Can you prove that there is no God?
@arseniajoaquin (1732)
March 2, 2007 3:20pm CST
Atheists or people who do not believe in God keep on asking people who believe in God to prove the existence of God and to show proofs that there is God. Courts accept documentary evidence but the unbelievers do not like to accept the Holy Bible consisting of 66 books which do not contradict each other (contradictions appear only to those who do not understand the whole counsel of God) as evidence to prove the existence of God. They do not also consider all the creation of God they see around all of us which God consistently says that all of these are His creation. They do not also accept their own selves as proof for they believe that they came from the ape but they do not know where the ape came from.
It is high time that believers of God ask the unbelievers: Do you have proofs that God does not exist?
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56 responses
@whacks (774)
• Philippines
3 Mar 07
The people who do not believe in God will never be able to prove that there is no God. The documents available on the evolution theory even contradict each other. And pls remember that the evolution theory is only a theory and will always be a theory. The Holy Bible is a fact, a physical evidence, a documentary evidence, showing in detail what happened in the beginning, what is happening now, and what will happen in the future. And God is the one telling us.
Nobody has ever proven that what the Bible says that happened in the beginning is not true. In the 6 days of creation, it is very clear how everything was created and that is including man.
@MrCoolantSpray (1005)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I have no trouble believing in both Evolution and God. And, if you look at the modern theories of evolution and geology, the order in which God created everything as said in Genesis is the same order everything was created in as said by the evolutionary theory.
You can't prove the existence or non-existence of God. You just gotta have faith. Even Descartes' proof of the existence of God requires faith. You have to believe in Descartes to believe in his proof.
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@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
3 Mar 07
"It is high time that believers of God ask the unbelievers: Do you have proofs that God does not exist?"
Very good. They always attack. Here is their very good chance to prove that there is no God. They should first prove where the ape came from, and if not from God, then they would know where they came from and they would know their ancestors.
@BrettG (50)
• United States
3 Mar 07
I've heard a lot of controversy about the 'Ape' theory. I don't think I came from monkies...Because If we evolved from them, then why are Apes and Monkies still around and not half-evolved Ape-Humans? Or look at it in this perspective: What if God evolved Apes? Who's to say God didn't cause evolution in that manner? I seriously Don't believe we evolved from Apes solely on my previous belief.
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@starr4all (2863)
2 Mar 07
It's annever ending battle. There's no proof that there is a god and there's no proof there isn't a god. As far as the bible being proof. Nope. It's a book written by man, so there are mistakes.
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@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
2 Mar 07
Can you prove that there truly is a God?
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@weehihi (132)
• Philippines
3 Mar 07
here's a short story:
a barber said to his customer one day "there is no God"
the customer asked him "how can you say that?"
the barber replied "if there is God, there wouldnt be poor, downtrodden people in this world"
then the customer left but he saw a guy who sports a long, dirty hairstyle
he went right back in the barbershop and told the barber "there is no barber"
confused, the barber said "how can you say that when in fact im here and just cut ur hair a while ago.."
the customer said "if there is a barber, there wouldnt be ppl who have long dirty hair.."
then the barber said "well, it's because they dont come to me..they dont go to a barber.."
and the customer smiled and replied "and it's because ppl dont go and seek God that is why there are lots of them out there in the streets..ppl who are hungry, angry, living a pitiful life...if they only seek God, then they wouldnt feel so down..."
you gotta have faith in everything you cant see ..
@sandy_oneill (39)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Actually, there are plenty of poor, downtrodden people who believe in God. That story doesn't do anything to prove your point. It's like saying anyone who is suffering deserves what they're getting, because their faith isn't strong enough.

@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
2 Mar 07
If you have the faith of a grain of mustard seed.....You cannot prove that God does not exist because he is very much alive. He was alive when he walked the earth and was alive when he was crucified. He was alive when he arose and he is alive now. Jesus said, In my fathers house are many mansions, if they this were not true I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
I ask people to consider that we are not an accident and are far to complex to have ever been considered some accident. Our heavenly father the creator will do exactly what he said he would do.
@mansha (6298)
• India
3 Mar 07
This is an interesting but never ending battle and the point that amused me most is that people have started defending jesus and bible while the question makes no reference to them. Hindus have their own Gods and Muslim theirs and other religions too have their own Gods so does that mean that only jesus needs to be defended or proved. lol its contradicting itself. why if a thing exists need to be proved again and again.
No one asks to prove or disprove existence of air and sky but "God" we do need to debate on.
I will jsut try and prove the point of non-beleivers
1)Its something that no one has seen-so he cant exist
2) its not something you can not touch-so he cant exist
3) Its not something you cannot smell-so he cant exist
4) its not something you cannot hear-so he cant exist
5) its something you cannot taste -so he cant exist
So basically you can not prove that God exists using your five senses hence you can not prove that he existed or exists.
Now another argument that can be gioven is why if God exists an unborn child looses his father, what makes him go through life without father or a family. why so mucdh grief and suffering occurs, why famines and earthquakes and tsunmami come to kill and deprive millions of people of thier lives and loved ones. where was God when holocaust happened ? why he didn't help them, ? why God didn't stop 9/11 from happening. why he doesn't stop people from kidnapping young kids from their homes and killing them. Many explanations can be given and are given but is it that God is partial in his ways. If everything happens with God's will then how can man be held responsible for his actions. God willed it thats why someone murdered or killed the other person , kid or women that means whatever hapened hapened due to God's doing not because the man wanted it.
I found a very interesting article on the web about this one read it and be enlightened-I am sorry as it actually attacks christian beliefs but I would like to opmit that and add it for God in general as all faiths give same arguments to defend their beliefs in
Also I think that God was created by some bright men to help the whole humanity t curb the beast inside it and become civilised. I think Its the best invention so far that is still helping people through their lives. our lives are deternind by choices we make not by God .

@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
3 Mar 07
cerium... very good, thanks a lot and may God bless you.
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@cerium (689)
3 Mar 07
Now, let's apply your procedure to Ultra Violet Rays.
1) It's something no one has seen, so it can't exist?
2) It's something that you cannot touch, so it can't exist?
3) It's something you can't smell, so it can't exist?
4) It's something you can't hear, so it can't exist?
5) It's something you can't tase, so it can't exist?
To your surprise, UV rays do exist! While the comparison is not right (since God's nature is beyond our knowldege), I just wanted to show you that your procedure of unbelieving is completely flawed. Of course UV rays can be detected using sensetive dtectors, but yet they cannot be seen. Again using your procedure, the earth's core can't exist!
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@info2go (241)
• Philippines
1 Apr 07
Oh, but UV rays have been proven through 'science', and it can be measured. and it can be proven over and over again as long as anyone would like.
Now, prove god exist.. Don't give me that 'intelligent design' reason because 'science' have it's own stand regarding that matter.
To see(prove) is to believe, and because of this reasoning: we have come to realize the things we haven't known before.
@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
3 Mar 07
Well, I am an atheist. And I cannot proove that God exist OR does not exist.
So why am I an atheist? I will try to explain, but first I will make it as clear as I can (sorry for the caps, they are needed).
See, I live my life with lack of belief in god´s existence, the same lack of belief I have about the existence of giant invisible dragons.
I looked at the "God question" and in my opinion, there is no god. Why?
1) Because there is not one single evidence, for me, that is undeniable proof of God´s existence. Every so called evidence is either explainable by other reasons or is personal and faith based.
2)The bible is full of contradictions. And violence, and jealousy, hate, killings, genocides. And it shows an unjust and vengeful god, not a loving one.
3)The problem of Free-will and omniscience (one or other, both are not possible at the same time, in my opinion).
4)If there is a God and He loves his children He just need to show himself (or a clear sign) and the world would live in peace. And people would have a clear and right path to happiness. Instead we have many religions claiming that they are the right ones and the others wrong, and fights because of it.
5) The great number of religions. What God? Christ or Allah? They re not the same, after all, Christ is part of the Trinity and Allah is one.
6) Logical reasoning : God exists because the bible says so. The bible is right because God exists. Stop, A justifies B that justifies A that justifies B that... It is circular logic, not a proof.
7) Lack of evidence of the Christ miracles, doubts of his historical existence. No reliable outside source confirms Christ existence or miracles, mainly the miracles are not confirmed.
8) Religions as social constructs, lot of theories give good (for me) explanations hypothesis on how and why religions come to be, and not related to supreme powers.
Well, this list could go on and on. So what I have basically is that for me, Gods are just creations of human minds, and I live without it in my life. I don't care about god, I lack belief on the existence of any deities, so I am an atheist with means without theism, without god.
And lastly, If you claim that god exists you must proove it, the burden of proof rests on the shoulders pf the ones who make the affirmation. Until you proove it, I will live my life considering God as imaginary as the sasquatch, loch ness monster but not as sympathic as the last one.
Have a nice day.

@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
4 Mar 07
Did you read what I wrote?
Are you sure?
I lack belief in god, I do not claim that it exists or not. I have no belief in Its existence, I live my life as it doesn't exist.
If you claim that there are evidences that point to his existence, show me those evidences. Also explain about what God are you talking about.
@cerium (689)
3 Mar 07
You said, "If you claim that god exists you must proove it, the burden of proof rests on the shoulders of the ones who make the affirmation."
Now, who told you that anyone can prove God scientifically? God cannot be discovered, BUT we see evidence that points to His existance. The rest is based on faith. Faith because we can't see Him, but we see His creations. As for you, you claim that no gods exist. You claim it's not faith too. So you are the one who need to prove his claims.
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@cerium (689)
4 Mar 07
Yes, I've read it, and I know your positions (from previous discussions too), however, as I previously told you, if you are not sure, that makes you an agnostic (not an atheist). But you insist that you are an atheist, you said before that if someone asked you about the existance of a god your answer will be, "He doesn't exist", right? That's why you keep contradicting yourself (read my answer to you in that other discussion that we talked on earlier if you haven't read it yet).
As I said, there are evidence that points to God's exitance (I don't expect anyone to see it the way I do). A complex universe like ours needs a creator and a designer. The universe can't create itself. Since it has a beginning, then it must be created (according to science). Life cannot be produced by coincidence. Even if the evolution theory is true, it would still need a creator and a designer (in my opinion), as if you look to all the complexities in our bodies, in nature, or in the universe, it's impossible to believe that it was produced by the unintelligent natural selection. The rest of my belief is according to faith (as I can't discover God's nature by science). As to your case, if you say that "God doesn't exist", then it must be by faith (because, obviously, you can't prove it scientifically), otherwise (if you are not sure), then you are an agnostic, not an atheist. But you still insist that you are an atheist!!!
I'm taling about the concept of a God in general (the creator). Religion is another thing. I follow my religion because it describes God in accordance with my beliefs about Him. I take God's existance as a proof to my religion, and not vice versa.

@KetanGulati (579)
• India
3 Mar 07
hey mam.... well i really dont have to prove that thier is no god....definitely he is there, he is here,,,,he is everywhere.... I am a boy of adventurous guy...who is rather techno gizzmo....still i have full faith in him...reason being simple.... there cannot be any contradiction against him --- those who say there is not god....answer me....who created this world.... if u say elemental changes...i woudl ask who created elements.... if u say nature---- i ll who created nature.,...and I know at the end you will have to say some SUPER NATURAL POWER has to be there,,,who is actually taking ur care.... and it hardly is gonna matter anyone if u dont believe in god.... coz ur non belieiving attitude wouoldnt matter his presence...right mam...I guess i said right./...and I join hands with u in this topic!!!
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@leeloo_25_85 (34)
• Romania
3 Mar 07
can u see air?(can u say that it doesn't exist?) are u alive? have u got love for u're family and they have love for u? does the animals and plants exist? WHAT MORE PROOF DO U NEED? GOD IS IN ALL OF US...
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
3 Mar 07
I am a devout Christian and I believe in every words written in the Bible. I don't need to show any evidences or proofs that God do exist. For the non-believers, especially this one person who always questioned about the existence of God, asking for proofs of God's deeds, citing proofs that the bible is man-made and not a true accounting of where Jesus came from. He forgot to mention that all his works and researches are based on studies conducted by men too. All his theories are just that, a theory. The spiritual relationship I have with God is not something I will boast of nor share with anybody else. I consider it a personal relationship shared between me and God. I may be stubborn. But stubborn because I believe in God. This is a good discussion you posted. God bless you.
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@silvermoonmyst (943)
• United States
3 Mar 07
a book written by man is not proof of god....
Proof of god is different for everyone. What is true for me wont be for you.
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@cerium (689)
3 Mar 07
God's nature is beyond our logic, which means that we cannot discover it scientifically. That's why you need faith to be sure that God exists based on the evidence of his existance (for the believers), but in the same time you need faith to dsiprove God (for atheists). So, it's all about your faith based on the evidence yo have. The problem is that most atheist criticize the believers for having faith (they like to call it blind faith, while in fact it is based upon evidence, so it's not blind at all), but in the same time, they have the same amount of faith that there's no God!
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@arseniajoaquin (1732)
• Philippines
3 Mar 07
"The problem is that most atheist criticize the believers for having faith (they like to call it blind faith, while in fact it is based upon evidence, so it's not blind at all)."
This is where I am somehow fed up. Believers of God are not compelling them to believe and yet most atheists criticize us for believing in God and they call us fanatics. I am a translator of the Word of God from Greek to English and it's very difficult to translate and yet the books are already available in front of me.
How could these 66 books written by about 40 different people not having seen each other nor knowing each other, written in different places, written in different times be written all speaking about God, and there are no contradictions (I understand it and contradictions are to those who do not understand the whole counsel of God in the Holy Bible)? How were they compiled or collected and bound into the Holy Bible, no human being claiming that the Holy Bible is his compilation, etc. This alone is a proof that there is that force proving His capability to do everything and He is whom we call God.
Thanks for your nice posts.
@protell (17)
• United States
3 Mar 07
can you prove that God does not exist? can you prove that a giant sea animal does not live on the bottom of the ocean? can you prove that a giant moon monster does not live on the moon?
just because you cannot prove these things do not exist, DOES NOT MAKE THEM EXIST!
thats the problem with people that believe in God, and also with athiests. there is a lot of evidence that supports evolution if thats what you believe, or creationism if that's what you believe. but atheists look at it as proof against God, while believers look at it as proof of God. no one is truly objective.
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@cerium (689)
3 Mar 07
I agree with you in a way. Both implies faith. But the difference is that believers (or creationist as you like to call them) admit that they have faith, while atheists deny that (in fact, they criticize believers for having faith).
As for your analogy (which is commonly used by atheists, by the way), it's really not logical to make these comparisons. What would be a need for a giant moon monster? Does it complete the environmental balance? What about giant ocean animals? Are they necessary? If you asked me (your questions), I would say NO. I don't BELIEVE they are out there. The word BELIEVE means that I used FAITH, because I didn't check the moon and I didn't go to the bottom of all sees; yet all these examples can be scientifically discovered. A god is not the same. First, a god cannot be scientifically discoverd. Secondly, a god is necessary as being the first cause. Thirdly, I believe that an intwelligent god is a must for explaining all the complexities in this universe. That's why the comparison is just illogical.
"I believe in God" is totally different from "I believe in a teapot in space", the first one is based upon evidence (from my part) and is necessary (based on my views), while the second sentence is totally absurd.
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@stibigirl (291)
• United States
3 Mar 07
Personally I am not an Atheists, but then I don't believe in the God that you think exists out of the bible. I would never want to prove that God does not exist, don't know why anyone would really. The universe was created, I guess most of us will have to agree on that because we are all here.
No one has proof that god exists or not, a court of law is just like the men that wrote the books that are in any religious text, and men are falible, imperfect, and they are guaranteed to make mistakes.
The fact that none of the religious scriptures of any religion have been looked at and reconsidered as to what their meaning holds for us as a people of the world is probably a mistake on our part. We call them holy books and they become forever unchangable, even though we give men, human men the credit for writing them. I think we miss out on the real meaning of life and what makes us all human and unique when we focus on such small things like weather or not god exists or not.
Conscienceness has changed over the last century around the world, laws have changed, walls that people thought would never come down fell to the ground, I just think that being human is the most important thing that we have, no matter what God you believe in, or don't believe in for that matter.
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@info2go (241)
• Philippines
1 Apr 07
This discussion about the existence of God make way for another significant question
Are Atheists Evil?
If you are right to believe that religious faith offers the only real basis for morality, then atheists should be less moral than believers. In fact, they should be utterly immoral.
Are they? Do members of atheist organizations in the United States commit more than their fair share of violent crimes? Do the members of the National Academy of Sciences, 93 percent of whom reject the idea of God, lie and cheat and steal with abandon? We can be reasonably confident that these groups are at least as well behaved as the general population. And yet, atheists are the most reviled minority in the United States. Polls indicate that being an atheist is a perfect impediment to running for high office in the US (while being black, Muslim, or homosexual is not).
Recently, crowds of thousands gathered throughout the Muslim world—burning European embassies, issuing threats, taking hostages, even killing people— in protest over twelve cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad that were first published in a Danish newspaper. When was the last atheist riot? Is there a newspaper anywhere on this earth that would hesitate to print cartoons about atheism for fear that its editors would be kidnapped or killed in reprisal?
Believers like yourself invariably declare that monsters like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, and Kim Il Sung spring from the womb of atheism. While it is true that such men are sometimes enemies of organized religion, they are never especially rational. In fact, their public pronouncements are often delusional: on subjects as diverse as race, economics, national identity, the march of history, and the moral dangers of intellectualism.
@pangeacat (619)
• United States
2 Apr 07
No one can "prove" that there is no God, any more than anyone can "prove" that there is. Believing in God or not, is a matter of faith and personal choice. I don't understand why anyone would want to prove it one way or another. If you believe in God, that's great. If someone else does not, that's great too. You are both happy and satisfied with your belief, so what's the big deal?
As for me, I do not believe in the Christian God, but I do believe in a higher power. I don't try to tell people that the Christian God does not exist, I just don't appreciate when they try to tell me that my definition of God does not exist. They can't prove that my definition is inaccurate, and I cannot prove that there's is inaccurate. I can only say that I do not believe in their version/definition and that I will never believe in it, so don't worry about "saving my soul".
I'm happy with what I "know", and I just wish that everyone is just as happy with what they "know" as well.