relationship problems
By xXmeganxX
@xXmeganxX (4420)
March 3, 2007 4:33pm CST
hello people, ahh well where do i start? hmm, lol! well my partner has been so demanding lately, i must say he is an illegal immigrant in this country, as ive never told anyone this before, i lied to people saying he was nice last time in responses but im now owning up because i fell i should! well ive put up with alot of grief and hell from him since i first met him. he was so nice then he started turning nasty over the months, he fights with him, well i mean he hits me and i try and defend myself, he take the piss out of me ebcause he knows i have no mum and dad and he is alot older than me he is 25 im 19! i also have a child to him and lately ive had a chat with my sister about all this it's been going on for 2 long and is not getting better, he lives off me obviously because he isn't allowed to work in this country, he sells my stuff in my house and im fed up of it! so ive come to a counclusion that i must end our relationship NOW, he has been reported for abusing me a while back and he just keeps doing it, the police warned him over a year back that if he hits me again then he will be arrested for this but i haven't reported him as im too scared! also he says if i ever break up with him, he will kill me and he swears this on his family's life! i have a child to him too and he thinks if he go's she goes with him but she's staying with me, i have full parental responsibility over her! so what the problem is now, im moving house probably in a couple of weeks to a flat i don't know where YET but before i move i want him out of my life NOW as im not capable of putting up with him, i shouldn't have too so ive decided to go to home office on monday on my own and womens aid in my city and see if they can remove him and possibly deport him back to his own country so i will be safe because last night he told me he has voluntarily offered to return to his country to get marrried because he is muslim of course and he should be married before having relationships, not only has he told me he is getting money off someone for me to go a few days before him so i can met him there and get married then he gets a full UK passport and work permit but im not allowing this, i want him out of my life before he even hands his application ocer to do this, i don't want to marry him as he treats me like crap,. like a slave, abuses me, hurts me, takes te pis out of me! i don't deserve this!
would anyone like to comment on this and tell me if im doing the right thing?
also what will ahppen because our child is his too, im not sure on this but i just want a happy life!
please help it makes me cry, im fed up and can't take no more! even tho he hasn't hit me for a good few months, im just sick of him giving me a hard time and telling me what i can and can't do. please no nasty remarks, im not in the right mood for them!
all users will be rated! thank you in advance! =)
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41 responses
@marlyse (1056)
• Switzerland
3 Mar 07
at first let me say, im so sorry to hear that. you dont deserve that, really not. and yes you do the right thing. if you are to scared then go and check out what you can do before he knows it. so you are safe. if it was here, we have to report it and he got deported back to his country immediately.i hope this works for you too. and for your kid, you dont have to worry because he has no rights. and you say you are moving soon, so he dont know where you live after the move.
i wish you lots of luck and more happiness in the future.
here are some extra hugs for you and a big shoulder to lean on
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
3 Mar 07
thanks alot marlyse for your very kind words, you always cheer me up! i hope he does get deported once ive reported this because i will NOT feel safe until he's out of this country and im happy that im moving too but i don't want to move whilst he's here, i want it to be a secret so he doesn't know where im going to be living, it's just upset me all of this, i truly thought he was a nice person to settle down with although he CAN be nice at times but he's a very nasty man and half of the world don't know what i have to put up with, it's horrible. thanks for the hugs marlyse and a big ++ for you, i appreciate your help and kind words! i just hope he doesn't get any justice over my daughter that if he takes her away from me, that would break my heart! i wasn't actually planning to have a baby with him to be honest but when i first met him a few months later i got pregnant and he promised he'd help me and get some work off his friends like painting in there houses and get money and me i fell for it and gave him a chance and i shouldn't of! thank you =)
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@marlyse (1056)
• Switzerland
3 Mar 07
you are very welcome sweet. i believe, if you prepare all seriously and talk about this with the police and maybe a lawyer, he cannot do a thing. is he mentioned in the papers from you child? is he mentioned to be the father? but you say you have all the rights, so he isnt able to do anything. if i can help in any way, just leave me a message.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
3 Mar 07
hey ooh good job you mentioned this well marlyse when my daughter well ours was first born, at the hospital i put her surname as my name and he didn't know because my grandad begged me just to put her surname as our's so i did because he looked after me most of my life and helped me. anyway when i got home he found the birth certificate and beat me up because i put my surname as my baby's surname, then he MADE ME go to the registrar office in my city and chnage it to his name or he'd beat me up again so i did it against my will to save all the arguing and fighting and the lady told me that it can't be changed no more that's it but i want to change it back once he goes, i don't want her to have his surname.
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@lols189 (4742)
3 Mar 07
just get rid. he is a scrounger. he can get work if he wants but hes bone idle. he burns my head out. i hope he gets deported and ur life will be a lot easier. as 4 me dolly she is stayin here. dont worry teddy bear we will get rid of him asap and good riddance 2 the t**t
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
3 Mar 07
aww lols im teddy bear and me daughter is dolly, hehehe! thanks alot for responding and sharing your news with other peeps here because you know what he's like! a big + for you dolly! =)
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@caramello (4377)
• Australia
3 Mar 07
A very sad situation that you are in megan and one that needs to be resolved and very quickly for you and your daughters sake! I am sorry that you have no parental support, may I ask why? But by the sounds of it you have great support in your sister and that is something.
And just for the sake of it no one should give you nasty remarks as this is quite a serious situation to be in and one that you need to maybe get out of!
Stand your ground and decide what you want that is best for you and your child, and by the sounds of what you have said you have good reason to be out of it but could you go and report all this to authority as I do not know what your support systems are like where you live for you to be able to report all this and have results. :) caramello. xx

@caramello (4377)
• Australia
4 Mar 07
I am so sorry to hear that megan and did not mean to pry but you seemed so young to not have both parents! But it does happen I know. May your future and the future of your daughter go forward in the best possible way! hugs)
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
3 Mar 07
hey caramello thanks alot for responding with your great advice, i too don't know what our authority's are like but i will soon find out on monday! i so can't wait to have a happy life with my daughter now that i alot more mature than i was, i think i will be a great mum, well i hope i will be! thanks alot again! +++ =)
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
4 Mar 07
that's okay caramello, im fine with my parents not being here, ive put up with it for this long and im sure i can manage on my own as i have this long too! it does happen to most people as you said yes! thanks alot for your kind words! + =)
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
3 Mar 07
Ok well that now explains a lot to me Girl like your Depressions. Just do as you say you are going to do on Monday. Get rid of him and report him as an Illegal Immigrant also tell them what he is planning. I would also suggest that you do not wait 2 weeks to get out move in with Lols or something for now, just take your Daughter and get out. If you can't move in with Lols then a Friend or something. There has to be somewhere where you can go. These type of Men are very dangerous so get out Girl. I really hope this works for you but please do something now Meg and do not let him scare you. Big Hugs and love your Way Girl and please let me know what is happening.

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
4 Mar 07
Meg Marlyse and me will be with you and help you through this Love as you might see we are very close and we do a lot of things together. I know you are scared Sweet I really do but just try to stay calm, as for lying do not worry about that my Love I do understand. First thing on Monday take your Kids and go to those People and tell them everything and I mean everything Love. If I was still in Doncaster I would have come to you on Monday and gone with you. I am not just saying that Sweet I would have. But it is to far from here. So please go and then get back to me and let me know. Even if it is by E-Mail you have mt Addy and I will also let Marlyse know and we will take it from there Sweet. But please stay Calm. Ok
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
3 Mar 07
im really sorry i lied an dstuff ganbs saying he was a nice person because he can be nice, im just so upset i can't cope no more he lets his friends come to my house at 1 and 2 am in the morning and they can't talk quietly they shout and i don't like them, he also won't let me have friends i only have the one who i mentioned about the scam and she lives with her partner, there's no room in lols too, she lives in a one bed flat with her boyfriend and there's no wher else i can go because the family i have got don't speak or care about me! i just hope these people can help me out on monday! i will be much happier! thanks alot for your ever so kind words gabs and i wil update you on monday what's going to happen, im scared also incase he finds out! =( ++
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@quispy (572)
• United States
3 Mar 07
There are battered woman's shelters. I think that you need to get yourself and your child into a safe place, then go about reporting him. DO IT NOW! Do not, do not, go to his country. Should you go there to appease him, you may never get to return. And if YOU should get to return, your child almost certainly will not. Please get some help, NOW.

@xXmeganxX (4420)
3 Mar 07
ahh quisy well your response scared me very much and i know ive heard rumours about this if we go into his country your right 100% agreed, i can't go to a shelter hun, this is my house, with all my belongings, i want him out, i don't like hostels and shelters ive lived in them before and never matured right, i mixed with the wrong crowd, my plan is to get him out then move straight away, i think this is better for me and so does my sister, also it would be impossible for me to go to a shelter because he won't allow me out on my own he is with me 24/7 my friend! thanks alot for responding and your advice! ++ =)
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
3 Mar 07
sorry what i mean is i can't go out on my own unless he is with me but if i have to go in a place on my own say for example the clinic for me then he will wait outside!
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@Masterfinder (45)
4 Mar 07
Having read this entire discussion, I am appalled at the sad story, and as a man I felt duty bound to respond ......apart from the abuse you have suffered, it is clear that he has taken advantage in a very predatory and cynical way your trust, and as you probably have realised has set out to abuse your kindness.
The easy thing is third party advice, but you are in the thick of what could escalate into a serious situation. therefore you have realise each compromise can only strengthen his confidence in thinking he is untouchable. So my dear you have to take positive action, you have reported him to the police which is to your credit, and made your mind up to move, you have to endorse these steps in making further representations to the police citing your fear of physical harm as a result of you reporting him, and get reassurance for you and your child in what protection they can further offer, in conjunction with the social services and immigration, for you both. With recent case history the police, immigration and DSS cannot afford to ingore your plight, and you can enforce this by contacting your local press and pre-empt any reluctance on their part, to take this lightly. You have nothing to lose and every thing to gain. You must be able to move with confidence, and this would be a valuable boost in the ensuing chapters as events unfold.
I wish you luck and pray that you will win your independance, and hope you trust will not be so abused in future relationships.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
4 Mar 07
oh my your response really touched me, lol. it made me quite upset with all your kind words! and im happy a man responded to see how appauling my partner is to women! i hope they really send him back to his country that way i will lead a happy life and to be honest i don't think i will have a relationship for a very very very long time, it's scared the hell out of me and this one is my first proper relationship which i hope i could settle down but obvioulsy not! thanks alot for responding anyway and a huge + for you, your advice really helps! +++++ =)
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
4 Mar 07
hehe thanks chris for your kind words, they make me a feel a little better! i just can't wait till the day i become free again as he totally rules me, it's sad and yes your right about the comments thing! thanks alot my friend for advising and helping me out here in this awful situation im sure i can get something done about this! do take care now! + =)
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@Masterfinder (45)
4 Mar 07
Thank you for your kind words, I xincerely do hope you come out of this safely and successfully, as I said it is all to easy to post detached comments, people don't realsie what someone in the middle of a situation, is actually going through, you do seem very upbeat and positive, so I have confidence in that you will get through this successfully.
thank you for being my friwnd, I am very new to all this and would you believe you are my second comment!!
God bless and take care,
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
4 Mar 07
If you value your freedom and the freedom of your daughter, you will NOT go to his country with him. You must wait until you know it is safe to take your baby and RUN like the WIND. Do not go somewhere that he will expect to find you. The people at women and children's services should be able to help you. Good luck to you,hon. Be safe.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
4 Mar 07
im not going to his country, i like to stay where i am fro to be honest, it scares me about the rumours what go around what happens in his country! im getting help on monday anyway and i shall update on monday evening to let everyone know what is happening here! i just hope my life wil be happy one day like most people's! thanks very much for responding! + =)
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@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
4 Mar 07
oh im so sorry to hear you and your baby are being put through all this, you dont need it. and in the long run it will affect the both of you big time if you stay with this guy. especially if he hits you. a very close family member to me is in an abusive relationship and she reported him, and her children stayed with her.
you are doing the right thing, and there no way he should be allowed to stay in the country, i think he is just using you so can stay in the country and he feels good when he has someone to control. and this guy needs to be put into place. how would he feel being hurt and treated like a slave, my partner and i fight all the time, but not at all with he hit me, i think sometimes he gets that mad at me he wishes he could but he wouldnt do it.
you could also see counselling and maybe your child should to (depending on the child age) as if the child saw you being hurt or unhappy it really affects them.
i hope i make sense, stay strong for you and your child and put your foot down and dont let it happen again. make sure when you move you know where he is, and that he doesnt know where your living make sure you only tell people you can trust.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
4 Mar 07
hey there and thanks for your response also thanks for the friend request. =) he shoudln't be allowed to stay in this country the way he speaks to people as well as bully me, no need for it. im going to the citizens advice on monday to see what we can do about this so they can get him away from me, my child is only 2 in a few months so she doesn't know or see much pf this when it happens! im meant to be moving as soon as possible anyway so i want him to really be out of the country before i move so he doesn't find me because i have actually run away a few times and he always found me! thanks alot for the great advice too! + =)
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@anjoks (2080)
• Philippines
4 Mar 07
Oh my god! .. as i was reading this meg, i can't help myself to get emotional and falling into tears. I'm so sorry to hear about that. I've no slightest idea what u've been going through right now my friend. This past weeks, u-r one of the few people here whom i really considered as my friend. I'm soo damn concerned about your situation right now. If i could only be there for you personally to comfort you and hug you. . Meg, u-r doing the right thing! Don't wait for another sec okay? Leave him now before everything's too late. You know what i'm sayin? .. Beating you physically, abusing you mentally everything bad to that extent is a big NO No really!! There's no reason to be scared about. . Be strong! Stand strong for you and most especially for your baby. It won't do you any good if u'll stick living with him, the fact that u-r not happy anymore. . Everything will be fine my dear. Just keep on hanging on. With God's help, everything will be alright. Life without him will be very easy on you, no fears. .
... I'll be constantly praying for your safety, strength and courage to face these hardships u-r encountering right now. . I'll be here for you. Take care of yourself and your kid. Godbless.
... i wasn't able to go online for a week coz of work... You can count on my anytime meg, if u need someone to talk to. I'm just here. Mwah. (",)
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
4 Mar 07
hey anjoks. i thought i never seen you around! happy to see your back! =) yes i know what you mean, im going to the citizens advice in the morning and see what they can do to remove this a*s from my house, i can't stand the pain nomore it's unbelieveable, it's horrible what im going through and i can't wait till i will be a free girl again. i will update to let you know what happens tomorrow, thanks alot for being my friend and being here for me, really appreciate t and your kind words, thanks alot for responding anjoks, mwah, megan =) +++++++
@anjoks (2080)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
Thanks! .. Goodluck my friend. We'll always be here to support and guide you. I know you can handle that, u-r a tough woman. Let's go kick his a**. . He should be thrown to planet Mars. Lol (",)
... btw, got ur other email add. Thanks. Tsups! (",)
"Patnubayan ka nawa ng Diyos"... it means GOD BLESS YOU in english. Tc.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
5 Mar 07
hey anjoks well thank god you got my email hehe! im off out to report this loser after one hour haha! can't wait im so excited to do it, i haven't been asleep all night thinking about it! thanks alot for being my friend and i will let you know what happens later! xx

@bigstret (484)
4 Mar 07
So sorry to hear you are having to put up with this.
I would report him as an illegal immigrant and get him out of your life as soon as possable.

@xXmeganxX (4420)
4 Mar 07
hey there bigstret, our goverment knows he is here as an illegal immigrant, he has to report to there office monthly in order for them to know he is still in the country, he is liable to be detained tho at any time, but i want him to go NOW in order for me to have peace! thanks alot for your advice! + =)
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@Lavera1 (896)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Please,honey, I'm trying to be compassionate. But my first advice to you is that you report him to the atthorities and he can be deported to his country so that you can be safe and can relocate yourself somewhere else.
You've given your freedom and happiness over to someone else who has no respect for you so it's up to you to respect yourself and most of all love yourself.
It's hard to live through such abuse and it shortens your life span.
So get free and live.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
4 Mar 07
thanks alot for your kind advice, i can't wait actually to have a happy life, ive never been happy with him since he started bullying me! i will update and let you know what is happening on monday when i seek help! thank you. + =)
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@newbiehere (27)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
DO NOT GO TO HIS COUNTRY not knowing thier laws or womens rights! if its this bad now it will get worse! seek help now from your police agencies, social services, imigration.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
4 Mar 07
i am seeking help on monday morning, thanks for responding!
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@newbiehere (27)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
Never go to his country- have you seen what they do to women therre? Did you get with him out of love? to find out he was an illigal later ? or did you get with him to help keep him in the country? Well, There are several agencies out therre to help you leave this situation. If you have to LEAVE no one should have the right to this kind of abuse! the law is on your side be strong and do the right thing if not for you then your child as kids mimic what they see. I advise leaving- go to a shelter, get counseling and fight this all the way, there is a good man out there for you! work on your child and your self first!
@xXmeganxX (4420)
4 Mar 07
hey there thanks alot for your great advice and yes i have heard what they do to women there through rumours he says this isn't true as i questioned him. no i never got with him to keep him in the country, when i first met him he told me he was spanish and so on and he lived here for about 5 years before he met me, only he told me EVERYTHING after a good few months of being with him as i was too shy to ask him! anyways thanks alot for your kind words also i really appreciate it and im going to sek help on monday! ++ =)
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@wildette67 (20)
• Canada
10 Mar 07
Megan, one thing stands out to me from what you have told us. "He has abused you"....Know woman should ever be abused, never ever. What you are going through is just terrible and I feel horrible for you, you are a young woman with a child, the man in your life should cherish you like nothing else in this world. I was in a terribly abusive realtionship before I met wilderr, I almost let that man kill me before I woke up. Only you know how bad it is, and from what you have told us so far it sounds like you have had enough....Be strong and do whats best for you and your child....please message me anytime you need to talk, I've been there and I would like to help in anyway I can.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
10 Mar 07
thanks for responding wildette and thanks for sharing with me, it is a tough relationship im going through but i went to the citizens advice about a week back for advice on how to remove him from my life because he tells me that he would kill me if i ever i finshed the relationship, so they told me to come back on the 20th of march for an appointment with the duty solicitor and there informing the police which is great! so hopefully he will get deported back to his family and im going to move house straight away when they remove him and then should have a
happy life with my daughter!
also im happy you found a nice man in the end, maybe i will well i hope in another few years because im not ready for another relationship yet! thank you. =)
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Have your sister report his a*s for being a illegal immigrant and have his a*s sent back to where he has came from. Get the heck out of there and just report him. It's that easy. Just call the immigration office and file a report. Don't let this jerk threaten you, get brave. Fight back, kick his a*s. Let all that anger build up and pretend that his head is a football and you just scored a touchdown during the superbowl. Before you say to yourself I'm just a woman, he's bigger than me, bla bla. That's not true, if I can you can to. Please if you really want away from this person, report him. Have him sent back to the UK, before he has the papers stating that he can stay here in America. Do it before it's to late. For you and your child's sake, please.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
4 Mar 07
hey there chertsy thanks alot for your good response, im from UK. he's not from this country as lols mentioned above me, im going to seek help tomorrow about this anyway and i shall update on what is going to happen! thanks alot for responding and your great words! ++ =)

@shambuca (2524)
• United States
5 Mar 07
If you want a happy life then kick him to the curb girlfriend..... get him out of your life- he may either end up killing you and or hurting you child, and then it will be to late. Get out now- it may hurt for a while and be lonely but you can do it, Mr Right could be right around the corner for you but if you can't get rid of mr wrong you will never see him coming. I've been there- my husband was mr right-- but had i not gotten rid of the idiot i was with i would have never seen him coming.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
5 Mar 07
im so happy for you shambuca that you made the right descision to get rid of your ex partner and that your happy now! i can't wait till i will be happy again and he is going, ive had enough of him now, ive gave him alot of chances too! he doesn't even know that any of this is going on so he will be in for a huge shock when he finds out, lol! it's his fault anyway! thanks alot for responding with your great advice! +++ =)
@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
18 Mar 07
ok I read this, now I know a bit of what is going on. My advice is YES you DO deserve MORE than this. You DESERVE to be happy, this man is an animal to beat up a woman. LEAVE HIM NOW!!! Get a restraining order on him. I think it would be better if he had no contact with you or his child. He doesn't seem safe. I also think you need to go for counselling and find out why you put up with this. I hope your self esteem is okay.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
18 Mar 07
anakata if i could tell you everything i would but i would be here till tomorrow, lol! i put up with this because im petrified of him, ive got people to report him to the police about hitting me and i got a beating off him, i run away last year sometime and he found me and kicked the living daylights out of me it's not easy as people think to leave this man! ive put a discussion up " to all my friends who was wary about monday" that's what it's called and it will tell you everything what is going to happen tomorrow! also i found out i am depressed and i am on medication for this! thanks for taking the time to read this! =)
@cherhec (11)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Hi, my name is cheri. first of all do what you have to for your child.I've been in the same kind of relationship, as a matter of fact everyone of my relationships has been abusive.I know it's hard to end any relationship, but with me it seemed harder because they were always telling me that icouldn't get anyone else and that no one would want me . all my ex's were here illigally also , telling you to just leave him is easier said than done , but think about your child, what she's going through ,seeing you upset . children feel that, they know when momma is upset or stressed out ,it affectes them more than you think it does. I really hope things work out for you , because i now have a man that doesn't hit me or call me names and it is so great. Your worth more than whats going on now!!!!!!
@xXmeganxX (4420)
12 Mar 07
im very happy you found happiness after all, i hope i do one day! thanks alot for sharing with me and your response! =) +
@HeidiRose (18)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Oh honey, what I've read here makes me cry. You are way to young to start your life with a man this mean to you. It is a good plan to get away from him. After you move away, build a good support group of friends. Keep them around you every day. You are a very sweet girl and that should not be a problem for you. You need this support of friends to protect you and your daughter from him in case he comes back.
I was in a bad relationship with my first husband for 17 years. Finally I decided that God did not want me to be miserable for the rest of my life. So like you, I put together a plan and I got out. It took me 2 years almost to get what I needed to get away. Then I was able to build a circle of friends who kept in touch with me everyday. It was my friends who stopped him from harassing me. A man who beats a woman is a coward. When he realized he would have to deal with my friends, he left me alone. Now after 19 years I'm married to a wonderful man who spoils me. God answered my prayers.
I pray for you to find happiness and have a good life. God bless you and protect you. I will ask for your friendship.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
12 Mar 07
i will do exactly what you said heidi about the friends, i just need to rebuild a friendship in order for them to help me tho because i lost all my friends because he was so foul mouthed to them! thanks alot also for your kind words and response! im glad your alot happier now! =) +
@xXmeganxX (4420)
12 Mar 07
thanks alot for your kind words hehe! i am sure i will get through this, i can't wait i have another 8 days left and it seems to be going so slow, lol! thanks for being there for me heidi! =) +
@HeidiRose (18)
• United States
12 Mar 07
If I had the money I would get on a plane to the UK to help you get away from this man. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of money. Please let know how things turn out if you can? Don't forget that you have already built up an online support group of friends. Thanks for accepting my friendship request. I am honored to have you as a friend. I am here for you sweetie.
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@humpicas (82)
• United States
12 Mar 07
One way or another you'll escape the situation, don't lose faith in that regardless of how hope it may feel.
The important thing is to *learn* from this situation and be more responsible about men you choose to become involved with in the future. There is no such thing as meeting someone wonderful that later on suddenly becomes a horrible person... There are always signs, ALWAYS. You just have to be paying attention and willing to listen to what your eyes and ears are telling you about someone.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
12 Mar 07
great response i will be very very careful on who i choose next time, im sure of that one, lol! thanks for your response! =) +