By coffeeshot
@coffeeshot (3783)
March 5, 2007 8:02am CST
What's the most intense pain you've ever felt? I know most women out there will say 'giving birth'! i haven't given birth so I don't know...I guess I'm lucky and haven't really been in any realy BAD pain. I remember I had a really bad graze from when I fell over and got carpet burn on my knee. I covered it up (it didn't get much air) and after a couple weeks I tried to pull the bandage off and it was stuck onto the wound like superglue. it hurt like hell and i sat there for 1/2 an hour wetting it with salty water trying to loosen it to come off and it just stung soooo much and i was actually crying. So yeah, that was pretty bad...
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59 responses
@LindaLou (483)
• Canada
5 Mar 07
I had gallstones about 10 years ago and the gallbladder attacks were by far the most painful thing I have even expereienced. I have had major surgery for other issues, but the gallbladder attacks were much more painful. I wanted to die. I can remember lying on the cool bathroom floor just to try to get some relief. It was horrible. I don't have kids, but I've talked to women who have gone through both childbirth and gallbladder attacks. They have said they would rather have another child!
@chloe9013 (532)
5 Mar 07
Crikey! I hope i never have to face that then! It sounds even worse than what i had to deal with! Glad you're better from it.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
5 Mar 07
That sounds terrible. My mother had her tonsils taken out a few years ago, and apparently it's really painful for older people (as opposed to kids). She actually said that it was more painful than childbirth...
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@Cougarlover152 (108)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I had the same experience. I got gallstones when I was pregnant, and from my fifth month of pregnancy on, I was having attacks. Because I gained so much weight when I was pregnant, some idiot intern in the emergency room told me the pain was caused by my ribs expanding! One week after I had my baby, I had another attack. After throwing up, I could only lay on the bathroom floor. I crawled to the bedroom (literally), got myself up onto the bed, woke my husband and told him I needed to get to the hospital. He said, "OK" and just layed there!! I said, "I'm not joking!" He said, "Well, get dressed, then." I told him I couldn't. He had to dress me and get the baby ready. This was in the middle of winter (in Minnesota) and when he went to start the car, it wouldn't start! He finally got the car started and got me and the baby into the car and drove me to the hospital. Once in the emergency room, they couldn't find my blood pressure with ultrasound. They couldn't do anything to treat me in the ER and told me to see a doctor in the morning. When I went to the doctor, they did ultrasound on my gall bladder and found so many stones, they said they had to operate. They told me what food to stay away from in the TWO WEEKS until my surgery to keep attacks from happening.
I completely agree with you that gall bladder attacks are the most painful thing to go through. I would rather have dental work without anesthesia! You just can't find the words to describe the pain, can you?
@stinkerbell (38)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I haven't had gallstones or a gallbladder attack, thank god. So for me, it's labor for sure. No epidural or pain medication *and* on pitocin (to induce/intensify contractions) was horrifying. I was literally delirious with pain and vomitting, too. Labor to me was much, much worse than the actual delivery. My other two labors weren't nearly as bad, so I think it was the pitocin.
Now I'm terrified of anything to do with my gallbladder, though!
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@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
5 Mar 07
I don't really know how to explain this... it isn't excruciating pain, but it's very uncomfortable and very frustrating. I sometimes have seizures - they are actually a response to a heart condition I have where my heart stops beating for a few seconds. The moments before the seizure are actually VERY painful. I sweat profusely, my heart rate shoots through the roof, and all of my muscles in my body contract - the stronger ones usually win, cause convulsions. It's relief to actually go unconscious and end the pain. BUt then waking back up - now my blood pressure is in the toilet, I'm cold from all the sweat and I tend to realize I am covered in bruises, and my muscles are really sore and cramped.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
6 Mar 07
That sounds terrible Cassidy. I can understand how you'd be relieved to pass out.. I hope you find soemthign that helps to relieve your seizures.
@chloe9013 (532)
5 Mar 07
Haha! Ouch!
I have never given birth either so i would have to say period pains. Every month i get imense cramps and have been known to just collaspe where i am and stay there through the cramp. Once i was stuck at the top of my stairs for 3 hours in intense agony!
They're not as bad as they used to be now i take lots of supplements but they are still no fun lol.
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
5 Mar 07
yucky. Period pain can be horrible, especially when you're curled up in the foetal postition and can't move. Yours sound really bad though..poor thing!
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@mmiller26 (1930)
• Canada
5 Mar 07
You're right. I'm going to say childbirth was the most intense pain I've ever felt. Contractions feel like your worst period cramps multiplied by 100. The second worst pain I can think of was when I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed at the same time. That hurt like hell for about a week. I've broken my arms before too, but went into shock so I don't remember too much pain from that.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
5 Mar 07
Chloe, from the sound of your cramps I reckon you'll find childbirth a breeze!
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@fatragu (677)
• United States
5 Mar 07
Well I have had 2 kids and my first one was without medicine. When she was about 4 months old I had to have emergency surgery to get my gallbladder out because I went to the ER and the idiot of a Dr. didn't touch me they just drew blood and gave me demmerol for the pain which actually made it worse. I ended up seeing a dr at his office and he took one look at me and barely touched my stomach and I was screaming and he said "Yep that would be a gallbladder" Ended up getting admitted to the hospital and had to have a procedure to put a stent in and remove 3 stones from my bile duct and then the surgery where they took out my gallbladder that was 2x what it was suppossed to be and 47 stones. And another stent procedure to get it out. Much much worse than child birth. And when I had my daughter I was induced so I didn't have the not so strong contractions. My first ones were bringing me to my knees. I am just glad that you can't grow another gallbladder lol.
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@Island_Geko (3759)
• Canada
6 Mar 07
I live daily in pain, each day is different and some days it is so bad it is like giving birth while walking with 2 broken legs. I do take meds for my pain but I still get break through pain. So be happy you only get that once in a while pain, and be happy your life is free without a barrier.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
6 Mar 07
i do appreciate my health a lot more now after reading everyone's replies. I feel for you, and sincerely hope you find a way to eliminate your pain.
@Adrenochrome (1653)
5 Mar 07
I broke my collarbone playing rugby, but as I was numb all over, due to the freezing winter weather conditions. I played on till the end of the match, and only realised something was wromg when I couldn't raise wy arm above my head to wsah my hair in the shower afterwards. Strangely, the pain immediately became seering, and it was agony to breath, or move in the slightest every morning, till I had the opportunity to redose on pain killers.
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
14 Mar 07
I can now update, the worst pain I have ever experienced was this week. Following a weekend of tooth agony, which paracetomal just couldn't impact upon, I had my wisom tooth removed on Monday. My face is swollen down one side, the gum bleeds and hurts very sharply, my jaw is immobile, and I am to expect this to continue for several more days. Thank God, I have only ever developed one wisdom tooth, and it is now gone.
Serves me right, I should be more evolved.
@pebbles_cubbie (3789)
• United States
5 Mar 07
The worst pain I've ever felt is when I was food poisoned. I was around 13 years old at the time. I was on vacation. We were in Kentucky going to South Carolina. After we stopped and ate in Kentucky I got real sick about a 1/2 hour later. From that point until we got to South Carolina I didn't stop throwing up. I threw up so much I lost 10 pounds in a few days. My stomach hurt and my throat hurt too. They took me to the hospital and gave me glucose and I was better. The rest of the time I had fun just didn't eat much. I hate pulling bandages off that stick to the wound. It hurts so much and then it starts bleeding again if it bled the first time.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
6 Mar 07
Whoah that's some hardcore throwing up! Just out of curiosity, what did you eat that did that to you?
@Bangalorean (1282)
• India
6 Mar 07
Of all the pains that I have had........i feel the pain experinced by a mother during her delivery is the most painful of all.
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@twilight021 (2059)
• United States
5 Mar 07
For me there are two incidents that stand out in my mind.
One is when I broke my foot snowbaording. I was only halfway down the trails, so I had to finish the run, and then walk around to find someone to help me. There were a few points wehre I thought I might pass out. But then your body does this crazy thing where it tried to protect you from pain, it producted more endorhpins, which are like a good time vibe to help insulate you. This is what is sometimes refered to as Runners-high. But anyway, I had to go for 6 hours without pain killers, since it took so long to get to the hosipital, and for someone to perscribe them.
Another incident was getting a dental crown seated without novicane. That was a kind of crazy nerve pain. At one point I jumped out of the dentists chair...I didn't mean to, but it was some kind of reaction. The endorphins eventually kicked in on that one too....thankfuly.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
5 Mar 07
Lol, ouch!
I have to say giving birth without a doubt. My first labor and delivery went smoothly, until my daughters head crowned.
Her head crowned and her shoulders got stuck fast. I had one Midwife pushing down on my stomach, and the other one literally trying to open me up just enough to get her hands in to get a grip around my daughters arms to pull her out. It was excruciating.
Luckily, she didn't suffer any ill effects and I managed to get away without stitches. They told me I had a few grazes but they felt that they'd heal better on their own. While it was worth it to have my daughter in my arms, it's not something I'd wish on my worst enemy.
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@andysminky (330)
• India
5 Mar 07
Till now the greatest amount of pain that I experienced when about 18 days after delivering my baby girl I had to undergo an appendix operation. Evrything was fine until I was taken to the Operation theatre(OT) but it was after I returned back from the OT that I experienced great pain when I heard my 18 day old daughter crying at the top of her voice and I was just coming out of anesthesia. I could hear her crying but didnt know what to do I tried hard to come to conscious state but it seemed to take a lot of effort .. i sobbed and sobbed but the nurse would not let me get up .. finally i yelled get me my baby then my hubby got her near me and the minute she slept next to me she stopped crying ..
i cannot express in words how terrible this incident was for me .. but when i saw Mahi (my lil daughter) i took a sign of relief ..
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
6 Mar 07
Thank you for sharing that..the bond between mother and child is amazing,m and it would have been terrible to be powerless in that situation.
@Molly322 (125)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I once had three seizures in a span of about two hours one night. Each lasted about 5 minutes and by the end of the third one, I couldn't move on my own. Every muscle in my body screamed and would not cooperate with what I wanted them to do. I had also bitten into the inside of my cheeks and my tongue so much that they were so swollen that I could not eat without catching my tongue in my teeth or swallow either without pain. It was the pits! It was easily over a week before I was feeling better enough that meal time didn't make me cry.
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
6 Mar 07
that's so sad. i really feel for you! i hope you can keep your seizures under control so this doesn't happen very often. i think a lot of people take our health for granted, me included. Thanks for making me appreciate my health much more.
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@restlessguy (812)
• India
6 Mar 07
I do believe that physical pain is secondary.When it husrts your mind it makes you weary it makes you feel as if you are not worthy of living.It is such an horrible state and it is very difficult and nagging you all the time.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
6 Mar 07
i thing the most pain that i have experienced is having a headache... i always hate it when i have it because it will be so painful for me... and it is because i have migraine as well... another pain that i hate is toothache... both are killing me...
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@missyd79 (3438)
• United States
9 Mar 07
i will have to say the worse pain i ever experience was a gall bladder attack and the recovery from the surgery to have it removed. When i first started getting the attacks it was like an elephant was sitting on my chest, i thought i was having a heart attack. i started gettng them a month after my son was born so yes i went through child birth and this was worse. i went to my doctor and they did an EKG and a chest xray to rule out a blood clot, they couldn't find anything but were still worried about a blood clot so sent me to the hospital and there is where they discovered i had gall stones, they admitted me into the hospital and 3 days later i had the surgery but for a week after i could not stand up straight because it felt like the rearranged all my insides around while they did my surgery.
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@susama123 (91)
• India
6 Mar 07
I had felt a severe pain after my Uterus Operaton. Even though they had given injection, I couldn't bear the pain. It was so sever that I couldn't sleep for one night.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
It was about 3 years ago. One night after dinner with my girls, I went to a coffee shop with my sister. I noticed that I'm getting a little dizzy and I'm sweating like a pig. When I went home around 10 pm, I started to feel this intense pain in my stomach. I went to our restroom and stayed there for 2 hours. I kept vomiting and my stomach is getting worse. It dragged on for hours until it became unbearable. I called up my sister at 2 in the morning and she rushed me to the hospital. It was 4 am that I discovered I have amoebiasis. I stayed in the hospital for 4 days.
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@Macthedj (630)
6 Mar 07
I had an operation in the back of my neck to take away part of 2 of my discs and to rectify nerve damage. The process meant cutting through bone and muscle. When I awoke from this and the pain meds had started to wear off, I thought I had been in a car smash. The pain was excruciating. I could not walk or move my arm or hands without feelling as though I was going to pass out due to the pain. This continued for a couple of weeks and beleive me I did pass out a few times because the pain was so bad.