i want them to say hey i like you because i they really like me ... not just to stroke my ego ....and get on my good side ....
@cobradene (1171)
• India
2 Mar 07
White lies also depend on the nature of the lies you're speaking. Obviously if a person asks you if she's beautiful, and if she' not, I mean from the physical point of view, you wouldn't say she's ugly. We can't. We can't hurt somebody's sentiments and we can't hurt their ego. So we have to say that they are beautiful. And it's not about lying. All we can do is, look some other good quality which could be an inner quality which adds beauty to their personality. There are so many people like that. Now white lies can't be spoken to betray someone. You know that you have stolen something and also you know that your friend knows that you have stolen her money, and yet you continue to talk lies instead of accepting your mistake. Or even, maybe you promised to meet up with someone and then finally you stood up on him or her, then later they know why you did it and yet you talk lies, which is totally white is wrong. But sometimes, if you speak white lies to save somebody's life or even for the welfare of the society, then there's nothing wrong in it. If you have to speak white lies for righteousness to prevail over evil and corruption then you have to speak.
• India
2 Mar 07
i think white lies arte not bd cos if lies which wont harm n rather bring smile to someone then its not bad
• Portugal
2 Mar 07
first of all i will say depending on the kind of lie, If is about the persons own self she is asking just like if she is beautiful then you have to tell the while lie because that will put a smile on the person's face and make the day bright for him/her . Also there are times you dont need to tell such lie because it backfires. But i believe in telling the truth because it sets us free. So take a look at the situation before telling the white lies