Do you TALK on the PHONE while you are EATING??

Do you Talk on the Phone while you are Eating? - cellphone, communication
United States
March 8, 2007 2:22pm CST
Ever talked on the phone while you were eating or rather talked to someone who was eating. Life is so busy for most of us and we are trying to squeeze everything we can into what little time we have, hence reason (or excuses) for talking on the phone while you are eating. Myself, personally I would never do that cause I hate it when people do it to me. Would you? or what if someone was eating while talking to you? would you be upset?
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37 responses
8 Mar 07
I never do it. It's really rude. I apologise if I have to cough even! Trouble is that when people call during mealtimes I'm more inclined to let my dinner go cold than tell them I can't talk. I worry about offending them! I think I need more assertiveness!
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
9 Mar 07
What an idea! The dining room where my mom lives doesn't allow cell phones (isn't that nice!) I've actually taken several there, one was my roomie (I'd forgotten to turn off the phone) and I told her I couldn't talk. One was my bro and I just told him where we were since he was at the building looking for us. Those 2 times I didn't get up and leave the table. The other 2 times were my sister, who lives in another state & was checking on mom. I told my mom I had to take the call, got up and left the room and went into a nearby hall way to speak, briefly with my sis. If my sibs aren't with me I put my phone so that it doesn't ring, just vibrate incase its one of them. The rest of the calls I ignore. I hate it when people talking on the phone when they are eating. I was at a local (cheap) pizza place not too long ago & 3 young gals - late teens, early 20's, were sitting at a table & 2 of them were on the phone with other people!!!!
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• United States
9 Mar 07
I like your Mom's dining room, I was raised that no phones were allowed at the table and that the table was meant for eating and discussing the day's events, boy have times changed. Thanks for responding
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@LadyLudie (359)
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
If anybody knows the telephone etiquette,perhaps it's understood that it is unethical.Me, I don't accept calls when I am eating because when I'm being interrupted, I can't eat anymore.
• United States
9 Mar 07
Great response LadyLudie, thanks for contributing
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@Hamlet333 (724)
• Pakistan
9 Mar 07
I rarely talk on the fon when I am having lunch or dinner becos its upset a meal and myself but when I am having a tea or else,I can easily talk on the phone.
@maudlin (125)
• India
9 Mar 07
I hate talking over the phone when i'm eating. Both the jobs can't be done with full concentration. Everything needs concentration. You will not be able to enjoy your food and you will also not be able to respond properly to then person with whom you are talking with.
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@aprilgrl (4460)
• United States
9 Mar 07
no, I don't like to use the phone. I think its very rude to talk on the phone when anybody is eating.
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@varun23 (902)
• India
9 Mar 07
Yup but very rarely !!!
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@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
9 Mar 07
Yes I sometimes do this when I'm talking with my husband on the phone while he's in the office checking up on us. But when I'm talking with other people, let's say clients I would never do this because they might get offended.
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• India
9 Mar 07
Yes,sometimes I do it.You are right life is very busy now-a-days.People don't get time now-a-days.But can't help it because if someone calls while you are eating them you can't avoid that person just because you are eating.But personally I think we should not talk on the phone while eating.
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• United States
9 Mar 07
I don't talk on the phone and eat. One reason is that I'm usually eating dinner with family and I want to spend time with them. The other is I don't people to hear me chew and I don't want to hear them either. I call people back when they are not busy.
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@subathra (3519)
• India
9 Mar 07
I talk in phone while eating almost everyday.My parents specially my mom..she will stare at me but i cant help it.I will attend only to the important calls and turn off the call telling to the person in the order end..that we will speak later.i agree that its not good to talk while eating..
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@m_audrey6788 (58472)
• Germany
9 Mar 07
I really don't think it's right to talk while eating on the phone..i usually ask my brother or my sister to answer it for me then i'll tell them to call back or just left their message and i'll just call them back after my meal :)
@suraj5747 (207)
9 Mar 07
hi their, talking on the phone while eating is not decent enough.the whole day we can talk on the phone but we eat hardly 3 times in a day n that also not more than 15 min for every meal so i prefere 2 keep my phone off while eating n if u talk also u frequently caugh while doing both eating n talking on the phone so its better 2 have a propre meal with no disturbance of phone calls while eating......
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• India
9 Mar 07
no because a person should one job at a time u talk or u eat because sometimes u will not kow whom u talken or eaten
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I try not to. If someone calls and after I tell them we are in the middle of eating, they just keep talking, then yes I do. I would rather call them back, but some people don't seem to care.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I will not eat when I am on the phone. Even when my family calls...I will not eat while on the phone. Maybe it is because I was brought up that it was rude. But I also can say that when my partner is eating and on the phone with me, all I can hear is him crunching. So, yes, I find it really annoying.
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@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
11 Mar 07
I usually try not to eat while I'm on the phone because I just HATE when people eat while they're talking on the phone. Even if they're not talking to me. If I see someone talking on the phone while they're eating, it just irritates me. Nobody wants to hear another person eating in their ear. It's annoying! However, I HAVE done it and will do it sometimes. Cuz you know, sometimes, I'm just STARVING and don't wanna wait. But I wouldn't do it if it were something crunchy! I'd only do it if I thought they wouldn't be able to hear me. My sister's really sensitive about people eating and I've done it with her before and she didn't even notice.
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@CatEyes (2448)
• United States
9 Mar 07
The only person I have done this too would be my husband, and he catches me at just the right time every time. He complains about it, but life is very hectic and if he is going to call at lunch expect to hear a crunch. Other wise I would not do this at all.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
9 Mar 07
Its hard for me to eat while I'm talking on the phone, so I end up either telling them I will call them back, or for them to call me back in 20 minutes or so. If its an overseas call then I just stop eating and wait until we finish the call. However, most of the time I let the answer machine pick up the call.
• Singapore
9 Mar 07
I try not to talk on the phone. I would just arrange for the call to be later... just be honest, say you are having dinner or something. Unless it is urgent of course. ;P
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