Greenhouse effect is a myth...say scientists
By greengal
@greengal (4286)
United States
March 6, 2007 3:17pm CST
Global Warming has been the topic of interest for a long time now. There has been vast speculation as to the actual causes for it and what can be actually done to reduce the damage and also to brace ourselves for the so called "doom" in the future.
I came across this article yesterday and was wondering if all what we read and see is to be believed or not. Scientists say the greenhouse gases caused the raise in global temp, and again its the same scientists who want to deny this.
I personally wasn't aware(call me ignorant) of the magnanimity of the Global Warming issue till I saw a video on it. At least it outlined the crisis and I know its not right to believe everything the media portrays.
Read the article at this link and tell me what you think
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21 responses
@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
6 Mar 07
The so-called 'greenhouse' gases do cause a warming of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. What is being disputed is in fact the human involvement in this climate change. Some say that it is a natural phenomenon, whereas others pretend that human activities are causing an impending disaster on the planet. I am not qualified enough to give a clear overview of what's right or wrong. I just find the claims made by Al Gore quite dubious and wonder if this isn't just a ploy to gain more control, raise the taxes, and gain the sympathy of the voters.
Anyway, scientists disagree on many things, and that's the beauty of science. We all argue and try to find the truth. :)
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@greengal (4286)
• United States
6 Mar 07
That's right Thomas, I think we as individuals have the capacity to use our common sense and learn things on our own rather than depend on media or scientists to give us a verdict. We might not be fully qualified to do this but at least we can judge what to believe and what not to. I wasn't very convinced with Al Gore's views either. It all looks too spruced up and made up.
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@lifted (62)
• Canada
6 Mar 07
I'm not qualified either but he did outline the fact that the world does actually warm up over time itself. But he outlined the short period of time that our industrial period is responsible for. That's where global warming changed towards 'drastic' as oppose to the natural trend.
I can only go by my view, which is pretty simple. Some things are natural, other things just aren't. If you want to use both, it has to be a balance. I truly believe the Earth is natural which would mean continual unnatural process that we cause.... can't be all that healthy.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I think the earth goes through cycles just like its inhabitants.
Our activities probably contribute to global warming but I don't think they are the only factor. Where I live here in Denver, this used to be all rain forest several thousands of years ago. That was before we started burning fossil fuels and things.
It is still a good idea to cut our use of fossil fuels and burning down the rain forests in South America is probably a mistake, for many reasons....but the earth's cycles are probably a big part of global warming.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
7 Mar 07
There is a lot of evidence to cast serious doubt on the theory that man is responsible for global warming.
However, when you get a bunch of scientists, and a failed politician involved then you have a media frenzy. Poeple are way to eager to blindly believe everything that they are told.
It seems that if a scientist says something, then it is gospel because too many poeple hold science to be their god.
In the past 100 or so years there have been at least 4 seperate global warming scares and 1 global cooling scare.
And every time people have jumped on the bandwagon like lemmings on their final run.
That thing that Al Gore did was a sham and is too easily disproven. There is and article that takes apart his first 25 inconvenient truths. It is called, appropriately, "Gorey Truths-25 Inconvenient Truths for al Gore" and can be found at
His models are flawed and incomplete, factoids are twisted and hammered until they barely fit his claims, and the government has named him and several others as irresponsible in trying to create the global warming panic.
There is now evidence that too much vegetation has an influence on so called greenhouse gasses.
People need to just chill and do some very basic research for themselves.
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
7 Mar 07
well if you've seen the movie 'an inconvenient truth' or any of those shows on national geographic, then you would know that the greenhouse effect and global warming is very much real. infact we even studied it in school, about greenhouse gases, i mean, the only thing is that big companies, especially oil companies who make huge profits and oil industry being the main source of rise in greenhouse gases, have spent a lot of time and money to contradict scientists who wanted global warming to be global knowledge by presenting their own scientists who denied that.
But now we all know because of such shows and movies, heck i even believe what happened in 'the day after tomorrow' could happen to us, and not only that, now we can all feel it too, because it's not subtle anymore, we feel the weird changes in weather, feel our summers getting hotter and winters getting colder and weird shifts in weather, it's not a myth anymore, it's reality and it's already here.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
7 Mar 07
Is it a wonder that someone goes by the moniker of greengal? So we finally have a green issue to boot! :P
Here in Singapore (yes I know we are a tiny island that might just be submerged like Atlantis), global warming isn't such a hot topic. We do try to go green where possible, but that's just that.
One can't think too much; one already has so many things on his mind. :P
@Zmugzy (773)
7 Mar 07
Past research has shown that Earth's climate has varied significantly over time, the causes of which are many and complex. Even over the span of human history, the Earth has undergone significant periods of warming and cooling. Present day global warming however, is not a consequence of natural climate variability or sun spot activity. Most scientists recognize that the present change to a warmer climate is a product of human impact on the Earth system. This can be traced back to the start of the Industrial Revolution in Europe.
Evidence for global warming can be found in every part of the Earth system. Besides well documented changes in air temperature, global warming is heating the world's oceans, reducing sea ice extent, especially in the Arctic, melting glaciers causing sea level to rise, altering habitats and affecting plant and animal distributions.
The problem with human beings is that they have a tendency individually and collectively only to react to negative events when they are directly affected. There is a "it will never happen to me" syndrome". To combat global warming requires a change in human behaviour and technology on a grand scale - So far there has been a lack of international will or sufficient political agreement. The measures that have been taken so far have been very small.
There are many sceptics - many from the 'big business' community - the oil industry for example - who will continue to provide funding for a "disinformation" campaign that threatens to cloud serious scientific debate and stall the economic and political decisions that must be taken.
Human activity is THE contributing factor to present day Global Warming. The effects are already present and they are going to get worse.
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@greengal (4286)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Thank you zmugzy for adding some very valuable and useful facts to this scenario. I definitely think this is not a debatable issue and we as individuals should keep our ears and eyes open to all change. We should use our common sense rather than rely on the media. Your input is appreciated.
@milagre (1272)
• Portugal
7 Mar 07
Thxs for the link, very intereting. I had read something about the issue and it realy worries me. I think we cant do much to reverse the situation, just slow it down. I fear for my kids and other's children, but we cant think much about it or we will be very depressed!
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@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I couldn't get the link to work, but I think global warming is real just like global cooling will be eventually. It is all part of earth's natural existence. Global warming and cooling were here long before man and will be around forever. The idea that man is affecting this natural occurence is shear folly. This is a long ago idea thought up by ultra liberal radicals decades ago.
Sure, the earth is changing, but it always has been. To continue to forecast gloom and doom is nonsense. To support the scientific community and it's lunacy, is the fact that no 2 scientists can agree on anything for more than 5 minutes(similar to economists and politicians). This whole shebang is based on computer modeling that is hardly accurate. No computer can imitate mother nature in all her grandeur. People will continue to go off the deep end because so many are wired to react with emotional extremism. Sit back, have an iced tea and enjoy the seasons as they come.
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@hiitssomu (657)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Recently, scientists of the Harvard University discovered that one of the five ice-beds of the North Pole has been disintegrated drastically within past one year. This fact was never noticed until last week of November 2006. It has also been noticed that this big ice-bed is now floating on the North Sea. This floated ice-bed can now start approaching down towards the north boundary of Canada. Scientists are trying to keep an eye on the movement of this ice-bed. Satellites are helping in this regard by sending continuous pictures and data of this ice-bed. The most worried part of this incident, apart from the Global Warming, is that if by any chance this ice object reaches near to the border of Canada, it may create a great problem for the ships which are regularly traveling near the border of Canada.
There is a good article in AC. Just read that. You will understand we have something to do to prevent Global Warming.
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
6 Mar 07
Global Warming is a reality but I think it is the natural changes in the earth. All through history, the earth has been changing and going through various stages. I just did a couple of discussions on this a few days ago. It is amazing how animals and birds are adjusting to the changes. Birds are migrating 3 weeks earlier than they were previously.
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@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
7 Mar 07
I know gobal warming is the accepted 'trend' but what if it were an ice age once again beginning it's march to cover much of the land mass with it's cold influence? Would we be blaming ourselves? Seeking ways to warm a planet? Trying to keep things as they are?
There is fossil evidence in the mountains that they were once under water. Even in recent eons land masses have sunken with works of man now under tons of water. New land masses are being created, volcanoes erupting under the seas, building a rock base for islands and possible future continents.
Do we have an impact on our environment? Of course we do. Everything impacts everything else in some way large or small.
I live in the country...I have watched a section of land being deforested, I also watched the land reforest itself over time...first there are the grasses, then brush of different kinds, fast growing trees, begin reaching for the sky, slower hardwoods are able to branch out and seed wider areas.
The earth is living, it renews in it's own way and it's own time. Soils change, different types of growth occur, differnt wildlife moves in.
The good farmer plants his crops in rotation. Some plants take from the soil, others replace.
Who can say if a simple farmer can do these things that the earth isn't following a plan of which we know nothing about?
No matter what we do or do not do, there will be change. Life demands it.
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
Scientists are not know alls. They can always say one thing now and then deny it another day, they are just persons who can commit mistakes and, change their minds if they want to anytime.
Global warming though is a thing which does not need the views of these scientists. It is a fact that this has been slowly taking place for some decades already. And no degree of opinion can change its having occurred and now it has been slapping us with its ill effects almost all at the same time.
The melting of polar ice caps are causing small islands to be lost to the sea already. This has caused much alarm to those low lying countries as their land areas have been greatly lessened through the passage of time. Doctors tell us to stay away from the sun's blazing heat because, it is the main cause of skin cancers. Farm animals which go unprotected from sun exposure were found to have gone blind. All these things never occurred before. This only means that the ozone layer is now sending its sos signals so we can help the environment recuperate before it is too late. Let us all do our share in the observance of measures to arrest this worsening environmental situation.
We will all pay if we will not listen to the distress signals the environment is showing us all. For no one else will suffer but all of us. Take heed of the nature's calling and not of any of those so called geniuses.
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@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
6 Mar 07
I don't think anyone knows for sure, and records have not been kept far enough back to really tell whether the climate is actually warming permanently or whether we are just going through a cycle.
I do know that if you dare to say you think man's effect on global warming isn't as much as we are being led to believe, you are immediately looked upon as some kind of ignorant kook.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see. (Oh yes, and try to be reasonably responsible caretakers of the earth while we are waiting.)
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@info2go (241)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
There are a lot of ideas that pertain on the weird weather changes and all the warming that is happening. Most say it's all humans' fault, and some say it's natural that it is just part of some earthly cycle. no matter who's fault it is, we should remember that there exist a line that when it's crossed, something very bad can actually happen. it is best for everyone's interest including mother earth that we do our part in preserving the natural balance that we have been born into for perhaps a day will come when trees and plants are just exhibits in the museum, where most animals today would be nothing more than mythical creatures.
i believe that at the rate humankind is going, the ozone will be no more in just a matter of decades.. who knows when the ice caps will melt causing the sea to engulf the very soil where we stand or us frying the from extreme radiation coming from the sun... there is no better time to start appreciating earth than now. our kids' kids' kids' kids' kids' has the right to experience the bounties of nature as we did when the earth was younger.
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@lifted (62)
• Canada
6 Mar 07
I saw some of that Al Gore movie where he talks all about global warming.
I think the most important thing is how everything about global warming is factual, and down to a science. But people who believed it were labelled something along the lines of eccentric environmentalists by everyone else.
Corporations and government also don't benefit from reversing global warming, so the media portrays it as a theory as oppose the the actual science that it is.
Once everyone stops confusing each other to work for the same cause, it's not hard to stop global warming. And I think everyone should care, I once heard it was said something like...
"Until every tree is cut, until every lake is drained, only then you will know that money can not be eaten"
I mean everyone who wants to be rich, so their kids' kids' kids' kids can be rich too, should care about this issue. What happens when we run out of Earth? Mother Earth doesn't care if dinosaurs live here or if humans live here. Cockroaches can take over (if there is anything left to take over) after our time and it doesn't make a difference to the planet.
We shouldn't really waste our time here... and for what? Fast cars?
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@abhax123 (1695)
• India
7 Mar 07
Well there are loads of proof out there which will prove that GLOBAL WARMING is out there and its pretty much Visible with cyclons n floods and other things.... Thats Global warming is a FACT...!!!!
scientist saying that there is no global warming well i really dont believe in that. WHy would someone say things like that DOES COMPANY WANTS THEM TO SAY LIKE THAT!!!!????
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@Kayzzaman (173)
• India
7 Mar 07
Greenhouse effect is not at all myth but a stark realty staring at our face. Global warming is due the cause of greenhouse effect. Using fossil fuels are at the root of all this. Until and unless we take adequate measure to stem the rot, this can play havoc among the human civilizaition. And to stem the rot, we have to think in a newer vision and rebuild the whole civil society. If we can return back to the philosophy of plain living and peaceful living we can do nothing in this regard. We have to remember that this is not a technical problem but a moral problem of the civil society.
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@erikssion (109)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
i think there is an upcoming movie or documentary about the effects of Global Warming.
I just forgot the title of that documentary or movie.
I believe that it's true. The changes in the weather might be one of the proof.
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@earnwhilelearn (269)
• India
7 Mar 07
I really didn't think so until now. But we are not scientists and so we are compelled to believe in them. It should be made public to reach all over the world. It cannot be known to all if it is posted on a single site. Anyway i will start believing it only if it is being told in my local news channel and on my local newspaper.
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@anya11111 (169)
• India
7 Mar 07
i think the greenhouse effect is another skylab. a few years ago the american skylab was going to enter the atmosphere. the skylab was much smaller than a jumbo 747 aircraft and would turn itself to ashes as it traveled through atmosphere. practically everyone agreed to the fact but all the navys and airforces throughout the world together spent millions of litres of fuel in an exercise which was futile. no part of the skylab touched the ground. but the media had a gala time.
greenhouse effect seems to be hyped by the media to such an extent at convenient times( when there are no spicy stories) that at times it seems that the world is going to come to an end all of a sudden. it is a slow process which is going to take centuries.
we all should strive to minimise the effects and avoid a few things if we can e.g. using as less as fossil fuel,produce lesser quantities of toxins and plastics.
there are so many important issues which are going to help reduce global warming which should be looked upon. such as reduction of wastage of fossil fuels and use of non conventional soarces of energy like solar and wind energy.
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