MAN FLU~ Does this condition really exist???
By recycledgoth
@recycledgoth (9894)
March 5, 2007 7:56am CST
Both my partner and I have both managed to catch colds. We are both sneezing and sniffling, hot and cold shivers and generally feeling really low. We both have blocked noses and streaming eyes, both aching and shivering. Our symptoms are absolutely identical however, he has come home from work and is currently curled up in bed demanding hot drinks and moaning that he needs hot lemon drinks, tissues, decongestant, etc., while I am doing the housework, the shopping, the washing and ironing and all the other little domestic chores that need to be done. He's complaining now that I am not paying him enough attention as I am sitting at my computer, while I am thinking about sorting out dinner for the evening and waiting for another load of washing to finish in the machine. He reckons he will have to spend at least two more days in bed, I just get on with it. So, he reckons he has a severe case of flu and I just have a bit of a sniffle.
Well folks, does MAN FLU actually exist or is it simply a blokes way of reacting to catching a cold.
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20 responses
@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
5 Mar 07
I hadn't a clue as to what you were talking about until I read your complete discussion. I thought this was some new kind of desease that had just been discovered. Now I am falling around the place laughing. Isn't that just typical of men! I know my husband's parents used to molly coddle him every time he sneezed but I didn't follow in their footsteps. If he gets a cold and feels so sorry for himself that he takes to the bed, he usually sleeps all the time, so he isn't too much trouble. It is the women in my family who look for all the sympathy. On a more serious note, you should really take a rest from the chores and look after yourself. Order a takeaway for dinner and sit in front of the fire and watch a film. That's what I would do.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
5 Mar 07
Hmmm a curry and a Johnny Depp dvd while he languishes in his misery upstairs, that sounds like a good plan hun :-) It is typical though, poor fragile little thing suffering so badly while I carry on *giggles*
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@chloe9013 (532)
5 Mar 07
Hahah your responce made me laugh! Imagine if there really was man flu. The world would come to a hault!
And yes, get some rest missy!
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@chloe9013 (532)
5 Mar 07
That is hilerious! Give him a slap! ;)
I have to admit i am the same when i get a cold. Im always wimpering about it and i use it as an excuse to sit on the sofa in my blanket, watching telly, while stick all the toilet roll in the house up my nose ;) but i never i have the flu, i just admit im a winger and demand my lemsip.
@recycledgoth (9894)
5 Mar 07
LOL - I love the toilet roll comment hun, he's already asking me to go to the shops and buy more boxes of Kleenexe, I'm tempted to give him half a roll of the roughtest kitchen wipe I can find.
@chloe9013 (532)
5 Mar 07
Hahaha do it! I would ;) I can't believe hes making you do everything! If me and my fella were sick at the same time i wouldnt ask of that. Maybe you can buy the roughest paper *and* stick it up there for him.. hard!
and im glad you like the comment ^_^
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@mummymo (23706)
5 Mar 07
Believe ir or not this isn't the first time I had heard of man flu LOL! I work in a pub and believe me - 90per cent of men are wimps. At the time when there was a huge surge of worry about bird flu the typical comment from the guys was never mind the bird flu - man flu is worse than that! Typical symptoms of man Flu are the sniffles!!!! Thanks for making me laugh!
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@recycledgoth (9894)
5 Mar 07
LOL - when the bird flu scare hit the papers a friend of mine said the main symptom was spitting feathers. They are realy wimps though aren't they
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@recycledgoth (9894)
5 Mar 07
There is always the odd exception, some of them are "odder" than others *grin*
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@gsivkatasha (3)
• United States
5 Mar 07
It very much exists. My construction worker father would suddenly become incapable of even reaching for the remote himself while laying on the couch. I think they see it as a means to get extra attention and the only time their wives or girlfriends will cater to their every whimper. Maybe they're appealing to that maternal instinct most women have, hoping it'll trigger some deep need we have to take care of the sick and helpless (little do they know we limit that to baby birds who fall out of nests or abandoned kittens or puppies our kids bring home).
My advice? Get yourself to bed, too, and when he whimpers, you whimper louder and make him feel sorry for you!
@recycledgoth (9894)
5 Mar 07
I know I have to go to work tomorrow so I will just have to get on with it. However, I reckon if I still feel that bad when I get home, it will be my turn to whimper :-)
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@mummyofthree (2715)
20 Jun 07
Man Flu is the term for a man "over reacting" and "dieing" over a cold!HEHE! Looked it up on Urban Dictioary! Most anusing!MAN FLU:The condition shared by all males wherein a common illness (usually a mild cold) is presented by the patient as life-threatening.
This is also known as 'Fishing for Sympathy' or 'Chronic Exaggeration'.
When the patient is your boyfriend, he will exhibit the standard symptoms (such as an overwhelming desire for compassion) while simultaneously rejecting any and all efforts you make to placate him.
You: Awww, you poor fella.
Him: I'm DYING!
You: (Soothingly) Oh, you're not dying Cy.
Him: (Indignant) I AM! I have Man Flu!
You: Do you need some sympathy?
Him: Yes! But no one understands my pain...
You: I understa-
Him: NO YOU DO NOT!!!MAN FLU:1)A slight sniffle or cold that is turned into a dreadful condition by the imagination of the male sufferer
2)A Man's Flu (flu= Long chimney structure for fireplaces) is used to describe a mans p*nis."Isn't Quint really ill?", "Nah, he just has man flu!""Homosexuals like Man Flu"(didn't know that one tho!)
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@mummyofthree (2715)
20 Jun 07
sorry! appears to have not liked my spacing! :s
But you get the idea!
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@axter69 (379)
26 Jun 07
As a Man I can tell you this is a real problem for me, OK I know you women out there think this is just a mans way of making him self feel better but it's not. although yet to be proven the stats behind this show that men suffer 99% more then women and our flu is compared only with child birth. so imagine when we have tonsilltis or somthing.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
26 Jun 07
I guess the only way to make that comparison would be for guys to give birth hun :-)

@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Men are the biggest babies when they get sick. My husband is like that. We can both have the flu really bad and he will lay all day on the couch whining about his head hurting or his throat, blah blah blah, yet I am up getting my daughter from the bus stop, making dinner for the kids, giving them baths, etc. He doesn't do anything the whole time. Sometimes he will be even less sick then me. I will have a sore throat so bad I can't even talk.
One time I actually had tonsillitis (and if you have ever had that you know it is painful) and he just had a bad cough and scratchy throat. I was sweeping and mopping and doing dishes in tears (from the pain) while he just sat on the couch because he was too sick to get up. Please.
I hate when him and the kids get sick because I have to take care of 5 people but when I get sick no one lifts a finger to help me and I still have to take care of 5 other people. UGH.
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@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Actually, he wasn't sick when I wrote that, but we were out to dinner tonight and he started complaining about his throat hurting. We got home and he went right to bed. My throat is starting to feel a little swelled. Not a good thing for me. I am terrified of getting tonsillitis again. I have had it twice--the time I mentioned above when my kids little and once in high school. I still have my tonsils.
He will go to work tomorrow (and I feel bad that he has to go in the freezing temps) but when he gets home he'll just lay in bed all day. I have actually been sick since the beginning of February. I have had a stuffed nose and cough forever and I'm just worn out all the time but I don't get to lay around. Oh well.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
6 Mar 07
I'm right there hun, To be fair, my guy does help around the house sometimes but when he is sick, he is such a big baby and it drives me crazy as I have to just carry on regardless of how I feel. Oh well, hopefully he will be back at work tomorrow and things can return to normal

@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
21 Mar 07
That is EXACTALLY what happened to me a few weeks ago. We both got sick and he expected me to take care of him. I could barely function myself so I was in no mood to care about his situation. heh I made him order pizza and drinks so I didn't have to do anything at all.
I mentioned to my BF that I thought it was unfair that he get days off and really just recouperate when I got a day off but still had to work....
I think that some men just turn into tiny babies when they get sick and expect to be mommied.
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@jessescottus (807)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I think that you just have more stamina than he does. When my partner and I get sick,(she is a woman)I end up doing all of the homework while she stays in bed. I know that I have more "go" than she does.
@recycledgoth (9894)
5 Mar 07
Some days you just have to get on with it hun. I'm not saying all guys are wimps when they catch a cold, it just seems to be quite common. Good for you though.
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@urbandekay (18278)
5 Mar 07
I have to say my experience is the opposite, a man catches a cold and just deals with it. A man catches flu, women label it man-flu. A woman catches flu all hell breaks loose
all the best urban
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@draconess (650)
• Canada
5 Mar 07
Well, I've never met a man who "just dealt with" a cold! They all get so whiny and useless, and just expect someone to take care of them all week! Maybe they need to be more like you, just suck it up and deal, they're big boys who SHOULD be able to take care of themselves, but apparently that's asking too much when they get a little sick!
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@earthsong (589)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I think most men are babies when they don't feel well. I think its a man's way of cashing in on the fact they can't be emotional at any other time. They gotta be MEN all the time, when they get the sniffles they want to be treated like they are dying.
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@Indiffer (287)
• Norway
5 Mar 07
That is so true! I had to both laugh and blush, you hit the nail really hard!
We were both hit by the flu this last week and thankfully not simultaneously. I was in bed for three whole days while he had to care for everything. I would like to hide under a blanket in the livingroom, to at least have some company, i felt alone and miserable, but no, no way. I had to stay in bed till i got better.
When i was ready to get out of bed the fourth day, my husband is hit like, really hard. Moaning and complaining and begging me to do this and do that and find this and fetch that. I told him it might be best for him to go upstairs to bed - nonono, he was not going to any bed - ooohh his head hurt so bad he wouldnt be able to go there!
I really cared for him the days it lasted including the kids, of course he had to too, but he didnt have a sick moaning person to attend to every five min on top, i was in bed sleeping mostly.
They are so sneaky! Poor thing? No way!
I think they are raised this way. My guy is a real mommys boy, i wonder if any of you with husbands like mine can say the same?
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@recycledgoth (9894)
5 Mar 07
*Giggling* Funny how they can't seem to cope with the domestic stuff isn't it. When we are sick we have to get on with it, when they are sick it is a major trauma sometimes. I think you may be right with the mommy's boy type too. thanks for your words hun, they gave me a giggle
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
5 Mar 07
LOL OH I had such a laugh reading this. I can relate to every single word! Man flu! Of course it exists, we see it everyday. I think it's some genetic weakness related to the y chromosome only hehehe
I could say I was wrong in generalizing but so far I've seen it in my dad, my uncles, my father in law, my husband, my male friends... so I think it's a real thing LOL
@recycledgoth (9894)
5 Mar 07
I'm glad my discussion gave you a giggle hun, to be honest most of the men in my family are the same. One sneeze and they have pneumonia - lol
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@redfang (967)
6 Mar 07
hahahaha i love this saying, if ever i get a cold or ever i get sick for any reason my other half just says " yeah man flu again " man flu isn't a real condition it's just a saying for men are babies when it comes to being ill thats all because some of us make a big fuss like we are dying or something and so the women made the " man flu " saying up to show how weak we are.
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@ArsonCuff (3114)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Man flu?..sounds like some corny new phrase for AIDS..ha ha okay not funny. I am not sure what you do not believe when you stated you felt the symptoms yourself...people get sick sometimes...
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Once again it proves that we are the stronger ones. That is probably why there are more of us than them. They cannot survive illnesses like we can. Guess that is why we get married. So that more of them survive although they become endangered because of some of the stupid things they do. Sorry, however, you are part of the sisterhood where we must carry on.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
5 Mar 07
Awww, he's snoring his head off, oblivious to the world. I think I might have to get the hoover out in a moment *giggles*
When the going gets tough, the tough do housework - lol
thanks for your words hun
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@perrygunight (555)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I've gotten a good laugh out of this, but hey, take good care of yourself too. Drink some tea with honey and lemon, sit down, put up your feet and relax. Have you noticed women's colds usually last longer than men's? It's because we don't slow down and nurse ourselves back to health. A friend once told me to remember that the dust and the laundry will still be there tomorrow.
I think another name for the common cold is man flu. Get well soon, both of you.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
5 Mar 07
Glad you had a good chuckle hun, right now dinner is done and cooking and the kitchen is clean and tidy. Himself is upstairs in bed reading a book and sniffling :-) I have to go to work in the morning, so I will be taking with me a supersize box of tissues and a couple of sachets of hot lemon drink. LOL
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@Lavera1 (896)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Recycledgoth, I have been there and done that. My man would cry and complain about the same thing when he was in the bed with the flu or a cold. I couldn't do the housework or take care of the children because of his crying.
So it is the way that men respond to colds. And my father reacted the same way to my mom also.
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@linkintinku (559)
• India
6 Mar 07
MAN FLU ?????????????????????????
Ooooooooooooo let me think ummmmmmmmmmm i don't know wat to say really .....,
Koool heard it 1st time MAN FLU lol :-p
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