Contradicting Opinions: this is not a Sufficient Basis to Give Negative Rating!!

March 1, 2007 11:04pm CST
I don't know with some users here in mylot. they have this thing on giving a negative mark to users who don't agree with their opinion. come on, this is a free world. you can't expect others to always have the same mind as you. the other day i posted a topic about the overpopulation thing-- then when i logged in today i saw my star rating dropped from 92/100 to 91/100. i assume someone must have given me a negative rating because of my opinion on overpopulation. it is not fair to give me a negative mark simply because we have contradicting opinions. there were a lot of responses contrary to my stand, but i did not give anyone a negative mark. we are entitled to our own views. no matter how contradicting your stand maybe to my stand, you have reasons for it and I RESPECT THAT! As long as you are not attacking me below the belt and are not saying hateful words towards me you dont deserve a negative mark as long as am concern. People cannot always agree on the same thing. there is no such thing as uniform opinion. we must live with the fact that people think differently and we must respect that.
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46 responses
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I have suggested this in the past, I think thre should be 2 rating systems - one agree/disagree, and one for quality of answer.
4 people like this
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
thanks debs. rating should be based on the quality of the answer regardless of whether it is contradicting to the poster's opinion or not.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
i think rating system should be remove to be fair for all users. no argument, no confusions, no misunderstandings that will happen. besides, everybody is entitled to his or her own opinion. an opinion can not be right nor it can be wrong. better remove the rating system.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
2 Mar 07
LOL I remember that discussion, and actually I was one who did disagree with you and stated that - I still gave you a + because I felt it was a good discussion. I however got on today to find my rating dropped from 99 to 96 so guess more people didn't like me that did you. I agree, although it may be hard at times I don't rate on whether people disagree with me or my opinion I do rate - on responses or discussions that don't relate to the discussion or are out and out bad or no quality. I do give - ratings to people who attach other people directly in a discussion. Like you said they are opinions and everyone has a right to their own but it is not right for someone to talk badly to a person who is merely posting their opinion.
3 people like this
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
thanks byfaithonly. i read your opinion about it my previous post and i respected that. thank you for not giving me a negative rating. thanks for the positive mark too. guess you and me are not the only victims of this.i dont care that much about my star rating because i know how unreliable it is, but i just can't keep it to myself to get irritated by how some people abuse the star rating system.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
2 Mar 07
LOL I don't much pay attention either but the last few days I've been on a mission - I have yet to see a 100/100 so have been looking for them. The good thing is that one person is not going to effect our rating. If a whole bunch of people give a bad rating then it will effect but not just one. I often post discussions that I know I'm going to get a lot of people responding that disagree with my thinking but I do this intentionally and if they give me a bad rating that's their own problem, it's not going to stop me.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
3 Mar 07
i totally agree with you... unless the person is not answering the topic of the discussion in a proper manner (out of topic) or uttering spiteful or vindictive remarks against us, we should not give a negative rating to anybody... fortunately, i never have to do it so far...
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@yana0806 (565)
• Philippines
3 Mar 07
Yes I agree! To give negative rating to someone who contradict our own view is not fair! Better add comment rather than giving negative rating!
2 people like this
• Philippines
3 Mar 07
thanks for the response yana.
2 people like this
• United States
2 Mar 07
I dont do the plus/minus thing because I dont fully understand it, and what the criteria to judge the ratings are.. I dont want to give someone a low rating just because I dont agree with them - I dont want to give someone a high rating just for a decent answer. I just dont do it. I'm sorry - I'm not sure what it even means anyway? Does it help your earnings or something?
3 people like this
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
thanks crimsonblues.some say it does affect our earnings but am not sure about that.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Mar 07
That really bites! I'm sure I'll never get a star rating because I do not hold the "popular" opinion on anything. I have given others negative ratings but never soley because their opinion is different than mine. I give a negative rating when an opposing opinion is expressed in an inflamatory way which insults others or is clearly ignorant and posted in a cocky way. When someone has a judgemntal opinion that they state is based on information which I know to be incorrect. That does not add anything to the mylot community.
• United States
4 Mar 07
I know what you mean. My star has dropped quite a bit. I don't hold the popular opinion on things so I guess that means - disagree with me = ruin my rating. Pathetic.
• United States
2 Mar 07
hey there I read what you wrote and I had to give you a star for being honest ... I agree with you im not going to give a negative rating to someone just because I don't agree with them but because of the way they portray their words some people can be rude , cocky and they can come up with some really bad insults to leave for other writters which is not fair ... we are all on here to exspress our opinions we should not be put down for that at all ...
@not4me (1711)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I've actually lost about 10 points over the past two weeks. I'm the last person to leave a two-worded response or to leave something against the TOS so I know people were simply disagreeing with me. I wonder how those people can stand being here, in a medium where tons of people with different values and ideas get together, if they are so easily offended. I find it highly irritating but also a rather funny lesson in psychology.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
3 Mar 07
You dropped one point? That could have been from anything. I dropped from a 7 to a 1 in two days.... Now THAT is abuse. Mylot sent an alert that said that no one could abuse it this way because of their "complex algorithm", but thats bull. I've personally seen it happen, there is no other explanation for it and Mylot won't clarify or rectify teh solution.
2 people like this
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
Yes I agree. Opinions are very subjective.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
3 Mar 07
I agree. Some users here do that. No matter how informative, relevant and quality your post is, they will rate you negative when they disagree with your opinion.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Mar 07
I know how you feel. I had my rating killed within 24 hours by users that hated my opinions, whom twisted my words to suit their needs and whom plain out right think I'm a horrible person. It happens. Someone that has sense will come along and fix it though so don't feel bad.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
i hope so. thanks for the response.
2 people like this
• Philippines
3 Mar 07
of course i read the alert messages sent by mylot and all other post "mylot" makes. i don't mean that only one person actually give me a negative mark. i bet there were a few of them, because my rating dropped instantly in just a day.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Mar 07
Apparently you didn't read the memo from myLot. ONE person cannot affect your rating by themselves. BTW no one said you were a terrible person... just that you were being taught wrong information. As I said in my reply; I don't give a negative because I disagree. I will give a negative if the post is factually incorrect though.
2 people like this
• United States
2 Mar 07
I agree with you fully. The person has to be giving false information for me to give a negative. Or they are a hit and run poster who is just trying to get a penny so they add gibberish to the conversation. I will not give a negative because I don't like a person or I don't like someone's opinion.
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@stibigirl (291)
• United States
3 Mar 07
People really just don't want to be told something that they have already made their mind up about, especially about things like overpopulation. I have found that since I joined mylot people don't really want discussion, they want you to agree with them about their post, they don't want to hear the other side of the story. Even if you have good intentions about starting a real discussion, where people may have a real opinion about something, you still will get people that will rate you negatively. Sorry that this happened to you, in life you have to be able to take the good with the bad, after all there are only 75,000+ people on mylot, compared to the entire rest of the the world it is not even the size of most major cities, so the view points can be more narrow, and if you don't narrow with them you may suffer a negative, just know that you will not be the only one.
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• Canada
2 Mar 07
My rating has dropped a point this morning too, but you know what? I don't care. I am who I am and there's no way I'm going to change my views for the sake of others. If I don't agree with what others have to say then they need to get over it lol. As you say, it's a free world. I believe its our differing opinions that make life so interesting. I don't live my life wondering who gave me a negative rating, if they did then they did and thats up to them. I know what I believe and what I don't believe and when people ask for opinions on something, I'll give it, regardless of whether it fits with theirs or not. I say don't worry about it. There are a few people here at MyLot who want to give negative ratings "just because they can", but at the end of the day, it's not enough to really make your rating drop that much, and besides, I've given you a + for this post :)
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@weemam (13372)
2 Mar 07
a wee cuddle ,that wasn't very nice if someones done that to you , we are all here to give our opinions , it shouldn't matter if we agree or not , is that not what it means? freedom of speech , the only time I have given a minus was one guy put his web Addy in my discussion 3 times in a row ( nothing else only the Addy ) and one time some guy wrote something filthy , we are all allowed to have our opinions , is that what this site is supposed to be about ? xx
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
i hope all mylot users think the way you do. but there are just those who dont get it.
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
2 Mar 07
Wouldn't it be extremely boring and dull if EVERYONE agreed and no one had a difference of an opinion. We are human, we are all capable of thinking, making up our own minds and we will agree and disagree. Just because someone else has a different viewpoint to you doesn't mean you are wrong or they are wrong. No one is right, and no one is wrong, there's different angles to take, that's what makes this site so great because we can share our differences of opinions and accept them! If you don't accept it, understand where the other person is coming from. Marking negatively doesn't help anyone and it's a sad state of play when someone has to do this in a clandestine fashion.
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• India
2 Mar 07
Really there are some people on MyLot who still do not understand the use of the +ve or -ve ratings here at mylot, and I think they should be given a tutorial. Really its stupid to rate someone negative for just if their thoughts do not match with yours. CAuse at mylot when we start some discussion we start so as to find out what people think about it and rate them on their effort for putting up whatthey really feel and think. And yes the negative rating I suppose is only to be give if someone is acting in a negative way, I mean abusing you or something like that. We really need to ask mylot so that they may tutor people on how to use mylot and how to use their ratings. Take Care May GOD Bless YOU
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
thanks raphael_volts.. maybe not necessarily tutorial but maybe just an icon containing the statement not to give a negative mark for contradicting opinions, something like that.
@PIITZY (749)
• Romania
2 Mar 07
dont worry i just gave you a + and try to not get anoyed because of these small things its realy not worth it i lost 2 stars because of these - ratings i usualy get - because i speak what is on my mind and sometimes i have a diferent opinion about others but thats the way the majority myloters do give a - if they dont agree with someone that means i should give a more then 1000 - because i usualy have adiferent opinion but i dont give a - just for that to be frankley i dont even think i had given someone a minus:))
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
thanks also get a + from me.take care.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Mar 07
I've always found your postings very helpful! And I agree that you shouldn't be marked badly for your opinion. I thought that was what this was all about. I gave you a plus hope that helps!
• Philippines
2 Mar 07
thank you so much italian princess. that was a very nice compliment. thanks again.. :)
@joanana (770)
• United States
2 Mar 07
I have to agree. Just because one person's opinion varies from another it does no entitle people to automatically give them negative marks for it. If everyone agreed on everything this world would be a sad and boring place to be. Variety is the spice of life. Now if someone had a contridictory opinion and could not be bothered to respect other people's stances then I could see giving them a negative mark. Maybe if they said something like: "omfgz!!!1!!1!! ur sooo mental you !@#-ing suck. I disagree completely!!!!!11!!!" Then I could see giving them a negaitive mark. Heck, I'd give them one and smile while doing it.
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