Are children being forced to grow up to fast????
@crissyannlewis (43)
United States
March 6, 2007 1:11pm CST
I have 3 children and my oldest is a 5 yr old girl. She loves the BRATZ and all that stuff. She is now so into fashion and what she looks like for example: does it match, does it look cool or kiddish stuff like that. I feel it has to do with the BRATZ and the Bling Bling barbie things like that. She is also very boy crazy because of that she sees all around her. We even get into arguments about what is appropriate and what isnt. If it was up to her she would have big hair, a mini skirt, holter top, heels and make up. That is not ok with me, infact it scares me it makes her an easy target for child predators. She is beautiful and that is not me just being a parent i have got approched about her modeling! The other night she said shhe couldnt eat dinner because she neede to lose weight! I want her to use her brains and know that no matter what she is beautiful. Do you think iam jst being over protective?
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26 responses
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Children grow up as they are ready. Thee are many who watch the same tv shows and do not exhibit the reactions that your daughter is, so there is something within her that is pushing forward. She will find that her brains will work as you keep your standards for expected grades where you think it should be, No special effort needs to really be made there. She will also find that, no matter how good her brains are, the big money is usually in your looks, if you are female. That is not a fantasy, that is a fact...just look around.
If you stifle this aspect of her too much she will be pregnant before she leaves high school. I suggest you try a few compromises with appearance issues. Lip gloss instead of lipstick, soft tones that can barely be seen. Maybe she can "dress up" a little while at home but not when leaving to go outside of the home. Be sure to check her backpacks because many will put a change of clothing in there so that they are breaking your personal dress code without your knowledge.
Since she has been approached for modeling explore it. It would be a good outlet for her fashion sense and could be a boon to a college fund.
The more you try to protect her, the more little land mines you plant in the future. Try to find ways to allow her to express her desires without endangering herself.
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@crissyannlewis (43)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I think you misunderstood me I WANT her to use her brains not LOOKS! she was introduced to bratz thru her cousins her age! it was fighting an up hill battle. My fiancee thinks i keep the in a bubble and i shelter them too much but children should be sheltered!
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
6 Mar 07
I personally think that Bratz are for older youngest, who will be 10 tomorrow just started playing with them a couple of years ago...they say barbies are better for the younger set...
but yes, 8 year olds getting cell phones (i heard of that recently) ... society today is not allowing kids to be kids!!
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@crissyannlewis (43)
• United States
7 Mar 07
i couldnt help it i would not allow her to have them she wanted them when she was 4! I have neices that are the same age it was a baby boom when i was pregnate with her and they all had the bratz dolls. That was all that they would want to play with and my fiancee was on my CASE to let her have them.Eventually he wore me down and i had a Long talk with her but she is so opionated and i think that she doesnt think i am cool enough to understand. beleieve me i am trying!
@egay679 (152)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
you are not is just normal for moms to be somewhat decisive over their kids and with that kind of matter, i think it is right that she should be told on what is right and not right for her. you know, kids nowadays imitate what they see on tv even if it is not appropriate for them. all you need to do is just tell her that she is still a child and should act like just have to talk things out with her and tell her that she can do that when she is already grown-up but for now, she should just enjoy being a kid...
@crissyannlewis (43)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I make her sit down and do kid things. She goes to dance, we go to storytime every sat for fam story time, we go to family fun nught, reading programs. I quit my job so i could voulenteer at her school i am a room mom. She just dosent see me as cool i am boring mom who just always says no. She calles me miss no (ha ha). My cousin says if they say that then your doing something right they might not like you now but they will love you for all the rules when they grow up and i think its true.
@krislouiebaby (2346)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
my god she is only 5 years old, and she wants to use make ups, high heels and mini skirt,,
i think you are right, you must protect her.
as a parent, we have to let them know what is appropriate and what is not.
as you say she is beautiful,you have to protect her more...
@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Definitely not. If more mothers would start being more protective of their little girls, maybe there wouldn't be all these teeny tiny miniskirts hanging in the pre-school department to tantalize children when we need to buy new clothes for them.
And I'm afraid this constant barrage of attention to weight from the TV programs and from their friends at school is going to turn this generation of little girls into a nation of anorexic women. It's scary.
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@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
7 Mar 07
You are not being over protective at all...I am in the same boat as you and it completely boggles my mind! My daughter is 8..almost 9 and we go threw the same stuff everyday. She has emotional breakdowns because she says she is fat and not pretty. This hurts me so much because she is beautiful and I want her to know and feel that. I want her to have confidence and be proud of who she is. I think with my daughter it isn't so much the "Bratz" and such..but the influences from her other peers. It seems like they set such a high standard that my daughter feels she has to live up to. Seriously, at 8 years old they shouldn't have to worrie about being fat, looking pretty, wearing the latest fashions ect... What happened to just being a child?
@carolmil123 (115)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I was babysitting a four year old girl when she suddenly told me another girl on the elementary school bus was wearing a bra and she wanted one also. Oh, and high heels too. They get it from TV programs which push all this on the kids. Better if they watch some nice programs like Trinity Broadcasting has for kids. Teaching them to respect themselves. Can you get her started on Trinity programs for kids? Saturday is all children's programming. Try to cut back on the mass market kiddie programs. They have zero value. The 4-year old I am talking about makes a fool out of herself throwing her body at a nice boy on the school bus. They see too much that is sexually oriented. Your child does not need to go into modeling. Get her into some karate classes, any sports or even ballet. Did people give her the strange idea about losing weight when they spoke about getting her into modeling? Try to get her into a Sunday School class and fill up her time with new friends who are not thinking about becoming cover girls. Beauty in a child sometimes does not last into adulthood, so the best thing is education and religion which will prepare her for the ups and downs of life.
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
11 Mar 07
You're not being overproetective you're being a good parent. I still don't understand why all these clothing lines are making such revealing and grown up looking clothes for these young girls, they grow up so fast as it is. I don't know how accurate this is, but I recall a discussion on mylot where a lady said they were now selling thongs for young girls at Walmart. Have you heard about this? To me that's just asking for someone to look at your little girl the wrong way, it's disgusting!
@pbarjatiya (163)
• India
7 Mar 07
yes even i feel the same these days the childrens are asked to behave like grownups god knows why but i feel this will ruin their childhood life and may affect the coming time too.Evev the type of competetivness increasing these days is alarming and force the child to out of question things.
@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Oh yes, I believe children are growing up very fast now-a-days. Between television, their friends, what they see their parents doing, school etc..
My son will be 12 in a couple weeks and between computers, hanging out with his friends, I feel they are far advanced then when I was growing up. He now wants a cell phone...I'm asking him why? No reason. He likes a certain type of clothing etc etc
Society itself have advanced from back when I was growing up to where our children see if, go through it, live it..
The only thing I found to keep my child a child is to be active in his life, communicate with him more, and observe his behavior...
Great topic, Good luck to you
@dj_udin2002 (166)
• Indonesia
7 Mar 07
hmm its normal i thinks
how about for my baby? hehehe
my baby has 5 month old now.
i see he can walk today and speak easy like 3 years baby.
i have ask the doctor, he said watching always and report to him, cause he need to test the IQ after 1 years.
i hope my baby nothing wrong and normal like another baby.
@ragmama (536)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I don't think you're being overprotective at all. If anything - and please don't think I'm berating you in any way for saying so - maybe you could stand to be a little more protective. It's unfortunate that so many toys and media are targeted at our little girls, with the sole intent of making them interested in fashion and other more adult things at a young age. The best way to keep them from getting a such a hold on your daughter is to monitor the things she's exposed to - on television, in movies, in the toy aisle. I'm not suggesting that you should shelter your daughter, of course, just direct her toward the things you find more wholesome. Make sure your family knows and supports you in this - my daughter is only three, but my extended family (her grandparents, aunts, etc.) have known since she was a baby that Bratz dolls will NEVER be considered appropriate in our home. We don't even walk down that part of the toy aisle - if she doesn't see them, she won't want them (and I won't have to be "bad mommy" by saying no!)
Be sure to surround her with the best role models that you can, so she'll see that there's more to being a beautiful and intelligent young woman than what kind of shoes you wear or how your hair is styled. It is sad that it starts so early - being aware of how impressionable she is at this age and making choices accordingly is a great place to start.
@ecfcito (8)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Absolutly Not! I think if you are concerned with these things now then your being a better parent. If more people would talk to their children and make them understand that the media is not an example set for kids, then perhaps we wouldn't have all the uglyness about self image that is out there.
Personally, (now I don't have daughter) I believe that if you are teaching her and showing her that she is beautiful inside and out (sounds like you are), then your doing your job as a mom to encourage beauty in other areas of life other than fashion. Parents can have a balance but its a difficult task when its all they see. I have taught my boys to be gentlemen, opening doors, and treating women with the respect they deserve. I expect that from them and Thank God my husband has helped set the example.
She is still young enough to teach that fashion and media do not have to be the leading factors in her life.
@littlekitty (23)
• Russian Federation
7 Mar 07
What about her friends? Are they also interested in things like that. Perhaps her interests depend on kids she is mixing with.
@juicebox (106)
• United States
11 Mar 07
It is true. The things children back then were exposed to was nothing compared to now. Children just seem to growing up faster every generation. By elementary school, children are already beginning to date, which is absurd! The media, etc. is of no help to the subject, anyway. Children literally younger than the age of 10 are all over myspace and meeting people they know nothing about. Young children don't have enough sense to realize that they are easily swayed by their vulnerable age. Honestly, at the age of 5, my mother was still dressing me. If anything, you are just being a parent and definitely not overprotective. Figuratively keep them on a leash because when they've discovered high school, they're as good as gone.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Mar 07
It's gone from one extreme to another. When I was young (back when dinosaurs ruled the earth) teenage girls wore socks until they were eighteen or left high school. Now girls are into adult things when they're not ready. A five year old should not worry about weight unless she is extremely pudgy nor should she use makeup. Wait until she's in her teens or let her use the pretend neutral lipstick like I did when I was young.
@recycledgoth (9894)
7 Mar 07
I believe that the media has a lot to answer for here, with images on television, internet and magazines all pushing for kids to look like Victoria Beckham, be stick thin, wear this or that brand of clothing or makeup. Kids get little enough time to be kids now and it is a worry. I don't think you are being overprotective at all, more a sensible and loving mum
@michelledarcy (5220)
7 Mar 07
I dont' think you are being overprotective. My 5 year old is very similar, she wants to wear high heels, make up and short skirts. She has a beautiful body and is already aware of how to use her body to make boys interested in her. I have to be very careful with her and make sure she dresses appropriately.
I do want her to grow up, but as an older child, not into a women.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
My two girls are also into this "IN" fashion thing. They will choose their own clothes with matching beaded bracelets which I made for them. I do not mind those thing really because I want my girls to learn how to dress up by themselves. But makeup??? 5 years old is way too young and this thing about not eating dinner is not right. You're on the right track by telling her words to soothe her. Based on what you describe, you're daughter might have this "inferiority complex." Sorry...for saying that. But there's one TV show I watched before about litle girls as young as your daughter who has the sign and symptoms like that.
@devildinesh (183)
• India
7 Mar 07
No you are doing the right thing.This is not the age to look into those things so keenly.But you should not resist her abruptly,as this will create hatred in her.So you should be careful with kids while advising them.
@Justinjade (25)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
You were not being overprotective. you were just being a mom, after all who is the adult here? maybe what you can do is lessen her exposure to such things like television/media etc. Five year olds can still be persuaded and molded into becoming who you think they ought to be. They are still malleable and it's up to us adults to show them how it is.
I have 2 daughters ages 11 and 16, they have two very distinct personalities and interests, the younger one was more into that Bratz and barbie thing but thankfully it was just a stage. She has learned to tone down her prefence for the materialism and shifted to the brainy side of things "as my other daughter would like to put it" because she saw a role model in my eldest daughter and decided it was more fun.