why when you need him the most ...he aint there?
By desimanero
@desimanero (419)
United States
March 1, 2007 6:29pm CST
Im going to start by saying this question is in no way saying i dont believe in God.I do believe and thats why im so troubled and confused BECAUSE I BELIEVE.I have and had a lot of troubles and abuse in my life.Theres this one particular person who i love sooo much and i know he loves me...hes just wrapped up in a messed up life.Everyone always says theyll pray for him.Or trhey tell me to ask jesus for help.BUT I DO.I pray all the time for him.I ask God to help him all the time.I ask God to help me all the time but things only get worse.Why do they say believe and he will help you.....when it dont seem that way for me and my life?
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20 responses
@robespeirre (107)
• United States
2 Mar 07
Have you ever Heard this story
A man climbed onto his house during a flood. First a row boat came by and said get in. the man said no I'm waiting on God to save me. Then as the water got higher a speed boat came by and said Get in. The man said, no I'm waiting on God. then as the water was on the roof a helicopter came by And said get in. The man said No I'm waiting on God to save me. After the man drowned he was in heaven. He ask God What happen I was waiting on you to save me. God said I tried you turned it down I sent a row boat, a speed boat, and a helicopter. The moral is Gods help is there It may not be what we are looking for But if it's from God take it.
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@desimanero (419)
• United States
2 Mar 07
no i havent heard that but i understand what youre saying.Its just ive seen the good in this guy and i know he loves his family....he just recently dug himself in a DEEP hole.I know god has been there for me its just i have to keep having faith that he can change him....i dont know maybe im crazy.
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@robespeirre (107)
• United States
2 Mar 07
Na, not crazy maybe your just optimistic. Just don't let that optimistic attitude let you drown God will work with him to but maybe in a different way. are you always their to save him. If so do you think he will truly turn to God If you are the one that keeps saving him. Just a thought, but you are a gift from God. Not the Savior Ido know it is hard.
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@garyeye (202)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
God tests our faith once in a while and this time might be that God is just testing you. He wants us to draw near to Him, God says that He will not leave us as orphans. He is nearer than you think, just like the poem "Footprints in The Sand". Just ponder for a while about His love and what God has done for us, this reassures us that God will not leave us nor forsake us.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
2 Mar 07
oh please believe me he is there !read the following it always helps me
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was
walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the
sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he
noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one
belonging to him, and the other to the Lord. When
the last scene of his life flashed before him, he
looked back at the footprints in the sand. He
noticed that many times along the path of his life
there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed
that it happened at the very lowest and saddest
times in his life. This really bothered him and he
questioned the Lord about it. "Lord, You said that
once I decided to follow you, You'd walk with me all
the way. But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life, there is only one set
of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed
you most you would leave me." The Lord replied,
"My son, My precious child, I love you and I would
never leave you. During your times of trial and
suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it
was then that I Carried You." The Poem

@desimanero (419)
• United States
2 Mar 07
yes....im very familiar with this prayer.My mom had a picture of it when i was younger.I understand the whole concept.Except if he carried me why am i still and pain and why do bad things still hit me full force?

@brandi_girl_16 (624)
• United States
5 Mar 07
First of all I have to say, don't get discouraged about all your trials and tribulations. It's so cliche to say "Everything happens for a reason" and whether or not you've heard it a thousand times or more, it's still the truth! The Lord has a plan for you and your kids and whether it takes a couple of days or a couple of decades for it to seem to start going right, it will get there. Another good cliche is "God has a plan for every one of us" lol and guess what...this one's true, too! And I know you've heard this one before..."What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger"! You know, sometimes God tests our faith, and I pray that you pass this test!
I responded to your discussion about the demons hovering over you and I let you know how it happened with me, too, and you know that the devil tries to attack you either when you're really getting closer to God or when you're weaker and your faith seems to be fading a little. Don't let him do this to you! Keep your faith strong and pray out loud every night and if he should try to attack your faith again let him know you're not scared of him! You'll be in my prayers as will your children! God Bless!!

@brandi_girl_16 (624)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Well, you know you don't have to actually sit down or get on your knees to pray. I pray all throughout the day. I don't even realize how much I pray because I do it so often! Sometimes I don't even realize I'm praying because I just start talking to God in my head! If I'm just walking through the grocery store and something pops into my mind because I'm just going along thinking, and I feel like I should be praying about something (like for instance, how my cat's missing, he's been missing for a couple of weeks now) I'll just have a little talk with God...even if it's not a long talk He knows what I'm talking about and what I'm trying to say to Him! Just don't lose hope or faith!!
@desimanero (419)
• United States
5 Mar 07
thank you.Its really comforting to know an abselute stranger would pray for you.Yes its true what you say.I use to actually sit down and read the bible when i was doing nothing else adn i always prayed.But since i met this guy(now my ex) he has put me through hell!I was with him for 7 yrs and he diod nothing but hold me back.I lost touch with god and i NEVER prayed.But recently hes been just putting me through pure hell and i recently started praying for him and myslef and thats when that happened with the demons.The devil knew i was reaching out for god again and he didnt like that.Still now i dont pray as often as i should.I really want to get to church and do the right things.
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@gramskaren (661)
• United States
2 Mar 07
Life can through you all kind of wrenches in your way and you have to keep on going. God has plans for everyone and he must have something in mind for you to keep things so hard. I know at times that I don't think he is very fair to me but have to keep my faith and hope for the best. Maybe he doesn't want you together at this time. No one knows what he wants for you or for him. You can pray and some day he will give you his answers when he is ready to.
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@uscadet15 (58)
• United States
2 Mar 07
God works in mysterious ways. His time is different from ours. You just have to keep the faith because he says in the bible " I will never leave you or forsake you" He is always by our side.
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@resasour (378)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I believe that God always answers our prayer. The problem is, that he answers our need based not only on his love for us, but according to his will. You feel like he isn't listening, or answering you because you aren't getting the results YOU want. However, it is most likely that the results you want aren't what God wants for you. If you feel like things are getting worse, maybe it is because you ask for God's help, but then take it upon yourself to work at it, instead of letting him give you what you ask for. Does that make any sense? Like, you ask him to change you, and you ask him to change your friend, but then you turn away from him and try to do it yourself, or don't try at all, then you feel like God isn't doing his job. But in reality he is already working on it, only you can't see it yet.
As far as asking God to change someone, all he will do is plant the seed for you. God gives us free will to make our own choices. If we aren't making the right choices, then where is change? I hope I am making sense to you.
Maybe you should be more specific in your prayers. Maybe you should pray that God gives you the strength to face the challenges, and the wisdom to make the right choices, and the faith that God will see you through it.
Later on down the road you will look back, and you will be able to see that God was there and did answer your prayers, just not in the way you expected.
I hope this helps..
@wayken (36)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I absolutely agree with resasour. We have been given a great gift, the gift of choice. Praying for someone else is difficult, for they have to choose to hear God's voice...and follow His lead. God hears your prayers, and it may take 20 years for the person to finally listen. If so, then pray for the next 20 years and submit to the will of God. All things work for the good of those who love God, true, and its unfair that we have to endure such harshness at time, but the rewards for our faith, and persistence, is unmeasurable.
@ntejani17 (742)
• Pakistan
2 Mar 07
That moment seems to be quite needy even I am a guy but I can feel that if at some moment my girl friend needs me and I am not with her. That moment is really un-polite moment.
@nowment (1757)
• United States
2 Mar 07
When you pray, are you praying for things to be the way you want them to be, or are you praying for things to be they way that would be best for all concerned. This could be the difference.
I struggle with this issue constantly why does god allow such things to happen?
The Story of Job is the biggest example of this, a man of great faith, who never wavered in faith and yet God allowed him to be tortured, tormented and brought to ruin by satan, so why?
One person used the anology that if you know that child was ill and they needed surgery would you allow them to go through the pain of the surgery in order to have the health that they need.
While I would say yes that I would allow that child to go through the pain of the surgery in order to be well, I do not see how that anology fits with Job.
Since the loss of one child can not be replaced with another.
I see it in our lives, a gambler will pray to win, but in truth what he may really need is a way to guit gambling.
So what he should pray for is that what is best is what will be.
So for me I pray that what is for the best is what will be, that god will do what is best for all concerned, but at the same time I see nothing wrong with wanting specific things for myself and for my life, and I do not see where some of those things will harm me or anyone else. So then why don't those things come into our lives?
I mean I understand when say a woman may pray that a certain man will fall in love with her, and it is a prayer that is not answered, why , well maybe the guy was jack the ripper, or in some other way dangerous.
If so then of course the prayer is not going to be answered why would that prayer be answered, when it would do more harm than good.
But a woman prays to win enough money so that her bills are paid off, and she is out of debt, ok she is not being greedy asking for bill gates millions just enough to pay for her debts, this benefits the economy, it benefits the woman, it benefits her creditors, so why then is this prayer not answered.
So sometimes the things we pray for are not necessarily in our best interests those prayers are not answered, when those prayers are not answered we begin to have doubts, oh we have faith in god, we have faith that there is something more than ourselves, but we wonder if those prayers will really come true, we doubt, and it is our own doubts that create the lack.
Yet some times we pray, we know that for sure we are cared for and protected and provided for, yet we find more problems rather than solutions, so then why ?
Unfortunatly no one as given me a satisfactory answer yet.
@desimanero (419)
• United States
3 Mar 07
i understand what youre saying...yes i do sometimes pray for my own being.But most of the time i just ask god flat out to help him.T o take the devil out of his life and so on......
@mywords18 (645)
• United States
2 Mar 07
becoz he is inside us inform of faith even i loose faith many times in him but soon get back to him in his lap askin for help and guidance he do chek and test our trust and faith in hime and also our caliber and capability of takin decisons as wisest and able will be always blessed, so have faith and do ur task.wat ever happens , happens for gud always.
@coolchai (753)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
as God also said, i shall help you when you help also your self. you just dont go and pray to God and He will give you everything that is not the way when you believe. you believe when you pray and have faith that when helping yourself He will carry you. Do you know the footprints in the sand?
It goes like this:
One night a man had a dream.He dreamt of God walking along the beach with him.
Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.For each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand.
He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints.
He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life.
This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it:
"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But ive noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only onve set of footprints. I dont understand why when I needed you most you would leave me."
the Lord replied:
"My son, my precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that i carried you" written by Mary Stevenson
@Mithoo (255)
• Pakistan
2 Mar 07
Dear listen, if you believe in God you are on the right way. But as far as your that question that why the person you need does not get there, i will only say this that its God's matter. It depends upon God that which person should be there and which should not be there when you need that particular person..So keep your believe in God.
@tarrysai (16)
2 Mar 07
Have faith. That ounds really easy to say but I believe it. Sometimes I think we blame God when things don't work as we ask but we forget that satan is there trying to create havoc and break our relation ship with God. Don't let him succeed. God bless you
@vicki59 (23)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I also used to believe that God wasn't listening to me. I've had a very dysfunctional life, one bad thing after another. But I have come to believe that God always hears us,and he gave you an answer, may not have been the one you wanted, the answer was NO. I also prayed for yes answers, But praying for them sometimes isn't enough, we need to do for ourselves, find the right path, life is about learning lessons. I am still praying too, and will continue to, and I still get No answers,but as long as I keep trying, I know the Yes answer will come when I need it most. Keep believing, He is listening.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
2 Mar 07
well, all i can say that have faith... trust Him... He never leave you nor forsake you... in fact, we are the one who always forsake Him and draw ourselves away from Him... the Bible never say that by following Him, our path and way will be smooth and we will be free from troubles... but the Bible always say that God promises to never leave nor forsake us through our darkest hours in life... in fact, He will lift us up and will never let us stumble... and whenever we pray to Him, He always give us three answers which is YES (according in His time and not our time), NO (if He thinks that it will not do us any good) or WAIT... we just have to be patient and keep our faith in Him... rest assured that good things will come to you one day as long as you remain faithful to Him... God Bless You...
@babyjane (1390)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
God watches us every minute or seconds. He even not missed a single seconds just to guide us. When you needed him most, he ain't there? He is there just listening to you. He guides you but you should make the move not him. He done everything just to make you happy. But if God was good enough to carry all the burdens with him, we wouldn't know the lessons of learning and same as how to cope up difficulties. God gave us all this to learn and challenge us how we could cope up with it.
@LeXDei (209)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
There are things in our life that we cannot explain nor understand. That is why there is a need for us to hold to something so that we can keep our sanity. I believe that there is somebody up there greater than me so I can look up and just pray whenever I am very down. I ask for assistance every minute, every day. All I know is that we should keep on believing and if this is the best for us there is no reason for Him not to give it to us. Just hope and pray. Faith can move mountains and can make even the most impossible, possible. We should always remember that sometimes there are delays, not because He is not giving it but because He knows the perfect time for everything.
@boyfriend2k4 (398)
• Australia
2 Mar 07
I believe, God never gives you more pain than you cannot take. He knows better than us, whats our will power to stand pain. What i have experienced in my life is that God has given me, whatever i have wished for, but at the right moment and i am sure it goes for everyone else as well. Sometimes he keeps you on hold to choose whats best for you. I really appriciate that through all your problems you are holding hands with God.
God bless
@tinacaps (66)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
He does that to test our faith. And he will test us to the very last of our sanity. I know, I have always been at this kind of situation and honestly, I never get use to it. But, God always has surprises for us specially in moments we don't expect it. And those are moments we realize that their is a God. It might take awhile but it always comes. God, I believe, also knows how to say no. But, mainly because he has something far better for you or you this isn't the time yet. I've been through many obstacles before and their were moments I just wanted to end it. But, I held on for as long as I could and now I am learning to say thank you for all the challenges he gave me because I believe it had made me a better person. You WILL have a better life but in HIS own time. Don't loose faith.
@catbvq (364)
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
There is a passage in the Bible which says that we should "Trust in the Lord with all our hearts and should not lean to our own understanding." It is because His' ways are beyond human understanding. But rest assured that He is working on the best for our welfare, not only in the afterlife but also in this life. Try to be patient, ask God to be with you in your hardship, to bear with you and help you carry your cross in life. Trust God. Be patient, soon you will feel a different kind of peace and one by one your troubles will disappear. Just keep praying and never give up on life. Try to count your blessings and think of others who have a lot more worse case scenario than yours but is grateful just being alive.