What is the story behind your dog(s) name?

United States
March 3, 2007 8:20pm CST
What is the story behind your dogs name? How did you chose it? Did it just "fit"? Here's a few of my stories... Current Dogs: 1. Chico (Black/white Chihuahua) - adopted as a 6 week old puppy at the SPCA.... He already had the name, and it stuck. 2. Andy (White Lab) - Kept him when my neighbor moved. He already had the name. 3. Paris (Tan Chihuahua) - I chose her name becase I had just came back from a vacation in Paris a few months before I got her. Now the name fits, because she's a diva like Paris Hilton so I also call her "Hilton Mama" 4. Tanner (Tan Chihuahua) - My boyfriend chose the name. I think of it more as a human name than a dog but I loved it the minute I heard it. He's tan so it just fit. Past Dogs (RIP) 1. Patches (Tri colored chihuahua) - I was in 3rd grade @ the time, and me, my dad, mom, and grandma could not agree on a name so we actually all threw in one name into a hat and had a drawing. Patches actually won. Thankfully we didnt draw my grandmas name of "Peewee" though Patches also answered to Pooh Bear, Pooh, & Grouper/Rouper throughout his life :)
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32 responses
@Mojojo (37)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
We have a Shih-Tzu/Terrior named Bandit. We named her Bandit because as a puppy, she had a lot of black fur surrounding her eyes which made her look like she was wearing a mask. She also likes to steal food. Thus, a bandit.
@rhea_lyn (199)
• Philippines
4 Mar 07
Well,My mom is a sales lady house to house before,there are time i dont have classes,I go with her and help to make a sell.The .product named is ZIZMORE,while we walk along the street we havent sold any of ours .product we feel so tyring that time.WE saw a very cute .puppy,She looks very hungry,my mom get the .pu.p.py and take it home,and take her a bath then feed him.We named it ZIZMORE lol.bcoz we saw her while we are walkin along the street selling ZIZMORE .product.
• United States
4 Mar 07
perfect name.. :)
• United States
4 Mar 07
We have a Chow-Collie named Chance. We got him from a no-kill shelter about 7 years ago and my daughter thought it would be the perfect name.....It fits ! Maggie... Our 1 year old Beagle-Fox Terrier was also adopted from the same Shelter. My daughter and I both picked her name... Thought it was cute !
@momknows (284)
• United States
4 Mar 07
I named all of our dogs except for the poor last one. I purchased a lab that was susposed to be full blooded and have recently found out she's a doberdor...1/2 lab 1/2 doberman. She's a great gal. Since she was my husband's father's day present he chose the name....Chuck. I couldn't believe we were naming a female Chuck. He named her after a guy from work, and believe me if you met the guy you would have to agree to the name.... They both shed, growl, bark, and drool, it's the perfect name. The vet looked at me alittle oddly though
• United States
4 Mar 07
omgosh... thats too funny!
@j12345 (163)
• New Zealand
4 Mar 07
I had a pit bull terrior cross labrador with incredible grey eyes and black fur... I named him Riddick!!!!
• United States
4 Mar 07
sounds beautiful! what amix :)
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
4 Mar 07
My mini pin Daisy's (red)name was picked out by my son. He thought daisy was a good female name. It sure was. It fit her to a tee. My other mini pin Max (chocolate/rust) was named by the same son of mine. Max was bought for his 6th birthday. He liked the name max after the little boy on Dragon Tales cartoon.
• United States
4 Mar 07
Max & Daisy? Aw :)
@MKpack22 (307)
• United States
4 Mar 07
my dogs name is schroeder, the piano guy for the charlie brown/peanuts comics
• United States
4 Mar 07
Cool! What kinda dog?
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
4 Mar 07
Just some of the names of some of the pets over the years A Papillon (sp) that was a stray we found on a major highway, we traced the owners by a groomer in town but the dog got away from them again and the owners said we could keep her - since she was always getting loose from them we named her Lucy. A little beagle mix we got from the pound as a pup kept hiding from my children, so we named her Heidi. a Black chow was Olive another rescue pup that came up to our knees we named Nehi. a kitten we got in May we named Mabel We have had some pretty fun chicken names too, besides the expected "stew, dumplin, kellogg, nugget, kiev, cordon and bleu" we named the buttercups "reese and peanut" and the buttercup mixes (not pure) we named "Parkay and O'Leo" we also had gimpy who was hatched straddle legged. and so many others. The silkies are all given royalty names and the frizzles all have clown names. The guineas all have names that guin would work with - such as Peg and Pen. I'll spare you the rest of our goof ball names. This is a fun discussion, thanks for starting it.
• United States
4 Mar 07
Thanks for replying! :) and I love the name Olive... very cute. I'll hafta name one of my SPCA animals that.. hehe... I can't stand to see an animalw ithout a name so if I see a stray or other animal surrendered, I name it! :) Love how you name your chicks.. :)
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
4 Mar 07
My yellow lab is named Louie. When we first brought him home at 7 weeks old we thought abot naming him Balou like in The Jungle Book. It didn't stick though because after seeing his mannerisms and personality he was just a Louie. I can't explain it, the name just fits him. I always kind of thought that when you get to know a dog, they kind of name themselves by the way they are.
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
4 Mar 07
We named the first one, a stray who found us, Sandy, because we started calling names to her and that's the one she responded to. No one ever claimed her and now she's ours. She's a great dog. We adopted a puppy from the pound in December and named him Brady. I read somewhere that Brady meant hope, and when he was in the cage at the pound and looked at me he had such hope in his eyes I couldn't leave him there.
• United States
4 Mar 07
beautiful! thanks for supporting shelter pets :)
• Australia
4 Mar 07
We brought our little Maltese from a local pet shop (something I swore I'd never do, but what can I say I fell in love with her) and she already had the name Tori from her previous owner. She was already responding to the name so I didn't really like to change it and also as I like the singer Tori Amos I figured it wasn't like a name I didn't like, there really was no need or benefit in changing it.
• United States
4 Mar 07
Tori is cute :) especially for a lil Malty!
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
4 Mar 07
My doberman's name is Circe. Circe is a character in Greek mythology who turned men into swine.
• Philippines
4 Mar 07
I have a yr old pug and I named him YODA...after the jedi master of star wars. I may not be a star wars fanatic but pugs are known to be so intelligent. They can be easily trained, and pugs are known to be intelligent dogs. So,i think the name just suits him...
@maciascl (46)
• United States
5 Mar 07
We have a boxer & german shepard mix dog that we adopted from a friend who could no loner keep her. The dog's name is Piggy. My friend loves frogs & had previously had a dog named Kermit so when she got this one she named her Miss Piggy. Now we have & 3yr old & it was confusing to try to teach him that his dog is named piggy.
• United States
4 Mar 07
That is soooo funny! Our dog is a Basset Hound. She is black tan and white. seh has short stubby big fron paws and she is what we call a "low rider" her belly almost touches the ground when she stands on all 4. We have chosen the name snickers because she reminds my kids of a snickers bar. She will come to nick, snick, baby and buz. How do they ever really know their real name?
@ADW_JLD (15)
• Canada
4 Mar 07
I have 1 dog no other pets his name is Bruce ( or Brucie) We we original going to name him sable as that is his color but the name the breeder gave him fit him more.
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
4 Mar 07
Yes well I had a dog for 12 years he only passed away last month, and it broke my heart to lose him his name was Lucky, he was a very lucky boy until he went blind with cateracts, but me and my youngest daughter called him this as we took him from an adoption home for pets. Even when he went blind due to being hit by a car which he got up from and barked after the car due to the driver did not stop, he used to walk down the to the main road and cross it where the lights were and come and see us when me and my husband were separated so he was very lucky that at this particular place he was never hit, as it was in a quite street where he had been hit so that was quite strange to us all but RIP Lucky as we will never replace you and never love another dog in my lifetime as much as I loved Lucky.
@filchi (291)
• Netherlands
4 Mar 07
I had a dog before named Queenie...i named her like that cause she was a very cute chubby and pretty dog...i like to treat her as my little queen so i named her Queenie...
• India
4 Mar 07
I think we name our pets with something we can relate to which shows our bonding with it.On my birthday dad gifted me a labrador at first glance i named trinity as that time i was great fan of matrix trilogies.
@LeXDei (209)
• Philippines
4 Mar 07
We have a pom and a maltese. The pom's name is Bruzko-- I think my sister (who claims she's their mother) wanted a very masculine name. She told us that this should be the name so that strangers will be afraid for they will think that she's calling for a large doge whenever she calls Bruz, LOL! The other one is a female and she fondly calls her PAW-PAW. This maltese was actually a gift for my mom and the first owner named her after a boyfriend I guess.
@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
4 Mar 07
My old dog is second hand and his name is Arabic for 'friend' or 'companion'. I don't really like the name but as he was two when I got him I didn't have the heart to change it. The other one's name is Magnus Maximus. He was afoundling with enormous paws so we thought he was going to be huge. Turns out, he isn't, other than his big belly.
@piccilu (90)
• Italy
4 Mar 07
3 years ago i buy my 1 dog and he names is danko. i love it . in present i have a 3° generation of my dog and he's name is danko 3