How heavy is this glass of water?

United States
March 6, 2007 1:13am CST
A lecturer raised a glass of water in his hand, extended his arm and asked "How heavy is this?" Answers ranged from 300g to 500g. The lecturer replied "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long I try and hold it. If I hold it for a minute that's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance. In each case it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it the heavier it becomes. So, where does this apply in life? To an unkind comment someone may once have made about you. To a time in your life when you didn't act as well as you could have done. To a disappointment you experienced when an expectation of yours was not met. To a difficult childhood, a divorce, a job loss, you can fill in the rest. The burden gets heavier the longer you carry it. You either say goodbye to the past or you say goodbye to the future.
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4 responses
@Flexxx (103)
• South Africa
6 Mar 07
That's very true. A while ago someone hurt me deeply and I carried that hatred with me for a long time. Then I started getting sick and depressed. A year after that incident had happened I saw the person again and we had a chat about what they'd done to me only to find out that they didn't even know that what they'd done had a negative impact on me. We made up & I forgave them. Ever since I was healed and this taught me that old baggage will eventually drag you down and prevent you from reaching greater heights in life. No matter how much one tries to bury it... it will always come back up and the time will come when those problems will have to be dealt with.
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Wow, wonderful analogy. I really needed to read that I have been carrying some 'baggage' that it is time to unload! Thanks for such a quick, simple lesson that spoke volumns!
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@felicas83 (311)
• Ecuador
6 Mar 07
that's very true, i always try to work up all the problems that i had with people, i just got one issue to fix, but is not too serious, so the burden will not be too heavy
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@bluegem (174)
• Dominican Republic
7 Mar 07
Wow! I like the way you put it! You are so right. This simply means that when we have problems we need to resolve them promptly so that we dont find ourselves walking around with unnecessary burdens. Thanks for a great post!