Do You Think Teenagers Who Get Pregnant Should Be Kicked Out Of School?
By biwasaki
@biwasaki (1745)
United States
37 responses
@brokentia (10389)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Umm, NO!!! Girls that are pregnant should NOT be kicked out of school.
I was one of those girls that was pushed from my high school to a school that was for girls that were pregnant. And it was a good school and they helped....but when I wanted to go back to regular school, I was an outcast.
How horrible!!! All I wanted to do was finish high school and I was being pushed out the door or looked like I had the plague!
I hope that 17 years later, things like this is different.
It is important for a child to finish school....pregnant or not!
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
9 Mar 07
It is interesting that you bring up the question about the boy.
My daughter was on the bus and overheard a girl that was upset at something a teacher said.
A teacher told the class that if a 15 year old girl got pregnant from a 15 yr old boy, the boy should be allowed to walk away because there is no reason to destroy two lives.
I was completely appalled by this comment made by a teacher currently in our school system!!! But because it was not said to my daughter by her teacher, I can not file a complaint with the school. So, I urged my daughter to say something to that girl. The nerve of the teacher to say that the boy should just be able to walk away and leave the girl with all the responsibility!!!
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@biwasaki (1745)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm sorry to hear that you had to deal with something like that, but I'm glad to hear that were persistent about getting an education. You could have taken the easy way out and dropped out, but you chose to hang in there. Kudo's to you for being strong!!
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@MySpot (2600)
• United States
11 Mar 07
It seems there is a concensus here ~ They definitely shouldn't be denied their education... they will need it more than ever now that they have to teach and provide for a child.
My thinking is that the epidemic could be lessened by having other students (parents or not) take a pre-parenting class. This might give them some insight on how hard it really is. Give them budgeting tasks, scheduling tasks, and proper knowledge of how to care for a child. The class should include parenting tips; including anger management, problem solving, decision making, and dealing with stress. This would help prepare potential parents or even deter them... either way, I believe it would be helpful.
I know that many will disagree with this idea, thinking it would add to the epidemic, but I think that they should adopt a practice of having daycare in school. Somewhere that these babies can be cared for during school hours and mommies AND daddies would be able to stop by for a feeding or just to check in on them and still stay up on their studies.((maybe use part or all of a study hall period)) They could even tie the daycare in with the pre-parenting classes, allowing non-parents to get hands on experience with the other students children. (supervised, of course!) Again, this would help prepare them and/or deter them from doing something that they aren't ready for.
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@biwasaki (1745)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I think that's an excellent idea!! If only the school systems would agree and incorporate it into their curriculums. I think most people learn by example, and if students are shown how hard it is to be a teenaged parent it would definitely deter them from becoming parents at such a young age.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Just because they are pregnant does not mean they aren't entitled to an education. If anything they need it more then ever because they will have a child to support if they keep the child. Without an education they would not be able to do much with their lives. Personally I think if the girl is pregnant and keeps the child, and does have to parent it not her parents, it can be a deterent for other girls. Suddenly they see their friend who used to date etc and can't because she has a baby to take care of.
@biwasaki (1745)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I agree. I think if you get pregnant while you are still in high school, an education should be second only to taking care of the baby after it is born. If you aren't allowed to go to school, how will you get a job to support the child? It's impossible to be self-sufficient without an education.
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@ryleesmama (560)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I think that everyone should be given the opportunity of an education. I think that they should not be kicked out of school. I do think that we need more schools for teenage moms where they will also learn parenting skills. I think that it would be great to have a school where they have to bring their baby and take care of it but also learn so that they can get a diploma.
@biwasaki (1745)
• United States
8 Mar 07
There is a school where I live that is set up like that for teenage mothers. They get "kicked out" of the high school but they attend this alternative school instead. They still get the basic classes that they would have at the regular high school, but they also get taught parenting skills and get to bring their baby to school with them everyday. It is actually a state run facility by the Department of Education and is affiliated with the main high school. The only flaw that I can see, is that I think the fathers of the babies should be made to attend as well.
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@joby_09 (498)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
I graduated from a Catholic University and this has been one of the controversial issues in our school. When a student gets pregnant, she is required to file LOA or leave of absence until she gives birth. As a matter of fact, this issue has been presented in the school's official publication with the insights of administrators, faculties and students on it. =)
I used to think that pregnant students should be given the chance to continue studying despite their condition. However, i realised that it is also going to be difficult on their part and a risk on the health of their babies. We all know that stress could be dangerous to a pregnant woman's health. And studying can cause stress.
I think "kick out" is not the proper term but just a "break". Also, i think, if the father is also from the same school, he should be given the proper sanction for his acts. =)
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@biwasaki (1745)
• United States
8 Mar 07
I understand that school and studying can cause "stress" to a pregnant mother, but so can working a full time job. There are tons of women who go out and work everyday while they are pregnant and have no complications at all. I think that saying school causes stress to a pregnant mother is not a valid reason to make her leave.
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@msqtech (15073)
• United States
8 Mar 07
Pregnant girls should be entitled to an education the same as any other girl. I do think we should provide the extra care required for her. If she has trouble in school because of the problems associated with her condition. I think we have to be careful not to persecute her for her actions. I also think we should make a real effort to include the baby's father in her life and assistance if he is identified.
I think we should use the opportunity to teach others about the hardships and this visibility would help with that.
On the other hand I dont think we should make it to easy for the pregnant girl either so that we dont encourage further or other girls to do the same. I dont think the requirements for her education should be lowered or time frames altered in order for her to complete her education any more than another medical condition would require.
Sanity is the key here and common sense. We dont want to punish everyone who makes a decision in there life we dont agree with.
@bethel_101 (432)
• Philippines
8 Mar 07
here in our country, since we are a catholic country and we have lots of schools managed by nuns and priests, pregnant girls are really kicked out of school. but i disagree with it, totally. teenage girls still have the right to education even though they made a mistake in their lives. in fact, they need to finish their school more than the others to have a decent job and be able to support their child. when they're kicked out of school, it's like ruining 2 lives: her life and the baby's life. and i also don't think it causes epidemic that other girls will get pregnant too. in fact, when i was in college, when one of my batch mates got pregnant and was kicked out of school, we were more scared than ever. and became more cautious too. lol.
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@mememama (3076)
• United States
21 Apr 07
I think they should remain in school. In my old high school, many pregnant teens ended up going to alternative school, they were given the choice. I'm not sure if it causes an "epidimic", maybe our society is so screwed up that many teens glamorize motherhood.
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@jean_rose (415)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
I don't think it's the best thing to do. Maybe the kid is just misguided and needs someone to talk to. If she's kicked out of school, can that be of help? Will she be able to have a good future if we deprive her of good education? I am a high school teacher and since starting teaching ten years ago, I have seen girls getting pregnant while in high school. We give them the chance to go on studying despite their condition. But if they decide to just stop because they are ashamed, then they're free to do that. It's their decision to stop studying, not the school deciding to kick them. And other girls getting pregnant because of one girl in the "maternal" situation is in school is sort of hilarious. It isn't contagious. It is a decision. It's the issue of how parents raise kids, I think.
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@ladylapulapu (81)
• Philippines
21 Apr 07
yep for me its better to kicked out than continuing their study ... the student surround her will get influence by her... they will think it is okei to being pregnant in their age.... thats why is not good example to the student whose not pregnant
@faith_hope_love (377)
• Philippines
21 Apr 07
A big NO for me. A mistake cannot be corrected by another mistake, as the saying goes. The teenage girl already made her mistake, and other teenagers wouldn't want to follow what she just did because they will know how complicated it is to be pregnant at that age. No need for expulsion or something. She's a teenage pregnant but she also doesn't have to be a out-of-school-youth.
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@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
9 Mar 07
What!! And say they have to be treated as a lesser at an alternative school? Well I am sure any teenage girl who gets pregnant while still in high school has had that pregnancy/baby by mistake. Surely she didn't plan on having a baby so young. But to shun her from her education (the few that actually STAY in school)-they should be allowed to stay there and learn! I get outraged when school districts push out teenage moms because they are now "different." BULL! There is no epidemic with other girls getting pregnant. Maybe her peers need to see that she struggles for sleep, and her study time, and her social life etc. Being a mom at 16 or so cannot be cool.
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@biwasaki (1745)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I agree, I think the school districts kicking out pregnant teenagers are adopting that "out of sight, out of mind" philosophy. The girls' peers don't get to see what it's like to raise a child and try to get an education at the same time; but if you keep that girl in the school system, I think that would be the best preventative to teenage pregnancy because other girls would see what she has to go through everyday.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
10 Mar 07
No, I do not think they should be kicked out. They should still be able to get an education. Just because they screwed up and now will have a child to take care of, does not mean they should not be allowed in school. They need the education more than ever now. I think they should also get a little extra life training. There should be another class to learn about managing their life and a baby and how to care for the baby and keep their self esteem up.
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@StrawberryKisses (2833)
• Canada
12 Oct 07
I don't agree with kicking girls out after getting pregnant because it doesnt mean all girls are stupid enough to get themselves pregnant. Teenage girls need to have the option of finishing school with her own age group and I don't think its fair to kick them out. In BC there is actually a school that is for young parents but they do have the option of staying in their school.
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@camar_lyn (1028)
• Singapore
9 Mar 07
The school on one hand, has to take a strong stand against setting a precedence. If the student is allowed to continue her studies in the school, the school is sending out a strong signal to everyone that it (teenage pregnancy) is acceptable and something that should be accepted by all. Which i feel is not the case.
Of course, education is very important and no one should be deprived. However, the affected student can always continue to get her education in a private school/institution. By doing so, she is able to adjust her schedule around, studies, gynae appointments, ante natal, etc..
The teens themselves, have to know that there are consequences to their actions. Studying in their chosen school is a priviledge. Being 'kicked out' of school should be more of a deterrent move by the school for the other students who are probably on the brink of falling into the same predicament.
@serialmommy (639)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I don't think they should be kicked out of school. That's really not fair to them, and it's almost setting them up for failure. And no, I don't think it sets off an "epidemic" of other girls getting pregnant. Most teen girls don't set out to get pregnant on purpose. It happens, and more often than not, it was unintentional. They shouldn't have their educations taken away from them because of that. I was a pregnant teen. I was allowed to remain in school as well. Which I am thankful for. I stopped attending the regular high school for a few different reasons, however as I was close to graduating, only need 3 more classes, I went to the adult high school and received my high school diploma that way. I think it's important to these girls to receive their diplomas and be able to look at their children and say that they did it.
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@quickinstinct (432)
• United States
28 Sep 07
I've heard of Catholic and private schools expelling girls that get pregnant while still in school which I think is completely absurd. These girls still deserve an education, plus what kind of message are we sending to girls that if they do make a 'mistake' their whole life is set up for failure. After all throwing them out of school may mean they never return which means that if they keep the child they will be less educated and most likely lower paid and the child will suffer as well.
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