what do you hate most about cooking?

@gotmeng (104)
March 3, 2007 1:21pm CST
after preparing all the things i want to cook .. like chopping up the garlic .. or washing the meat .. i get to the cooking .. and after that i eat .. and then comes to worst part .. cleaning .. maybe im just lazy or really irresponsible .. or i'd never go very far in life .. but after having a meal which i made .. im not really in the mood to clean .. what usually happens is .. i'd not clean .. and then start eating out when the dishes start to pile up .. sometimes, i clean before i eat .. like the pans and all .. but then i'd rather jump right into my food after its cooked .. what is the thing you hate about cooking?
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27 responses
@sagarss (260)
• India
5 Mar 07
Cutting veggies is a major pain which takes a lot of time ,i hate the heat which comes out during cooking and i am scard of the oil ,so i rarely cook these days
@gotmeng (104)
• Malaysia
6 Mar 07
i used to dread cutting up garlic and all .. then the oil splashing .. god .. but i got used to it . .and now its all the cleaning thats keeping me away from the kitchen ..
@ESKARENA1 (18261)
4 Mar 07
im ok with cooking, i love the vast majority of it. I love practicing diffverent techniques. What i absolutely hate is the washing up afterwards blessed be
@gotmeng (104)
• Malaysia
4 Mar 07
dont we all? washing sucks and something should be done abt it .. dishwashers? .. try something else ..
6 Mar 07
I love to cook. I hate to clean up. We have a small kitchen. I seem to be able to make it look like a bomb has hit it when I cook. I'm glad I am home alone when I am doing it. The dogs keep hoping that I will drop something! I do get it spotless before my sweet hubby gets home.
• Australia
6 Mar 07
ohhh i soooooooo hate cleaning up and washing up. But i try to wash up while i was cooking so it wont pile up. Also hate to think of wat to cook everyday...its very stressing u know lol
@JuliaPan (564)
• Canada
6 Mar 07
Of course I don't like to chop onions. I always cry doing it. But the thing I really don't like and would be happy if someone else could do it is washing dishes after cooking or after meals. My husband doesn't like it either. My Mom always protests. So usually it my Dad's responsibility :)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I don't mind cooking too much. The smell of ground beef cooking sometimes makes me feel sick. Sometimes I wear medical gloves to cut up onions, garlic, etc. All the stinky stuff!
• Kuwait
4 Mar 07
what i hate most in cooking is when noone will eat and when i spend time cooking and to much judges.
@soul0629 (94)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I like cooking but i hate the preparation and the clean up!! :)
@lisado (1227)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I'm the same way. I hate to clean up afterward. It's not as bad if the dishwasher is already empty and all I have to do is dump the stuff in there, but if it's full of clean dishes, then I feel like I have to do dishes while cooking. I guess maybe I'm lazy, too, but it seems to be the worst part for me, as well. :) I find that cleaning as I go works best, but I don't always feel like it.
• India
4 Mar 07
after cooking the sink and slap gets dirty and we have to wash it that the thing i hate assume for a min that u cooked the chapati your all family members had already taken the meals and you are cleaning the slap after cooking sometimes no one waits for u this is irritating even u dont get the hot food sometimes
• India
4 Mar 07
I am a very messy cook. The whole kitchen looks like a street market after I cook. Washing the dishes after having my meal is no big worry for me... the worry lies in tidying up the kitchen!
@kimmy716 (24)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I hate the cleaning too! And the waiting... I'm so bad about being organized enough to cook before I'm hungry, so by the time I get hungry and have to wait around for my food to cook I'm starving! But the cleaning is way worse...part of life, I guess!
@Mojojo (37)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
I agree, I HATE cleaning. I love to cook, but I always put off the cleaning afterwards. Mostly the pots and pans!
• India
6 Mar 07
I agree with you .. once finished with cooking i am bored to clean so I often clean before I sit to eat .. then I can be at peace while I relish the food .. so that also goes to say that I am pretty good cook .. i can prepare a variety of traditional indian delicacies .. and people at home appreciate the effort greatly .. also i hate it when i have to cook something really fast .. or i have very less preparation time .. i need a little time to compose myself before cooking or I am bound to mess up .. hurry definitely ruins the whole cooking experience ..
• Ireland
4 Mar 07
I don't really like cooking at all but unfortunately I can't get away from it. I detest the washing up after it, and I will always try to wash everything and put it away as I go along, even if it means keeping the food warm in the oven. I couldn't enjoy me meal if I had to face all the washing up afterwards.
• Philippines
4 Mar 07
I also hate cleaning up the mess after cooking, and I do not want to see many things piled up for washing. So what I do is put my thrash straight to the garbage, wash up and tidy up the kitchen while waiting for my food to cook.
@earthsong (589)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I'm with you. I hate the clean-up afterwards. I do my best to put things away and clean up as I go along. But I always end up with a mess after, and I hate cleaning it up. Thankfully I have teenagers that take turns doing the dishes on the week days, but I try not to make huge dinners during the week because we've all had busy days. I never buy them, but I sure can see the point of convenience dinner kits!
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I agree with you in that the cleaning is the worst part of cooking. If I make a big meal for my family we started this. I cook the mea and whoever doesn't help with the cooking is in charge of the clean-up duty. It doesn't work that way everytime but it helps a little.
@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I dont mind cooking its the grease that I hate to use and the kitchen get so hot from using the oven especially cleaning it up ugh...
@Avinio (88)
• Israel
4 Mar 07
if there is something i hate about cooking it's the cooking itself cause i hate kitchen ;) but i do love the food. yami yami ;)