What was your favorite part of being pregnant?
By astromama
@astromama (1221)
United States
March 9, 2007 5:49am CST
I've gotten to that point where there is always a foot stuck under my ribs, I can't sleep, my hips hurt and I always have to pee... plus I feel fat and have to waddle everywhere. I know I will miss this experience when he's born, but sometimes it seems like all I can do is complain! Please share with me what you loved about being 'plural' for those nine months. I sometimes need a gentle reminder that all this discomfort is, indeed, a miracle.
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34 responses
@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
9 Mar 07
Congratulations! You are about to embark on the most important job in life: motherhood! I do not believe there is a more responsible position than being a mother. A new life is in your hands to train and equip.
I enjoyed every moment of all my pregnancies. I was never sick. I had five wonderful sons, ranging in birth weight (natural birth) from 10 lbs 8 ozs to 13 lbs but had no trouble with any of them, and no stitches. My only regret is that in my day husbands were not allowed to stay for the delivery, so my husband missed out on such a wonderful experience.
Enjoy your time. You will miss it when your baby is born but I'm sure that you will repeat the process some time in the future. The biggest joy in life is just ahead of you - an experience you will remember for the rest of your life.

@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
10 Mar 07
I'm afraid I don't have any advice. Just believe it is a natural process - which it is. My doctor said it was easier for me to birth 12-13 lb babies than for most women to birth 6-7 lb ones, so don't think I was special, but thanks for the best response anyway. By the way I was only a small lady, but with good pelvic bones. At least you'll have the support of a loving husband - right with you.
Don't forget to post a discussion about your baby when he is born. We'll be watching for it.
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@ragmama (536)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I loved every single thing about it - even the nausea and swelling were reminders of the little life growing inside of me. When else will I have the chance to assist God with a miracle? It was all wonderful.
My very, very favorite thing, though, was watching her move once she was big enough that my whole stomach moved with her. I'd lie down every night with my shirt pulled up and just watch my belly moving around. I miss that - and the feeling of her kicking and moving - to this day, and she's three years old already. Now I'm praying that I'll get a chance to experience it again.
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I know what you mean ragmama. I too felt that way as well (except the nausea and swelling). I hope one day soon I get to have another child too, a little brother or sister for my son.
@knowitallgurl (923)
• United States
9 Mar 07
My pregnancies were both good ones. My mood was bad in the first stages but then the rest of the pregnancy, I seemed to be happy most of the time. I just loved knowing that there was a baby inside of me. I loved the attention I received from loved ones. I loved bonding with my child inside. I would sing songs and rock in a chair even before either one of them was born.
I liked my pregnancies...it was early motherhood that was tough for me.
Do you have any more kids? or is this the first one? If it is the first one, enjoy your time alone without screaming kids because it will all change soon enough!
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
@astromama (1221)
• United States
9 Mar 07
This is our first and only... at least for a good long while! I want to eeeaase into motherhood if at all possible. I worked as a nanny for years and am quite used to being around 'screaming children'. I really can't wait for it to be my own little guy that I hang out with all day instead of someone else's... I think motherhood is such second nature to me that I've always sought out work with kids and small babies. They like me... I have a gentleness they respond to, as does my mother. I think I will adopt later in life if we can afford it. Pregnancy I think is the hard part. I feel like once he's outside of my body we can truly start getting to know one another and I'll be happier and better rested! Seriously... I'm going on three days now with only 10 hours of sleep combined!
@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
I love feeling my stomach when the child moves and I can feel his kicking..I feel it as a miracle that someone so little would fit in my stomach and move like that...I feel not alone because my child is with me inside..I am always so excited to get things for the baby...and very anxious to know if it's a boy or a girl.. I love every minute of it.
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@deniseagnew (16)
• United States
9 Mar 07
My favorite part was feeling life move around inside me. I have 3 children and I still miss that feeling. I felt my healthiest when I was pregnant. I guess I felt that way because my stomach was tight for the first time in my life! After my kids were born, I went pack to a squishy belly! You are right when you mentioned this being a "miracle." Just think about what is happening inside you. You are creating a human being! How can you complain about the miracle in that! Think positive and enjoy every minute of it. Get the book or the DVD called "The Secret" it will help you look at life in a positive manner. Once your baby boy is born enjoy every minute of it. Every day he will do something new. If you are not really noticiing, you will miss out on that miracle as well! Good luck! You are so lucky to be pregnant and to be going through these exciting years!
@astromama (1221)
• United States
9 Mar 07
thanks for your words... Again, its my first time being pregnant and I cannot wait to have him! It has been amazing feeling his kicks get stronger and stronger, but at the same time recently I find myself getting annoyed at how painful they can be and wishing he was just OUT already!!! Maybe that's common... it also seems like I've gotten more tearful and emotional than before. I don't think I'll miss out on much, as I get to stay home with my son for as long as I want. I still feel quite healthy, but I was very small before and I've gained quite a bit which makes me less than spritely... I don't like not feeling in control of my body or needing help to get to the car on an icy day. That part has been a little hard for me... Thanks again, I'll look into that DVD!
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
10 Mar 07
Aww im sorry..My favorites parts was the kicking..knowing he was mad..orhungry..or just letting me know he was still in there so quit eating allthe spicey crap!! lol!!..and i loved when i put the heart monitoir thing on him..and listened to his heart...ohh that made me feel even closer..And i loved the baby shower..getting those cute little clothes and things i had noo freakin idea what they were for lol..I loved eating anything i wanted and it was ok cause i was eating for 2..lol.and i loved the fuller boobs i got lol lol!!
@magikrose (5429)
• United States
9 Mar 07
I remember those days like they were yesterday, when actually they were 3yrs ago. What I liked most about being pregnant is for one feeling the baby move. Every time tha baby moved I was relieved that they were alive and doing good. The other thing I loved was talking to the baby and my hubby cuddeling up with my belly and talking to the baby.
I remember once my husaband was "cuddling" up with our last daughter and she kicked him in the jaw. We were both shocked and yet we laughed so hard I peed my pants it was too funny.
Sounds like you are almost ready to deliver. CONGRATULATIONS on your new addition. I promise all of the discomfort will be well worth it.
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@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
10 Mar 07
I don't think I had a favorite part with either one of them until the moment they were born. I was tired of not sleeping, constipation, heartburn, aching back, feeling so fat, and the list
goes on. But when they are born you soon forget all that stuff and all that matters is your new addition.
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@mama_of_two (268)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I feel your pain. I know what it is like to have a wonderful pregnancy and a very uncomfortable one. My first was the wonderful and I loved it, especially since I got treated so well. However, this last one was painful and very uncomfortable. The only parts that I liked about it was that I became a lot healthier and stuck with it after the pregnancy and I loved feeling her move inside of me. It's the most awesome feeling in the world, and nothing could describe it.
@ladymoonstone143 (1507)
• United States
10 Mar 07
My favorite part of being pregnant is not having the hassle of my monthly period...=)
Kidding aside, I love those butterfly feelings that you feel in the first few months. And on the later months, the beautiful movements the baby is making inside. I love putting my hands on my tummy like am protecting something precious..which the baby truly is.
I am pregnant with my second baby and am savoring the feeling because this probably might be the last. Having two is enough because I will have my hands full and having no family near me to help me out.
If am surrounded by families, I would not hesitate to be pregnant again. There is just a glow in you that can't be copied or bottled by cosmetics. Even at the late stage of pregnancy, when your nose is huge and you waddle like a duck, you are still quite a sight..=)
@rachelzwo (310)
• United States
10 Mar 07
When I was pregnant, I liked how people treated me. People are usually generally polite, but when your pregnant people are extra, extra nice. Also, you can eat whatever, whenever, how much ever you want. Those were my favorite things.
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@Moonprysm (12)
• United States
11 Mar 07
The last month or so of my pregnancy, I would just lay on the couch with my hands on my belly and feel him move. It was such an amazing feeling, and it was hard to think that soon that baby would be outside of me, moving on his own, and I would never again feel every single move he made. I still miss it. :(
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I have 5 kids. My first pregnancy was probably my greatest. I was but a child myself, only 17 years old. But my greatest memory was the first time I felt my son move. I would put on music and I swear he danced to the sound. Oh, it was incredible. My husband was wonderful. Grant it, he turned out to be an incredible jerk later, but when he felt Chris kick his hand as it laid on my stomach. Time could have stopped right there and life would have been forever worth living.
Thanks for bringing this memory back to me.
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@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
10 Mar 07
For me, knowing that a beautiful child was inside of me was the best. Knowing that I was protecting that child, and that he/she was so dependant on me.
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@Michele21 (3093)
• United States
10 Mar 07
I loved the smiles from strangers when they saw my belly!! I loved the whole experience (don't get me wrong it was painul and I felt like a whale at times) but just being able to eat whatever I wanted too =) Yum Yumm...
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
10 Mar 07
Lol, honestly, you're gonna think I'm real strange - but my favorite part of being pregnant was actually being in labor.
It was exciting and nervewracking too but, especially with my first child, the experience was wonderful.
I managed with just Gas and Air, and a shot of Pethidine into the thigh muscle. (can you say Ouch!)
The labor and birth was very quiet and relaxed - apart from when the baby's shoulders got stuck fast after her head crowned.
I would do it all again without a doubt. The utter peacefulness and relaxed attitude that the midwives took made it a very pleasant experience despite the pain.
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@kimko5099 (195)
• United States
10 Mar 07
My baby is nine months right now, but when I think about being pregnant with him I really miss it. Its just knowing that you have alittle human being growing inside of you. I miss all those funny little feelings. I probably wouldnt have said that when I was pregnant with him but I really enjoyed the experience. Trust me, when you have your baby you will probably miss it too. You know what I miss about being pregnant? My husband wanting to do everything for me. Now he is just like whatever, I felt more pampered when I was pregnant. lol
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@mykykko (424)
• Philippines
10 Mar 07
when i was pregnant im always excited because once again i'm going to hear her heart beat.the feeling of mixed excitement and fear that i might not get over it makes me feel dizzy hehe....i am working during that time and so i didn't feel much uncomfortable except that i got so big because i ate alot.my officemates always bring food for me.they actually offer food to me every now and then because they are afraid that the baby might be hungry inside,so im eating and eating almost the whole day IMAGINE that!i did not feel the pain of what they call "labor" i might say my pregnancy is very light and i loved it.