Super Model to Ms. Mop

Naomi Campbell/Cleaning Lady! - Hope she changes clothes!!
United States
March 7, 2007 8:36am CST
Does anyone find this as funny as I do? Naomi to clean floors Naomi Campbell has been ordered to clean floors as punishment for throwing a mobile phone at her housekeeper. The supermodel was sentenced to five days community service by a court in New York, reports the BBC. Campbell had pleaded guilty to reckless assault in a plea bargain with prosecutors at Manhattan Criminal Court last month. As well as community service, the 36-year-old was also ordered to attend an anger management course. It has emerged her punishment will involve cleaning the floors of a sanitation building, starting later this month. Miss Campbell has apologised for assaulting her maid - the fourth such complaint against her - and agreed to take anger management classes. Her spokesman said she was ready to report and complete her community service no matter what or where it was. Photo: Naomi Campbell in "work/cleaning" clothes??
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26 responses
7 Mar 07
This is priceless - LOL I guess it won't do the spoilt little madam any harm having to do what us mere mortals have to do, even if it is only for a short while
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@shambuca (2524)
• United States
7 Mar 07
oh what a harsh punishment-- what shall she do??? oh yes that should keep her from freaking out again huh???
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
7 Mar 07
ha h a how funny I dont get it these people have it made why do they want toget mad and throw thing such chilish behavier
2 people like this
• United States
7 Mar 07
I'm glad she got this punishment. If you or I had so many clashes with the law, we'd be doing more than mopping floors. I don't no why she isn't more humble and thankful for the position that she is in. I do know one thing. There are some housekeepers and maids here in New Jersey who would have beat her butt if she threw something at them. This is good for her. I hope she learns that having money and fame doesn't give you the right to abuse others. Lloyd
• United States
1 Apr 07
I don't think she got the message. She walked out of her last day's work wearing a silver dress and matching sandles. She was walking like she was on the runway. She better make sure she don't repeat her actions in New York again. Thanks for the best response. Lloyd
@anjoks (2080)
• Philippines
7 Mar 07
wow, i don't have any idea about that huh?! .. is that so?! .. well, she deserves that really for maltreating people you know. She should be punished and must learn from it. I can't imagine her wearing an apron and holding a mop while doing project runway. lol. (",)
2 people like this
• United States
24 Mar 07
Her punishment is so incomplete. They need to have her scrubbing floors and cleaning toilets in the subways of NYC with a toothbrush while all of NYC's maids throw cell phones at her head.
• United States
1 Apr 07
Lol. Now that's a punishment. "Cleaning toilets with a toothbrush while maids throw cell phones at her head". I'd love to see that on Saturday Night Live. Lloyd
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Naomi Campbell is such a suceessfull model that it has gone to her head. She has a line of perfumes and colognes and is part owner of the "Fashion Cafe" in New York. She has so much that she must be very unhappy to be throwing mobile phones at people. I think that this punishment will do her some good. Maybe she will realize that other people have feelings too. It really must be difficult to always be in the public eye even if that it the life she chose.
• Ireland
7 Mar 07
Good enough for her. I would like to see on the catwalk with her apron and her I do however think that she should have received a more harsh punishement for throwing a mobile phone. She could have killed her housekeeper...and this is the fourth comlaint. I am never ceased to be amazed at the law.
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@Eskimo (2315)
7 Mar 07
I can't stand so called 'celebrities' who get so abouve themselves that they cause trouble, they forget who actually pays their wages. A model is really only a walking clothes horse, and I think we should just ignore any of them who behave in such a fashion. I would have made her do cleaning for a lot longer than 5 days, (5 years would be more suitable), then maybe should would be a lot more humble.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I know what she did was wrong and I am against anyone throwing objects at any other living person, but 5 years is not suitable for what she did. I believe 5 days is suitable, maybe a full week would of been more suitable, but not 5 years.
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@Eskimo (2315)
8 Mar 07
Sorry, I really disagree, what's 5 days or a week to someone like that, 5 years would really bring her down to earth with a bump. Certainly would cut down on the arrogance.
@kareng (69193)
• United States
7 Mar 07
Haha, that's nice. I think it is a fitting punishment too. I hope she learns something also in her classes.
@Shebang (244)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
I just don't understand why these people behave like they do. I mean I think they are just the most blessed person in this earth. Though this is the price of the fame they've had, but this did not give them the right, in any way, to hurt other people. They are also human beings, they are not God. Their fame did not gave them higher status than other God's creation. Yes they are famous, they have the beauty, the power. But deep inside, they are rotten.
@tad1fan (3367)
• Canada
8 Mar 07
I think she should have gotten more than just 5,in Canada if someone did this they'd be charged with 'assault with a weapon' and receive at least 6 monts.....5 days is too little for someone who has repeated the act at least 4 times.....
• South Africa
8 Mar 07
I must say it is payback to her for loosing her cool, becoz the more money celebrities get the more they feel they are superior to others ! Oh & shame man i wont be looking all good cleaning floors hey !
@subspeed (160)
• Maldives
8 Mar 07
NOW thats gonna teach her a gud once in a life lesson .... lol PEACE:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@classy56 (2880)
• United States
8 Mar 07
i think this will be good for her,but the court should have given her a longer sentence.5 day just is not enought punishment.if this is her 4th time of have complaints against her.then she has a mental problem.but the maid should have beat the shi$ out of would have..ill teach her a lesson.not to throw a cell phone at
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
8 Mar 07
Yes, it's quite funny! But sad, in a sense, that the high & mighty abuse their positions of power so much. It's good to see a judge hand out punishment that is a direct consequence of her actions.
@samseiko (116)
• Malaysia
8 Mar 07
[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Yeah I read about it in the newspaper too. Seems like she throwing mobile phone out of accident? or maybe out of rage. We won't know about it. Or maybe she saw the picture?! Just joking.
@marlyse (1056)
• Switzerland
8 Mar 07
hahahaha that is funny yes. that will hopefully teach her, not to beat her housekeepers again. its noones right to do such bad things to others. only because she is prominent and a model, doesnt allow her to be special
• United States
8 Mar 07
I think Naomi Campbell is a bully. If she were a regular person she would most likely be serving a little jail time. What's the deal with her hurting the people who work for her? Maybe this "punishment" will humble her.
@mummymo (23706)
8 Mar 07
She's assaulted 4 of her staff and cleaning floors for five days is supposed to punish her??? Maybe she should be made to do the work and live on the salary of these people for a month each, that might teach her something about REAL life!