New to wicca

@Tatsuya (1149)
United States
March 5, 2007 9:44pm CST
I live in a town where not many people practice Wicca. There are no stores around which sell the items that I would require. I am a beginning witch and would like to know where I could acquire such articles as a cape, herbs, prayer books, and other items. I really don't know too much about the religion, and I would like to get into fully. I am a single mother of two and would like to teach them as well. If anyone can help me, I would be very grateful. Blessed Be.
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13 responses
@Galena (9110)
6 Mar 07
do you really think you need those things? lets see. a cape. well and good for halloween dress up. a decent quality one is also useful for outside work, as they are actually quite warm, and lovely to wrap around yourself and keep the chill out, but then so is a coat. Herbs. grow them or get them from a health food shop. and again, you don't necessarily need them. they're just useful. prayer doesn't really come into it. but get yourself a notebook to write things down in, it's useful. the only thing I will say is that to be a Wiccan you would need to be initiated into a coven Lineaged back to Gerald Gardner. however there is nothing to stop you being a perfectly good Witch or Pagan. if intitiatory tradition isn't for you, then Wicca isn't for you, so no need to take the name of that tradition. but hey, I wouldn't want to be Wiccan anyway. I find it a little strange. hehe.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Mar 07
"the only thing I will say is that to be a Wiccan you would need to be initiated into a coven Lineaged back to Gerald Gardner. " no that is not true at all...One does not need to be initiated into it... As for the herb suggestion (growing your own) thats always the best IMO not to mention you can actually just use kitchen herbs that you already have in your cupboard..I've done that numerous times since moving to the U.S (I had a fabulous garden back in Canada but havent had a chance to start one here)
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 Mar 07
initiation is the nature of it?? There's nothing wrong with being a Witch, I've been one for yrs now LOL...As for ppl being so keen on "Wicca/Wiccan" well I really dont know to be honest with each his own though ya know...
@Galena (9110)
6 Mar 07
that's the nature of the tradition. it's not just another name for Witchcraft. what's wrong with being a Witch. I don't get why people are so keen to use the term Wiccan.
@mcrowl (1050)
• New Zealand
1 Apr 07
Can I ask why you want to be a Wiccan? What made you look into this in the first place?
@Tatsuya (1149)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Wiccan is an earth based religion where anyone is accepted. I have been looked down upon by other religions, like Christian, Penacostal, Baptist and others by the way I dress. The wicca religion doesn't look down on you, but accepts everyone for who they are. They are very close to the earth, and just a wonderful religion.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Mar 07
best bet...Ebay..ebay ebay ebay LOL and did I mention ebay? ;-) OR you could do a search at and find not only shops in your general area/region but also events, gatherings other Pagans/Wiccans and Witches...
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
6 Mar 07
here are a couple links (but not the link for ebay LOL) this place is relatively close to me and the owners are FABULOUS and very nice ppl....I've not been here in a couple yrs mind you but they have all sorts of things from herbs to books to altar items and so on
@Wanderlaugh (1622)
• Australia
6 Mar 07
I'm a Celt, but I do know that full practice of Wicca is a bit demanding in some environs. Suggest: 1. Basic implements and materials can be purchased online. Much more straightforward, and secure. We had a post here recently about a lady who got into some difficulties with her neighbors, who called welfare, for no good reason other than the fact that she told them she was Wiccan. Search Wicca on myLot, and you'll find the threads. The truly appalling thing about this incident was that custody of the kids was in question, at one point. Sickening, but fact. 2. Full practice isn't exactly in the suburban environmental/behavioral lexicon. You would probably be advised to start with what's practical in your home, or where you can guarantee that rituals won't be contaminated by externals. As you probably know, "purity" isn't a buzzword, and your practices can be unbalanced by extraneous presences. You also need natural places, and those may not be available. While learning, stick to the practical. 3. Children have their own natural powers and affinities, and it's best not to disturb them, unless sure of the results. In an unknown environment, with no assessment of the likely reactions of their peers (or their peers' parents) to Wicca, there might be a conflict of feelings if required to deal with Wicca and suburban perspectives simultaneously. They can learn anytime, and it's your discretionary call whether it's a good place for them to begin or not. "Spirit of Place" can mean many things.
• Australia
6 Mar 07
Here's that thread I was talking about. On principle, I'd suggest take care. This society isn't well adapted to Wicca, and knows very little about anything not mainstream. This thread demonstrates that point.
• United States
9 Mar 07
I'm in a pretty small town myself with no shops really in the area. There's a small herb shop that has erratic hours and the owners aren't very friendly so I don't go there. I get a lot of my herbs growing in planters from the local nursery and Wally world. I only got a cape made for myself about a year ago and that was to keep me warm at a Renn. fair. As far as books, I like Cunningham for general introductory type stuff. There's some stuff out there for families though too that's pretty good for introducing you and the kids to it all. Circle Round is a pretty good one and you can get it from In fact if you look up family wicca there you should find all sorts of good books. The best thing is nosy neighbors and postal delivery guys won't know what the books are :P Ummm...can look for authors Kirstin Madden or Ashleen O'Gaia too. Both have written stuff for pagan families that's pretty good.
• United States
11 Mar 07
I forgot to suggest They are one of the largest (if not the largest) supplier of stuff online and sometimes carry stuff that is out of print even.
@Asheka (107)
• Canada
29 Mar 07
I'm in the same boat really, although I have definitely met more people since I've started my job...but it's still pretty slim coming upon a local Wiccan..which sucks... I actually write a lot of penpals that are Wiccan, which is nice still... I do a lot of shopping on ebay to be honest...I've studied long enough to know what to buy really, but I am thinking of starting my own ebay supply business with help from a friend on there I do a lot of business with...We don't really have stores CLOSE, but there are some within the one hour radius type of deal I try and visit regularly, when possible...and when I have money cuz they're not cheap!
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I know there are lots of places online to buy stuff. My boyfriend is into Wicca too and I am considering it. Here is a link to a discussion with lots of links that might be of interest to you.
@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
14 Mar 07
I'm new to wicca too.. A few friends said that I can research wicca on the internet, there's a website that gives a free course on the overview of Wicca, they have exams too. I started the course 2 days ago, I finished their lecture the only problem is that some of the books they recommended are not available in our country. Send me a personal message if you want the link of the website. I live in a country where most people are Catholic and/or Christians so most Wiccans are still underground in order to avoid uncomfortable confrontations between their neighbors.
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I know of several places online that have a good selection of items like altar tools, oils, books, and other things that are very handy to have. Just drop me a private message and I will give you a few links.
@imsilver (1665)
• Canada
6 Mar 07
Merry Met! If you've got wicca as one of your interests just keep an eye on the ebay banners at the top. LOL. They are always showing the sweetest wicca stuff. Once I have some serious money in my paypal account; it's ebay.. here I come.. LOL.. I've got a wicca section on my website, Silver Sity (link on my profile page). I'm also putting together a book that I'm going to self-publish and sell through Blessed be!
@tin112703 (228)
• Philippines
6 Mar 07
I read about wicca somewhere in a website. What is it, and why would you be interested in it? Thanks.. I am truly interested. Hearing it from a real person than from some fancy (and I am sure, commercial) website is a lot better. Thanks!
• Singapore
11 Mar 07
searching for information on the internet is good... craft your spell with what you got... you can use crystals and even herbs from your local supermart...
@Zalvor (727)
• Turkey
16 Mar 07
You can always use ebay and other sites to order books, herbs, etc... via internet. Hope that helps.