Am I being a Hyprocrite?????
By joby_09
@joby_09 (498)
March 5, 2007 1:38am CST
There's this guy that i have loved for 5 years and yet, he never had any idea about it. We became officemates and became close. Later, his former girl classmate got hired in the same company and there were three of us now who usually hang out. Just recently, i found out that the guy i loved had been courting this girl that started during our hang outs and i was so stupid not to recognize it. The girl told me about it and i told her that they are good for each other though i'm hurting. I tried not to show the girl that i'm in pain and pretended happy while listening to their sweet stories. I wanted to move away but i can't find any reason not to. I don't hate the girl or any of them, but its just too painful.
Am i wrong to pretend? I can't tell the girl what i feel because i don't want the friendship to suffer. And I sincerely think they look good together. But im still in pain and its hard for me to get over it. what should i do?
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41 responses
@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I don't think you're being a hypocrite at all. I'm curious as to why you didn't tell him in the 5 yrs how you felt? Were you waiting for him to make the first move or what?
There's no need to move or quit your job. It's difficult now but will get easier with time. When your young it feels like your life is ripped apart when you get your heart broken but life does go on and you'll figure out how to handle the situation. You're a smart girl, just consider it a life lesson learned and now your a little smarter and a little tougher.
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@joby_09 (498)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
At some point, yes, i did wait for him to make the first move. And i thought he will. I waited for him to finish his studies because maybe, he wanted to concentrate on it first. When he graduated, nothing happened (he's older than me by one year). And so i finally told myself to move on. And after a year, when i graduated, i was hired in the company he's working. I thought it was destiny that brought us together. Yes, it could be. However, it happened not to continue the past but to make me realize that there's nothing to hope for. It was just really painful. I know i should move on. But how can i when everyday, i see them together?
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I know your hurting and I'm so sorry about that. It's been a long time but I remember what it was like to have your heart broken at 20 yrs old. Actually it doesn't feel too great at my age either!! LOL! But honestly it really will get a little easier every day. Before you know it some other guy will come along and you'll look back on this and wonder why you were so upset, and instead of having a broken heart you'll still have two great friends AND a boyfriend!
Here's a hug for your hurting heart (((HUG)))
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
Seems like you have a very sensitive problem here, matters of the heart, and how to preserve relationships you have with your friends.
I think it is better if you laylow for a while, tell them that you cannot always be with them because you kind of feel out of place. Tell them that you are not there for them everytime, because you have to consider their situation now -that both of them are in-love(ouch!).
If you don't want to consider yourself acting as hypocrite, then I think it is better for you to stop thinking about the guy then. He's already taken, and to that you should move on with your life also. Try to look for others, entertain other guys. Just make yourself more busy, and put your mind on more important things instead of acting like a martyr..

@joby_09 (498)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
that's what i have been trying to do for weeks now. And actually, i just had a talk with a girl before i posted this response. She told me about their latest date and other events that she haven't told me yet. waaahhhhhh!!!! if i can just video myself during that talk, i would really laugh at myself! Anyway, thanks for the comment. =)
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@budsr03 (2350)
• Canada
5 Mar 07
"Well" you are young and pretty so don't waste to much precious time with this hurt. There is someone out there waiting for you who will love you back. Wish your friends well and don't wait to become second choice. You are too good for that!
Take care Joby_09.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
5 Mar 07
i do not think that you are beeing a Hypocrite. feelings like this are hard to talk about, especially since he is with a friend of yours. I am sure that the story might have been different if you would have told them before - or atlest the girl how you felt for him.
Now it does sound like they really like eachother and for you to tell them now will probably just cause more pain to all the people involved. I would suggest that u try to move on, even though I know how hard it can be. Maybe you will have your chanse later on, and if not - I am sure that u will find someone else that will love you as much as you deserve!
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
5 Mar 07
No... I don't think you are being a hypocrite there. There is nothing wrong with loving someone. Love is divine and I feel that if you love that guy deep enough, you should let him know how you feel. Go out of the way to chase after him even!
After all, it is your life and he may very well be your Prince Charming.
@blue_fairee (236)
• Pakistan
5 Mar 07
yes i understand its painful. And will always painful whenever u will think over it. Try to find more friends and activities to divert your thinking. Time will make everything fine again.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
13 Apr 07
no not at all. u are not hypocrite. i should say you are great. You have sacrified your love for two friends. You have done one mistake. why you have not told your friend earlier that you love him? May be due to that today you were not at this situation. I should say you are too great. You are pretending to make them happy. Try to pacify urself taht what you have done is a great sacrifice.Think that may be u were destined for it and may be u deserve someone more great. Wish you all hapiness in life and that you find your tru love of life.
@joby_09 (498)
• Philippines
2 Jul 07
thanks for the comment... i know i have sacrificed a lot... And its not easy... It has NEVER been easy...
Just an update... They're lovers now. As time passes, i learned how to accept things. I realized, i have no place in his heart and I need to move on... As i have said, it was never easy... But at least, i finally found the courage to let go of something not mine. I'm not saying the feeling is already gone, but at least i feel a lot better now. =)
@friendship (2084)
• Canada
6 Mar 07
I do understand your feeling. But it has been 5 years now and he has never had the same feeling with you. You should move on. Perhaps, you can find a new job so that you don't have to see them frequently. I know it is not easy. Perhaps, he is not meant to you. Or maybe, God wants to give you a better boyfriend?
@joby_09 (498)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
I'm trying to move on. But i think i don't need to sacrifice my job just for it. I love my job and i just can't let one stupid guy to ruin it! Haha!
I know God has plans for me. Would you believe, for five years, i keep on praying to God that whatever plans he has for both of us, may i be able to handle it properly. And this was the answer. Painful but i know he will not leave me. I know he wants me to be with a better person. Someone who will not ignore me and will love me as me. =)
@friendship (2084)
• Canada
10 Mar 07
I'm glad that you have already moved on :-) Now, you can say that he is a stupid boy (LOL).
@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Well it sounds like this guy seriously likes the other girl, and that she really likes him. you say that they would be good together.
so i must say that its time for you to move on. you waited to long to let the guy know your feelings. doing it now would hurt/confuse/maybe even anger him, and it would hurt/anger the girl you say is a friend of yours too.
and you would be hurt too, i hate to say it, but he obviously doesnt have the same feelings for you, that you do for him.
if you cant get over it and continue to be friends, then perhaps you should think about moving. it would give you a fresh start, remove you from the emotional trauma.
but if you have a good job that you enjoy and moving wouldnt be an advancement..dont do it.
it may be hard, but you cant let something like this ruin your your eyes and heart to others. for all you know, there maybe be someone that wants to court you but has seen your feelings for this guy and doesnt want to be hurt himself. show you are a good friend and be happy for them.
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@mixey62 (305)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Time heals all wounds. Just continue to be their friend, but focus your attention on making yourself happy elsewhere with others. You'll find a new love-- there are many people out there that are lovable, you just have to open your eyes and find them.
I loved someone so much one time that it wasn't until I let him go that I realized that though he was great, there are other great ones out there.
@joby_09 (498)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
i know there's a lot of better guys out there. but you know what's the difficult part is? whenver i meet new guys, i'm always hesitant to befriend them because they're not him. Though i know its wrong. I should be giving myself the chance to meet other people. I'm still working on it and i know in time, i'll get over it.
Thanks for the comment. =)
@maribea (2366)
• Italy
5 Mar 07
i think you are doing exactly what I would do...but it is still a bad situation...I mean you are suffering a lot..Are they already in love or are they only dating? I think that id they are not already in love, you can try and open your hurt to the guy you love...just to lift your heart and see if he understands and he can feel the same..I mean...maybe he has not decided yet and he has never imagined you were secretly interested in him...If this is not the case, I think you have to find a way to feel better...I am thinking about taking up a new hobby or going out with friends or new need to find your own way and a better one. a big hug for you
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@raj101359 (54)
• India
5 Mar 07
Just be free and try to find a good friend,study him well ,make sure that he really loves you. Then show off before him,
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@ciaosamson (541)
• Philippines
5 Mar 07
How could you love a guy for five years and keep it to yourself? How could you let a guy ignore you for five years?
You really should move on now. You don't have to totally ignore them and not be friends with them. Maybe you should have moved on years ago.
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@sweetsue (758)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
Joby I think you had your time with that guy. Hey, 5 years is long enough. I think within that 5 years he has already a clue on what you feel for him. You know action speaks louder than words. And when you are into someone soemtimes you are caught off guard with your actions.
I think it is really time for you to move on (but I am not suggesting that you quit your job). Face it Joby and have a life without that guy. You've dwell enough and that isn't fair for you. In the first place, wether he knows or not what you feel for him if he has the interest of courting you he could have done that even before.
You can make it girl, take it lightly and be positive. You explore and feel good about yourself. You'll find your match soon.
@joby_09 (498)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
Thank you sweetsue! That is such a SWEET advice... Lol!
You're right, the best thing to do is let go and move on. That's what i'm doing right. I haven't talked to him for two months now and i can say that it somehow helped to lessen the pain. I am also praying.. I know God has better plans for me. =)
@meljessxena (2315)
• Australia
5 Mar 07
stay strong, and this guy probably knows how you are feeling, some guys just like to string you along and see you feel like crap. try your best to move on, and if he realises he loves you and then you still feel the same then you can try work out.
@joby_09 (498)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
I'm still trying my best to be strong. If he's happy to see me feel like a crap, then i'll not give him that. I don't want to ruin my life just because of him. He's just one of the billions of guys out there. I have wasted five years loving him. I think its more than enough. I'll find mylife somewhere else.
Thanks for the comment. I really appreciate it a lot! =)
@toyboxer04 (353)
• Malta
5 Mar 07
Are you an angel or what? You must be a really good person to talk like that! I admire your courage. If I was in your position I would simply kill both of them. I would not even be friends with any of them. And surely this guy don't know you have been loving him for 5 years. I think if he knew he would have chosen you for the GOLDEN HEART!
@Married2aMarine (1273)
• United States
5 Mar 07
No, you're not a hypocrite. You're just a good friend caught in a difficult situation. It's going to be really hard for you to still be so close to them and see them getting serious with one another. It sounds like you still have a lot of feelings for this guy. I think for now, the best thing to do is to slowly distance yourself a little from them. You need time to move on and they probably need time to explore their relationship. Just know that if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. If it works out for them, then good for them. If not, then at least you know it's not your fault that it didn't work out. And if you ever get another chance again with this guy and you still have feelings for him then, don't let him go like you did this time!!! But for now, it's time to let go.
@joby_09 (498)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
That's what i'm doing right now. I leave the office earlier than the usual, i closed all communication lines, i pretend to be busy all the time so that i'll have the reason not to talk to them often, i text them very seldom, etc. I'm really trying my best to stay away from them without letting them feel that i'm in pain and hurting.
I don't wish their relationship to fail. I really do hope that they keep their relationship. If i can choose the right girl for the guy i love, that would still be her...
Anyway, thanks for the comment. I appreciate it a lot! =)
@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
5 Mar 07
No, I don't think you're being a hypocrite-- it has to feel just awful to be going through what you're describing, and it must be very difficult. Heartbreak hurts, no matter what.
With time, though, I am sure you'll get past it. You may not be able to see it now, but maybe this is a good outcome. I mean you're young, you're very pretty and you seem like a really nice person, so if this guy hasn't made a move on you in five YEARS, perhaps he just didn't feel "that way" about you-- and friendship is all that could ever be there. I realize that may be difficult to think about, right now. As for moving away-- I would give it some time. Good friendships are important, and you like each other well enough to hang out for five years... so maybe that can still be "saved" in some way.
And who knows, perhaps your "great love" is waiting around the next corner?
@joby_09 (498)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
yeah... i know someone out there is waiting for me.... waiting for the right time. but as of now, i'm trying to concentrate on my career. For five years, my world revolved around only one guy. I've been trying to answer my own questions and these are finally the answers. I think its time that i think and do something else. Something that would really make me happy. Maybe, by doing the things i want, i'll find that "great love" along the way.
Thanks for the comment. I really appreciate it a lot! =)
@lucy67 (819)
• China
13 Mar 07
Leave them for the time being even though you value your friendship because it will make you so painful when you see how they love each other. Try to find new friends and maybe another boy who is worthy of your love is waiting for you somewhere. Do not come back until you can face them quite calmly.