What Is Your Opinion On Magick?

@Darkwing (21583)
March 7, 2007 7:36am CST
I'm not talking about the Magician you see on stage or on the t.v. I'm talking about real magickal powers. How do you understand magick? Do you believe that all magick is black, or dark, or do you believe there is black and white magick? Do you believe that curses and spells can be successful? Do you believe that spells are done with bad or good intent? What is your complete understanding of magick as a whole? I'm very interested in getting a general consensus here. Please, no abuse of pagans in your responses. We all have our own beliefs and the word pagan covers a very wide section of beliefs. The subject is magick and I would like you please to stick to that subject. Thank you.
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30 responses
• United States
8 Mar 07
Magick has been described as putting will into action. Whether one uses tools or rituals to help them focus their thought is up to them, but however one chooses to go about it, the same thing is happening: a person is focusing their intent and emotion in order to try to bring about a certain outcome.
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
Yes, I agree with this Omnithought. All spells should be done with the consent of any other person concerned, which is a practice I closely adhere to. That's a basic and strict part of Wiccan training, about which I will say no more. :-) As you so rightly mentioned, black, white and even grey are related to the intention, rather than the actual power or magick. I also agree with this. However, I started this discussion mainly to get differing opinions because I am curious as to what makes people tick when it comes to paganism and the magickal powers of those who practice the Craft. Call it a "crafty" move if you like, but I think you have to agree that some of these responses are curiously interesting and are helping me to learn even more! :-) I thank you for your very descriptive thoughts, and along with a few others, I'm going to give you a + because yours is a very helpful and knowledgable response. Brightest Blessings.
@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
Brilliant response... thank you Omnithought. Do you believe there is black and white magick, or all black, all white, or is it all the same, uncoloured? Brightest Blessings.
• United States
8 Mar 07
Me personal belief is that if the intent is to cause any kind of harm, then it is black. Also, even if one is trying to create healing, if they do so without the consent of the person they are sending it to, it could be black in that it is a violation of freewill. There are also many grey areas. I think the energy itself is simply neutral and will adhere to the intent of the one manipulating it. It doesn't care what it does, it's just energy.
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• Singapore
7 Mar 07
I don't understand magic though I wish it is otherwise. I believe there is both fundamentally black and white magic. There is also grey magic - the area in between. Intention is very important. If white magic was to be performed with the wrong intention, then it would be tainted magic and it would be black. Likewise if you use black magic for good, it can be considered white magic. This said, some black magic that requires e.g. human sacrifice should be considered black unless it was done for good and the sacrifice was willing and for a noble cause.
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@Darkwing (21583)
7 Mar 07
Yes, I agree that the intent suggests the colour. I don't think there is black and white magick. I think magick is just magick and the intent breeds the black or white label. Do you really think there are still cases of humans being sacrificed? I think maybe some beliefs still use animals but not many these days. Thank you for your interesting response and brightest blessings to you.
• India
8 Mar 07
i think in these days also alot of animals are killed as sacrifise or to bring powers
@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
Really, you think there are a lot? I don't think so, only in certain "religions", but a much sparser practice these days.
@shopkaro (284)
• India
8 Mar 07
hey are you talking of word magic MAGIC actually you spelled it wrong may be intensionally . but what i suppose is that what these magicians show to us is just not magic it is actually tricks but some where in this world magic exists and this is what i think of and i also know iam not wrong as i had seen some sights which forced me to beleive of that.
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
On the contrary, I didn't spell it wrong at all. Magick is the old way of spelling the word, and more inclined towards the Pagan world, whereas Magic is indeed the work of magigicians who, as you say, use tricks, rather than spells. :-) That cleared up, I'm very interested in the fact that you say you've seen some magickal happenings. Would you be prepared to go into that further, or have you sworn silence? Whatever, I thank you for your response as it just goes to prove that magick can work, and is a phenomenon, similar to spirits and ghosts I guess. Those who have seen, believe, and those who haven't, have different opinions of it. Thank you very much for your response and brightest blessings.
8 Mar 07
Most of the magic that I have come across is in entertainment. I don't think that this is black magic at all, just trickery of the eye to impress people in order to get money. What most people consider to be black magic to me seems a bit far fetched. I don't think the spells themselves do a lot, but I do think that if you want something enough you can acience it and that is why they work.
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
A very good, middle-of-the-road response Michelle. Yes, the entertainment magic is trickery and illusion, but still quite interesting as to how they do it. lol. Thank you for your response and brightest blessings.
@neenasatine (2841)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
don't have any idea of how to get magic or use it...can someone explain it to me very well? i'm really interested in this kind of topic
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
Hi Neenasatine! I'm not qualified, nor would I attempt to actually go into magick at length, with you, but I will give you a couple of URLs which might help you to understand it, if you are really interested. If these are not quite what you're looking for, you'll find plenty of references if you type "what is magick" into the search engine. Here are two for you to check out... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magick http://www.sacred-texts.com/bos/msg0001.htm I hope these will be of help to you, in understanding what magick is all about. Thank you for your response and brightest blessings.
8 Mar 07
I love watching magic. I dont believe anything like spells can be real but then again I don't believe in god either.
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
Hi Peter! That is your perogative and I respect your beliefs. Thank you for your response and brightest blessings.
@Talha22 (384)
• Pakistan
8 Mar 07
well according to me whether magic seen on tv or on stage live performance there is always a trick in it which we dont see cause they do it so fast and professionally thats why but I think there is always a magic or else everyone will be Harry potter.
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
Yes, the on stage magicians, or illusionists, do rely on quickness deceiving the eye. However, the likes of Harry Potter, although fictional, and illusion used on film, is nearer the "real" magick. Ok, some of it is a bit far fetched and unreal, but it is based around real magick. Thank you for your response and brightest blessings.
@mrmatts (87)
• Malaysia
8 Mar 07
i think it is something we have always been preoccupied such as with superheroes magicians and such are very forbidden some believe they make a pact with the devil, selling their soul to receive magical powers mostly, we only hear about magic in games, movies but in real life there are faith healers and David Copperfield I have seen many magic which they call tricks but are the source of these powers from nature, God, devil, or simply their own energy?
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
I think your beliefs are quite general in perhaps, a Christian world. The Devil, Satan, or Hell doesn't even exist in most pagan faiths; they only exist in the Chritian and Satanist worlds, so on the contrary; pagans do not use the Devil's power in magick. So many people musinterpret that. However, you've given me your opinion, and I thank you for that because I'm looking to see what the acceptibility and understanding of magick is rather than the understanding of those who perform it, and you have given me a valid opinion, for which I thank you. Brightest Blessings.
@cuhkiz (568)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
My opinion about magic is a thing performed by illussions. An entertainment that resulted to a incredible and inimaginative outcome where you can see things thru imaginary or as illussions. Some are told to be true magic where there are certain tricks studied overtime or more years. I love magic, it entertains me plus it is where i can see almost impossible tricks that have been mastered for over years by the magician. Some make spells, do latin wording. Cast unexplained language or soe say black magic is worst and should'nt be patronized. magic It is therefore an art of illussions.
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
Yes, illusionists are interesting, but it's not really magick. It's what you see with your mind's eye but not really a true happening. The spells with the latin wording and words used in the "old religions" are very possibly "real magick", but are you calling this "black" magick? What if I was to tell you that all witches, other than Satanists, probably, have a code of ethics that they are not allowed to harm anybody or anything with their spells, and they believe that if they dare to do so, the badness will come back on them three times as heavy as it was sent out? What would you say then, about magick? Some, of course, think they have super power and will not be harmed, but on the whole, nobody does "bad" magick. Thank you for your response. Brightest Blessings.
@ronpick (16)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
Yes, there are such things as black and white magic, some magicians do get taught in India and somewhere else.The intention is to make impossible possible to human eye. White magic is enjoyable since you get hook with the trick without guilt,white magicians do extend knowledge of why the whole thing came out like this and that. There maybe out somewhere to give you discussions about black magic of which i don't have the capacity to say things about it.
@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
Firstly, I don't agree that's black and white. I believe that the intentions are black or white, or can be labelled so, but the actual magick is not. Ok, there are people who work magick which is not so beneficial for those around them, but if they cast spells with malice, it will surely come back on them. To my mind, everything in this world balances, so the good intentions balance the bad, and magick cannot be deciphered as black or white. I believe the main purpose of magick is to heal or benefit people, others, or the person who is working the magick. I hope you understand this... I find it difficult to put into words exactly what I'm trying to say here, but hope you get the gist of it. Thank you for your response and brightest blessings.
@ThioYF (82)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 07
i think magic is a word to describe the unknown power that exist in this world, and for the spell i prefer say it ancient language, like in greek myth(because i have my interest in myth). my opinion, about white magic. they are healing powers. have heard about reiki? or chikung? they are using energy life stream of the universe and spirits to heal persons. and black magic is descructive powers, like cursed, binding spell, etc.
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
I like your way of thinking... you have a good insight as far as magick is concerned, but still, the use of the words black and white. I think you're saying that the intentions can be labelled as black(dark), or white (good) but is the magick not all from the same powers and therefore we are unable to label it? This is a very thoughtful and understanding response. I think I'm going to be awarding you a big fat + for this, as I will be so many other people here, because this discussion is turning out to be a very interesting one. Thank you. Brightest Blessings.
@nishie (27)
• Sri Lanka
8 Mar 07
In my country there is black magic and white magic. I have not experienced any thing personnaly. But I hear stories all the same. The southern part of the country is very popular for that. People from other parts of the country are actually in vary of them, when it comes to marraige, lands, etc. There are people who can cure sick people suffering from sudden fever.
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
How do you define "black" and "white" magick though, Nishie? To my mind magick is magick and there is no black or white, apart from in the intention of the caster. Indeed, magick is often used for healing, but as you say, there are other purposes for use. Yours is a very good answer and I thank you for that. Brightest Blessings.
• India
8 Mar 07
hi this is rohit..hv u ever seen david blaine..if u have seen him performing street magic..shown on telivision...thn u will for sure beleive in magic...yes i do believe in magic..whether it is hypotic.or natural..i believe in magic..its u can say some kinda special power thy acquire through meditation..
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
Wow... you don't practice magick but you have a very close idea of what it is. No, I haven't seen David Blaine, but his name seems to be cropping up a lot in this discussion. I don't watch tv very much and am in England, so I haven't managed to see him yet. I will have to keep a watch out for him now, though. Indeed, meditation and concentration is a large part of spell casting, and I'm impressed with your response. Thank you for that. Brightest Blessings.
• India
8 Mar 07
hello darkwing! I think there is not any real life existance of magic.this magic,sorcery are all imagination of humanbeing.from the very begining of civilization the people were unaware of all natural happening.there was not so much science at that time.whatever they could not understand gave the name magic.anyway this is my opinion ,different people have their own prception
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
Yes, of course we all have our own opinions and I respect yours as much as anybody's. You have given thought to this. I agree that the people from ages past were in awe of certain natural happenings and they believed they were sent by some extraordinary power but do these beliefs not go on, in say the Christians' belief in God's workings? There are lots of things in life which we don't understand, so our mind's cast them to a super power. Having said this though, I know we all have powers and it depends on whether we develop them as to whether we use them, get results and believe. That's our perrogative. I value your opinion though, and respect it. Thank you for your response and brightest blessings.
@Mitraa (3183)
• India
8 Mar 07
Well friend! What I think is, magic is not at all a supernatural or has extra-teristerial power. All magics have definite and reasonable scientific application behind them those we do not know or unable to understand then and there. This in turn spell bounds us along with the tricks of the magician. About spells and good or bad intent, this topic belongs purely to Psychology and its application. It works in those cases, where psychological pressure is responded by the receiver. Thanks.
@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
An interesting response, Mitraa. Thank you. Brightest Blessings.
@deeeky (3667)
• Edinburgh, Scotland
7 Mar 07
Magick is a word that is part of a mystic world that is here and now in the universe. The power of thought is a power than can be used by all and given the tools that are available with with great learning there are a lot of things that can be accomplished throughout our lives.
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@Darkwing (21583)
7 Mar 07
Yes, given the tools and the knowledge of how to use them, anybody can work magick, but without the knowledge, I'm afraid they would come undone. The trouble is, most people are frightened to actually attempt to learn and work magick because it's still regarded as dark, and they're afraid of firstly, retribution and secondly, the spell going wrong, which it could well do. I guess you're saying that you believe it can happen, with those two facilities. But do you think it aids things to happen more quickly, or do you think you can rely on the power of thought alone? Brightest Blessings, my dear friend.
• United States
8 Mar 07
I don't think all magick is black and white, I think it has to be both. I mean, if you think about it, nature is both black and white so I think magick has to have a bit of both within it. It just seems logical. I believe it works. I've definitely seen a lot of interesting things happen when magick is involved.
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
Yes, I think it comes down the middle somewhere, if anything. Thank you for your interesting contribution. Brightest Blessings.
13 Apr 07
I believe that magic can be done but I find it a bit scary. I do like the illusionists you see on the television though, especially David Copperfield. He's very quick and clever. I'd like to get to the bottom of how they do that. The kids seem to like the "Rabbit out of Hat" Magicians. They have great fun watching those shows.
@Darkwing (21583)
13 Apr 07
Lol... don't I just know it! Thank you for your response.
• Canada
8 Mar 07
I'm not sure that I understand magick as such. I'm not a pagan and so this isn't high on my list of things that I know much about lol. However I do have a pagan friend and I have spoken with her about magick, and the opinion I di have is what I formed from listening to her. I don't think that all magick is dark. I do believe there is white magick and spells that are done with nothing but good intent behind them. My friend has spoken about spells she's done where the desired result did actually happen. And so to that extent I do believe that good things can come from it. I'm also a firm believer that spells MUST be done with good intent for them to be successful. In the wrong hands, magick could be a very dangerous thing and it's not to be abused.
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 07
You seem to be pretty clued up on magick despite thinking you don't know much! I'm Pagan too, and perhaps if your friend explained the Wiccan Rede to you, you might realise how close you are. Thank you for your response... I enjoyed reading that. Brightest Blessings.
@ipisman (144)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
I don't believe that magic is real except in your own mind. If you think that something is going to happen it probably will because your subconscious mind is making you do it. If you say to yourself, "I'm going to trip on stage." Then you wind up tripping, you aren't really predicting the future you are performing an action that is at the back of your mind. It is the same as when someone gives you a pill and tricks your subconscious into thinking that it will make you lose weight. You will lose weight but not because of the pill. It turns out to be a sugar pill.
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@Darkwing (21583)
7 Mar 07
I agree with that to a point. You have to believe something will happen for it to happen but I don't think it's at the back of your mind. I think you release the power of thought into the atmosphere/air to do what it will, rather than store it. However, that doesn't stop you thinking about it. So again, we come back to power of thought. You've made a very interesting point there... thank you. Brightest Blessings.